Analyzing the structure是什么意思?

孙悟汗2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


CHENGYULUAK 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
O(∩_∩)O~ 祝你学习进步快乐开心!


英语翻译We begin by analyzing the error bounds for our algorithm
We begin by analyzing the error bounds for our algorithm and showing that it converges more closely to the ground truth for an appropriately chosen aperiodic pixel layout than for a periodic one.
7ftsatg 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
Analyzing western and eastern cultural from “Pride and Preju
Analyzing western and eastern cultural from “Pride and Prejudice” and 红楼梦.
zhouchangyi 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
首先你应该了解这两部故事的大概了吧,其实一提到黛玉宝玉,我们都会想到二位书中的任务那缠绵悱恻的爱情故事,但是黛玉虽喜欢宝玉,却一直不肯直抒胸臆,欲迎还拒,刷小脾气去引起宝玉的注意,甚至吃干醋等等,这就是因为本质上来说,东方人的表达非常含蓄,心里有的不会说出来,喜欢用眼神,用心思,偷偷的用隐含意思给你表达出来 .而西方人的表达方式很直接,达西喜欢简,那么他马上就回去求婚,尽管会遭到拒绝很痛苦.所以我认为从东西方表达感情的方式上来写点东西也是有东西可写的.
after analyzing the information collected back, a report had
after analyzing the information collected back, a report had been given as follows: 3884 什么意思
gisele-peng 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语问题In my opinion,that may be very helpful in analyzing issu
英语问题In my opinion,that may be very helpful in analyzing issues
In my opinion,that may be very helpful in analyzing issues quantitatively
and making decisions accurately.
这个and making 的making 如果有的话,需要改成make么?
beone0212 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
it may be very helpful to analyze issues quantitatively and make decisions accurately.
analyzing work outputs
czjing 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率76.9%
analyzing work outputs
v.分析; 分析( analyze的现在分词 ); 分解; 对…进行心理分析;
n.产量( output的名词复数 ); 输出; (人、机器、机构的)产量; 输出端;
英语翻译One of the most widely used techniques for analyzing hyp
One of the most widely used techniques for analyzing hyperspectral images is spectral un-mixing,which allows for sub-pixel data characterization.This is particularly important since the available spatial resolution in hyperspectral images is typically several meters,and therefore it is reasonable to assume that several spectrally pure substances (called endmembers in hyperspectral imaging terminology) can be found within each imaged pixel.This type of processing is time-consuming and computer intensive.Multi-spectral and hyperspectral sensing was used extensively during recent large spills.
timeisxxx 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
第三部分阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。By analyzing acad

By analyzing academic data from 10 states, representing the testing of more than 7.2 millions of youths, U.S. researchers found that gender differences in math scores were extremely small among all ethnic groups in grades 2-11.
These findings are in contrast to earlier results from 1990 that indicate measurable differences favoring males in complex problem-solving, beginning in the high school years.
Janet Hyde from University of Wisconsin and colleagues reported their study results in the journal Science on Friday.
Currently, women are largely absent from the highest levels of careers in mathematics, the physical sciences, and engineering. In the United States, Ph.D. programs in engineering currently average only about 15 percent women, and similar statistics have led to stereotypes (成见)about girls and women lacking in mathematical ability.
Now, it is clear that the general population no longer shows a gender difference in mathematical skills, according to this latest report.
And this new data on academic performance in the United States shows that students are tested frequently on "recall" and "skill/concept" items, but rarely on "strategic thinking"(战略思维) or "extended thinking" concepts.
If standardized tests do not assess (评估)the sorts of reasoning that are crucial to careers in science and math, then the skills may not be taught, putting American students at a disadvantage to students in other countries where testing and instruction focuses on more challenging content. "This is a gap that should be fixed," Hyde said.
56. What is the best title of the passage?
A. A new study result about math. B. No gender differences in math.
C. Girls are not good at math. D. Girls do better in math than boys.
57. The underlined word “crucial” in the last paragraph most probably means______.
A. necessary B. unimportant C. important D . cruel
58. What Hyde said in the last paragraph means that ________.
A. standardized tests should assess the sorts of reasoning so that the skills may be taught
B. testing and instruction focuses on more challenging content in the USA
C. students in other countries are cleverer than American students
D. students should be tested frequently on "recall" and "skill/concept" items
59. The passage is most probably taken from _______.
A. a science magazine B. a research paper C. a personal diary D. a newspaper
花心男人都很脏 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
56---59 BCAD

英语翻译翻译出大意也可,In analyzing the toggle vise in the preceding se
In analyzing the toggle vise in the preceding section,we assumed that no friction force were involved.thus,the virtual work consisted only of the work of the applied force P and of the reaction but the the work of reaction Q is equal in magnitude and opposite in sign to the work of the force exerted by the vise on the block.Equation(10.5),therefore,expresses that the output work 2Ql cosθ&θis equal to the input work Pl sinθ&θ.A machine in which input and output work are equal is said to be an "ideal" a "real" machine ,friction forces will always do some work,and the output work will be smaller than the input work.
bdmde 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
在分析曲轴vise前一节中,我们假设没有摩擦力是如此,这个虚拟世界的工作包括只有工作的受力P及反应的问题,但这个工作的反应是平等的在大小和相对于签署的施加压力的block.Equation心花怒放的(10.5),因此,表达了2Ql cosθ&θis输出功等于输入工作Pl sinθ&θ机器的输入和输出工作平等被说成是一个“理想”machine.in一个“真正”的机器,磨擦力总是会做一些工作,并输出工作将小于输入工作.
Simply by analyzing a drop of blood, a doctor will be able t
Simply by analyzing a drop of blood, a doctor will be able to diagnose a birth defect or even cancer when it is in the early stage; using new technology, a material lighter but much stronger than steel can be produced.
These may sound like dreams at present. But the dreams may soon come true as research findings in laboratories are being turned into products more rapidly in the new century, according to experts participating in the fourth Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Technomart, a technology exhibition and trade fair in Suzhou.  
"Most people think nano-technology(纳米技术)is too far-fetched to be real. But in fact nano-technology has been applied in a wide range of fields, such as medicine. It is coming into our daily life," said Cheng Jiachong from a Hong Kong-based nano-technology firm.
Nano-technology based on the nanometer, the unit of which is a billionth of a meter, enables scientists to have new concepts of disease diagnosis and treatment on a molecular(分子)and atomic scale, Cheng said.  
By using nanometer particles, a doctor can separate the fetus cells(胚胎细胞)from the blood of a pregnant woman to see if the development of the fetus is normal. This method is also being used in the early diagnosis of cancer and heart disease, he said.  
One of the most significant impacts of nano-technology is at the bio-inorganic materials interface, according to Greg Tegart, executive advisor of the APEC Center for Technology Foresight.  
"By combining enzymes(酶)and silicon chips we can produce biosensors. These could be implanted in humans or animals to monitor health and to deliver corrective doses(剂量)of drugs," he told the participants a technology forum during the exhibition.  
"Nano-technology could affect the production of nearly every man-made object, from automobiles, tires and computer circuits(电路), to advanced medicines and tissue replacement, and lead to the invention of objects yet to be imagined," said David Minns, a special advisor to the National Research Council of Canada.  
It has been shown that carbon nano-tubes are ten times as strong as steel, with one sixth of the weight, and nano-scale systems have the potential to make supersonic transport cost- effective and to increase computer efficiency by millions of times, he said.
The experts agreed that the APEC technology exhibition and trade fair provided many chances for exchanges of innovative ideas and products.
小题1:Realization of the dreams mentioned in the first paragraph will mainly base on ________.
A.APEC B.Chinese scientist
C.the APEC Center for Technology Foresight D.Nano-technology
小题2:The length of a nanometer equals to ______.
A. meter B. meter C. meter D. meter
小题3:We can imply from what David Minns said that _________.
A.Nano-technology could only be used to invent new objects.
B.Nano-technology could be widely used to produce or invent objects.
C.Nano-technology is a money-consuming technology.
D.Nano-technology can not be used to improve the service of Internet.
小题4: Compared to steel, carbon nano-tubes are ________.
A.stronger and lighter B.lighter but as strong
C.stronger but as light D.poor in quality
kk_nono 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%

翻译句子,Smart eating goes beyond analyzing every bite of food y
翻译句子,Smart eating goes beyond analyzing every bite of food you lift to you mouth
mori0713 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
饮食的最佳境界就是超越了只关注你嘴里咀嚼的每样东西 意译就是吃的最高境界已经不是只关注食物本身的口味或其他直观的感受了
英语翻译Analyzing the two presented signcryption schemes,it can
Analyzing the two presented signcryption schemes,it can be observed that in case of Shnorr signcryption the computation of s,which is s = x + (r* Xa) mod q,is less consuming comparing with the formula used in ElGamal algorithm,where s is s = x/(r+Xa) mod q.
shllzb 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率95.8%
分析这两个展示的签密(应该是数字签名加密)方案,从中可以观察到假设Shnorr 签密法是以s作为计算的,这个方法的s=x + (r* Xa) mod(模除) q,比用s = x/(r+Xa) mod q的ElGamal 算法的公式的消耗要少
英语翻译OK,you ask,so what traits can be found while analyzing h
OK,you ask,so what traits can be found while analyzing handwriting?Many traits can be shown provided the writing is in cursive (草书的),because printing has some limitations.Cursive provides the analyst with the upstrokes (向上的一笔) in writing which are very important.Many personality traits including being outgoing,temper,anger towards the opposite sex,generosity and hundreds more can be found when analyzing handwriting.
酷酷小狗 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
OK,you ask,so what traits can be found while analyzing handwriting?Many traits can be shown provided the writing is in cursive (草书的),because printing has some limitations.Cursive provides the analyst with the upstrokes (向上的一笔) in writing which are very important.Many personality traits including being outgoing,temper,anger towards the opposite sex,generosity and hundreds more can be found when analyzing handwriting.
cad2008 弹出 error analyzing internal islands是什么样意思?
amywu710 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
求一句英文,手工准确analyzing the effect of some arbitraryexpansion of
analyzing the effect of some arbitrary
expansion of the population on the
variance of the logarithm of income
波芯飞扬 共回答了29个问题 | 采纳率89.7%
please translate"The pros and cons of analyzing data from di
please translate"The pros and cons of analyzing data from different sections." 3Q!
The pros and cons of analyzing data from different sections separately versus combining multiple sections.
PS:cant type Chinese now,sorry guys.
分开4发 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
不同部门的数据分开处理 与 结合多个部门的数据进行分析 的 利弊.
英语翻译可以翻译成:analyzing the energy efficiency among transportati
可以翻译成:analyzing the energy efficiency among transportation department in China吗?among的用法是否正确?另外“与国际的差距”该怎么说?
cyellen 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
analyze the gap between the energy efficiency of China's transportation departments and that of the world.
Structural grammar placed great emphasis on analyzing the __
Structural grammar placed great emphasis on analyzing the ___ system of Language.
vtang1207 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
各位高手帮我看看有语法错误没有On the basis of analyzing job burnout charact
On the basis of analyzing job burnout characteristics,expression,harmfulness and influencing factors ,the preventive measures of youth teacher in middle school is put forward ,which can help teachers self-regulation and provide guidance for a comprehensive understand of education and concern of teacher.
z_mushou 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
Based on the analysis of job burnout characteristics, expressions, harmfulness and influencing factors, preventive measures against job burnout for young middle school teachers are proposed to help them with their self-regulation as well as providing guidance for a comprehensive understanding of these teachers' wellbeing and development.