I have never been to ____ America

苦命的孩子啊2022-10-04 11:39:543条回答

I have never been to ____ America
A.an B.the


hqkfkf16 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
I have never been to America.我从来没有去过美国.
510705609 共回答了81个问题 | 采纳率
idea816 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率
原则上Asia , Africa, America等这些大洲前是不用冠词的,答案应是:不填。


"Thank you"___in America and other western countries.A.speak
"Thank you"___in America and other western countries.A.speaks b.is said C.is spoken D.is told
创世狂人 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
“Thank you”不是语种,而是语句,不用speak,用say吧...
speak English 、speak Chinese才用speak...
语法练习5-38The culture and customs of America are more like ___
The culture and customs of America are more like ____ of England than of any other country
A.that B.this C.what D.those
窗棂的风 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译1.he brought the wrath of America upon himself by a spee
1.he brought the wrath of America upon himself by a speech in Rhode Ialand saying that the September 11 hijackers had been "brave" 这里的upon himself 在句中做什么成分,该怎么理解?
wzking111 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
按词序翻译:他 招致了 美国的愤怒 到自己身上 通过一个在罗德岛的演讲 (演讲中)说 911的劫机者 是“勇敢的”(他由在罗德岛一次的演讲中谈到911的劫机者是“勇敢的”,而招致了美国的愤怒)
英语翻译1.America's terrible relationship with foodAmericans hav
1.America's terrible relationship with food
Americans have a very dysfunctional relationship with food.
Compared with the French,Belgians and Japanese,Americans get less pleasure from food and are most obsessed with whether it is 'healthy' or not (Rozin et al.,1999).
In contrast,the French have fewer hang-ups and enjoy their food the most.Perhaps it's no coincidence that they are also half as likely to be obese as Americans.
Americans,then,get the worst of all worlds:they are more dissatisfied with what they eat,are more concerned about whether it is healthy,try to make more dietary changes and are twice as likely to be obese as the French.
Something has clearly gone badly wrong with America's relationship with food.
2.You don't know when you're really full
We tend to think that the amount of food we eat is a result of how hungry we are.It's a factor,but not the only one.We are also affected by the size of the plates,serving spoons,packets and so on.
This has been most memorably demonstrated in a study where participants ate out of a soup bowl that was filled up secretly from under the table (Wansink et al.,2005).Others were served more soup in the usual way.Those eating out of the magically refilling bowl had almost twice as much soup but felt no less hungry and no more full.
The moral of this strange tale is that our stomachs provide only crude messages about how much we've eaten.Instead we rely on our vision and the eye is easily fooled.
Here's my healthy eating tip:force yourself to buy smaller packets of everything.Oh,and get rid of your automatically refilling soup-bowls:they're really doing you no good at all.
gracelyll 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率72.2%
与法国人、比利时人和日本人相比,美国人从食物中获得更少的快乐,并且非常痴迷于它是否“健康”(Rozin et al.,1999).
我们倾向于认为我们所吃食物的量取决于我们有多饿.这是一个因素,但不是唯一的.我们也受盘子的大小、公用汤勺 、食物包装等等的影响.
这已经被最令人印象深刻地在一个研究中演示过,当时参与者们从秘密地在桌子下面填加的一只汤碗中喝汤 (Wansink et al.,2005),另外的人们则按平常的方式提供更多的汤,那些在魔术般地加汤的碗中喝汤的人,几乎喝了两倍的汤却既没感觉到少些饥饿也没感觉到更饱.
sanda45 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率100%
Everyone speaks English in America .为何用单三speaks
Everyone speaks English in America .为何用单三speaks
Everyone是每个人啊 怎么会用单三呢
红泪5262 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
这个必须得记住了 还有 anybody somebody 啊
He went to the airport to wait for the__to America(fly)
He went to the airport to wait for the__to America(fly)
用括号里词的适当形式填空. 我英语不好,请多多谅解·~~会的人请帮帮忙~
我们之前 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
He went to the airport to wait for the flight to America.在这里要填一个名词,flight是fly的名词形式
She has got an email from America.改为一般疑问句.
深白三九 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
Has she got an email from America?
你来自美国 是 you are from America.you are come from America 为什么?
天天4503 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
you come from America.
或者:you are from the USA.
注:come from = be from,一般用一般现在时.
A Happy Family Mike comes from America.He is twelce .His fat
A Happy Family Mike comes from America.He is twelce .His father Mr.Brown works in a big shop in b
A Happy Family
Mike comes from America.He is twelce .His father Mr.Brown works in a big shop in beijing.Mike has a sister.her name is Kate.she is only four.
lt is saturday today.Mike's family is all at home.mr.Brown is sitting in a chair and reading today's newspqper.Mrs.Brown is out of the house,and she is watering(浇水)the flowers.ls Mike with his mother?No,he is piaying with her cat.What a happy famiily!
1、where does Mike come from?
2、who is Kate?
3、what is Mr.Brown doing?
4、what about Mrs.Brown?
5、ls Mike cleaning his old bike?
6、ls lt a happy family?
damoliusha 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
1.He comes from America.
2.Kate is Mike's sister.
3.Mr.Brown is sitting in a chair and reading today's newspqper.
4.Mrs.Brown is watering the flowers.
5.No,he isn't.
6.Yes,it is.
this is mr li from china,this is mrs green from america,____
this is mr li from china,this is mrs green from america,___________?hou do you do ________?填空
6358856 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
how about you?
how do you come form ?
kate worked in america for many years,but she has.
kate worked in america for many years,but she has.
never regretted her dession to retrun to her motherland 为什么用worked不用has
Seliven 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率71.4%
1 Kate has worked in America----------从现在的角度说,她在美国工作过.现在不在那里工作了.
2 Kate worked in America --------她在美国工作过,但现在不在那里工作了.
3 Kate worked in America for 4 years------她在美国工作过四年,但现在不在那里工作了.
4 Kate has worked in America for 4 years------她在美国工作了四年,现在还在那里工作了.
5 Kate has been working in America for 4 years-------她在美国工作了四年,并且还可能工作下去.
因为你用的是 regretted ,所以只能选择worked.如果是HAS NEVER REGRETTED,就要用HAS WORKED.着就叫做“时态一致性”.
Tom lives in America改成特殊问句怎么样
twgs 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
Where does TOM live?
He goes to study in America when he is nineteen的同义句
He goes to study in America when he is nineteen的同义句
He goes to study in America ____ ___ ___ ___ nineteen
yuezhengshi 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
at the age of
能找出 多多益善!
fd1d204 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
美国名字来自美洲,来自早期发现美洲大陆的Americus Vespucius.
完形填空:There are lots of festivals in America. Such as Christm
完形填空:There are lots of festivals in America. Such as Christmas day, Easter Day,
There are lots of festivals in America. Such as Christmas day, Easter Day, Halloween and so on. The American people c___1___them in many ways. Christmas is the most i___2___ festival in the USA. It is always on D___3___ 25th. It usually snows on Christmas Day, so the Americans also call it w___4___ Christmas. On this day, every family has a Christmas t___5___ in the house. People usually put some small l___6___ in
___4__the tree. The family members usually put their p___7___ in boxes and leave them u___8___ the tree. Children always w___9___ up early in the morning. They cannot wait to o___10___ the boxes to see what is in them.
知心恋人 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
-_____ will your father get back from America?
-_____ will your father get back from America?
-I am not sure.He says he won't be back until next December.
A.How long B.How soon C.How often D.When
luzuoxing 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
when 是用来问什么时候的,所以选择D 根据后面的回答,是问你爸爸什么时候从美国回来
how long 多长
how soon 多快
hwo often 问频率
I arrived in America at six yesterday.句型转换.
I arrived in America at six yesterday.句型转换.
I ________ ________ America at six yesterday.
男人女人谢谢 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
got to
几个英语语法题目,看下面1、It’s can’t have been his son,He was in America
1、It’s can’t have been his son,He was in American at that time.此句中“can’t have been “ 的语法?
2、Some computer games are a bit like plays ——you have characters playing different roles.此句中“playing “的语法?“have”的意思?
3、Continue the story and write a scene in which Lily comes back home to tell her husband about her meeting with Kim.此句中“in which”的语法?
模道中人 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
举例:It isn't easy trying to please her. 在这里你可以把这个playing理解为to play,不过后面要接状语
3、定语从句,先行词是a scene
Thanksgiving is celebrated_______. A.in both America and Eng

Thanksgiving is celebrated_______.
A.in both America and England B.in neither American or England
C.in America only D.in England only
gxc707501 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率78.6%

GMAT倒装句疑问Out of America's fascination with all (things antiq
Out of America's fascination with all (things antique have grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that are bringing) back the chaise lounge, the overstuffed sofa, and the claw-footed bathtub.
  B) things antique has grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that is bringing
  E) antique things has grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixt ures that bring
这是倒装句,主语是 a market,划线句式括号
yinxuanye 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
E选项里面antique things 后面接的是has,因此不能选。 things为复数,不可以接has, 只能用have
根据这封信,回信一封英文信.急 Dear SallyI have been in America for nearly
Dear Sally
I have been in America for nearly 3 months.I am enjoying my stay and study here.I have made some friends .Among them ,Mary ,an eighteen-year-old American girl ,is my best friend .We happened to be in the same class and share the same apartment .So I know her well .She'S tall and thin wish a lovely round face .As a top student in my class ,she studies hard and helps me a lot with my English .She likes singing very much .After school ,we often chat and play together .I'm very glad to have such a good friend.
How are you getting along with your studu in Australia?who;s your best friend there?I'm looking forward to hearing form you .
take care
Ling520520 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
Dear Lucy,
I am so glad to have received your letter and I am happy that everything worked out well for you in America.I didn't have as much luck to get a friend like Mary here in Australia,so I have been really struggling with my study.It kept me busy pretty much the whole time,I love to make some friends here soon who can help me with my English,too.
Say hi to Mary,write often.I promise I will write you whenever I can,too.
Best Wishes!
首字母填空 Lily and Lucy are twins.They a__1__ from America.They
首字母填空 Lily and Lucy are twins.They a__1__ from America.They c__2__ to China with their
Lily and Lucy are twins.They a__1__ from America.They c__2__ to China with their parents in 2004.Now their parents work in China.Their mother is a doctor ,and their father is a P__3__ teacher.
Lily and Lucy are eleven.They are both in Grade 5 ,but they are in different c__4__ .One of them i__5__ ,in Class 1 and the often o__6__ is in Class 3 .They walk to school every day .They have m__7__ friends in China .The giels and their feiends often play together .In summer they like s__8__ with their friends in the river and m__9__ snowmen with them in winter.They e__10__ their life in China.
curtz 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
are come popular class is other many swimming make enjoy
The visitors on the bus are (a ) from America.They are Ameri
The visitors on the bus are (a ) from America.They are Americans
cmm_2007 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
music inAmerica is very popular
ding1ji 共回答了126个问题 | 采纳率4%
Below are Top 10 Scholarly Stars in America in 2011.
below are top 10 scholarly stars in america in 2011.
it’s not always about fame and fortune for these celebs – education is a priority in their lives. find out what scholarly stars have earned degrees and diplomas or are returning to the classroom as you head back to school.
no. 10: james franco
james has attended four prestigious universities in his life: ucla, new york university, columbia university and yale university. we hear he’s is so serious about school, he missed the oscar nominations to attend class!
no. 9: natalie portman
natalie portman is so ivy league: she graduated from harvard university in 2003, thanks to her parents, who she says always made sure she put her studies before her acting.
no. 8: haley joel osment
when students at nyu heard haley joel would be joining them as a freshman in 2006, they chalked the campus’ sidewalks with his famous sixth sense movie line: “i see dead people.”
no. 7: emma watson
although emma watson put her education on hold to wrap up the harry potter film series, in july 2011 she announced that she was going back to school at brown university to complete her degree.
no. 6: dakota and elle fanning
celeb sisters dakota and elle fanning are stars on screen and in class. dakota was her high school’s homecoming queen two years in a row while elle, who still attends middle school, somehow manages to balance her acting career with math tests and gym class.
no. 5: mara wilson
mara wilson graduated from nyu in 2009. mara, who played the adorable nattie in mrs. doubtfire, eventually grew up and headed to new york to attend nyu’s tisch school of the arts; she graduated in 2009.
no. 4: tyra banks
tyra banks is known for being a savvy businesswoman, but even the best could use some formal training. she enrolled in harvard business school in 2011 and even went so far as to live in a dorm with her fellow classmates!
“we live in dorms,” confirmed the tv star. “i have my own room but we share a kitchen, living room and study area. it’s mandatory dorms. i freaked out. in the beginning i was like, ‘oh yes, i’m going to harvard and i’ll be at the four seasons down the street.’ and they were like, ‘girl, you’re living in dorms!’”
no. 3: shakira
singer shakira is resting her hips and giving her brain a workout at ucla, attending classes on the history of western civilization so she could “learn from the best”.
no. 2: steven spielberg
director steven skipped getting a formal education to be an unpaid intern at universal studios, where he learned his tricks of the trade . but eventually he did go back and earned his film degree in 2002.
no. 1: danica mckellar
danica mckellar is a math whiz. she used to be known for starring as *** cooper in the wonder years, but danica is also a ucla graduate, math whiz and education advocate who’s written three best-selling books encouraging middle-school girls to have confidence and succeed in mathematics.
小题1:what danica mckellar and natalie portman share in common is that ________.
a.both put their education in the first place
b.they graduated from the same university
c.the two actresses wrote best-selling books
d.both of them will abandon their acting
小题2:from the above, we can come to the conclusion that ________.
a.spielberg received a formal film education before he turned director
b.both sisters dakota and elle have not finished middle school education
c.tyra banks is sharing the same room with her classmates in harvard
d.shakira and haley joel osment are studying in university separately
小题3:the underlined word “ trade” in the passage is closest to ________.
a.business b.corporation c.studio d.occupation
小题4:how many stars referred to in the material studied or will go to ucla?
a.three. b.four. c.five. d.six.
想留oo 共回答了9个问题 | 采纳率88.9%

小题1:推理判断题,根据he put her studies before her acting和advocate who’s written three best-selling books encouraging middle-school girls to have confidence and succeed in mathematics可知,他们都非常重视教育,把教育放在第一位。
小题2:根据Celeb sisters Dakota and Elle Fanning are stars on screen and in class可知,她们都还在上学。
句型转换1.My parents will go to America in two weeks.(对划线部分提问)--
1.My parents will go to America in two weeks.(对划线部分提问)
2.People use thermoses for keeping water warm.(改为被动语态)
3.I hardil ever meet hin after he moved to another district.(对划
4.Collecting coins interests the small boy.(用interested改写)
5.Basketball was invented by a Canadian doctor.(改为主动语态)
fangxiang123 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率70%
1 bwho will go to America in two weeks?
2 thermoses are used for keeping water warm
3 how often do you meet him after he moved to another district?
4 the small boy is interested in collecting coins
5 a Canadian doctor invented basketball
rr一卧疯 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
america [ə'mɛrɪkɚ]
banana [bə'nɑːnə]
about [ə'baʊt]
dance [dɑːns]
tomorrow [tə'mɒrəʊ]
window ['wɪndəʊ]
how [haʊ]
now [naʊ]
think [θɪŋk]
their [ðeə]
those [ðəʊz]
three [θriː]
dress [dres]
bedroom ['bedruːm; -rʊm]
english ['ɪŋɡlɪʃ]
eleven [ɪ'lev(ə)n]
apple ['æp(ə)l]
plane [pleɪn]
happy ['hæpɪ]
name [neɪm]
music ['mjuːzɪk]
sun [sʌn]
truck [trʌk]
student ['stjuːd(ə)nt]
spsmgs48 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
1.His films are popular in not only China but also in America.2.They bear more before he is to Shanghai.3.They will success after a feeling of long hard work.
Table manners in America这篇文章大致意义是什么?
Table manners in America这篇文章大致意义是什么?
Table manners in America
Don't circle your plate with your arms.If you do so,you'll become the focus of the table.Everyone would wonder,"Is there anything wrong with the food?"This may give a wrong message that you don't like the food or something like that.
Don't push the plate back when finished.Leave it where it was.Do you want to let the hostess know that you have just done a laboor?
Don't lean back and say"I'm through" or "I'm full".Just put the fork and knife across the plate.That's all.
Don't cut up everything before you start to eat.Cut only one or two bites at a time.
Never take a huge mouthful of anything.Do you want to show how hundry you are?Don't do that.It's not so good.
It's never good to reach across the table for anything.If the thing you want is not at hand,simply ask the nearest person for help,Like "Mrs Smith,could you pass me the dish?"
给qqee01 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
英语选择1.Everybody___on hearing his ___experience in America.A
1.Everybody___on hearing his ___experience in America.
A is amused;amused B is amused;amusing
2.she has not ____my email yet.
A answered to B answering C replied to D repiled
aelmg 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
1.B.be amused被动式.后面这个用现在分词形式的形容词,表明是其修饰的名词experience使别的人觉得有趣的
2.C reply to sth回复
会英语的进来America is a nation which is made of people from all o
America is a nation which is made of people from all over the word ,all of______bring their own traditions and habits with them.A.them B.whom 请问为什么该题选B?
一只穿平底鞋的猫 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
这是一个定语从句,whom指代people from all over the world,之所以用whom而不用who是因为all of后面应该结宾格,who的宾格就是whom了
英语短文,1There are many kinds of ants in America.One of them is
There are many kinds of ants in America.One of them is much stronger than any other kind.People are afraid of it,and animals are afraid of it,too.
These ants move in large groups.They eat all the animals on their way.They can kill and eat elephants,and they can eat wooden houses.When the ants come near,people leave their homes.They are afraid that the ants will kill them and eat them,too.But people are sometimes glad after the ants pass through(通过),because they can see no pests(害虫) or snakes.
What are people afraid of?
They are afraid of ———— ———— ———— ————.
What do the ants look like?
They look ————than any other kind of ant.
What do the ants eat?
They eat .———— ————
Why do people run away when the ants come near?
They think the ants will ————them and eat them,too.
Can the ants sometimes do something good?————,———— ————
lpj2007 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率72.7%
1.1 a kind of ants
1.2 stronger
1.3 almost everything
1.4 kill
1.5 Yes,they can
_will you stay in America?A How many B Have a good time C Ho
_will you stay in America?A How many B Have a good time C How lomg D How
duodenum34 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
how long
英语短文翻译but new america and britain english may be
英语短文翻译but new america and britain english may be
becoming closer together.
vitiate 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率80%
but new america and britain english may be becoming closer together.
The USA和America,The UK和Britian有何区别?请不要只是字面翻译,我要的是内涵!
漫舞vv99 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
The USA 是美利坚合众国,也就是美国的全称
America 可以指美国,也可以指整个美洲.当它作为美国的时候,它跟THE USA的区别仅仅是“中华人民共和国”与“中国”的区别.
THE UK 指英国,包括大不列颠,北爱尔兰和格林兰岛(我地理不好,记不是很清楚)三个部分,也叫做英联邦.
Britain 指英国或者大不列颠岛,当它指英国的时候区别也就跟上面差不多.
就象我们自己说,我们是中国人,但是在奥运会上宣布某中国运动员的国籍的时候我们常听到的是“People’s Republic of China”
My penfriend is from America(同义句)
My penfriend is from America(同义句)
My penfriend is from America(改为同义句)
My penfriend is ()()
adcandy 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
My penfriend is an American
希望能帮到你o(∩_∩)o ,
The United States of America ____________ on Jul
The United States of America ____________ on Jul
y 7th,1776.
A、found B、was founded C、 is founded D、 was found
沙漠里的小舟 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
这里的动词原形是found,表示建立,所以found的过去式是was founded

He is thinking about ____(go) to America.
He is thinking about ____(go) to America.
w1988 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
going 介词后面用doing
捡到一枚硬币,正面最上“UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”,中间人头,人头左“LIBERTY”右“IN GOD WE TRUST”,最下“QUARTER DOLLAR”;背面最上“CONNECTICUT 1788”,中间一棵没有树叶有许多枝丫的树,树下“THE GHARTER OAK”,最下“1999 E PLURIBUS UNUM”。这枚硬币是干什么用的?看起来像美分,现值多少钱?
共回答了个问题 | 采纳率
1、He____[say] that he____[go] to visit America the next week
1、He____[say] that he____[go] to visit America the next week.
wybing06 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
would go
谁会这道题:阅读理解. 阅读理解.      Recently,many of America's biggest zo
Recently,many of America's biggest zoos have decided to close down their elephant exhibits.
A new study shows that elephants live better in the wild.
Researchers studies 4,500 elephants in European zoos and compared them with elephants living
in wild.They found that wild elephants are healthier,live longer and reproduce(繁殖) more than those
kept in zoos.
Many animals live longer in zoos than those who live in the wild.In zoos,they are not worried
about some animals that may attack them at any time when in the wild.There's always plenty to eat.
And they are cured when sickness strikes.But when it comes to elephants,the situation is different.
The researchers said that zoos do not offer enough space for elephants to walk about as much as
30 miles a day.Too little exercise and too much food are causing zoo elephants to put on extra pounds.
The weight gain can lead to heart disease and other health problems.Even the baby elephants born in
zoos are heavier than those born in the wild.
Bringing Asian and African elephants together in zoos has also caused problems.A disease that is
not dangerous for African elephants has spread to Asian elephants,and is harming them." Zoos have
accidentally created this," says Mason."It's killing Asian adult elephants."
Exerts point out that keeping elephants in zoos isn't a problem for the animals only; it's also quite
costly for humans.In the last 10 years,zoos have spent about $500 million on caged space for about
250 animals.
1.Compared with wild elephants,elephants in zoos ______.
A.live longer
B.are heavier
C.are healthier
D.reproduce more
2.The fourth paragraph mainly tells us that ______.
A.baby elephants are difficult to live in zoos
B.elephants walk as long as miles a day
C.little room to wander leads to problems for elephants
D.too much food in zoos leads to heart disease for elephants
3.What can we learn from the passage?
A.Asian elephants are more easily attacked by diseases than African elephants.
B.The diseases of zoo elephants are caused by being overweight.
C.Zoos free the elephants because of the cost of keeping them.
D.Elephants live better in the wild than in zoos.
4.The passage is probably taken from _____.
A.the zoo rules
B.a guide book
C.a healthy program
D.a science magazine
sweet037 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
英语翻译Daming and Simon went to a baseball game in America.They
Daming and Simon went to a baseball game in America.They ___ their bicycles.Then they ____ their favourite team.Their team___ very well and they____.Daming and Simon ___ hot dogs and drank colas.It____ a great game!
rode ate was played saw watched went won
逆流美鱼 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
Daming and Simon went to a baseball game in America.They _rode __ their bicycles.Then they __ saw __ their favourite team.Their team__ played _ very well and they__won__.Daming and Simon __ate_ hot dogs and drank colas.It__was__ a great game!
英语填词语I _______(work)in America for five years.这里面填什么啊..``要所有
I _______(work)in America for five years.
十三月DE头盖骨 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
have worked
十万火急的英语阅读(50分)In the past ten years,America’s National Baske
in the past ten years,america’s national basketball association(nba)has grown increasingly dependent on the rest of the world to supply players.
when michael jordan and larry bird won gold in barcelona in 1992,the americans were praised for teaching the world how to play basketball.this season,however,20 percent of nba rosters(花名册)will be filled by non-americans.nba commissioner david stern happily embraces the trend(趋势).on a visit to paris in october,stern outlined his vision for the future which is likely to see europe hosting nba games by 2010.
the nba is now planning to take china by storm.
“our experience in china has been that it is going to be explosive in its growth,”said stern.the strategy(战略)in china is television.“we’ve made 14 deals in china with local and national networks on cable and satellite.” the success of chinese centre yao ming has paved the way for the nba marketing blitz in china.the nba,which is broadcasted in more than 200 countries in 42 languages,will put that to the test in october 2004 when the houston rockets play two pre-season games against the sacramento kings in beijing and shanghai.the nba knows that it needs a global market to compensate for tough times on home soil .
“it doesn’t matter where the players come from,all the nba teams now know that they have to scout(揽得人才) internationally,”said terry lyons,the nba’s vice-president of international public relations.“it has increased the level of competition here.”as frenchman tony parker and argentine emanuel ginobili showed in winning championship rings with the san antonio spurs last season,many people can earn the respect of their american peers(同行).others,such as the houston rockets’ chinese centre yao ming—number one draft pick in 2002—and the detroit pistons’ 18-year-old serb darko milicic—number two overall in this year’s draft—are icons(偶像)in-waiting.it is the ultimate ***—the rest of the world teaching the us how to play basketball.
69.the underlined phrase “take china by storm”has the meaning of .
a.nba intends to make china its “marketing center”
b.nba is planning to set up some training centers in china
c.there’ll be a big storm when nba comes to china to play against the sacramento kings
d.the nba’s live basket games will be broadcasted on all the tvs in china
71.when the writer talked of “home soil”,he was referring to .
a.farms in the states b.native americans
c.the nba training center d.the usa
72.which of the following can be used as the best title for the passage?
a.the non-american basketball players
b.nba is coming to china
c.the foreign ties that bind the nba
d.nba is making big progress
4545kl 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
接着一段解释这句话,并总结为:The NBA knows that it needs a global market to compensate for tough times on home soil.
这个短语出现的段落说NBA在找global marketing.其他的选项都不对.
MichaeI Jackson was born in Indiana America on August 29 195
MichaeI Jackson was born in Indiana America on August 29 1958.Hewas the seventh
狂风暴雨9 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
句子里那些单词需要连读?who still doubts that America is a placewhere ai
who still doubts that America is a place
where ail things are possible.
wisw5248 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
who still doubts that America (is a) place (where all) (things are) possible.
注意doubt的失爆 that a are的弱化
英语考试时,美国有两种写法,一种是:the U.S.A.另一种是:America,应该写哪种?
跨不出圈 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
the USA(The United States of America )指的是美利坚合众国,是美国全称的缩写.一般用于较正式(法律等)的场合,在考试写作场合一般用后一种(America)
英语单词请教中译英题,我可能抄错一个单词,请帮忙猜一下可能是什么单词!(milions此单词找不到)of America
(milions此单词找不到)of Americans have suddenly taken an interest in the bilycle as if it were a new invention.
顶是一种态度 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
millions 百万的意思