Their relationship has reached a point in their marriage____

-小小罗-2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

Their relationship has reached a point in their marriage_______ they are supposed to calm down to
think for each other.
[ ]
A. which
B. that
C. what
D. where


leezchn 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%


翻译一下:不谈恋爱但需要关怀.如题,想表达不想谈恋爱但有需要人关心的意思.自己想到一句“no relationship
如题,想表达不想谈恋爱但有需要人关心的意思.自己想到一句“no relationship but care”,但被评太chinglish了.求一句好的翻译.
对付个 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
Better Care Than Love
—Julia and Colin ended their relationship last year.
—Julia and Colin ended their relationship last year.
—what made their marriage______?
A.stay up B.break up C.spring up D.hang up
彪龙飘飘 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%

考查短语辨析。A 熬夜 B 结束解散;分手等 C涌现 hang up 挂断电话根据意思,指婚姻破裂,故选B。
Your relationship with her 和 Your relationship to her 什么区别?
不懈追求真理 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
前一句是你和他的关系. 后一句是 对于他来说,你的关系.
yikeguxing 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
The Teacher-Student Relationship
A good teacher-student relationship will make learning enjoyable and interesting for the students and teaching worth-while for a teacher.
To set up a good teacher-student relationship,a teacher's behaviour is important.The teacher should motivate the students so that they want to learn.A good teacher should be patient,friendly and strict.Remember not to encourage the students by pushing or forcing them.Being too friendly may cause students to become lazy and stop working hard.On the other hand,being too strict may frighten the students.So a teacher should avoid going extremes in treating his students.And teachers should encourage the students to think independently and learn to study by themselves.
As for the students,they must always respect their teachers.Students should be eager to learn and willing to work hard.It's important to listen with attention in class and it's more important to learn to raise questions and work out problems in new ways.
In conclusion,a good teacher-student relation-ship can be mutually beneficial.The students gain knowledge eagerly and enjoyably and the teacher gains satisfaction from his job.
Your blogs ___________ what a close relationship you have wi
Your blogs ___________ what a close relationship you have with your children.
dujunjack 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
【初三英语】听力中常有问题 What's the relationship between two speakers?
【初三英语】听力中常有问题 What's the relationship between two speakers?
而在阅读中有时也有问题 What's the relationship between A and
如 若他们是夫妻,是不是回答“Wife and husband"
若是父子,是不是回答“Son and father"
若是师生,是不是回答“Teacher and student”
若是医患,是不是回答“Doctor and patient”
lengpi 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率92.6%
这样回答当然可以啊.你也可以写完整的语句,例:They are teacher and student.你回答的和这种都行,
在听力中,很多时候都会比较简单,如果只是朋友,可能就用Friends回答,也可能用一个完整的句子,如They are (good)friends.回答.如果是同学,一般则用They are clssmates或者They study in the same class回答.在阅读中,一般问两者之间的关系,你是可以在原文中找到答案或者找到相关信息推断出来的.阅读中的这类问题,只要细心一般不会有多大的错.多练错题,多看错题,多想错题,不要紧张,若果你紧张的话,就深呼吸心态平稳加油祝你考个好成绩
英语翻译There is an inverse relationship between the squirrel (s
There is an inverse relationship between the squirrel (s) and the fox (f) population in a certain wooded area.The points (s,f) represens the number of squirrels and foxes.If the point (200,100) correctly represents these two populations at a certain time of the year,which of the following points could also properly represent these populations?
wujuanjuan 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
想有没有课题《The relationship between trade and economic growth》的回
想有没有课题《The relationship between trade and economic growth》的回答,是全英文的,大概500字
冰凉的手 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
英语翻译Practice-led research has practically no relationship wi
Practice-led research has practically no relationship with the positivist tradition or with classical empiricism.Although practice-led researchers frequently both produce and draw on concrete observations and measurements,the starting point is usually an idea; and the attitude is more often a concern with how humans construct the world through ideas,images,narratives and philosophies,than a generalisable ‘truth’,or understandings of cause and effect.
Any kind of research carried out by a practitioner in the course of performing their practice will involve:
1、 research for practice (generating data that will provide knowledge about the content of,and the context for,your current creative project).Draws on conventional methodologies:archival research (reading,observing); field research (participant observation; case studies; interviews,surveys and focus groups; ethnographies).
2、research into practice (generating knowledge about techniques,approaches and thinking to do with how practice is carried out in your discipline).Draws on methodologies of practice (sketching; note-taking; photography; drafting and editing; simulations; self-reflection; concept mapping; story boards; flow charts; etc) as well as the conventional methods suggested above.
3、research through practice (using your creative techniques,often along with more conventional methodologies,to generate knowledge about a social,political,philosophical or other issue)
Is all creative work also a form of research?
Not necessarily.What makes something research is that it is:intentional,deliberate,accessible and creative; and that it is geared towards the generation of new knowledge that is of benefit to others.Research that is geared towards your personal goals,or the needs only to develop content for a creative project,is not the same as research that is directed towards knowledge more generally:to increasing the store of humanity’s knowledge.
Approaches – logic
Answer the Big Questions that apply to any research question:
§ ontological – what do you think about the nature of being,what the world is?
§ epistemological – how do we know what we know; what counts as knowledge?
§ axiological – what is your ethical framework; what matters?
§ rhetorical – how will you engage with language,story and argument?
§ methodological – what does it mean to you to do research?
Approaches – principles
1.identify a problem (the thing you want to research);
2.formulate a hypothesis (what are your ideas about what’s going on?);
3.delimit the field (what are you looking at,what approach will you take?);
4.reflect on yourself – know your own biases and interests;
5.develop the ‘tools’,or methodologies,to take on the project – appropriate for what you want to find out;
6.don’t be afraid to be less systematic than the scientists; use bricolage,phenomenology,intuition
7.make the work/s
8.interpret and disseminate findings
黄桂盛 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
途径 - 逻辑
§本体 - 你有关的本性认为,世界是什么?
§认识论的 - 我们如何知道我们知道,作为知识的罪名是什么?
§价值论 - 什么是你的道德框架;哪些事项?
§修辞 - 你将如何开展与语言,故事,辩论吗?
§方法 - 这是什么意思你做研究问题补充:
方法 - 原则
4.反省自己 - 知道自己的偏见和利益的;
5.发展的'工具',或方法,去研究解决项目 - 你想要的东西,找出合适的;
I guess.That this is where’ve come to.I thought relationship
I guess.That this is where’ve come to.I thought relationships were nothing but a waste of time.
margeryhrb 共回答了158个问题 | 采纳率9.5%
这句话如何正确理解?Develop and maintain solid customer relationship w
这句话如何正确理解?Develop and maintain solid customer relationship with key custome
发展和巩固维护固定客户关系.可是细看又不得解.主要是后面加了with key customer.希望能多举几个类似的例子,
如果理解develop and maitain solid customer,and develop and maitain relationship wiht key customer.这样感觉很别扭啊
宛盈 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
你这儿主要是把with弄清楚.这里的with是指既要发展和稳定key customer,又和key customer有并肩作战的意思,所以key customer在这里有两个身份,既是主人又是客人.
as a teenager,do you have a good relationship wi
as a teenager,do you have a good relationship wi
h your parents?would you like to bring up your children similarly in the way your parents brought you up?英译汉
ftt8212 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
should i be in a relationship?this is not a translation work
should i be in a relationship?this is not a translation work,it's a real question!plz
i only had one relationship with a wrong guy3 yrs ago ,and that relationship just lasted one month.btw,i am frank,there are some guys wanted to be my bf during the 3 yrs,but i just feel it will be unfair to them if i cant love them back.
Till couple of days ago,"i'll be his gf if i wanted to be with him" is one of my rules.but i wanna be in a relationship NOW.there are some guys like me,and a few of them left me good impressions.but ..i dont love any of them.the question is ,in that case,should i be in this way to gain more experience?then when i met the one for me,i wont ruin the relationship and lose him.
i am so indecisive.i feel i am selfish to some extent and "be with someone that i dont love back" is against my rule.i am so unsure.
hmm,many female friends told me that love can be developed,find someone that loves you,not someone you love.i dunno.i always wanted to find somebody to love.(ps:i loved 2 guys,and they loved me back,first one is my classmate when we was 15,we were shy and now we are just friends.i met another one at my 20,we were not official,just flirting.i cut the connection when i realized that we were not meant to be,and he hurt me,and the love faded away)
i am wrong abt the rule?should i develop love with someone who loves me?
thx for your answer in advance
Kshatriya 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率95.8%
I can tell that you're a girl of principle,for which I admire you.
There's nothing wrong with your rules,because they make you become the person who you are.
My advice is first,of course,stick to your rules,and second,find the one you love rather than the one who loves you,because the whole thing is about you living in the world in a way you wanted.
Following your heart is the most important thing.Make the decision that you'll never regret.
Hope you can figure it out soon and refresh yourself.
connection bond relationship 三个词的区别
connection bond relationship 三个词的区别
如 Do you believe that there's a _____D_____ between smoking and heart disease.
A.relationshipx05x05x05B.bondx05x05x05x05C.concern x05x05x05D.connection
咨询了专门人士了 给个收尾
relationship 指的是人与人之间的关系,bond 一般指的是“紧密联系”,connection指的是事物间的联系
chyumeng 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
work on the relationship
ghjhhjhh 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
trust is needed in a healthy relationship.老大is needed in这儿没看
trust is needed in a healthy relationship.老大is needed in这儿没看懂,第一半情态动词need是被动?
菲莱特 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率78.6%
① need这里非助动词,而是实意动词,表示“需要”.这里就是普通的被动句,而是形容词,因为不是表状态的.
② 这里的in,是由内容觉得的(context is king~).
Computer is needed to finish this job.虽然to后面是动词,构成不定式,但也表示need后面的内容觉得了具体的词.
Computer is needed in this job.
relation 和 relationship 的区别是什么?
relation 和 relationship 的区别是什么?
比如我现在想说 develop close relation(ship) to client representatives.这句话用relation 还是relationship呢?
satina 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
As to your sentence,you can use either "relationship" or "relations."
Please note that you should use "relations" instead of "relation," since while the former means "the way in which two or more people,countries,or organizations feel about and behave towards each other," the latter actually means "the way in which two or more concepts,objects,or people are connected; a thing's effect on or relevance to another."
As to your question about the difference between these two words,I think my foregoing explanation has already partially answered your question.Relation and relationship,when they mean "the way in which two or more concepts,objects,or people are connected,or the state of being connected," they are practically the same.However,you should use either "relations" or "relationship," but not "relation," while referring to "the way in which two or more people or organizations regard and behave towards each other."
Hope that my answers help.
A relationship has reached a turning point and either today
A relationship has reached a turning point and either today or over the weekend you will have to decide whether to take it in anew direction or end it.
duanduan111 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译my last relationship was bad
nkxuanyuan 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
my last relationship was a mess
my last relationship was terrible
The friendly relationship between the two classes is develop
The friendly relationship between the two classes is developing as normally it used to be.
A.than what what C.than what what
msgilw 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
as what ut used to be 这两个班的友好关系就象过去一样正常发展着
The covenant principle defines the relationship of God to Hi
The covenant principle defines the relationship of God to His people.翻译
mingongren 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
The covenant principle defines the relationship of God to His people
strong prior relationship什么意思?希望不要告诉我是“强之前的关系”
山山林 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
譬如 和以前情人的(性)关系很强烈很坚固(表示有影响力)
如果说:I never had this kind of relationship before,这里说的是啥ship阿?
bonnie-banks 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
请完成英译中句子用英文翻译出句子意思:1 The relationship between money and happ
1 The relationship between money and happiness is surprisingly weak, which may stem in part from the way people spend it.
2Applicants are usually better off if they can write an essay that distinguishes them from the rest.
3It is not surprising when wealthy people who know nothing about wine end up with cellars that aren't that much better stocked than their neighbors'.
4Although the application essay causes lots of anxiety* it does not play so important a role in the college's decision-making process.
5For example, most people will be anxious when threatened by an aggressive person.
6But the reason I mention all this is because I learned a great bit of philosophy from many hours of playing pool in the college student center.
前面写岔了,是要把以上翻译写出来,并且中译英写出大概意思就好 请帮忙快看看吧
拥主以 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
2通常申请者如果能写一篇他们与其余的人比所具备的特点的论文 则更有利于被录用。
3这并不奇怪,对葡萄酒一无所知的富人 最终结束了并不比他们的邻居的酒窖好的多酒窖。
5例如,被挑衅的人威胁时 大多数人都会焦虑。
6但是我之所以提到这一切 都是 因为我从在学生中心的球场中所花费的许多时间中 学到了许多哲理。
what's the relationship between a husband and a wife?
what's the relationship between a husband and a wife?
the relationship between a husband and a wife is
cheating and being the end,the
couple will break up,divorce becomes so common
that a husband and a wife think their own
interest make everything practical.
in fact,the couple sleep in the same bed but
dream a different dream and different plans.
so the problem arises,in order to disguise
his or her plan,he or she pretends to be
simple,but actually there are a lot of when they break up,they realize
that what he or she says is really faulse.
so the question is that how to prevent the
wife from cheating the husband.
墨汁未干 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率76.9%
To love her from your heart.Be conert with her.Talk with her or just listen to her as possible as you can,so you can know what each other think about,and then you will know what you could do to help each other.
英语不好 改用汉语 ,就是两口子多沟通,有时候不需要他多说,只是听她说就可以了,了解她的想法,尽可能理解她,宽容她,让她感觉有他在是温暖的,有他在是安全的,付出总会是有回报的,如果她是善良的是有良知的,她一定会感觉到他为她所付出的,会为他改变的,那么两人就不会同床异梦了
What is the relationship between language and literature?回答他
What is the relationship between language and literature?回答他们的几点关系谢谢!
为婕沉伦 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
literature which is wrote by character baseds on language
求翻译口语句子:Your idea of a long-term relationship is giving your
求翻译口语句子:Your idea of a long-term relationship is giving your date a chance to order dessert.
快使用双截棍 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
The key to a good interpersonal relationship is simple once
The key to a good interpersonal relationship is simple once you understand the role that needs play in making a relationship weak, moderate, average, or strong.
A person who fails in a relationship is someone who neglects the needs of his or her partner. So the first step to establish a successful relationship is to find out what needs the other person has. It is also very important to understand your own needs so that you can help the other person in the relationship to meet your needs.
Unfortunately, not only do many people fail to see or to understand their partner’s needs, but they do not understand their own. Children have wonderful relationships with their parents as long as their needs are being satisfied. When the needs are not satisfied, the relationship changes and problems arise. As a child grows, needs change; it is necessary that parents recognize these changes. As it is with the child to the parents, it is also with the parents to the child.
The way to recognize the needs of other people is by their responses to you. When you do or say something and you get a positive response, you are well on the way to being recognized. The same goes for you. What is it that you respond to in a positive manner? What do you feel good about getting and about doing? What are you totally guiltless about? What can you do with complete confidence and fearlessness? What emotional scene can you control without fear or guilt? Look in these areas for your needs and you will in all probability find your answers.
As stated, our own needs are often hidden. The techniques covered in the power of self-mind control will allow you to discover your needs and show you who you are in regard to interpersonal relationships. Your effectiveness in influencing and dealing with people will greatly increase the power of self-mind control.
小题1:From the passage we learn that ________. is hard to make good interpersonal relationships
B.there are several levels of relationships among people
C.the success of different interpersonal relationships can be measured by needs
D.the first step to establish a successful relationship is to know your own needs
小题2:According to Paragraph 2, the most important factor in dealing with people is to ________. kind to them and help them
B.only think of their needs
C.find out both your needs and theirs
D.learn some interpersonal techniques
小题3:Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.A child’s needs change with his growth.
B.A child should also know his parents’ needs.
C.It’s easier to find your own needs than to find others’.
D.You can learn what others need by their responses to you.
小题4:The last two paragraphs are written mainly to tell us ________.
A.why some people fail in a relationship to increase the power of self-mind control
C.why our needs are often hidden to recognize others’ needs and yours
sbq18 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%

小题1:根据文中的信息作出判断推理。根据第一段 … making a relationship weak, moderate, average, or strong可知,答案为B。
小题2:根据文中的信息作出判断推理。根据第二段So the first step … It is also very important to understand your own needs … 可推测,处理好人际关系最重要的是要了解双方的需要。
小题3:根据文中的信息作出判断推理。根据第三段As a child grows, needs change … 可知A项符合文意;根据第三段As it is with the child to the parents … 可以推测B项符合文意;根据第四段The way to recognize the needs of other people is by their responses to you可推测D项也是正确的。只有C项在文中没有提到,故答案为C。
what is the relationship of natural and social sicence
what is the relationship of natural and social sicence
fengcoast 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
natural science,social sicence,the relationship of natural and social sicence
natural science
A science,such as biology,chemistry,or physics,that deals with the objects,phenomena,or laws of nature and the physical world.
social science
1.The study of human society and of individual relationships in and to society.
2.A scholarly or scientific discipline that deals with such study,generally regarded as including sociology,psychology,anthropology,economics,political science,and history.
英语翻译our relationship with landscape change as our world arou
our relationship with landscape change as our world around us change,请有把握的才翻译,错了会死人的,
this is a essay topic of my english subject in Australia,landscape is mean 环境
gc_ywy 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
请教英语 父母关系表达方式.请问下..父母和我的关系 比如 (xxx) Relationship to you_____
请教英语 父母关系表达方式.
父母和我的关系 比如 (xxx) Relationship to you_______
天使小ss 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
eloved mother 感情炽热
parent 不具体时用
英语翻译题目是Effects of e-CRM on customer – bank relationship qual
题目是Effects of e-CRM on customer – bank relationship quality and outcomes:The case of Thailand,
我自己感觉应该是 E-CRM对客户银行关系质量和效果的研究:以泰国为中心,
njj022424401 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
英语翻译between us we haven't had a relationship that has lasted
between us we haven't had a relationship that has lasted longer than a Mento.翻译
勇夺芳心 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
Here Chandler made a comparison of the longevity of his and Joey's relationship to the lasting of Mento,emphasizing the shortness of their relationship with other girls,which acts kinda as a comfort to Ross.
2.In your opinion,what is the ideal relationship between par
2.In your opinion,what is the ideal relationship between parents and children?
fangjie80 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
.麻烦回答者看清题目 不是让你翻译 让你用英语回答...
听力 1. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
1. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Teacher and student.
B. Customer and shopkeeper.
C. Husband and wife.

2. How does the woman feel?

A. Discouraged.
B. Satisfied.
C. Happy.

3. What does the woman do?

A. A saleswoman.
B. A cleaner.
C. A hotel clerk.

4. Where are the speakers probably?

A. Outside a theater.
B. In a bank.
C. In an exhibition hall.

5. What does the woman advise the man to do?

A. Type the address once again.
B. Have someone repair the computer.
C. Get some information from another website.
ding丁 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
1-5: BACAC
英语翻译1.America's terrible relationship with foodAmericans hav
1.America's terrible relationship with food
Americans have a very dysfunctional relationship with food.
Compared with the French,Belgians and Japanese,Americans get less pleasure from food and are most obsessed with whether it is 'healthy' or not (Rozin et al.,1999).
In contrast,the French have fewer hang-ups and enjoy their food the most.Perhaps it's no coincidence that they are also half as likely to be obese as Americans.
Americans,then,get the worst of all worlds:they are more dissatisfied with what they eat,are more concerned about whether it is healthy,try to make more dietary changes and are twice as likely to be obese as the French.
Something has clearly gone badly wrong with America's relationship with food.
2.You don't know when you're really full
We tend to think that the amount of food we eat is a result of how hungry we are.It's a factor,but not the only one.We are also affected by the size of the plates,serving spoons,packets and so on.
This has been most memorably demonstrated in a study where participants ate out of a soup bowl that was filled up secretly from under the table (Wansink et al.,2005).Others were served more soup in the usual way.Those eating out of the magically refilling bowl had almost twice as much soup but felt no less hungry and no more full.
The moral of this strange tale is that our stomachs provide only crude messages about how much we've eaten.Instead we rely on our vision and the eye is easily fooled.
Here's my healthy eating tip:force yourself to buy smaller packets of everything.Oh,and get rid of your automatically refilling soup-bowls:they're really doing you no good at all.
gracelyll 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率72.2%
与法国人、比利时人和日本人相比,美国人从食物中获得更少的快乐,并且非常痴迷于它是否“健康”(Rozin et al.,1999).
我们倾向于认为我们所吃食物的量取决于我们有多饿.这是一个因素,但不是唯一的.我们也受盘子的大小、公用汤勺 、食物包装等等的影响.
这已经被最令人印象深刻地在一个研究中演示过,当时参与者们从秘密地在桌子下面填加的一只汤碗中喝汤 (Wansink et al.,2005),另外的人们则按平常的方式提供更多的汤,那些在魔术般地加汤的碗中喝汤的人,几乎喝了两倍的汤却既没感觉到少些饥饿也没感觉到更饱.
英语翻译"client/server describles the relationship between two c
"client/server describles the relationship between two computer programs in which one program,the client,makes a service request from another program,the server,which fulfills the request"谢谢,主要是in which的翻译我忘了.
WY771120 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
客户/服务器 描述的是两台电脑程序的关系,其中一个程序,即客户机用于向另外一个程序服务器做请求的服务,而服务器就响应这个请求.
英语翻译First,the relationship between comprehension of figurati
First,the relationship between comprehension of figurative expressions (either novel metaphors or metonyms) and chronological age (CA) were assessed by modelling developmental trajectories for each group.When CA explained a significant amount of variance of metaphor and/or metonymy comprehension,the trajectories from the WS group were compared to those from TD group using cross-sectional ANCOVA tests.This allowed investigation of any developmental differences between the groups for the onset of development,i.e.,differences at the youngest age measured,and rate of development.Next,the development of metaphor versus metonymy comprehension was compared within each group using a repeated measures design.In the second phase,these analyses were repeated but trajectories were constructed plotting percentage scores for novel
M&M comprehension scores against performance on each of the background measures,in order to investigate whether mental age (MA) abilities were a better predictor for performance.Similar to previous studies,raw scores for ToWK,instead of the MA equivalents,were used when plotting performance on M&M against these cognitive abilities,in order to maximise sensitivity and amount of data entered in the analyses (Van Herwegen,Rundblad,Davelaar,& Annaz,2011).Finally,in order to ensure that none of the results reported below were caused by performance at floor (i.e.,the lowest score available) and ceiling level (i.e.,highest score available) each of the analyses was repeated excluding performance at floor- and ceiling level.Only when excluding these scores changed the results these analyses will be reported.
ningjing静 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
首先,对比喻的理解之间的关系(无论是小说的隐喻或多)和实足年龄(CA)被建模为每个组的发展轨迹进行评估.当CA解释隐喻和/或转喻的理解差异显著,从WS组的轨迹相比,TD组采用横断面ANCOVA测试.这允许调查任何发展差异的发展,即出现差异,在年轻的年龄测定,和发展速度.接下来,隐喻与转喻理解的发展是通过重复测量设计在每个组相比.在第二阶段,这些反复的分析,但轨迹构造绘图novelm & M理解成绩在性能上的每个背景措施的百分比分数,以调查是否心理年龄(MA)的能力进行了性能更好的预测.与以往的研究中,对towk原始分数,而不是马等价物,使用时绘制的性能对并购对这些认知能力,以最大限度地提高灵敏度和数据进入分析量(Van herwegen,rundblad,davelaar,与annaz,2011).最后,为了确保报告如下结果没有被表现在地板引起的(即,最低分可用)和上限水平(即,得分最高的可用)每个分析被排除在地板和天花板的性能水平.只有排除这些分数改变,结果这些分析报告.
一道关于汇编的题目,Review the ASCII Table to see the relationship bet
Review the ASCII Table to see the relationship between a value (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) and its corresponding ASCII Character.
What is the value that should complete the Assembly instruction to convert the value to a character?
addb #$ _____
note the "$" symbol that means the value should be in hex
小李贰少 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
addb #$ _30_.
How to keep a good relationship with my dormmate?
How to keep a good relationship with my dormmate?
Such as they like computergame(cs)while I do not.我要不要刻意加入?
duziqulvxing 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
英语翻译如题,public relationship consciousness对吗?我搜外文文献用这个搜都搜不到相关文
如题,public relationship consciousness对吗?我搜外文文献用这个搜都搜不到相关文献啊
bookbookbook 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
Pr consciousness
听力1. What’s the most probable relationship between the speak

1. What’s the most probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Husband and wife.
B. Customer and waitress.
C. Friends.

2. Which language does Mr White speak well?

A. French.
B. Spanish.
C. Japanese.

3. What are the speakers talking about?

A. Time.
B. Season.
C. Weather.

4. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The man is a waiter.
B. The woman is on a diet.
C. The woman dislikes beef.

5. Why was the woman’s application turned down?

A. She didn’t perform well in the interview.
B. She doesn’t write well enough.
C. She hasn’t got any professional experience.
6rain6 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
1-5: ABCBC 
求英语作文:computers destroy or enhance human relationship(二选一)
求英语作文:computers destroy or enhance human relationship(二选一)
英语oral presentation 用的,求大侠指点哇,好的追加100分
bkv3 共回答了31个问题 | 采纳率96.8%
Computers destroy human relationship
Nowadays with the development of science and technology ,a great many things have been done on computers.Of course,it has saved us plenty of time and energy but on the other hand it also destroys human relationship.
First ,in terms of children today ,they would rather play games online than go out to play with children of their age ,which surely affects their relationship .Second ,workers or clerks have been working on computers to produce their products ,which ,to some degree,takes away the opportunity to communicate with each other.What's more,more people would rather see films online than go to the cinema,which greatly decreases the occasions when people get together.So all in all ,computers has destroys human relationship.
how to deal with the relationship between teachers and suden
how to deal with the relationship between teachers and sudents 求修改.
The relationship between teachers and students
The relationship between teachers and students should be friendly and respectable.Sometimes we like a follower leaded by teachers or sometimes we’ll resist them with rivalry.
The impression of teachers which you look upon decides largely your positivity in their lesson.You’ll go after their thought and be buried in class if impression is good.Oppositely,boredom will affect you during study.
So we how to deal with the relationship?First,respecting teachers is essential principle for us,which we should recognize the importance of them.Second,their criticism is worth taking in by us honestly if we make mistakes need corrected.Last,we should understand their hard work because they spear no efforts to devote themselves to our tomorrow.
Teachers exactly as our parents guide us go forward without complaint.Let’s build a good relationship between teachers and us.
nonoo1310 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
The relationship between teachers and students should be friendly and respectable.Sometimes we are like followers led by teachers and sometimes we’ll resist them with rivalry.The impression of teachers on you decides largely your positivity in their lessons.You’ll go after their thoughts and be buried in class if impression is good.Oppositely,boredom will affect you during study.So how do we deal with the relationship?First,respecting teachers is essentially principle for us,which we should recognize the importance of it.Second,their criticism is worth taking honestly if we make mistakes and need to correct.Last,we should understand their hard work because they spare no efforts to devote themselves to our future.Teachers exactly as our parents guide us go forward without complaint.Let’s build a good relationship between teachers and us.
Relationships between teachers and students should be friendly and respectable.Sometimes students just follow their teachers and sometimes they refute to defend arguments.(写论文就不要轻易用第一二人称,另外反驳叫refute是中性词,resist是一概不听老师的建议,rivalry是敌对是比赛和竞争的时候用的)
Teachers' impressions left on students largely decide students' performances in class.Students concentrated in class if the teacher of a certain class has good impression.On the contrary,awful impressions will bore students.(positivity是正向性,这里我可以理解成是正面态度,但是我觉得你其实想说的是课堂表现,所以改成performance,即使你想表达态度直接用attitude就好,而不是positive attitudes.中文也有这个道理,不能一面对应两面.be buried in的表达比较恐怖,我以为是人太多看不到脸了,虽然我知道你想表达什么.具体buried in用在这里好不好我不敢跟你说,但是concentrate是肯定没问题的,简单明了.)
So how do we deal with such relationships?First of all,students should respect teachers.Secondly,students should take teachers' feedbacks and even criticisms seriously,which are instructions for students to improve.Last but not least,students need to understand teachers' continuous efforts though teachers were not responsible for students' future.(前面都用了relationship的复数形式,所以全文最好保持统一,虽然语法没有相关要求,但是写作有对应的策略.principle是原则,principal才是重要;老师反馈叫feedback,critcism不算错但是要慎重,他是指负面的指责和批评.能够用实意动词的时候要用实意动词,比be动词的单纯描述更生动.spear是用尖的东西去搓,spare才是你要用的词.但是这里都不太好,应为段落结尾应该给老师一个正向评价才是文章的主题,所以我改成了让步语句.)
Teachers,like parents,guide students to move forward without complaints.It is important for students to establish good relationships between them and teachers and treat the relationships properly.(结尾要照应文章的中心,所以不止是尊重老师,更重要的是正确处理师生关系才是本文的主旨)
初三英语完形填空:Having a good relationship with…… 最好今天之内回答,Thanks!
初三英语完形填空:Having a good relationship with…… 最好今天之内回答,Thanks!
Having a good relationship with your neighbours is important for you.And it is never too l__1__ to build a good relationship with them.Here is some useful a__2__ for you.
Smile.A simple smile can make people f__3__ welcome.It's important that your neighbours feel comfortable with you.A smile is a small thing,but it can help build a g__4__ relationship.
Keep your home clean.Sometimes you are so familiar with the things at your home and you don't see them with fresh eyes.H__5__ ,your neighbours have fresh eyes.So keep things c__6__.
Don't make much noise.Take care your dogs and don't p__7__ your music too loud.Ask around to make sure your evening ball game doesn't make anyone a__8__.
Follow the rules.The neighbourhood agreements are for e__9__,not just for your neighbours.They are usually about s__10__ cars,keeping dogs and so on.You need to follow them.
DAQAO 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
23208:well,your relationship with your mentor is extremely i
23208:well,your relationship with your mentor is extremely i would suggest the one who can give you both.
1_well,your relationship with your mentor is extremely i would suggest the one who can give you both:
1.your relationship with your mentor is extremely important:
your relationship with your mentor :你和你导师的关系
relationship :n 关系 i would suggest the one who can give you both:
耍泥巴的娃儿 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
The Internet will slow down the rate with which relationship
The Internet will slow down the rate with which relationships end,but it won't stop that happening
with which relationships end是不是定语修饰the rate ???
cfy128 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
后面的it代指,Internet slow down rate这个做法.
The relationship adout company manager and employess?
The relationship adout company manager and employess?
If you're a company manager,how do you manager your employess?
周妞妞 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
first,to understand the employee's capability and then give correpsonding tasks to them;second,to give them training for self improvement;and then,to motivate them in order to delegate more power and ...
relation relationship 有什么区别?
几人相忆 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
都可以表示关系.但后者比前者正式,常用于法律上(如relationship to the victim),或者强调人与人之间的关系(如our relationship).relation比relationship的意思多,比如可以表示亲戚、叙述等.