人教版初三英语新课标go for it Unit4 sectionB 3a的课文

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人教版初三英语新课标go for it Unit4 sectionB 3a的课文


蹭蹭熊 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
1.If you answerd think about what he or she said for most questions,then you are probably pretty confident.Social situations don't bother you in the slightest .You know what you want,and you know how ...


821291 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率60%
I'd like to go a beautiful place.I think it would be Paris.If I went there I can experience and become part of the french culture and way of life.The Parisiens are all so involved with their culture and there is always something to do and see.I'd like to see the Eiffel Tower,le louvre,l'arc de triomphe,and walk down les champs-elysees.To have a stroll on the banks of the Seine near the Notre-Dame Cathedral would be lovely for an afternoon.The city is always bustling with life.
haofana501 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
Could you please lend me your pen?
Asking for information or help is a very common and necessary activity,especially when we visit a foreign country.So knowing how to ask for information politely is important.In English,“Where are the restrooms?” and “Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?” are similar requests - both are correct English,but the first could sound rude.It’s important to use correct language,but sometime this alone is not enough - we need to learn how to be polite when we make requests.
In English,just like in Chinese,we change the way we speak when talking with different people.The expressions you use might depend on whom you are speaking to or how well you know them.If you say to your teacher,“Where is my book?” your question will sound much more polite.On the other hand,it might be alright to say “Where is my book?” in some situations,perhaps with people you know well.
And you would not usually say,“Peter,lend me your pen.” A very direct order like this can sound rude in English.Usually in English polite questions are longer and include extra language such as “Could you please….” or “Can I ask```?” It sounds more polite to say,“Peter,Could you please lend me your pen?” Sometimes we might even need to spend some time leading in to a question or request,for example,if you stop a stranger in the street,we might first say,“Excuse me,I wonder if you can help me” or “I’m sorry to trouble you but,” before asking them for help.
It might seem that speaking politely is more difficult than being direct,and in a way this may be true.However,in order not to offend people,learning about language etiquette is just as better at English,or any other language you wish to speak.
人教版初三英语Unit4的 SELF CHECK 的回信
pearxf 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
Dear Fran
You needn't worry about this.You can just tell her not to be shy.You can also say something to encourage her and to make her more confident.If she is still shy after you tell her,you can just bring her to the English Corner.There she will make a lot of friends and she can have more confidence.Tell her just have a try.And please tell everybody to believe her.Then she will surely get a good result.
柳狂刀 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
+20 求:动词不规则变化表(人教版初三英语 )
玫瑰从不慌张 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
急,写一篇关于某产品的英语作文新人教版初三英语第五单元的那篇,what the product is...what it
新人教版初三英语第五单元的那篇,what the product is...what it is made of...who it is made by...where it is made.
xiaoyu030706 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
冒雨1 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
How do we deal with our problems
Rich or poor,young or old,we all have problems.And unless we deal with our problems,we can easily become unhappy.Worrying about our problems can affect how we do at school.It can also influence the way we behave with our families.So how do we deal with our problems?There are many ways.
By learning to forget
Most of us have probably been angry with our friends,parents or teachers.Perhaps they said something you didn’t like,or you felt they were unfair.Sometimes,people can stay angry for years about a small problem.Time goes by,and good friendships may be lost
When we are angry,however,we are usually the ones affected.Perhaps we have seen young children playing together.Sometimes they have disagreements,and decide not to talk to each other.However,this usually does not last for long.This is an important lesson for us:we can solve a problem by learning to forget.
By regarding problems as challenges
Many students often complain about school.They might feel they have too much work to do sometimes,or think the rules are too strict.We must learn how to change these “problems” into “challenges”.Education is an important part of our development.As young adults,it is our duty to try our best to deal with each challenge in our education with the help of our teachers.
By thinking of something worse
By comparing yourself to other people,you will find your problems are not so terrible.Think about Stephen Hawking,for example,a very clever scientist,who regards his many physical problems as unimportant.He can’t walk or even speak,but he has become very famous and successful.We are probably quite healthy and smart.Let’s not worry about our problems.Let’s face the challenges instead.
我们怎样处理我们问题?富有或者可怜,年轻或者老,我们完全有问题.除非我们处理我们问题,我们能容易变得不高兴.担心我们问题能影响我们怎样在学校做.它能也影响我们表现出我们家庭的方式.那样我们怎样处理我们问题?有很多方式.通过学习忘记我们中的绝大部分人已经大概是对我们朋友,父母或者老师生气.也许他们说几句话你是不能相像的或者你感到他们是不公平.有时,人们能维持好几年因一小问题而生气的状态.时代周刊过去,和好友谊可以是失去的 当我们是生气的时候,但是,我们通常是患了的那些.也许我们已经看见年轻孩子一起玩.有时他们有分歧和决定不要和彼此谈话.但是,这个通常不很久持续.这个为我们是一重要课:我们能通过学习忘记解决问题.通过认为问题是挑战很多学生常常抱怨学校.他们可以感到他们有太多的工作,有时做,或者认为规定也是严厉.我们必须学习如何改变这些变为“挑战”“问题”.教育是一重要的部分我们发展.作为青壮年成年人,处理每一在我们借助于我们老师教育中挑战尽最大努力是我们责任.通过通过把你自己和另一人们比较想一想更坏某样东西,你将发现你的问题不是非常可怕.思考认为他的很多物理问题是不重要的斯蒂温.霍金,例如一非常聪明科学家.他不能步行或者甚至不能说话,但是他已经变得非常出名和成功.我们大概是很有益健康和聪明的.让我们不担心我们问题.让我们反而面临挑战.
顺便帮忙解释下learn English that way ,that 前为什么不加介词in ,也是初三课本上的...
晨雾青草雨露 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
Gang ,是人名吧?第二个问题中IN 可用不可不用,现代英语口语越来越简单化,实用化 ,而且口语中的很多表达似乎并不符合语法 ,能表明意思即可 、
