we're pieased to hear that how was your english是什么意思

牡丹乔2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

we're pieased to hear that how was your english是什么意思
帮我在解决几个 that's nice wha about nath?well my math was poor bot l did better than before this time well donr!how about science?oh,well science is the hardrst yes but what did your teacher say?


万大ll 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
你上面的有些单词是否输入有误.我调整了下,按下面的翻译的 we're pieased to hear that how was your english that's nice wha about math?well my math was poor bot l did better than before this time well done!how about science?oh,well science is the hardest yes but what did your teacher say?我很高兴听到这些,那么你的英语怎么样呢?你的数学怎么样?我的数学很差,但是这次做得比前一次好多了 很好!那科学呢?科学太难了 是的,那你的老师怎么说?


英语翻译firstrade securities,INC,is pieased to notify you about
firstrade securities,INC,is pieased to notify you about an upcoming change.we will be changing our ciearing firm from Ridge Clearing &Outsourcing,Inc to penson financial services,inc(penson financial)
the customer accounts of firstrade securities,inc,carried ang cleared by ridge clearing will be carried ang cleared by penson financial beginning on or about june 25,2010.this new arrangement simply means that our bookkeeping functions,receipt and delivery of securities purchased ang sold by our customers ,rights offerings,warrants,tender offers,redemptions ang all other clearing ang settlement functions will be hangled by penson financial.please note that your current account number will not change.additionally any automated clearing house instructions you have on file will remain in effect.
小凡0703 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
第一理财原证券结算公司Ridge Clearing证券结算业务已于近日被Penson Financial并购.原证券结算公司Ridge Clearing将於本周末,6/26与6/27,转换为Penson Financial.此项变动将对您的帐户与服务没有任何影响.
由於系统进行转移的缘故,在美东时间(以下皆是)本周五6/25下午4时至下周一6/28 早上8时这段期间将暂停接受下单或改单,订单现况也会暂时无法查询.一切作业将於6/28周一早上 8时恢复正常作业.
请注意您会收到两份在2010年6/30截止的月结单.其中一份来自Ridge Clearing 的明细将包括您6/25以前的帐户活动;而另一份来自Penson的明细则会包括6/26-6/30的帐户活动.
xunxiongpc 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
hard-to-pileased = 很难取悦
例:Men Are Hard To Pleased 男人很难取悦!
I would like to add up that we are pieased with the milk
瞬之风 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
我喜欢加点牛奶在我喜欢的东西里 I would like to add up (that we are pieased )with the milk