Jane Eyre最后一段话 英文的

blueflamezw22022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


patent 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
Do you think I can stay to become nothing to you? Do you think I am an automaton?--a machine without feelings? and can bear to have my morsel of bread snatched from my lips, and my drop of living water dashed from my cup? Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!--I have as much soul as you,--and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh;--it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God's feet, equal,--as we are!


强调句中的that刻意省略吗?我在读书虫是遇到一句话 让我很困惑,这是Jane Eyre 中的一句,It isn't m
我在读书虫是遇到一句话 让我很困惑,这是Jane Eyre 中的一句,It isn't me you're refusing ,并且我在读其他的英文小说中也遇到过类似的 句子,这句明显是强调去,为什么that给省略了,那么什么情况下强调句中的that可以省略,
opentewu 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率73.3%
that 引导宾语从句的时候 可以省略
强调句中,强调的成为为主语、宾语和状语从句,一般用that和who来引导,强调人的时候多用who,但是that可以无论是人、物还是时间、地点都可以用.上面说到,that引导宾语从句的时候可以省略,同理 在强调的成分为宾语的时候,that就可以省略!
SAT语法题求解析In the novel,Jane Eyre 【must make】 many difficult c
In the novel,Jane Eyre 【must make】 many difficult choices,including forcing herself to leave the house of Mr.Rochester,the married man ( ) she 【loves】
这个句子不是有两个谓语动词吗...然后married man后面是不是省略了一个who啊?
那么这个句子正确是不是因为这个被省略的who即使不写上去也能假设有个连词啊.我定语从句没学好 所以麻烦讲的详细些.....
dunk1983 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
本句子主句的谓语部分是must make;
最后 the married man ( ) she 【loves】中的loves是定语从句的谓语.
jane eyre以下两段话出自哪简爱哪张节“And then you won't know me,sir; and I
jane eyre
以下两段话出自哪简爱哪张节“And then you won't know me,sir; and I shall not be your Jane Eyre any longer,but an ape in a harlequin's jacket- a jay in borrowed plumes.I would as soon see you,Mr.Rochester,tricked out in stage-trappings,as myself clad in a court-lady's robe; and I don't call you handsome,sir,though I love you most dearly:far too dearly to flatter you.Don't flatter me.”
“I do not deceive people!if I told lies,I would say I loved you!but I don't,I hate you!I will never call you aunt again as long as I live.”
丰一样的男子 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
后面那段是第4章快结束 就是jane eyre她舅妈要给她送走 刚刚见完勃洛克赫斯特先生那会
求下面这段jane eyre 英文原文
求下面这段jane eyre 英文原文
24forkobe 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
Do you think because I am poor,obscure and plain that I am soulless and heartless?I have as much soul as you and fully as much heart.And if god had gifted me with wealth and beauty,I should have made it as hard for you to leave me as it is now for me to leave you.
Do you have anything ----- to say for yourself ,Jane Eyre? N
Do you have anything ----- to say for yourself ,Jane Eyre? No,nothing ,sir.
我要MM我要买房 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
anything else 是一个词组:单用意思为别的东西
如果anything else后面加
to say:其它要说的
to eat:其他吃的
to use:其他用的
大家来填填Charlotte’s masterpiece: Jane EyreThe novel “Jane Eyre”
Charlotte’s masterpiece: Jane Eyre
The novel “Jane Eyre” tells the story of an ______girl called Jane Eyre,the daughter of a poor_____. She loses her parents shortly after her birth. Her _____becomes her guardian. After her uncle‘s death, the ten-year-old Jane is much grumbled against by the ____and ignored by her three cousins. One day,unable to bear the ill-treatment any longer,Jane tells straight to her aunt's face what she thinks of her. Mrs.Reed is furious and sends Jane to a _____ school for poor girls in Lowood, where she lives an intolerable life
and stays for _____years. Then Jane becomes a ____to a little girl in the family of a squire called______. The squire falls in love with her. But while they are about to hold their wedding ceremony in the_____,Jane learns that Rochester has got a wife who is _____and locked in a private room. Shocked by the news,Jane _____from the house. She goes through many hardships. Finally helped by a parson,she gets the job of a _____in a village school. Meanwhile,a great _____befalls Mr. Rochester:his house is destroyed in a _____set by his mad wife who dies tragic death by jumping off the roof,and he becomes_____. Hearing that Mr. Rochester has become penniless and____,Jane Eyre hurries back to him and becomes his___.

Emily Brontë’s Masterpiece: Wuthering Heights
i. The story
This novel deals with the story of the hero _____who is a Gipsy. He is picked up by Mr.Earnshaw on the way and brought up together with his master’s children. When Mr. Earnshaw dies,his son Hindley bullies and insults the Gipsy boy,drives him from their company to the servant's and compels him to work hard out of doors.Heathcliff and the daughter of the family Miss _____love each other even as children. But their pure love is crushed by the_____,because he considers it a shame on the family to let a Gipsy marry his sister. Unable to bear the insult,Heathcliff leaves Wuthering Heights. Three years later he becomes a _____man,and comes back. He finds his sweetheart has already married a man whom she does not love. He _____his lovemaking to the lady and she dies heart-broken. Later when Heathcliff becomes the _____of the family,he takes _____upon the next generation: He treats Hindey's son Hareton very cruelly and compels Catherine's daughter Cathy to marry his own sickly son. After his son dies Cathy falls in love with Hareton. Finally Heathcliff sees the _____of revenge. After his death,Hareton and Cathy are united.
ii. Themes
---Generally it is treated as a romantic story, a tale of love and revenge.
---From a social point of view, it is a tragedy of social inequality.
---At some deeper level, it is a book about the cosmic harmony of the universe and the destruction and re-establishment of this harmony.
swl1314 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
简爱的英文版本名字是jane还是jane eyre?
简爱的英文版本名字是jane还是jane eyre?
看过英文原著的说 我们老师说是前者
云天青山碧水绕 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
肯定是后者啦 Jane Eyre
哎 实在不信就去书店逛一下啊