5.There is____in my soup!

wkf102022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

5.There is____in my soup!
A.hair B.a hair C.hairs为什么选B?
8.I can find some white____on your head.
A.hair B.hairs为什么选B
9.You can put up here tonight.We have____.
A.a spare room B.spare room 为什么选A
11.More____will have to be made on the program gor these performers.
A.rooms B.room为什么选B
12.I thought there was somebody in the house becausse there was ____on inside.
A.a light B.light为什么选A
14.I had some interesting____during the journey.
A.experiences B.experience为什么选A
11题是for these performers.


ua11445 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
5.因为前面是 is,a hair 表示 “一根毛发” hair算是可数名词
8.前面是some white 指有一些白头发
9.a spare room 一个空着的/备用的房间
11.room 指的是空间
12.这里的light指的是 一个电灯,是可数名词


5.There is_________ Italian girl in Class Five.A.the B.a C./
岩石QD 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率76.5%
选A吧 5个元音字母 a e i o u,出现肯定是要用an的,但是选项里面没有嘛,排除法
六年级英语不定项选择.不定项选择. ( )5.There is ____ on the table.A.some non
( )5.There is ____ on the table.
A.some noney B.some paper C.some toy sheep D.some pieces of bread.
( )6.______ your teachers ____ the books.
A.Are.reading B.Do.read C.Are.wanting D.Do.want.
( )7.Please give me _____.
A.some paper B.a piece of paper C.any paper D.many paper E.much paper F.two piece of paper
( )8.The pupils are reading ____ .
A.Unit One B.On Unit C.the first unit D.the one unit
dd工 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
5.A.some noney B.some paper C.some toy sheep D.some pieces of bread.
6.A.Are.reading B.Do.read
7.A.some paper B.a piece of paper
用所给词的适当形式填空4.let's ____(take) a walk in the park.5.There is
4.let's ____(take) a walk in the park.
5.There is a boy _____(swim) in the water.
6.Mary wants ____(buy) a sweater.
7.We can't ____(talk) in the quiet library.
8.On weekend,I have to ______(wash) my clothes.
有手机的野孩子 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
take/swimming/to buy/talk/wash