What a ______ / faɪn / day to climb the mountain with f

森林之雨2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

What a ______ / faɪn / day to climb the mountain with friends!
A.fun B.fine C.find D.funny


朴鲁1981 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%



这题怎么计帐Blue Mountain Power Company obtained authorization to
Blue Mountain Power Company obtained authorization to issue 20-year bonds with a face value of $100 million.The bonds are dated May 1,2013,and have a contract rate of interest of 10 percent.They pay interest on November 1 and May 1.The bonds were issued on August 1,2013,at 100 plus three months' accrued interest.
tyfg_123 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
When we got to the t____ of the mountain,we all felt tired.
水瓶Jina 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
根据中文完成句子.这座山比那座山高得多.This mountain is ___ ___ ___ than that o
根据中文完成句子.这座山比那座山高得多.This mountain is ___ ___ ___ than that one.
九水回澜 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
This mountain is much higher than that one.
The village lies at the foot of the mountain,_________ the v
The village lies at the foot of the mountain,_________ the villagers draw much profit.
A.from where
B.from which
C.for it
D.for which
hawa2 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
the villagers draw much profit from there.
第一篇:Last month,I went to the mountain village which mygrandp
Last month,I went to the mountain village which my
grandparents live.It is five years until Ilast went there.Great
changes have been taken place in the past five years.Hardly had
I got off the bus than a high water tower came into my eyes.Now
villagers can drink fresh water.Villagers no long use firewood.
Marsh gas,a new type of cheap and clean energy,make it very
convenient to cook and light.As impressed me most was that the best
building in the village is the school.There all children can receive
good education.I was greatly shocking to see all the changes in the
countryside.I believe the villagers will have better life in the future.
Yesterday Mr.Smith,from Canada,gave us a lecture
about his country.As a second largest country in the world ,
it covers with about a quarter of the world's land area .
But it's population is very small,about 32 million.
People in Canada mainly say French and English.The
weather in Canada is quite differently from area to area.
There are many lakes in Canada ,which supply them with
one three of the world's fresh water .Canada also has a lot
of forests which makes it the biggest producer of paper in
the world .Beside ,Canada also has much beautiful scenery.
There is a old couple living near our school.
They have lived a simple and peaceful life until
the husband was diagnosed with a rare illness.
A lot of attempt had been made to hide the
fact which the old man developed a serious illness .
Therefore ,he finally learned the secret .Instead of
losing his heart ,the old man hugged his wife tightly ,
convincing her that he wouldn't easy give up .Many
a person were moved to tears ,including me .I always
believe God helps those whoever help themselves.
为啥我就不能激活 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
在live后加in ,until改为since,been去掉,make改为makes,As改为What,shocking改为shocked,have后加a;
英文文章要关于:1.Which mountain is the highest in the world?Where i
1.Which mountain is the highest in the world?Where is it?How high is it?
2.When was the Nanpu Bridge built?How long did it take to finish the bridge?
alextommyzhang 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
1.About Himalayas
Region:Northern Part Of Indian Sub-Continent
Also Known As:Himvan,Himvat,Himachal And Himadri
Famous Peaks:Mount Everest,Kunchenjunga,K2,Nanga Parbat
Himalayas - The Great Snowy Ranges
In a memorable verse of the 鈥楰umarsambhava鈥?the famous Sanskrit poet Kalidasa compares the Himalaya to a gigantic measuring rod striding the earth between two oceans.The snow-capped peaks are indeed the most impressive feature.Himalaya,a Sankrit word,which means ' The Abode Of Snow' and all other names used to describe this mountain range associate it with eternal snow - 鈥淗imvan鈥?鈥淗imvat鈥?鈥淗imachal鈥 and 鈥淗imadri鈥?
Interestingly,a vast shallow sea,the Tethys,existed where the Himalaya stands today.The submerged landmasses on either side started pushing towards each other,giving birth to these mountains.This was a relatively recent occurrence in the geographical time frame,so the Himalaya is considered a young and fragile land formation.Scientists speculate that the whole process took five to seven million years.Fossil finds at heights of over 8,000 metres (26,000 feet) support these theories.The Himalaya has risen about 2,000 metres (6,600 feet) in the past 20,000 years and continues to rise at the rate of 7.5 to 10 centimetres (3-4 inches) a year.
The High And Mighty
The Himalaya is the world's mightiest mountain range.No other chain can boast of peaks of 8,000 metres (26,000 feet).In the Himalaya there are 14 such peaks and hundreds of summits over 7,000 metres (23,000 feet) high.The range of mountains stretches 2,700-kms (1,700 miles) across an area between Assam and Kashmir.In the east,Namche Barwa stands sentinel; the western extremity is guarded by the awesome Nanga Parbat.
Varied Instances
The snow-capped,frost-crusted peaks have posed a challenge not only to the physical prowess of adventures; they have also inspired sublime metaphysics and lyrical poetry.There are innumerable references to this king of mountains,the glistening divinity,and the noble soul.
The earliest is in the Rig Veda.Singing the praise of the supreme deity,the poet sages refer to the Himalaya:'It is to He to whom belong these celestial mountain ranges.' These sages also describe its stretch as:'the expanse of the two arms of the great being'.The epic Ramayana and Mahabharat,and the Puranas,describe this as the region where the Gods dwell,and the landscape is evoked beautifully in classical poetical works.According to the 鈥淪kanda Purana鈥 notes:'As the sun dries the morning dew so does the mere sight of the Himalaya dissipate the sins of man.'
Rivers Running Through It!
The Himalaya is the source of many great rivers of the Indian subcontinent.The Indus or Sindhu (the river rising out of a lion's mouth) rises in the trans-Himalayan Tibetan Plateau,as does the Brahmaputra.The Ganga and Yamuna,with their countless colourful Himalayan tributaries,are inextricably intertwined with local myths and legends.
Securing The Lands
For centuries,the Himalaya acted as the bulwark of Indian security,serving as the great divide between India and Tibet.The rugged terrain deterred all but the most dauntless from risking their lives on perilous journeys in the icy heights.But,difficult though many of the passes and valleys were,they did not prevent a slow penetration by determined and hardy souls for the purposes of trade and pilgrimage.It must be remembered that the Himalayan region has also served through history as a melting pot of races,religions and cultures.
The vast Himalaya is far from being a homogenous region.It is,in fact,a region of remarkable variety.'Himachal' (steadfast snows),is the term used to denote the lesser Himalaya; the outer rim rises sharply from the foothills,which are called the 'Doars',from the Sanskrit 鈥楧var鈥 (gateway).The greater Himalayas themselves are referred to as the 'Himadri'.' Uttarakhand' is a loose,general term covering all the northern territories; it also denotes Kumaon and Garhwal as a unit.
Outlining the North Indian Subcontinent
Although the Himalaya can be traced to the Arakans and Arunachal in the east,its majesty is truly encountered only when one reaches Bhutan and Sikkim.The 8,682 metre (28,483-foot)-tall Kanchenjunga overshadows all else in Sikkim.This beautiful mountain is considered sacred by Hindus and Buddhists alike and its name translates as the ' Treasure of Five Jewels'.It is the third-highest mountain in the world.
Uttaranchal lies in the central sector of the Himalaya,its boundaries marked by the Kali River in the east and the river Sutlaj in the west.Once,third of the land here consists of barren rocks,ridges and wild gorges.The 7,890-metre (25,885-feet) high Nanda Devi is the highest peak here followed by Kamet,Trishuli and the Panchachuli.
Himachal Pradesh:
Himachal Pradesh lies further west,and Kinner Kailash in Kinnaur,is the most famous peak in this region.The Dhauladhar Range may not boast of many high peaks but it exudes a quaint charm of its own.
Trans Himalayan Region
The trans- Himalayan region proper is encountered in Ladakh,the northernmost part of the Indian Himalayas.Before the district of Kargil was carved out of it,Ladakh was the largest district of India.It is bounded to the north by the Kunlun and Karakoram mountains and to the south by the Zanskar ranges.Mountain ranges run parallel to each other in the southeast and the northwest.
The famous Silk Route passed through Leh,meaning 'oasis',which is the district headquarters of present-day Ladakh.Until recently,caravans rested here before and after crossing the dangerous passes.The highest pass traversed through the Karakoram is at 5,628 metre (18,464 feet).The confluences of the Indus River and the Shyok,Zanskar,Nubra and the Drass rivers are in Ladakh.The landscape is almost lunar and the climate extremely arid.It is here that the Himalaya begins to taper down and merges into the Hindukush skirting the heartland of Asia.
Nanpu Bridge
The 8,346-meter-long bridge has an under-clearance of 46 metres,thus allowing ships with a tonnage of 55,000 to pass under it.As a cable-stayed bridge,its main bridge is 846 metres long and 30.35 metres wide,divided into six lanes.The approaches have a combined length of 7,500 metres and the West Shanghai spiral approach is 3,754 metres long.The bridge called a total investment of 820 million yuan and was completed and opened to traffic on December 1,1991.The bridge spans the Huangpu River like a flying dragon and it has helped the locals to make their dream of "having a bridge across the Huangpu River" come true.Now the Nanpu bridge is open to tourists.
We were hiking at Wutong Mountain this afternoon.改为一般疑问句
luoposhuishui 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
Were you hiking at Wutong Mountain this afternoon?
一个相当简单的英语问题I went hiking in Baiyun Mountain .可不可以用 Where did
I went hiking in Baiyun Mountain .可不可以用 Where did you go 提问
我刚下考场 我就是这么写的 可是我们班好多同学都说是What did you do
zhudizhu 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
可以.因为Where did you go?是问“你去了哪里?”,而原句意思是“我到白云山远足”,符合句意.
there was once a big mountain
该撒谎 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
高中英语非谓语动词单选题.On reaching the top of the mountain,we were ple
On reaching the top of the mountain,we were pleased to find the tree ____ five years ago had grown tall.
A.planted B.having been planted
luilui1122 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
A 注意空格后面是tree ____ five years ago 说明是五年前中的那棵树
而B的话应该改为这样tree ____ for five years
qomolangma—the most dangerous mountain in the word?
qomolangma—the most dangerous mountain in the word?
The Himalayas run along the southwestern border of china of all the peaks,Qomolangma is the highest and most famous.it is dangerous to climb Qomolangma because thick clouds cover the top of the mountain.even more serious difficulties include the freezing weather conditions and the heavy storms
huyanyueer 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%

英语翻译Long,long ago there was a little boy in a mountain villa
Long,long ago there was a little boy in a mountain village.he was very good in reading,but his family was very poor to buy him any books.in another village far away from his,there lived a rich man who had a bookstore,in w he kept lots of good books.the rich man liked making friends with those who were poor and learned.he was very kind and honest,and was quite different from other rich men.the poor little boy knew this and went to call on him.he asked the rich man to lend him some books.seeing that the little boy was so eager to learn,the rich man agreed.he told the boy to keep the books clean and return them on time.the boy nodded with many thanks and went home with several books he had borrowed.he had worked very hard,reading night and day .Even in hard winter or in high summer he never stopped reading or writing.he kept on making notes and reading .he always finished reading the books in a given time and was never late in returning themn to the owner.so he could read plenty of helpful books.when he grew up,he became one of the grestest scholars of his day.
一棵香蕉树 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
【高考语法题】非谓语动词While building a tube through the mountain, ____
While building a tube through the mountain, _____.
A.there was an underground lake discovered
B.the workers discovered an underground lake
只想做个ii 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
楼主~一定是B,答案也可能是错的.从句非谓语动词building的主语应该是the workers的.如果是高考真题楼主可以再搜份答案看下错没,希望能帮得上忙
Health care in remote mountainous areas is very limited as t
Health care in remote mountainous areas is very limited as there are no doctors or nurses in the villages------no one has the __________ to pay them. This way sick people will __________ die.
A.means, eventually B.ways, mysteriously
C.methods, gradually D.approaches, unfortunately
倾听gg 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%

The road to the mountain has been _____ by the heavy snow fo
The road to the mountain has been _____ by the heavy snow for almost a month.
A.cut down B.cut off C.cut up D.cut in
BrowseNews 共回答了29个问题 | 采纳率96.6%

This is the mountain village (which) I visited last year.为什么
This is the mountain village (which) I visited last year.为什么用which不用where.
江湖James 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
I visited last year 这部分是定语从句
由于visited 是及物动词,及物动词是必须要有宾语的,所以要用关系代词which(或者that),where 是关系副词,不能作宾语,所以排除
In a few years'time ,the mountain here _________(cover)with
In a few years'time ,the mountain here _________(cover)with trees
thet did ________ (fair) well in the exam.
zhenqiaos 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率76.5%
is covered
flyzc007 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
按规律写词语【英语The summer palace ,The huangshan Mountain ,只要一个
风风0 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
the Long River
the Lu Mountain
why won't Amy go mountain climbing.___ she will visit the Gr
why won't Amy go mountain climbing.___ she will visit the Great Wall.
a:Maybe b:May be c:Can d:May
笑笑很简单 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
选A 同样是表示推测 但是 B是明显的错误 因为多出的be 和will 谓语动词重复了
如果选C的话 D也可以的 都是推测之意
倒装的问题At the top of the mountain stood a temple. 句子中的stood a
At the top of the mountain stood a temple. 句子中的stood a temple 为什么是倒装的语气 而且 为什么要用stood 而不是主动语态啊
cet6 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
there comes the car.这也是倒装.
但是,the he comes,这是个特例!自己体会体会哦
When he was a boy,he _____(study)in a mountain village schoo
When he was a boy,he _____(study)in a mountain village school.
yyqslly 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
英语改错 第一个The south of the mountain lies a small v
英语改错 第一个The south of the mountain lies a small v
第一个The south of the mountain lies a small village when the villagers lead a peaceful and quiet life
第二个 Canada is inthe north of America
第三个 Shanghai is famous as its advanced technology
一刀不能两断 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
第一个:when 改 where
第二个:in 改 on
第三个:as 改 fo
They will meet(at the end,feet,foot)(选一个}of the mountain并说明为
They will meet(at the end,feet,foot)(选一个}of the mountain并说明为什么
tornado1976 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
at foot of the mountain,固定用法,在山脚
在这座山上,你可以鸟瞰整个城市 On this mountain,you can get___ ___ ___ ___t
在这座山上,你可以鸟瞰整个城市 On this mountain,you can get___ ___ ___ ___the city
找出下列句子中的错误并改正 帮个忙
she wants visit hongkong buy some cheap but beautiful clothes
In some poor area,children can't go to school
The girl wants try different kinds of delicious food in shanghai
There are many places of interest in Beijing
His mother is from the north of China,so she likes eating dumpling
ABCD2577 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率95.8%
鸟瞰:a bird's-eye view of
she wants 【加to】visit hongkong 【加and】buy some cheap but beautiful clothes
In some poor area,【改为areas】children can't go to school
The girl wants 【加to】try different kinds of delicious food in shanghai
There are many places of interest in Beijing.【无错误】
His mother is from the north of China,so she likes eating dumpling【改为dumplings】
After reaching the top of the mountain,all of us sat on the
After reaching the top of the mountain,all of us sat on the ground,________
A tiredly and hungrily B tired and hungrily
C tired and hungry D tiredly and hungry
Zhoubin1974 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
I went ( )in a mountain with my friends.
yexiao908 共回答了6个问题 | 采纳率16.7%
高中英语语法题一道,We climbed up the mountain ridge views of the vall
We climbed up the mountain ridge views of the valley below.(fantastic)
ellaone 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%

我提供楼主一个参考答案:from where/which we saw fantastic

from where/which we saw fantastic views of the valley below
= we saw fantastic views of the valley below (from where/which)
= we saw fantastic views of the valley below (from the mountain ridge)

--We covered 6 miles till we got to the foot of the mountain
--We covered 6 miles till we got to the foot of the mountain.-Did you walk__far?
why choose
麦克巴拉克 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
such 后接名词```
请问:at 2473 metres,it is the highest mountain pass in Europe.
请问:at 2473 metres,it is the highest mountain pass in Europe.句中at的意思以及句子的结构.
at 对于'高度',似乎翻译不通,后面为什么不加high
AVENELU 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
如果没有前文,at 2473 metres(在2473米)这个介词短语就是真正的主语,it是形式主语,指的就是at 2473 metres
they can climb their way up the mountain 这句话怎么翻译啊
liilii 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
We ----(go) to climb Jin Yun Mountain as it ----(stop) raini
We ----(go) to climb Jin Yun Mountain as it ----(stop) raining.
A vase ----(use) for holding flowers.
Many people begin their day by -----(read) the newspaper.
Nowadays the students like to spend more time -----(play) in the compoter houses.
温柔如梦 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
go ,stops
is used
As I grew up in a small village at the foot of a mountain, t
As I grew up in a small village at the foot of a mountain, the visit to the village ______ scenes
of my childhood.

[ ]

A. called up
B. called for
C. called on
D. called in
淡定就是ee 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
关于英语中的否定表达在Brokeback Mountain里,有一段是Annis的老婆在厨房里说起了Annis和Jack
在Brokeback Mountain里,有一段是Annis的老婆在厨房里说起了Annis和Jack的事,Annis很愤怒地对她说:“You don't know nothing”.按道理他是要说“你什么都不知道”才对,那怎么不是说“You don't know anything”呢?“You don't know nothing”不是已经双重否定了吗?不懂啊,望有高手赐教.
HJH1966 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率96%
这里既不是双否定,也不是那些不符合逻辑的说法,而是美国黑人英语的一个现象.黑人英语中这种所谓貌似双否定,实际上都是就是一个否定句.这句话就等于:You don't know anything.orYou know nothing.黑人英语的这种现象...
英语 按要求做题1.The name of this place is (Black Mountain) 对括号里的单词
英语 按要求做题
1.The name of this place is (Black Mountain) 对括号里的单词提问
2.Peter is fat.His father is fatter.His mother is the fattest.合成一个句子
3.This boy (in blue shoes) is the thinnest one in his class.对括好里的单词提问
4.(Elephants) are the heaviest animals on land.对括号里面的单词提问
5.He is shorter than his father.写出一个同义句
鱼已上岸 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
What's the name of this place?
Which boy is the thinest one in his class?
What are the heaviest animals on land?
His father is taller than him.
come to turtl mountain
supersyg 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
come to turtl mountain?
come to turtle mountain?
It was while he was visiting his uncle in a mountain village

It was while he was visiting his uncle in a mountain village ______ he got the inspiration for his new novel.
A.that B.which C.when D.where
悠悠一夏 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%

高中英语单选 helpThe mountain is so steep that we have to climb to
高中英语单选 help
The mountain is so steep that we have to climb to the top on foot instead of_______.
B.by bus
C.climbing by bus
D.to climb by bus
答案是选B,为何不选C?instead of 后面不要-ing
heiyindan 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率76.9%
instead of 后面跟什么东西应该看它最靠近的单词或者词组,不要一味的记忆后面只能跟ing形式的动词,要回灵活运用,这个题目呢,instead of 前面最近的是onfoot 所以答案选择B 如果要选择C呢应为climbing to the topby bus
The air in the Nanshan Mountain is fresh.(改为感叹句)
giycljnx 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
How fresh the air in the Nanshan Mountain is!
As I grew up in a small town at the foot of a mountain, the
As I grew up in a small town at the foot of a mountain, the visit to the village ____ scenes of my
[ ]
A. called up
B. called for
C. called on
D. called in
mogoli 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
It 's (too) hard (to) reach the top of the mountain.为什么要用too
It 's (too) hard (to) reach the top of the mountain.为什么要用too和to?
It 's () hard () reach the top of the mountain。
a.so;that b.not;and c.not only d.too;to
luoyi007 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
老师,桂林山水甲天下用英语怎么说啊.格式 Guilin_____________its mountain and riv
老师,桂林山水甲天下用英语怎么说啊.格式 Guilin_____________its mountain and rivers.
下雨53 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率80%
is famous for因为.而出名
— I want to buy the book Cold Mountain. Do you know its
— I want to buy the book Cold Mountain. Do you know its _____?
— Not very clearly. Maybe fifty yuan.

[ ]

A. cover
B. size
C. color
D. price
我是小妮儿 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
they began to climb the mountain after they had bought all t
they began to climb the mountain after they had bought all the food and drin
虾米gg 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率69.2%
.I’ll never forget the mountain_______I climbed with my dad
.I’ll never forget the mountain_______I climbed with my dad last year.
A.which B.who C.where D.when
uey273982w 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%

the American man who is interested in mountain climbing is A
the American man who is interested in mountain climbing is Aron Ralston 这句话对么?
雨路_ii 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
We saw the mountain when the clouds_______(lift)
We saw the mountain when the clouds_______(lift)
When the stone_______(lift),they found a gold ring under it.
平凡wn 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
1.We saw the mountain when the clouds_had lifted_(lift)
lift 在此句是不及物动词“消散”,不能用被动语态
2.had been lifted
lift 这一动作发生在过去动作found 之前,是过去的过去,故用过去完成时的被动语态
朋友是你的一座山,用英语怎么说.可以用friend is a mountain of you
朋友是你的一座山,用英语怎么说.可以用friend is a mountain of you
friend is a mountain of you 这么说行吗
似的看法 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
你这样翻译不是不可以,叫metaphor、simile (比喻)
Friends llike the water in the desert.
Friends is your never-dying weath in life.
There is a group of sheep at the bottom of the mountain.这是一句
There is a group of sheep at the bottom of the mountain.这是一句正确的句子吗?
kuifang350 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%