There are many customs and traditions connected to yearly ce

adsfghkjgrdth2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

There are many customs and traditions connected to yearly celebrations which are part of Britain’s folklore (民俗). Lughnasadh is a celebration at the beginning of August. A custom connected with it is to make corn dolls with corn from the last of the harvest. The doll is saved until the following spring when it is put back into the earth with new seeds. People believe that the doll contains the spirit of the corn and will bring a good harvest. Christmas too is full of ancient customs. The traditions of lighting a fire and decorating the home with an evergreen have their roots in times long before Christianity. The fire is to keep away evil spirits and fill the home with light and the evergreen is valued because it is a sign that life continued during those cold, dark days.
Not all the origins of ancient traditions are remembered, however. The roots of Morris dancing, for example, are not known. This is a dance in which men (and sometimes women ) dressed in white dance together. Some people think the dance may be from pre-Christmas times, and others say it was introduced into Britain in the late 15 th century and that it comes from Moorish dancing. In any case, it is interesting to see that Morris dancing is not a dying tradition. There are Morris dancing groups in places as far away as New Zealand and San Francisco!
Although these customs have been passed down to us from forgotten generations, they themselves have not been forgotten and continue to play a part in our modern lives. Every week groups of individuals regularly meet to sing, play instruments or practice ancient dances and this month people all over Britain shall be preparing their homes for the ancient celebration we now call Christmas, lighting fires and putting up Christian trees, just as their great-great–grandfathers once did.
小题1:Why are corn dolls used to celebrate Lughnasadh? (no more than 14 words)(2分)
小题2:How do people celebrate Christmas according to the passage?(no more than 10 words)(2分)
小题3:What idea does the underlined sentence try to support ? (no more than 11words)(3分)
小题4:What’s the main idea of the passage? ( no more than 9 words) (3分)


老余 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
小题1:Because they contain the spirit of the corn and will bring a good harvest.
小题2:By lighting a fire and decorating the home with an evergreen.
小题3:To prove that Morris dancing isn’t a dying tradition.
小题4:Many customs and traditions are connected to yearly celebrations.



英语翻译因为爆仓(over booking),我不得不订一个不利于做箱(stuff cargo)、报关(customs
因为爆仓(over booking),我不得不订一个不利于做箱(stuff cargo)、报关(customs declaration)的船期,所以产生了落箱费(drop fee)USD40.请知悉.
eauap 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
爆仓是over booking?
Due to the overload of stock, I have to order a shipment date which is not benefit our stuff cargo and customs clearance. So there became a drop fee worth USD40. Please noted. Thank you
Are they customs officers or hairdressers?
Are they customs officers or hairdressers?
这个疑问句 怎么读?
第1个名词升读 还是第2个名词升读 还是全都用升读
binghai007 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率96.2%
customs officers升
1.With()knowledge of a country's customs and culture,you can
1.With()knowledge of a country's customs and culture,you can easily adapt to ()life there.
A.the;不填 B.a;the C.不填;a D.the ;a(我选的A,
2.typoon bopha this week hit the south of philippines() by tropical storms normally,causing widespread flooding.
A.not affecting B.not affected C.having not affected D.was not affected(我选的D,
紅頭 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
1、with a knowlege of 是个固定搭配,掌握了,了解……的意思.they有特指的用法,the life是特指前面所提到的 a country's customs and culture
2、philippines和 tropical storms 是被动关系,所以用ed形式,又因为一个句子中只能有一个动词,前面已经出现了hit,所以后面不能再出现动词was
3、过去完成时had done指动作发生在过去的过去
现在完成时have been doing 指一个动作从过去开始一直延续到现在,甚至将来还有可能进行
一般过去时wasweredid一般看标志词,例如yesterday,this year等
短文填词Different customs in drinking tea Every year around Tomb
Different customs in drinking tea
Every year around Tomb-Sweeping Day,people g____1___ and pick tea.Tea is an e___2___ drink in China,Chinese people enjoy tea with snacks,dishes,and b__3__ or after meals.When a friend comes,the host will m__4__ him or her a cup of tea.At a family gathering,young people offer the elders a cup of tea to s___5__ their respect.Things are d___6__ in England.British people usually drink tea in the a___7__.Afternoon tea goes with sandwiches and delicious c___8__.They usually add m___9__ to the tea too.Taking afternoon tea is a w__10__ of relaxing.
1 _________ 6 _________ 2 _________ 7 _________ 3 _________ 8 _________
南-无 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率80%
1.grow种植 2.especial 特别的,3.before在...之前 4.make 泡(茶)5.show表示,展示 6.different 不同的 7.afternoon下午 8.cookies 9.milk牛奶 10.way方式,方法
求助英文the officials in the Customs at London Airport were very
the officials in the Customs at London Airport were very polite
MayfangChina 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
-- Did you read a book about customs last week?
-- Did you read a book about customs last week?
-- Yes, I found ______ very useful to know the customs of foreign countries.
A.that B.this’s
马尔代妻 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%

1.The culture and customs of America are more like ____ of E
1.The culture and customs of America are more like ____ of England than of any other country.
A.those B.that C.what D.which
2.I intended to compare notes with a friend,but unfortunately ____ could not spare me even a minute.
A.they C.who
3.I have neither a raincoat nor an umbrella.____ I got wet through.
A.It is the reason B.That is why C.There is why D.It is how
4.A net is to a fisherman ____ a gun is to a hunter. B.which D.what
5.In our school there is a reading room,____ the students often go to read newspapers. which B.which which which
6.All of the flowers now raised here have developed from those ____ in the forest.
A.once they grew B.they grew once C.that once grew D.once grew
7.The professor could hardly find any sufficient grounds ____ his arguments in favor of the new theory. be based on base on C.which to base on D.on which to base
8.The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months,____ the sailing time was 226 days.
A.of which B.during which C.from which D.for which
taobao01 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
those 指代前文的The culture and customs ,如果只有一个名词的话,就用that指代.
2.有问题!如果前面的a friend 是frieds,就 选A
that is why...这就是...的原因.我们也不能说:this is why
A is to B what C is to D :A和B的关系就好像C和D的关系.
非限定性定语从句,先行词是a reading room,后半句要翻译成 “同学们在这个阅览室里读书“所以用in which或where
主语是All of the flowers now raised here (在这里种植的花)
谓语是have developed from
宾语:those,在这里those 应当是those flowers
我们选的这个空that once grew in the forest是定语从句,修饰those的.
不能选AB的原因是they 和those 重复了.不能选d的原因是关系代词that 不能省略.
这里用的结构式:介词+which to do 它不是定语从句,跟定语从句有点相似.但是,介词不能像定语从句那样放在后面.所以不能选C
非限定性定语从句,先行词是nine months,后半句要翻译成 " 在这九个月的期间,有226天是在航海.”.所以要用during which
Through the customs at the capital airport,I had to pay ____
Through the customs at the capital airport,I had to pay _____ on the camera I had bought.A.taxes
Through the customs at the capital airport,I had to pay _____ on the camera I had bought.A.taxes B.duty C.toll D.custom 请详解
圆圆1123 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
B. duty
pay duty on: 付关税
—Did you have any trouble with the customs officer?
—Did you have any trouble with the customs officer?
—________ to speak of.
A.No    B.Nothing C.None D.Neither
泰山高木 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%

none=no+前述名词,此处用none代指no trouble,to speak of为固定短语,表示"值得一提的",用于否定句。
Are you a Customs officer?变复数形式怎么变
叶紫夕 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
Are you Customs officers?
Do you have anything to declare for customs?
五月的桅子 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
I contacted our customs service too - maybe the delivery got
I contacted our customs service too - maybe the delivery got stuck there?I will keep you updated as soon as I have any news.
股股生威168 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
I contacted our customs service too - maybe the delivery got stuck there?!我联系了我们的海关服务——也许交付卡住了?!I will keep you updated as soon as I have any news.我会与你保持更新一旦我有任何消息....
These different forms of customs might seem strange to you,
These different forms of customs might seem strange to you, remember _____ you consider
normal probably seems strange to others, though.
[ ]
A. that what
B. what that
C. that
D. /
织天之冀 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率96%
myjay127 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
They like him,still used to bother the customs.
customs海关时作单数 那么复数海关用什么
20012871 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
求翻译as a way to facilitate customs clearance can be made? I d
求翻译as a way to facilitate customs clearance can be made? I do not intendi about the parameters?
音乐CJM 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
英语文化生活 阅读短文回答问题 wedding customs are different fo
英语文化生活 阅读短文回答问题 wedding customs are different fo
m one cou
阳邑煤矿 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
In order to figure out if the marriage customs of the Jews i
In order to figure out if the marriage customs of the Jews in Kaifeng have an impact on the contemporary culture in relation to marriage,a questionnaire will be given out to thirty participants.if they have witnessed seven lanterns being lit during a marriage ceremony.If it is found that the participants did witness such an event in their questionnaires,the participants will have exhibited a positive relationship between their own marriage customs,and those customs of the historical Jews who lived in their city.If a majority of the participants are seen to engage in this practice,this study will deem the Jewish customs to have survived into the modern era and effected the contemporary culture of the city.
hellostena 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
In order to figure out if the marriage customs of the Jews in Kaifeng have an impact on the contemporary culture in relation to marriage,a questionnaire will be given out to thirty participants.if they have witnessed seven lanterns being lit during a marriage ceremony.
If it is found that the participants did witness such an event in their questionnaires,the participants will have exhibited a positive relationship between their own marriage customs,and those customs of the historical Jews who lived in their city.
If a majority of the participants are seen to engage in this practice,this study will deem the Jewish customs to have survived into the modern era and effected the contemporary culture of the city.
Discuss eating customs in different countries,using the obje
Discuss eating customs in different countries,using the object clause
1 Is it impolite to eat soup very noisily in most African countries?
2 Can people eat with their left hands in Muslim countries?
3 Will people leave ao soon ao they finish eating in western countries?
4 Do Americans eat food like chicken legs with their fangers?
5 does a formal western dinner always start with a small dish?
例如A;I want to know whether/if it is polite to point with chopsticks at people in China
B;I don't think that it is polite to point with chopsticks at poeple in China
我没有多少时间了 求求各位大哥大姐们了
jingfr 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
A:I want to know whether it is impolite to eat soup very noisily in most African countries.
B:I don't think it is impolite to eat soup very noisily in most African countries.
A:I want to know whether people can eat with their left hands in Muslim countries.
B:I don't think that people can eat with their left hands in Muslim countries.
A:I want to know whether people will leave as soon as they finish eating in western countries.
B:I don't think that people will leave as soon as they finish eating in western countries.
A:I want to know whether Americans eat food like chicken legs with their fingers.
B:I don't think that Americans eat food like chicken legs with their fingers.
A:I want to know whether a formal western dinner always starts with a small dish.
B:I don't think that a formal western dinner always starts with a small dish.
英语翻译1.countervalues in eur for customs purposes invoice subt
1.countervalues in eur for customs purposes invoice subtotal
2.freight AIF
我心比天高 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
Dinner customs are different around the world. If you are a
Dinner customs are different around the world. If you are a guest in Ghana( 加纳), this information will help you a lot.
In Ghana, dinner is usually from four in the afternoon to six in the evening. But there are no strict rules about time. Whenever a guest arrives, a family offers food. When you go to a home, the person who receives guests takes you to the living room first. At this time everyone welcomes you. Then you go to the dinning room. There you wash your hands in a bowl of water. All the food is on the table.
In Ghana you usually eat with your fingers. You eat from the same dish as everyone else .But you eat from one side of the dish only. It is not polite to get food from the other side of the dish. After dinner, you wash your hands again in a bowl of water.
Most meals in Ghana have a dish called fufu. People in Ghana make fufu from the powder(粉末) of some plants. Sometimes they cut the fufu with a saw(锯子) because it is very hard. You must chew(咀嚼) fufu well, or you may get sick. You eat fufu with the fingers of your right hand only.
小题1:From the passage we know that in Ghana ______________.
A.the rules for dinner time are not strict
B.dinner is always at six in the evening
C.a family offers food only at four in the afternoon
D.people usually invite their guests to dinner late in the evening
小题2:People in Ghana usually eat ________.
A.from one side of a dish to the other
B.from the other side of the dish
C.with their fingers
D.with their spoons
小题3:In fact, most dishes in Ghana _______.
A.are cooked with the powder of some plants
B.have fufu in them
C.are too hard to eat
D.are not very hard
小题4:When you eat fufu, you’d better _________.
A.cut it with a saw
B.use your right hand only
C.chew it well
D.all of the above
282412 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%

小题1:根据文章内容Dinner customs are different around the world. If you are a guest in Ghana( 加纳), this information will help you a lot.可知答案为A
小题2:根据文章内容In Ghana, dinner is usually from four in the afternoon to six in the evening. But there are no strict rules about time. Whenever a guest arrives, a family offers food. When you go to a home, the person who receives guests takes you to the living room first.可知答案为C
小题3:根据文章内容Most meals in Ghana have a dish called fufu. People in Ghana make fufu from the powder(粉末) of some plants.可知答案为D
小题4:根据文章内容Sometimes they cut the fufu with a saw(锯子) because it is very hard. You must chew(咀嚼) fufu well, or you may get sick. You eat fufu with the fingers of your right hand only.可知答案为D
Here are some American classroom customs:
Here are some American classroom customs:



cincy 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率88.5%
I have been interested in f( )customs since I wa
I have been interested in f( )customs since I wa
I have been interested in f( )customs since I was little
百佳咖啡FEIFEI 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
foreign ,这么填,外国顾客.
英语翻译30.07.2013 11:01,Held by customs,addressee will be advis
30.07.2013 11:01,Held by customs,addressee will be advised
ka01ak 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
= =是的· 然后说会通知你的·
the customs and culture 谓语用单数还是复数
catguy 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率88%
customs revenue laws在本段中指的是什么?
customs revenue laws在本段中指的是什么?
169.2.Any goods marked or labeled in contravention of the provisions of this Section shall not be imported into the Philippines or admitted entry at any customhouse of the Philippines.The owner,importer,or consignee of goods refused entry at any customhouse under this section may have any recourse under the customs revenue laws or may have the remedy given by this Act in cases involving goods refused entry or seized
被虫咬了的苹果 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
英语翻译Art is influenced by the customs and faith of a people.S
Art is influenced by the customs and faith of a people.Styles in Western art have changed many times.As there are so many different styles of Western art,it would be impossible to describe all of them in such a short text.Consequently,this text will describe only the most important ones,starting from the sixth century AD
wangliqiqi 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
急,马上要,求manners and customs at meals in china,不需要太长,一百字左右即可,今
急,马上要,求manners and customs at meals in china,不需要太长,一百字左右即可,今天要,
天热脱ii 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
Customs and etiquette in Chinese dining are the traditional manners and styles used for eating in the region of China.Compared to Western dining,there are many customs and protocols observed.These apply to almost all aspects of dining,from guest seating to paying the bill.
There are many eating manners that one must pay attention to which date from the time of ancient China,such as how to sit in a banquet or the layout of the place settings.Etiquette governs much of one's conduct at the table.Some rules were out of courtesy and identity,and were called by ancient Chinese "respect for manners"; some others were traditional; and some only concerned the behaviors of certain groups of people (especially women) and were actually not necessary.Whatever their origin,these rules show ancient China's dietary habits and food culture,and some of them are still followed in modern Chinese life.Compliance with these rules sometimes signals a person's status,culture,and family education to others.Because the custom of using banquets to solve problems in business,for friendship,and even in officialdom by the Chinese people,one should pay attention to manners at the table and especially to the Chinese eating taboos.
Both square and rectangular tables are used for small groups of people.When large groups are dining,particularly in restaurants,round tables are common.Because dishes are communal in Chinese dining,large tables make reaching food difficult.For this reason,the Lazy Susan is a common feature.
A basic place setting consists of a small teacup,a large plate with a small,empty rice bowl in the centre,a set of chopsticks on the right hand side of the table,and a spoon.More elaborate place settings may include a chopstick holder,a water- or red wine style glass,and a small baijiu glass.
At each place setting,a cloth napkin may be present.It is ordinarily placed under the place setting,diagonally,so that it appears as a diamond shape to the diner.Unlike formal Western dinners,a cloth napkin is not placed on the lap.Instead,whether provided by the hosts or waitress,or already present,folded at the place setting,it is to be placed with one corner under the large plate of the place setting,and the rest hanging down diagonally over the edge of the table,and partially onto the lap of the diner.
Also present on the table,for communal usage,are toothpicks,and paper napkins.It is polite,when taking a napkin for oneself,to provide one to guests seated next to you.
We need to know something about weatern culture and customs.
We need to know something about weatern culture and customs.(保持原意)
We need to know something about weatern culture and customs.(保持原句意思)
___ ___ for us to know something about western culture and customs.
无语寒 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
_It's__ _necessary__ for us to know something about western culture and customs.
necessary 也可以用 important, essential,等等
I thought ______very useful to know the customs of foreign c
I thought ______very useful to know the customs of foreign go
月盈窗 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
C 形式宾语,后面的不定式是真正的宾语.
the old people knew many customs of____countries.A.another B
the old people knew many customs of____countries.A.another B.the other C.other D.others
sjh324 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
"Here are some American classrome customs:.阅读理解
8628003003 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
here are some american classroom customs:
*if the teacher asks a question,you are expected to give an answer.if you do not understand the question,you should put up your hand and ask the teacher to repeat the question.if you do not know the answer,it is all right to tell the teacher that you do not know.then he or she knows what you need to learn.
*there is no excuse for not doing your homework.if you are absent(缺席),you should call your teacher or someone who is in your class and ask for the assignment(作业).it is your responsibility(责任)to find out what assignments you have is not the teacher’s responsibility to remind you of missed assignments.
*you must not be absent on a test day.if you are seriously ill,call and let the teacher know you will not be there for the test.if your teacher allows make-up tests,you should take the test within one or two days after returning to class.serious illness is the only reason for missing a test.
*be on time!it is considered(认为)rude to be late.also,it disturbs other students.if you must come in late,be sure to do it quietly.have your books and papers out of your bag before you come into the room.then go to your seat and sit the is not necessary to knock before you enter the classroom.if you must leave during class,do so quietly.there is no need to ask the teacher’s permission.entering a teacher’s office or any office with a closed door without knocking first is not acceptable.knock first,then wait to be invited in.
*wearing a hat in class is considered impolite by many teachers.some teachers may ignore it,but you should ask permission first.
1.What should a student do if he or she doesn't understand the teacher's question?
2.If a student misses a class,how can he or she find out the assignment?
3.What is the only reason for missing a test?
4.Is it necessary for a student to knock before he or she enters the classroom
5.Put the sentence "Wearing a hat in class is considered impolite by many teachers." into Chinese.
1.The student should put up his/her hand and ask the teacher to repeat the question.
2.He/She can call his/her teacher or someone in his/her class and ask for the assignment.
3.Serious illness is the only reason for missing a test.
4.No,it isn’t.
If you are traveling __ the customs are really foreign to yo
If you are traveling __ the customs are really foreign to your own,please do as the Romans do. which B.what C.when D.where
yytangwei 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率72.7%
完整的是If you are traveling (to the place) where the customs are really foreign to your own,please do as the Romans do.括号里的省略了.
找英语文章Different countries have different dinner customs. If y
Different countries have different dinner customs. If you are a dinner guest in Ghanna,this information will help you a lot.(开头,绝对手打)
笨猫儿 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
Dinner customs are different around the world.If you are a dinner guest in Ghana,this information may help you a lot.
In Ghana dinner is usually held from four in the afternoon to six in the evening.But there are no strict rules about the time.Whenever a guest arrives,a family offers food.When you go to someone’s home,the person who receives guests will take you to the living room first.At this time everyone welcomes you.Then you go to the dining room where you wash your hands in a bowl of water when all the food is on the table.
In Ghana you usually eat with your fingers.You eat from the same dish as everyone else.But you eat only from one side of the dish.It is not polite to get food from the other side of the dish.After dinner,you wash your hands again in a bowl of water.
Most meals in Ghana contain a dish called fufu.People in Ghana make fufu from the powder of some plants.Sometimes they cut the fufu with a saw because it is very hard.You must chew fufu well,or you may get sick.You eat fufu with the fingers of your right hand only.
帮忙搞份口语对话What are the customs for the Thanksgiving Day in US?
What are the customs for the Thanksgiving Day in US?Can you tell us its origin?Do you know the most important holiday in the western countries?How do they celebrate it?Do you know the most important holiday in China?How do we celebrate it?
cctv5525 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
Information Desk ( Christina老师的讲台 )
1、 football 名词n.美式足球
2、 thankful 形容词adj.感恩的
3、 grow up 动词v.长大
4、 appreciate 动词v.
5、 tradition 名词n.传统
Conversation A(在对话中,Emma、Pam、Amy、Jack、Tom、Jason等都会经常出现)
Tom:There is one Thanksgiving custom I haven’t done yet this year.
Amy:Watch a football game?
Tom:No,I did that.
Jack:What’s the custom?
Tom:At home,every person in our family talks about something we are thankful for.
Emma:That’s a good idea.Do you want to start?
Tom:Sure,I’m thankful for friends who eat pie with me.
Amy:You’re not just thankful for a pie?
Tom:I know I don’t say it often.But I’m thankful for you guys.
Conversation B
Jack:I’m thankful for my family.I’m glad I can live near them and watch my nephew grow up.
Emma:That’s great.I wish I could live near my family.
Amy:I’m thankful for my job.I take it for granted most of the time.I forget that not everyone has a job.
Emma:That’s true.I’m thankful that the Jungle Cafe’s Thanksgiving dinner is over.
本段最后给出了今天问题的答案,Emma is thankful that the Jungle cafe’s Thanksgiving dinner is over.
Conversation C
Amy:Emma,would you do the Thanksgiving dinner again next year?People really appreciated it.
Emma:I’m not sure if it will become a tradition or not.It was a lot of work.
Jack:We could ask more people to help next year.It was a blessing to help others.
Amy:I agree.
Tom:I’d like to volunteer for next year.
Emma:What would you like to do?
Tom:I would like to taste all the dishes before you serve them.
Information Desk
take something for granted认为某事理所当然
if…or not是否,
Calendar Phrase
I’m full!我吃饱了!
I forget that not everyone ...
例句有:I forget that not everyone wants children.
翻译:It took us only four minutes to get through the Customs.
yinjiandadao 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
If you are traveling __ the customs are really foreign to yo
If you are traveling __ the customs are really foreign to your own,please do as the Romans do. which B.what C.when D.where
为什么答案是D?A为什么不可以?in which和where 不是一样的吗?
噜噜鼠 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率88.5%
If you are traveling __ the customs are really foreign to your own,please do as the Romans do. which B.what C.when D.where
为什么答案是D?A为什么不可以?in which和where 不是一样的吗?
析:in which只有在引导定语从句时,有时可以和where互换.
如:If you are traveling in a place where (=in which) the customs ...(这里的where-从句是定语从句,其先行词是place)
这里travel是谓语动词,需要一个地点状语从句,用where引导,表示“在.的地方”,相当于in the place where-定从.
看看这个句子怎么改?Because of Customs new regulation,the import entry
Because of Customs new regulation,the import entry was paid based on the EURO3245 not ERUO2593.75.
再见依然 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
ecause of the new regulation made by customs,the import entry is paid based on the ...instead of .
two detectives carried it into the Customs House中得carried it
two detectives carried it into the Customs House中得carried it该怎么读,读快了总感有点不顺
xdhh 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
连读呗,直接这样读 carriedit.相当于是 你读了一个carry后再读一个dit
you should respect the local customs there and try to involv
you should respect the local customs there and try to involve yourself in the native's life.
韩星为什么受欢迎 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
Cuold you tell us some other customs in giving presents in C
Cuold you tell us some other customs in giving presents in China or in other different countries?
ghrtgh 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
The following is a general list of the rules and customs that are followed when giving gifts in China.
1:Offer gifts that are best used by everyone in a family,if that happens to be the group you are presenting the gift to.Simple and inexpensive gifts are the best,as highly expensive gifts may be awkward and refused.Things like pen sets,a small product of food (grains,rice,etc),or similar,non-personal items are fine.
2:Wrap the gift in wrapping paper.Take your time and do a neat job of it.Don't leave the gift in a shopping bag.The gift should be wrapped in a color that is appropriate for the occasion.For example,a normal,happy occasion would require 'red' paper,a funeral would require black and white,and a wedding is best with gold and silver.
3:Expect the gift to be refused two or three times before accepted.This is customary,as it shows that the receiver is not being greedy.You,the giver,should offer it again after each refusal until the person accepts.If,for some reason that person continues to refuse it several times,then stop offering,as they really do not want it,and may not be in a position to accept it.
The following are the common customs for gift-giving in South Korea.
1:Do not offer an expensive gift to someone unless they are financially able to give you a gift of equal value.Gifts are always reciprocated,so be careful over what you choose,and when in doubt,pick something in expensive.
2:If you are invited to a home,a gift similar to what hostesses are given in the US are common.Flowers or a fruit basket are good,safe choices.
3:All gifts should be wrapped neatly,and appear as if care was put into the presentation.The colors red and yellow are royal colors,and are a good option to use.Do not,however,wrap gifts in green,black,or white paper,and do not sign the card in red ink.When you do receive a gift,in the off chance that they wish for you to open it in their presence,do not tear the wrapping paper.
4:In Korea,similar to Japan,the number four (4) is considered unlucky,so no gifts containing four items,or coming in two pairs should be offered.On the other hand,the number 7 is considered lucky.
5:Offer the gift using both hands,and likewise receive any gifts using both hands.
6:The gift will not be opened in your presence,and you likewise should open your own gift in private.This is to 'save face' in case the gift ends up being offensive or embarrassing.
7:Do not present a gift to someone in front of a group.Offer the gift in private
----Are you familiar ____________ the customs here?
----Are you familiar ____________ the customs here?
----No, the place is unfamiliar ___________ me.
A. with; with
B. with; to
C. to; to
D. to ; with
守望流星雨 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%

考查情景交际和固定搭配。“你对这里的风俗熟悉吗?”“不,这个地方对我来说不熟悉。”sb. be familiar with sth.“某人对某物熟悉”;sth. be familiar to sb.“某物对某人来说很熟悉”。故选B。
背英语单词customs(海关) passport(护照) tourist(旅游者) employee(雇员) sale
背英语单词customs(海关) passport(护照) tourist(旅游者) employee(雇员) sales reps(推销员)的秘诀
hh人断肠 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
customs = c + us + tom + s
passport = pass + port
tourist = tour + is + t
employee = em + ploy + ee
sales reps 这个直接记就好了
You shouldn’t have quarrelled with the customs official. ___
You shouldn’t have quarrelled with the customs official. ________ helping the situation, you just made it worse.
A.In spite of B.Apart from C.Far from D.As a result of
没有名字怎么办啊 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%

跪求有关culture and customs的文章…………
跪求有关culture and customs的文章…………
swx0721 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
.Culture and Customs
Difference countries have difference culture and customs .as we konw,China has a long and
rich culture ,so our customs is abundant said that the yellow river is the the cradle of
chinese civilization .we have a lot of traditional festivals.for example,spring festvial,mid-
autumn festival,dragon boat festival and so on.may be you will ask why do we have these
kind of customs,I think that because we have special cultrue which lead our chinese to
creat customs to souvnier our ancestors.nowadays.people dont care much about cultrue and
customs .the main reason is their work.students do not have time to spend time with there
families and workers dont have chance to go home because their I hope that one
day we can celebrate our festivals .and our cultrue and customs will be last forever!
对初中生来说 文中词汇比较难 但是适合演讲用 好好准备吧 学习愉快
语法练习5-38The culture and customs of America are more like ___
The culture and customs of America are more like ____ of England than of any other country
A.that B.this C.what D.those
窗棂的风 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译Taxes on local purchasesCustoms duties on imported purch
Taxes on local purchases
Customs duties on imported purchases
Taxes on imported purchases
温暖是 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%
Taxes on local purchases 本地消费税
Customs duties on imported purchases 进口关税
Taxes on imported purchases 进口税
If you are traveling ____ the customs are really foreign to
If you are traveling ____ the customs are really foreign to your own, please
A. in which B. what C. when D. where
明华 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
Art is influenced by _____ customs and faith of ____ people
Art is influenced by _____ customs and faith of ____ people
A.the; a B.不填; a C.the; 不填 D.the; the
fenger680804 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
