白雪公主作文1篇关于迪士尼动画片的作文 是观后感 特别是许多细节的描写

lehua20022022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


selina812 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%


justza 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
I act as Snow White.
I (do) play the part of Snow White.
I perform the role as Snow White.
缘来是尔 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
Twinkle, twinkle, little pet ,
How I wonder what’s your ass.
Up above the world so high
Like a betray in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle, little ,
How I wonder what’s your !

Once there was a Queen. She was sitting at the window. There was snow outside in the garden--snow on the hill and in the lane, snow on the huts and on the trees: all things were white with snow.
She had some cloth in her hand and a needle. The cloth in her hand was as white as the snow.
The Queen was making a coat for a little child. She said, "I want my child to be white as this cloth, white as the snow. And I shall call her Snow-white."
Some days after that the Queen had a child. The child was white as snow. The Queen called her Snow-white.
But the Queen was very ill, and after some days she died. Snow-white lived, and was a very happy and beautiful child.
One year after that, the King married another Queen. The new Queen was very beautiful; but she was not a good woman.
A wizard had given this Queen a glass. The glass could speak. It was on the wall in the Queen's room. Every day the Queen looked in the glass to see how beautiful she was. As she looked in the glass, she asked:
" Tell me, glass upon the wall,
Who is most beautiful of all?"
And the glass spoke and said:
"The Queen is most beautiful of all."
Years went by. Snow-white grew up and became a little girl. Every day the Queen looked in the glass and said,
"Tell me, glass upon the wall,
Who is most beautiful of all?"
And every day the glass spoke and said,
"The Queen is most beautiful of all."
Years went by, and Snow-white grew up and became a woman. Every year she became more and more beautiful.
Then one day, when Snow-white was a woman, the Queen looked in the glass and said,
"Tell me, glass upon the wall,
Who is most beautiful of all?"
And the glass said,
"Snow-white is most beautiful of all."
When the Queen heard this, she was very angry. She said, "Snow-white is not more beautiful than I am. There is no one who is more beautiful than I am."
Then the Queen sat on her bed and cried.
After one hour the Queen went out of her room. She called one of the servants, and said, " Take Snow-white into the forest and kill her."
The servant took Snow-white to the forest, but he did not kill her, because she was so beautiful and so good.
The man took Snow-white into the forest, but he did not kill her. He said, "I shall not kill you; but do not go to the King's house, because the Queen is angry and she will see you. If the Queen sees you, she will make some other man kill you. Wait here in the forest; some friends will help you."
Then he went away.
Poor Snow-white sat at the foot of a tree and cried. Then she saw that night was coming. She said, " I will not cry. I will find some house where I can sleep tonight. I cannot wait here: the bears will eat me."
She went far into the forest. Then she saw a little hut. She opened the door of the hut, and went in.

In the hut she saw seven little beds. There was a table and on the table there were seven little loaves and seven little glasses. She ate one of the loaves. Then she said, "I want some water to drink." So she drank some water out of one of the glasses. Then she fell asleep on one of the seven little beds.
The hut was the home of seven Little Men.
When it was night, the seven Little Men came to the hut. Each Little Man had a big beard, and a little blue coat. Each Little Man came into the hut, and took his little lamp. Then each Little Man sat down, and ate his little loaf, and drank his little glass of water.
But one Little Man said,
"Someone has eaten my little loaf."
And another Little Man said,
"Someone has drunk my little glass of water."
Then the seven Little Men went to bed, but one Little Man said,
"Someone is sleeping on my little bed."
All the seven Little Men came to look at Snow-white as she slept on the Little Man's bed. They said,
"She is very beautiful."
"She is very beautiful."
"She is very beautiful."
"She is very beautiful."
"She is very beautiful."
"She is very beautiful."
"She is very beautiful."
Snow-white awoke, and saw the seven Little Men with their big beards standing near her bed. She was afraid .
The Little Men said, "Do not be afraid. We are your friends. Tell us how you came here."
Snow-white said, "I will tell you." Then she told them her story.
They said, "Do not be afraid. Live here with us. But see that the door is shut when we are not in the house with you. Do not go out. If you go out, the bad Queen will find you. Then she will know that you are not dead, and will tell someone to kill you."
So Snow-white lived in 'the hut with the seven Little Men.
After some days Snow-white went into the garden. One of the Queen's servants was going through the forest, and he saw her. He went and told the Queen, "Snow-white is in a hut in the forest." The Queen was very angry when she heard that snow-white was not dead.
The Queen took an apple. She made a hole in the red side of the apple, and put some powder into the hole. Then she put on old clothes and went to the hut. She called, "Is any one there?"
Snow-white opened the door, and came out to her. The Queen said, "I have some pretty apples. Eat one of my pretty apples." Snow-white took the apple and said, "Is it good?" The Queen said, "See, I will eat this white side of the apple; you eat the red side. Then you will know that it is good."
Snow-white ate the red side of the apple. When the powder was in her mouth she fell down dead.
The Queen went back to her house. She went into her room. She looked into the glass and said,
"Tell me, glass upon the wall,
Who is most beautiful of all?"
The glass said,
"The Queen is most beautiful of all."
Then the Queen knew that Snow-white was dead.
The Little Men came back to the hut. When they saw that Snow-white was dead, the poor Little Men cried. Then they put Snow-white in a box made of glass. They took the glass box to a hill and put it there, and said, "Everyone who goes by will see how beautiful she was."
Then each Little Man put one white flower on the box, and they went away.
Just as they were going away, a Prince came by. He saw the glass box and said, "What is that?" Then he saw Snow-white in the box. He said, ." She was very beautiful: but do not put her there. There is a hall in the garden of my father's house. It is all made of white stone. We will take the glass box and put it in the hall of beautiful white stone."
The Little Men said, "Take her."
Then the Prince told his servants to take up the box. They took up the box. Just then one of the servants fell down. The box fell, and Snow-white fell with the box. The bit of apple fell out of her mouth: she awoke, and sat up, and said, "Where am I?"
The Prince said "You are with me. I never saw anyone as beautiful as you. Come with me and be my Queen."
The Prince married Snow-white, and she became his Queen.
A man went and told this to the bad Queen. When she heard it she was so angry that she fell down dead.
Snow-white lived and was very happy ever after. And the Little Men came to see her every year.
Genius150 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
mzliuy 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
Snow White is the title character of a fairy tale known from many countries in Europe, the best known version being the German one collected by the Brothers Grimm. The German version features elements...
我需要1份英语剧本帮帮忙啊 我要英语话剧就白雪公主吧!
sdwfcy 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率80%
小鸟:Good morning,everyone.I’m a happy bird.I live in the forest.I have seven good friends.They are Seven Dwarfs.Look!They are coming!
小矮人1:Hi!My name is Jack.I’m the youngest one.But I’m very story.Look at my arms.
小矮人2:Good afternoon!I’m Lulu.I like drawing pictures.I want to be an artist.What about you,Tim?
小矮人3:I don’t like drawing.I like singing.Listen!(哼唱英语歌)
小矮人4:(打断歌声)Stop!Stop!Look at me.I’m the most beautiful girl in the world.Do you think so?
(齐说:Yes.We think so.对小矮人5:Hi!Steven.It’s your turn.)
小矮人5:(清清嗓子)I’m Steven.I never cry.I never smile.I’m a serious people.
小矮人6、7:Good afternoon!I’m Betty.I’m Kate.We are friends.
小鸟:Hi,my dear friends.Nice to meet you!
小矮人们:Hi,Happy Bird!Nice to meet you,too.
小鸟:Where are you going?
小矮人:We are going to the field.
小矮人:See you!
小鸟:Listen!Who is crying?Let me go and have a look.
白雪公主:It’s so cold.It’s so cold.I have no coat.I have no food.It’s so cold.Where can I go?Where can I go?Christmas Day!Christmas Day!You are lovely and keep me stay.Oh,my Goodness!Don’t leave me!Bring me up to the heaven.
小鸟:Oh,my God!It’s the Snow White.Wake up!Please wake up!Help!Help!
小矮人1:Hi,Happy Bird!What’s the matter?
小鸟:Look at the Snow White!She is lying on the ground!
小矮人们:Oh!What a poor girl!Let’s help her!
小矮人2:Put on the coat,please!
小矮人3:Put on the boots,please!
小矮人4:Drink some water,please!
白雪公主:Oh!I’m warm now!Thank you !Thank you!
小矮人:My dear friend,would you please live with us?
白雪公主:Yes.I’m so glad .
小矮人5:My dear friends.Let’s play together.
齐说:Merry Christmas!Happy New Year!
chuanhe97 共回答了7个问题 | 采纳率28.6%
求白雪公主的读后感 英文!
调频咖啡time 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
Today,I read "Snow White." Major topics of a queen to give birth to a snow-white skin,red lips,a daughter and she gave birth to a daughter,as she wished the Princess's skin white as snow,lips red,so named Snow White.Snow White Queen,when the living dead.The king married a new queen,the new Queen,there are side mirror on the wall,the new queen every day,asking who is the world's most beautiful Mirror,mirror on the wall said:It is you.This would ask the mirror each day the Queen.One day,mirror on the wall is you,but no Snow White,the United States several times more than you.The Queen is very angry,so she sent to kill Snow White,but the Queen sent Snow White,who do not have the heart to kill,but to put Snow White.Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs encountered,Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs shelter,the queen that Snow White did not die,they start with himself.Although the queen won.But the prince saved Snow White.Queen also dies eventually.
This fairy tale tells us that we should not have a jealous heart,to do a good people,good will overcome evil with evil means will not achieve victory.To stay competitive to compete on the open and aboveboard.
英语节(短剧) 主持人串词年级组织英语节(短剧表演),开始1 白雪公主2 罗密欧与朱莉叶3 仲夏夜之梦4 西游记5 关于
英语节(短剧) 主持人串词
1 白雪公主
2 罗密欧与朱莉叶
3 仲夏夜之梦
4 西游记
5 关于 抗震救灾
主题:爱 两种爱 一种是男女之间的 一种是博爱
ps900823 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率76.9%
SW---白雪公主 Q---皇后 M---魔镜 H---猎人
P---白马王子 D---小矮人 A---小动物
A long time ago,In a beautiful kingdom,there lived a young king and queen,the people loved them so much; the queen died while giving birth to a girl,her name was Snow White,She was a beautiful princess.Year passed,the king got married again,The people didn’t love the new queen,because she was cruel.
One day,In the king’s palace:
S.w:My name is S.w ,I am a beautiful princess,I miss my mother so much,Where is my mother?Where is my mother?
Q:I am a queen,I’m very beautiful,Where is Mirror?
Mirror,Mirror on the wall,who’s the most beautiful?
M:S.w is much more beautiful than you!
Q:Hunter,go kill S.w.
H:Yes,my queen
S.w:Help me ,help me,please,please
A:what’s the matter with you?
S.w:The hunter…hunter…
A:bite you bite you …
S.w:I am tried and hungry,oh,there is a little house ,
I will eat a little and lie down.
D:1Look,somebody ate my food----
2somebody drank my water----
3someone is sleeping now----
4What a beautiful girl!----
5How do you do?
S.w:How do you do?My name is S.w …
Nice to meet you!
D:(齐说)Nice to meet you ,too----
6 welcome to our house!----
7Would you like to live here?
S.w:My pleasure,thank you very much!
D:Let’s go out for our work,bye-bye,S.W
Q:Mirror,mirror on the wall,
who’s the most beautiful?
M:S.w is much more beautiful than you!
Q:What?S.w is not dead?
Hahaha,I got a good idea!
Q:Apple ,apple,beautiful apple,
S.w:Hello,Good morning grandma!
Q:pretty girl ,would you like a bite?
S.w:Oh,yes ,thank you grandma!
Q:The girl is dead!Hahaha…
S.w wake up,wake up…
P:A beautiful girl!She shall be my queen!
S.w:Thank you for your help!
P:My pleasure
那个现在 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
几人相忆 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
风和太阳(The Wind And The Sun)
One day the wind said to the sun,“Look at that man walking along the road.I can get his cloak off more quickly than you can.”
“We will see about that,” said the sun.“I will let you try first.”
So the wind tried to make the man take off his cloak.He blew and blew,but the man only pulled his cloak more closely around himself.
“I give up,” said the wind at last.“I cannot get his cloak off.” Then the sun tried.He shone as hard as he could.The man soon became hot and took off his cloak.
动画片英文介绍呢是这样的 我要做英语值日 我想弄一些小时候的动画片介绍给大家 比如葫芦娃啊 白雪公主啊 阿凡提啊 3个小
是这样的 我要做英语值日 我想弄一些小时候的动画片介绍给大家 比如葫芦娃啊 白雪公主啊 阿凡提啊 3个小猪啊之类的呢 就是都要有一段就好^^谢谢大家
生生不息 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
网上搜一搜就出来了SW-白雪公主 Q-皇后 M-魔镜 H-猎人P-白马王子 D-小矮人 音乐起,旁白 A long time ago, In a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and queen, the people loved them so much; the queen ...
smilesunning 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
Snow-white is abeautiful lady in fairy tales.She is so pretty that everyone likes her,but herstepmother doesn’t.She always wants Snow-white to die.Snow-white met sevenshort people who are very cute.They all liked Snow-white and they became goodfriends.
英文童话剧本最好是童话剧本 小红帽 白雪公主 灰姑娘 睡美人都演过了 就不要说了剧本一定要好本人急用
windsonata 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
  Long ago, in a land far away, there lived a beautiful young girl.
  She was very sad. Her mother had died and her father had married again. His new wife had two ugly daughters, Esmerelda and Griselda.
  Soon after, her father also died and life immediately changed for the girl.
  "You will be our servant, "said her stepmother. "You will do everything we say."
  "You must sleep in the kitchens, by the fire," said the stepsisters.
  After tending the fire, and cooking and leaning, the girl‘s clothes were very dirty. She was called to clear away dishes.
  "There are cinders all over your clothes!" exclaimed the stepmother. "Cinders for Cinderella. That‘s your new name. Clear these things away, Cinderella."
  "Cinderella! Cinderella!" sang Esmerelda and Griselda. "Oh, how clever you are, Mama!"
  Cinderella had to work very hard, as all the other servants were dismissed.
  One day, an invitation arrived from the palace.
  "Girls, listen to this," said the stepmother. Cinderella was serving the breakfast. She listened as her stepmother read the invitation.
  "The King is having a ball," she said, excitedly. "He is looking for a wife for the Prince! Oh, my dears, this is wonderful. He will probably choose one of you, but it will be such a hard choice to make.
  "Am I invited too, stepmother?" asked Cinderella.
  "You! Certainly not!" exclaimed her stepmother. "The thought of such a thing. A scruffy servant going to a ball, when only beautiful ladies are invited!"
  "Hah! Hah!" laughed the stepsisters. "Beautiful! That doesn‘t include you, Cinderella!"
  "You may help my two lovely girls to get ready," said her stepmother.
  "Oh," said Cinderella, sadly.
  "We shall all have new dresses, girls, and we shall go shopping today. Clear away these things, Cinderella."
  ‘Oh, I wish I could go to the ball,‘ thought Cinderella.
  The day of the ball arrived and the whole day was spent preparing Esmerelda and Griselda. Cinderella did her best to make the sisters look pretty, but it was an impossible task.
  Finally, the coach arrived to collect the girls and their mother.
  Cinderella was very tired and she wandered back to the kitchens.
  "Oh, I did so want to go," she sighed as she sat down by the fire.
  "What‘s to stop you?" asked a voice.
  "Who‘s that?" asked Cinderella, looking around.
  "I‘m here by the door." A strange woman walked up to Cinderella. "I heard you the other day, wishing you could go to the ball. Well, the ball is this evening, and you‘re going."
  "But how?" asked Cinderella. "What can you do?"    "Anything I want to," said the woman. "I‘m your fairy godmother, and I‘m here to send you to the ball.
  She sat down.
  "Come now," she said. "Dry those tears. We have work to do. I need a large pumpkin, two rats, two mice and a frog. Can you find these?"
  "Yes," said Cinderella, mystified by the request.
  "Off you go, then."
  When Cinderella found all the things, her fairy godmother took them all outside.
  "Now for the magic," she said. She waved her hands and the air began to twinkle and sparkle. The pumpkin began to grow and change, until standing there was a glittering coach.
  The mice changed into two fine footmen, the frog into the driver, and the rats into two beautiful horses to pull the coach.    Cinderella clapped her hands. "It‘s beautiful!" she cried.
  "In you get," said her fairy godmother.
  "But I can‘t go like this," said Cinderella.
  "Like what?" asked the fairy godmother. "You look lovely to me."
  Cinderella looked at herself. While the magic had been working on the pumpkin, it had also been working on her. Instead of her ragged dress she wore a beautiful ball gown, with glass slippers on her feet.
  "Oh, fairy godmother," said Cinderella. "It‘s lovely. How can I thank you?"
  "By going to the ball," said the fairy godmother. "Off you go, but remember, the magic stops working at midnight. Everything will change back then. Now go and enjoy yourself."
  "Good-bye, fairy godmother," called Cinderella, as the coach swept off.
  Cinderella arrived at the palace and walked into the ballroom. Everyone stopped and stared.
  "Who is she?" people asked, including her stepmother and stepsisters.
  The Prince saw her, and had eyes for no one else for the rest of the evening. Cinderella danced only with the Prince, and as the evening passed, he fell in love with her.
  A clock chiming reminded Cinderella of her fairy godmother‘s warning. ‘It must be eleven o‘clock,‘ she thought, but she asked the Prince. "What time is it?"
  "Almost midnight," he answered.
  "Oh, no!" cried Cinderella. "I must go!"
  "You can‘t. Not now," said the Prince.
  "I must." And Cinderella swept out of the room, and ran out of the palace. As she ran, the clock finished chiming. Cinderella‘s clothes changed back into rags, and the coach and horses were nowhere to be seen.
  The Prince tried to follow, but he couldn‘t catch up. When he reached the door, all he found was one glass slipper. He ran to the main gate.
  "Was a beautiful girl just driven out of here?" he asked the guard.
  "No, your Highness. I‘ve only seen a scruffy servant girl," the guard answered.
  "I‘ve lost her," said the Prince, and he returned sadly to the palace.
  The next morning, Cinderella‘s stepmother and stepsisters were talking about the ball.
  "Did you see the Prince, once that girl arrived." said Esmerelda. "He wouldn‘t look at anybody else. And it was my turn to dance with him."
  "Never mind, my dear," said her mother. "She disappeared, so there will probably be another ball, and then you will be chosen."    The Prince meanwhile decided to look for the mysterious girl he had fallen in love with. He issued a proclamation. "Whoever the glass shoe fits, shall be wife to the Prince."
  The Prince and his footman went from house to house of all the ladies invited to the ball.
  First to the princesses, and then to the duchesses, and finally to all the ladies.
  He finally arrived at the stepmother‘s house.
  "It‘s my shoe!" cried Esmerelda, trying desperately to pull the shoe on.
  "Please, miss!" said the footman. "Your foot is too big. you will break the slipper."
  Griselda tried the shoe, but her toes were far too long.    "Is there anyone else?" asked the Prince.
  "There‘s only Cinderella, the maid," said the stepmother. "But she wasn‘t even at the ball."
  "All the ladies in the kingdom must try the slipper," said the footman.
  Cinderella was called from the kitchen. Esmerelda and Griselda laughed when they saw how dirty she was. But their laughter turned to tears when they saw Cinderella‘s foot slide easily into the slipper.
  "Oh!" they cried. "It fits!"
  The Prince looked at Cinderella and realised that she was the girl that he had fallen in love with.
  Cinderella took the other slipper from her pocket and put it on.    The Prince was delighted to have found her, and on a bright sunny day, he and Cinderella were married. They lived happily ever after.
微雨双 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率80%
tya2007 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
Snow White
adam504141 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
白雪公主读后感: 老天对人很公平、你用心去做地永远属于你、用尽手段做地永远离开你、人生就是这个样子!好人有好报、恶人有恶报、你用心去对待每一个人或每一件事、得到你该得到的、用手段对待每一个人或每一件事、得到你该得的报应、告别过去、召唤未来
蜜月度假你我他 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
美格 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家
Little Red Riding Hood唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy,what are you doing?
Mum:(一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill.Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma.Take them to Grandma.
Little Red Riding Hood:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok!
Mum:(亲切地看着Little Red Riding Hood说) Be good.Be careful.
Little Red Riding Hood:Yes ,mummy.Goodbye,mummy.
小红帽:Wow!Flowers,how beautiful!(放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers,three flowers.
大灰狼:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台)I am wolf.I am hungry.(做找东西状,东张西望) Here is a little red riding hood.Hi!Little Red Riding Hood.Where are you going?(做狡猾的样子和Little Red Riding Hood打招呼) 字串6
小红帽:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To Grandma’s.Grandma is ill.
大灰狼:(自言自语)I’ ll eat Grandma.But……(对着小红帽说)Hey,look!6 little baby ducks.
小红帽:(停止跳舞)Hello!Baby ducks,how are you?
六只鸭子:We’ re fine.Thank you. Where are you going?
小红帽:To Grandma’s.Oh,I must go,bye.
英语翻译我梦幻中的迪士尼 一走进去就有米奇老鼠递给我两个气球和一个小玩具,还有白雪公主当导游.第一处景象就是冰雕场,那里
hrbpx0 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
As soon as I went in,a Mickey Mouse gave me two balloons and a small toy,and Snow White worked as a tourist guide.The first sight is ice sculpture field,there are many ice sculpture,there are a few buildings made of ice sculpture high-rise buildings,ice sculpture field and ski resorts.The second sight is 4 d world where items are three-dimensional everywhere,although is the phantom,but also look very beautiful!Third place scene is to experience the adult life,where they can play their own special skill,experience's adult life is how not easy!I have a lot of ideas,said also said not over!
谚语“是金子总会发光”相近的故事是( )A.灰姑娘b.白雪公主c.丑小鸭D.海的女儿
是谁在扔砖头 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
sevenllkulv 共回答了1705个问题 | 采纳率18.2%
avatar ;captain pirate;the smurfs;kung fu panda;snow white;harry potter;titanic;spiderman亲,对我的回答满意的话,就给个好评吧。如果还有不清楚的地方,可以跟我继续交流哦。谢谢你no thanks还有一个图片,但是我没看过这部电影,可以帮我么海底总动员英文finding nemo谢谢,那我还有一点问题可以问你么...
liubin1159 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
"Mirror,mirror,please tell me,who is the most beautiful woman in the world?"
life328 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
白雪公主(英文版)翻译下:SW-白雪公主 Q-皇后 M-魔镜 H-猎人P-白马王子 D-小矮人 音乐起,旁白 A lon
SW-白雪公主 Q-皇后 M-魔镜 H-猎人P-白马王子 D-小矮人 音乐起,旁白
A long time ago,In a beautiful kingdom,there lived a young king and queen,the people loved them so much; the queen died while giving birth to a girl,her name was Snow White,She was a beautiful princess.Year passed,the king got married again,The people didn’t love the new queen,because she was cruel.One day,In the king’s palace:----白雪出场
S.w:My name is Snow white ,I am a beautiful princess,I miss my mother so much,Where is my mother Where is my mother
Q:I am a queen ,I’m very beautiful ,Where is Mirror Mirror ,Mirror on the wall ,who’s the most beautiful
M:Snow white is much more beautiful than you
Q:Hunter,go kill Snow white .
猎 人 出 场
H:Yes,my queen
S.w:Help me ,help me,please,please
S.w:I am tried and hungry,oh,there is a little house ,I will eat a little and lie down.
D:1Look,somebody ate my food----
2Somebody drank my water----
3Someone is sleeping now----
4What a beautiful girl!----
5How do you do?
S.w:How do you do?My name is Snow white … Nice to meet you!
D:(齐说)Nice to meet you ,too----
6 welcome to our house!----
7Would you like to live here?
S.W:My pleasure,thank you very much!
D:Let’s go out for our work,bye-bye,Snow white.
Q:Mirror,mirror on the wall ,who’s the most beautiful?
M:Snow white is much more beautiful than you!
Q:What Snow white is not dead Hahaha,I got a good idea!
Q:Apple ,apple,beautiful apple,
S.w:Hello,Good morning grandma!
Q:pretty girl ,would you like a bite?
S.w:Oh,yes ,thank you grandma!
Q:The girl is dead!Hahaha…
Snow white wake up,wake up…
P:A beautiful girl!She shall be my queen!
P:Wake up Wake up ,my queen
S.w:Thank you for your help
P:My pleasure
chdqcxy 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
小矮人:1 你看,有人吃我的食物----
2 有人喝我的水----
3 有人在睡觉,现在----
4 多么美丽的一位姑娘啊!----
白雪:我的名字是白雪公主… …很高兴见到你!
6 欢迎到我们家!----
7 你想住在这里吗?
王后:女孩已经死了!hahaha …
白雪公主醒来,醒来… …
年年待你 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
pure beautiful kind friendly (纯洁 美丽 善良 友好) 暂时就想到这几个
風箏_Sherry 共回答了50个问题 | 采纳率20%
白雪公主这个故事讲了什么 一句话
hnrbifan 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
修改英文文法(大量错误) 这是一篇新版的白雪公主剧本 老师说有很多错.请帮我修改
修改英文文法(大量错误) 这是一篇新版的白雪公主剧本 老师说有很多错.请帮我修改
Snow White
旁白One day,a teacher comesto classroom and gives an exercise paper to the classmate.
Teacher:Today,we are going to do areading exercise.I will give you 25 minutes to finish it.
David:So easy!
旁白He dreams about he becomes aprincess and dancing with a King at the party.
旁白A Queen is so jealous ofthe beauty of Princess David.One day,she standsin front of a magic mirror.
Queen:Mirror!Who is the most beautiful womanin the world?
Mirror :Snow White is the mostbeautiful woman in the world.
Queen:It is impossible!I saw herbefore.I think she is ugly.I am the most beautiful women in the world.
Witch:My Queen.Although you are morebeautiful than Snow White.She is still a scourge,we must kill her.
Queen:This is good idea.You shouldkill her.
旁白Then the witch hire a killerto kill Snow White.
Witch:You must kill the princess,thisis your mission,understand?
Killer :Yes!My host.
Princess:Please don’t kill me.
Killer :You are so beautiful.I don’twant to kill you.
Go!quickly!Don’t come back.
旁白Then,Snow White runs away.Shegoes to a forest,but she gets lost.
Priness:I am so hungry.Oh,there is a pie.
旁白After Snow White ate the witch'spoison apple pie,she was poisoned.There are four dwarfs through here and foundher.
Dwarf1:There is a girl.
Dwarf2:Who is she?
Dwarf3:She is Snow White.
Dwarf4:Let’s find someone to help her.
旁白Then,there is a prince go tothe forest hunting.Four dwarfs see the prince.
Dwarf1:Oh,he is prince.
Dwarf2:We saw a girl.
Dwarf3:She is very beautiful.
Dwarf4:She was sick.
旁白The witch and the Queen see SnowWhite lies on the floor.Then the prince arrives and saves her.
Queen:Hahaha~She was died.
Queen:I am so happy.
Prince:Don’t move!
Prince:I have already helped you.Bye.
David:Prince!Don’t go!
旁白Suddenly,David wakes up from thedream.
Teacher:David,don’t sleep.
David:Prince!prince!Don’t go.
onleep 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
3、第四行about 和he中间要加一个that,构成从句形式.
6、第十二行This is good idea,good前面要加a.
7、四个小矮人“经过”through here改为passing there.
水花的颜色 共回答了1个问题 | 采纳率100%
Snow White ate the apple.She said:“Oh!"And lay on the floor.She couldn't live.She was die.
vnvnvvv 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
  SW-白雪公主 Q-皇后 M-魔镜 H-猎人P-白马王子 D-小矮人 音乐起,旁白
  A long time ago,In a beautiful kingdom,there lived a young king and queen,the people loved them so much; the queen died while giving birth to a girl,her name was Snow White,She was a beautiful princess.Year passed,the king got married again,The people didn’t love the new queen,because she was cruel.One day,In the king’s palace:----白雪出场
  S.w:My name is Snow white ,I am a beautiful princess,I miss my mother so much,Where is my mother Where is my mother
  Q:I am a queen ,I’m very beautiful ,Where is Mirror Mirror ,Mirror on the wall ,who’s the most beautiful
  M:Snow white is much more beautiful than you !
  Q:Hunter,go kill Snow white .
  猎 人 出 场
  H:Yes,my queen
  S.w:Help me ,help me,please,please !
  S.w:I am tried and hungry,oh,there is a little house ,I will eat a little and lie down.
  D:1Look,somebody ate my food----
  2Somebody drank my water----
  3Someone is sleeping now----
  4What a beautiful girl!----
  5How do you do?
  S.w:How do you do?My name is Snow white … Nice to meet you!
  D:(齐说)Nice to meet you ,too----
  6 welcome to our house!----
  7Would you like to live here?
  S.W:My pleasure,thank you very much!
  D:Let’s go out for our work,bye-bye,Snow white.
  Q:Mirror,mirror on the wall ,who’s the most beautiful?
  M:Snow white is much more beautiful than you!
  Q:What Snow white is not dead Hahaha,I got a good idea!
  Q:Apple ,apple,beautiful apple,
  S.w:Hello,Good morning grandma!
  Q:pretty girl ,would you like a bite?
  S.w:Oh,yes ,thank you grandma!
  Q:The girl is dead!Hahaha…
  Snow white wake up,wake up…
  P:A beautiful girl!She shall be my queen!
  P:Wake up !Wake up ,my queen !
  S.w:Thank you for your help !
  P:My pleasure !
随心86 共回答了1个问题 | 采纳率100%
求迪斯尼的故事(像三只小猪 白雪公主这一类) 中文英文都有的 千万要简单的
求迪斯尼的故事(像三只小猪 白雪公主这一类) 中文英文都有的 千万要简单的
用在英语课前演讲 一个人讲故事这种情况
ll上面寻芳草 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率76.2%
  从前有一位王子,他想找一位公主结婚,但她必须是一位真正的公主. 他走遍了全世界,想要寻到这样的一位公主.可是无论他到什么地方,他总是碰到一些障碍.公主倒有的是,不过他没有办法断定她们究竟是不是真正的公主.她们总是有些地方不大对头. 结果,他只好回家来,心中很不快活,因为他是那么渴望着得到一位真正的公主. 有一天晚上,忽然起了一阵可怕的暴风雨.天空在掣电,在打雷,在下着大雨.这真有点使人害怕! 这时,有人在敲门,老国王就走过去开门. 站在城外的是一位很美丽的姑娘,那姑娘自称是公主,天哪!那姑娘简直跟仙女一样美丽! “是的,这点我们马上就可以考查出来.”老皇后心里想,可是她什么也没说.她走进卧房,把所有的被褥都搬开,在床榻上放了一粒豌豆.于是她取出二十床垫子,把它们压在豌豆上.随后,她又在这些垫子上放了二十床鸭绒被. 这位自称是公主的姑娘夜里就睡在这些东西上面. 早晨大家问她昨晚睡得怎样. 这位姑娘幸福的说:“真是太舒服了!那床简直是海绵做的,柔软极了!噢!我昨天睡得多香啊!” 这位王子马上就对那个姑娘说:“请您离开,因为您并不是一位真正的公主.” 第二天晚上,又起了一阵可怕的暴风雨.天空在掣电,在打雷,在下着大雨.这也真有点使人害怕! 这时,有人在敲门,老国王就走过去开门. 站在城外的是一位公主.可是,天哪!经过了风吹雨打之后,她的样子是多么难看啊!水沿着她的头发和衣服向下面流,流进鞋尖,又从脚跟流出来. 她说她是一位真正的公主. “是的,这点我们马上就可以考查出来.”老皇后心里想,可是她什么也没说.她走进卧房,把所有的被褥都搬开,在床榻上放了一粒豌豆.于是她取出二十床垫子,把它们压在豌豆上.随后,她又在这些垫子上放了二十床鸭绒被. 这位公主夜里就睡在这些东西上面. 早晨大家问她昨晚睡得怎样. “啊,不舒服极了!”公主说,“我差不多整夜没合上眼!天晓得我床上有件什么东西?我睡到一块很硬的东西上面,弄得我全身发青发紫,这真怕人!” 现在大家就看出来了.她是一位真正的公主,因为压在这二十床垫子和二十床鸭绒被下面的一粒豌豆,她居然还能感觉得出来.除了真正的公主以外,任何人都不会有这么嫩的皮肤的. 因此那位王子就选她为妻子了,因为现在他知道他得到了一位真正的公主.而人们也就称他为豌豆公主了.这粒豌豆因此也就被送进了博物馆,如果没有人把它拿走的话,人们现在还可以在那儿看到它呢.
  《The Princess and the Pea》
  ONCE upon a time there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess; but she would have to be a real princess. He travelled all over the world to find one, but nowhere could he get what he wanted. There were princesses enough, but it was difficult to find out whether they were real ones. There was always something about them that was not as it should be. So he came home again and was sad, for he would have liked very much to have a real princess.
  One evening a terrible storm came on; there was thunder and lightning, and the rain poured down in torrents. Suddenly a knocking was heard at the city gate, and the old king went to open it.
  It was a princess standing out there in front of the gate. But, good gracious! what a sight the rain and the wind had made her look. The water ran down from her hair and clothes; it ran down into the toes of her shoes and out again at the heels. And yet she said that she was a real princess.
  “Well, we’ll soon find that out,” thought the old queen. But she said nothing, went into the bed-room, took all the bedding off the bedstead, and laid a pea on the bottom; then she took twenty mattresses and laid them on the pea, and then twenty eider-down beds on top of the mattresses.
  On this the princess had to lie all night. In the morning she was asked how she had slept.
  “Oh, very badly!” said she. “I have scarcely closed my eyes all night. Heaven only knows what was in the bed, but I was lying on something hard, so that I am black and blue all over my body. It’s horrible!”
  Now they knew that she was a real princess because she had felt the pea right through the twenty mattresses and the twenty eider-down beds.
  Nobody but a real princess could be as sensitive as that.
  So the prince took her for his wife, for now he knew that he had a real princess; and the pea was put in the museum, where it may still be seen, if no one has stolen it.
  There, that is a true story.
《安徒生童话——白雪公主》读后感 薛宁
李四妹 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
[《安徒生童话——白雪公主》读后感 薛宁]
在院子里讲《安徒生童话》 里面有《白雪公主》 《灰姑娘》……等等好多童话 虽然这些只是普普通通的故事
但却包含了妈妈对我的爱,《安徒生童话——白雪公主》读后感 薛宁.这些故事里讲述了一个个动人的故事,教给我们一个个人生的感悟
而加害于她,却被七个隐居在山林中的小矮人所救 但他并不气馁依旧是坚强的生活用于挑战命运 本以为能和小矮人 快乐的生活在一起
假扮老人获取公主的信任 然后用毒苹果害死了她 看见公主已被害 伤心地小矮人把她放在玻璃柜里
被路过的王子看见了公主被她的美貌所吸引 并救下她的动人故事,读后感《《安徒生童话——白雪公主》读后感 薛宁》.这个故事告诉我们遇到困难不放弃 别气馁 勇于挑战 坚强的挑战 不要相信命运
命运是在自己的双手上 只要用于挑战好运会站在你的身边相信吧 好运即将来临
都包含了一个道理 都讲述了一个个命运 里面的每一个苦命的孩子在面对命运 不害怕 不放弃 勇于挑战 勇于创造创造出属于自己的命运
不要听信命运 相信命运是自己的不是他人的 自己不是生活在别人的命运里 命运是靠自己的双手创造出来的
x05x05  〔《安徒生童话——白雪公主》读后感 薛宁〕随文赠言:【这世上的一切都借希望而完成,农夫不会剥下一粒玉米,如果他不曾希望它长成种粒;单身汉不会娶妻,如果他不曾希望有孩子;商人也不会去工作,如果他不曾希望因此而有收益.】
燕子可以不用飞 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
白雪公主snow white,
小红帽,little red riding hood
3只小猪 the three little pigs
hcxzj 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
1.MUFASA:Look,Simba,everything the light touches is our kingdom.
3.MUFASA:A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun.One day,
Simba,the sun will set on my time here and will rise with you as the new king.
4.SIMBA:And this will all be mine?
白雪公主我叙说(一) 作文
tanghoo 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
包拯和白雪公主生的孩子叫什么 突然发现这个问题觉得蛮有趣的
包拯和白雪公主生的孩子叫什么 突然发现这个问题觉得蛮有趣的
请问啊有谁知道呀 西西 发挥想象大家胡乱猜猜吧 西西
品味白领 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
刀削 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
The middle of summer you have been worried about is sunburn of the skin, it is no longer afraid of Snow White? Particular product, it is recommended especially for you. I launched this on this day the offer, to buy a limi sunscreen products can get a limi aloe smoothies spray, in a timely manner most appropriate to your skin care.
wan3603aa 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
Read the Snow White princess inductive
童话故事英语版名字中西合壁``例如:snow white 白雪公主
zoulin8376 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
木偶奇遇记 The Adventures of Pinocchio
丑小鸭 The Ugly Duckling
小红帽 Little Red-Cap
打火匣 The Tinder—Box
一撮黏土 A Handful of Clay
铜猪 The Metal Pig
白雪公主 Snow White
丑小鸭 The Ugly Duck
飞箱 The Flying Trunk
三只小猪 The Three Little Pigs
huqin924 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
Aesop’s Fables
The Wolf and the Lamb
Once upon a time a Wolf was lapping at a spring on a hillside,when,looking up,what should he see but a Lamb just beginning to drink a little lower down.‘There’s my supper,’ thought he,‘if only I can find some excuse to seize it.’ Then he called out to the Lamb,‘How dare you muddle the water from which I am drinking?’
‘Nay,master,nay,’ said Lambikin; ‘if the water be muddy up there,I cannot be the cause of it,for it runs down from you to me.’
‘Well,then,’ said the Wolf,‘why did you call me bad names this time last year?’
‘That cannot be,’ said the Lamb; ‘I am only six months old.’
‘I don’t care,’ snarled the Wolf; ‘if it was not you it was your father;’ and with that he rushed upon the poor little Lamb and .WARRA WARRA WARRA WARRA WARRA .ate her all up.But before she died she gasped out .’Any excuse will serve a tyrant.’
The Fox and the Crow
A Fox once saw a Crow fly off with a piece of cheese in its beak and settle on a branch of a tree.‘That’s for me,as I am a Fox,’ said Master Reynard,and he walked up to the foot of the tree.‘Good-day,Mistress Crow,’ he cried.‘How well you are looking to-day:how glossy your feathers; how bright your eye.I feel sure your voice must surpass that of other birds,just as your figure does; let me hear but one song from you that I may greet you as the Queen of Birds.’ The Crow lifted up her head and began to caw her best,but the moment she opened her mouth the piece of cheese fell to the ground,only to be snapped up by Master Fox.‘That will do,’ said he.‘That was all I wanted.In exchange for your cheese I will give you a piece of advice for the future .’Do not trust flatterers.’
请将下列童话按作者归类。 a ,丑小鸭 b ,灰姑娘 c ,海的女儿的 d ,拇指姑娘 e ,青蛙王子 f ,白雪公主
请将下列童话按作者归类。 a ,丑小鸭 b ,灰姑娘 c ,海的女儿的 d ,拇指姑娘 e ,青蛙王子 f ,白雪公主 g ,小红帽 h ,勇敢的小裁缝 i ,皇帝的新装。 安徒生 格林 谢谢
xiaocao816 共回答了2个问题 | 采纳率50%
安徒生 a,c,d,i 格林 b,g,e,f,h
lijun820922 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率88.5%
英文:The girls wear white dress dressed as Snow White.
eb452f1b7f1d4417 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
Two women and seven dwarf's stories
A woman and seven dwarf's story
胡同里的狼 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
Gulliver's Travels
Grimm's Fairy Tales
The Frog Prince
Sleeping Beauty
Little Red Riding Hood
Snow White
paultruth 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率85.7%

Once there was a Queen.She was sitting at the window.There was snow outside in the garden--snow on the hill and in the lane,snow on the huts and on the trees:all things were white with snow.
She had some cloth in her hand and a needle.The cloth in her hand was as white as the snow.
The Queen was making a coat for a little child.She said,"I want my child to be white as this cloth,white as the snow.And I shall call her Snow-white."
Some days after that the Queen had a child.The child was white as snow.The Queen called her Snow-white.
But the Queen was very ill,and after some days she died.Snow-white lived,and was a very happy and beautiful child.
One year after that,the King married another Queen.The new Queen was very beautiful; but she was not a good woman.
A wizard had given this Queen a glass.The glass could speak.It was on the wall in the Queen's room.Every day the Queen looked in the glass to see how beautiful she was.As she looked in the glass,she asked:
" Tell me,glass upon the wall,
Who is most beautiful of all?"
And the glass spoke and said:
"The Queen is most beautiful of all."
Years went by.Snow-white grew up and became a little girl.Every day the Queen looked in the glass and said,
"Tell me,glass upon the wall,
Who is most beautiful of all?"
And every day the glass spoke and said,
"The Queen is most beautiful of all."
Years went by,and Snow-white grew up and became a woman.Every year she became more and more beautiful.
Then one day,when Snow-white was a woman,the Queen looked in the glass and said,
"Tell me,glass upon the wall,
Who is most beautiful of all?"
And the glass said,
"Snow-white is most beautiful of all."
When the Queen heard this,she was very angry.She said,"Snow-white is not more beautiful than I am.There is no one who is more beautiful than I am."
Then the Queen sat on her bed and cried.
After one hour the Queen went out of her room.She called one of the servants,and said," Take Snow-white into the forest and kill her."
The servant took Snow-white to the forest,but he did not kill her,because she was so beautiful and so good.
The man took Snow-white into the forest,but he did not kill her.He said,"I shall not kill you; but do not go to the King's house,because the Queen is angry and she will see you.If the Queen sees you,she will make some other man kill you.Wait here in the forest; some friends will help you."
Then he went away.
Poor Snow-white sat at the foot of a tree and cried.Then she saw that night was coming.She said," I will not cry.I will find some house where I can sleep tonight.I cannot wait here:the bears will eat me."
She went far into the forest.Then she saw a little hut.She opened the door of the hut,and went in.

In the hut she saw seven little beds.There was a table and on the table there were seven little loaves and seven little glasses.She ate one of the loaves.Then she said,"I want some water to drink." So she drank some water out of one of the glasses.Then she fell asleep on one of the seven little beds.
The hut was the home of seven Little Men.
When it was night,the seven Little Men came to the hut.Each Little Man had a big beard,and a little blue coat.Each Little Man came into the hut,and took his little lamp.Then each Little Man sat down,and ate his little loaf,and drank his little glass of water.
But one Little Man said,
"Someone has eaten my little loaf."
And another Little Man said,
"Someone has drunk my little glass of water."
Then the seven Little Men went to bed,but one Little Man said,
"Someone is sleeping on my little bed."
All the seven Little Men came to look at Snow-white as she slept on the Little Man's bed.They said,
"She is very beautiful."
"She is very beautiful."
"She is very beautiful."
"She is very beautiful."
"She is very beautiful."
"She is very beautiful."
"She is very beautiful."
Snow-white awoke,and saw the seven Little Men with their big beards standing near her bed.She was afraid .
The Little Men said,"Do not be afraid.We are your friends.Tell us how you came here."
Snow-white said,"I will tell you." Then she told them her story.
They said,"Do not be afraid.Live here with us.But see that the door is shut when we are not in the house with you.Do not go out.If you go out,the bad Queen will find you.Then she will know that you are not dead,and will tell someone to kill you."
So Snow-white lived in 'the hut with the seven Little Men.
After some days Snow-white went into the garden.One of the Queen's servants was going through the forest,and he saw her.He went and told the Queen,"Snow-white is in a hut in the forest." The Queen was very angry when she heard that snow-white was not dead.
The Queen took an apple.She made a hole in the red side of the apple,and put some powder into the hole.Then she put on old clothes and went to the hut.She called,"Is any one there?"
Snow-white opened the door,and came out to her.The Queen said,"I have some pretty apples.Eat one of my pretty apples." Snow-white took the apple and said,"Is it good?" The Queen said,"See,I will eat this white side of the apple; you eat the red side.Then you will know that it is good."
Snow-white ate the red side of the apple.When the powder was in her mouth she fell down dead.
The Queen went back to her house.She went into her room.She looked into the glass and said,
"Tell me,glass upon the wall,
Who is most beautiful of all?"
The glass said,
"The Queen is most beautiful of all."
Then the Queen knew that Snow-white was dead.
The Little Men came back to the hut.When they saw that Snow-white was dead,the poor Little Men cried.Then they put Snow-white in a box made of glass.They took the glass box to a hill and put it there,and said,"Everyone who goes by will see how beautiful she was."
Then each Little Man put one white flower on the box,and they went away.
Just as they were going away,a Prince came by.He saw the glass box and said,"What is that?" Then he saw Snow-white in the box.He said,." She was very beautiful:but do not put her there.There is a hall in the garden of my father's house.It is all made of white stone.We will take the glass box and put it in the hall of beautiful white stone."
The Little Men said,"Take her."
Then the Prince told his servants to take up the box.They took up the box.Just then one of the servants fell down.The box fell,and Snow-white fell with the box.The bit of apple fell out of her mouth:she awoke,and sat up,and said,"Where am "
The Prince said "You are with me.I never saw anyone as beautiful as you.Come with me and be my Queen."
The Prince married Snow-white,and she became his Queen.
A man went and told this to the bad Queen.When she heard it she was so angry that she fell down dead.
Snow-white lived and was very happy ever after.And the Little Men came to see her every year.
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Hello,i am Wang Jing.My last name is Wang,myfirst name is Jing.
I ama girl. I am a student. I like reading books,drawing pictures and diving.
My family have four peoples:my father,my mother,my sister and me.I have a happy family。
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