Happyness is around the corner 翻译中文?

yangchao1232022-10-04 11:39:544条回答


woyaniya 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率100%
around the corner 是一个习语,意思是:is coming,来临
lv0710 共回答了1065个问题 | 采纳率
Happiness is around the corner.
Happiness is not here.
傻傻的虾米 共回答了1455个问题 | 采纳率
loseme 共回答了394个问题 | 采纳率


berry89 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
Perplexed,Happyness and jealous all happen at once Am i stil
Perplexed,Happyness and jealous all happen at once Am i still the same person的中文意思
Perplexed,Happyness and jealous all happen at once Am i still the same person?Do i lose myself?
linguoqing 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
即困惑 又感到幸福和嫉妒.我还是原来的我么? 是不是迷失了自己.
We go to our Relatives's home and share the happyness togeth
We go to our Relatives's home and share the happyness together.
茅山小妖归来 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率78.6%
I hope yesterday one more;I want my happyness never Disappea
I hope yesterday one more;I want my happyness never Disappear!
CrustedAmber 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
英语作文《money and happyness》
英语作文《money and happyness》
whgtz 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
Nobody says "No" to money!It's affirmative that everyone wants to earn money so as to maintain his/her livelihood.So to speak,one can not survive without money.For this reason,there's a critical proverb,saying:"Money doesn't mean anything but without which we can do nothing".In a word,it seems that money is more desirable than anything else.
Generally,there are two perspectives upon money.One takes money as the source of happiness,while the other considers it is the root of all evil.
However,personally speaking,what will money be depends on its owners.On one hand,one maybe satisfy himself/herself after donating his/her money to charity which makes money the source of happiness;On the other hand,if one's enormous greediness on money never ends,or he/she takes money more serious than his life,in this case,money will be the undoubted root of all evil.
Hereby,we youngsters should form positive habits of spending money to benifit from it and avoid its negative impacts!
Can Money Buy Happiness
1.Many of us dream of having thousands and thousands of dollars to spend on anything we desire.We buy lottery tickets,enter contests or spend hours building a business or playing the stock market.We’re sure when we have plenty of money,we will be happy.But will we?
2.While having some money does have an impact on our level of happiness,having a lot of money does not.People in the United States whose income goes from US$20,000 a year to US$50,000 a year are more likely to be happy.
3.But after US$50,000,happiness does not increase as salaries go up.Why is that?It’s because we are never satisfied.“We always think if we just had a little more money,we’d be happier,” says Catherine Sanderson ,a psychology professor at Amherst College.“But when we get there,we’re not.”
4.“The more you make,the more you want.The more you have,the less it brings you joy,” says Daniel Gilbert,a psychology professor at Harvard.“We incorrectly assume we’ll get more pleasure from more,and we don’t.”
5.The things money can buy don’t make you happy either.A lot of research suggests that you won’t find the “ good life” buying expensive “toys.” You finally buy that BMW you’re always wanted and it soon loses its appeal.Then instead of wondering of a new car is what really makes you happy,you decide you just need a different new car.It’s an endless cycle.
6.To really be happy,you need to understand what makes you happy in the first place.One secret of happiness:people.Surveys have found that people need people.Those who have five or more close friends are 50 percent more likely to describe themselves as “very happy.” Good relationships have a far greater effect on happiness than large raises in salary.Andrew Oswald is an economist at England’s University of Warwick.He says,“If you’re looking for happiness in life,find the right husband or wife rather than trying to double your salary.”
7.So invest your time and energy in people.The payoff is much bigger in terms of happiness!
翻译It is important for me to have a happyness life
louyunqing50 共回答了4个问题 | 采纳率50%
In pursue of own happyness!Try to do the impossible,and best
In pursue of own happyness!Try to do the impossible,and best!Forget the unhappythings!Try to use different way to get the same result!
kang113 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率90%
在追求自己的快乐!试着去做不可能的事,最好!忘记不开心的事情 !!尝试用不同的方式来得到同样的结果.
求英语作文:My view on happyness,500字左右,最好分 friendship,warm family
求英语作文:My view on happyness,500字左右,最好分 friendship,warm family,my love 三部分写.
56nnll 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率100%
My View on happiness
Everyone desires ansd pursues happiness.But happiness means different things to diferent people.Some people believe that if they can earn a lot money,they will be happy because they believe that money can bring them whatever they want.But wealthy people who are suffering from serious diseases claim that being healthy is happiness.for small chaildren,delicious food or interesting toys may please them.Nowdays many people value intellingence or wisdom.They are sure that it can bring true happiness.Apparently,the definition of happiness varies from person to person .
For me,happiness means the process of working hard and making constant progresss in my study.I'llbe very happy if Ican realize my value in my futue career and make some contributions to the development of our country.It also means being on good terms with my classmates and friends,Back at home,I enjoy the happiness of harmonious relationship among my family members who shareboth joy and hardship.of course,Iwill be very happy when my constant efforts bring the pleasure of success and the comfortable life.Besides,happiness consists in contentment.
Happiness is of great value in our daily life.It makes our life mesningful and hopeful,and gives us confidence and strength.
而happyness出自《The pursuit of happyness》
steven_228 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
请问关于辩论money is the source of happyness 正方可以提问什么问
请问关于辩论money is the source of happyness 正方可以提问什么问
真牛X 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率88%
根据心理学上 马斯洛的需求层次原理(Maslow's Need Hierarchy):人类需要满足最基本的紧缺需求才能够追求更高的增长性需求,在当前的世界现实性情况下,唯有金钱才能保障最近本的紧缺需求,进而人们才能有追求更高提高性需求的基础.所以如果没有money,那么连最基本的紧缺需求都不能满足,更谈不上self-actualization了,一个不能觉得自己self-actualized的人又怎么会觉得快乐呢?
Maslow's Need Hierarchy
Abraham Maslow proposed the concept of a need hierarchy,a progression containing deficiency needs (needs concerned with physical and social survival) at the bottom and uniquely human growth needs at the top.
To Maslow,self-actualization,which represents the need to fulfill our potential,is the ultimate human motive.
英语翻译Everyone's happyness is not difinded by what material th
Everyone's happyness is not difinded by what material things you have,and it's all difinded by what kind of wife or husband you found,that would no doubt be by your side if a terrible things striked you!
jianice 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
A friend who you can share happyness and sadness with.翻译.
错吻星空 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
急求英语高手帮忙回答3条关于英文电影"Pursuit of happyness"的问题
急求英语高手帮忙回答3条关于英文电影"Pursuit of happyness"的问题
1.chris:"you want something.you go get it.Period."
"i have always believed that my dreams and my desires can command and bend time and space to be the things that i want them to be.On a very natural,on a very human level,Chris Gardner displays that same ability."
Do you believe that you can always get what you want if you try hard enough?explain.
2.how do you feel about Chris's goal in life?To what extent do you identify with them in you own life?
3.What things do you think we should pursue in life?Is happiness one of those things?Why/why not?
我心飞翔男 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率76.5%
1.chris:"you want something.you go get it.Period."
"i have always believed that my dreams and my desires can command and bend time and space to be the things that i want them to be.On a very natural,on a very human level,Chris Gardner displays that same ability."
Do you believe that you can always get what you want if you try hard enough?explain.
Yes,but you have to believe in it.No one believes they can fly,therefore no one will ever fly.Didn't anyone watch or read "the secret"
It's called the law of attraction.You get what you want,basically.
But to get it,you must believe it is possible,believe you deserve it and believe it will happen.I've tried it out many times,it works,honestly.My dad didn't want to by me a guitar.I had the guitar I wanted pictured in my mind.My dad kept on saying I should keep the one I had already.Well guess what,I recieved the guitar I dreamed of.
I believe in it.
Call me crazy,I don't care,I'm going to believe in everything I want,and of course,obviously,fight for it,because,as my grandfather always said,money doesn't grow from trees.
2.how do you feel about Chris's goal in life?To what extent do you identify with them in you own life?
His goal has a perfound meaning.Everyone have and should have their own goal in the future,and chase them,fulfill it until you have achieve your life goal.Only if you try hard,you will feel the sense of passion and satiation from you bottom of your heart.
3.What things do you think we should pursue in life?Is happiness one of those things?Why/why not?
The pursuit of happiness should be a lifelong journey but the path to finding true happiness can be rewarding and enjoyable if we remember to know ourselves,let go of the things that do not matter,and remember the things that do.
gonna to share happyness,never travel alone.
michaelwlz 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
PS gonna to 是将来时,但是我觉得翻译的时候加进“将要”感觉怪怪的.