番茄牛肉面的做法 英语

huanglei12172022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


快乐雪花happy 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
中文版: 材料: 普通面条300克,1000毫升,牛腩300克,番茄2个,姜2片,葱2根,茼蒿2棵. 调味料: A料:米酒2大匙. B料:米酒1大匙,酱油,番茄酱各2大匙,糖1大匙,盐适量. 做法: 1、番茄洗净,放入开水汆烫后捞出,去皮,切块;牛腩洗净,放入开水中汆烫去血水,捞出;葱洗净,切末;姜去皮,切片;茼蒿洗净,烫熟备用. 2、锅中倒入番茄牛肉汤,加入葱段,姜片及A料煮开,加入牛腩小火卤至熟软,约40分钟捞起,待凉切厚片,高汤留下备用. 3、另取超过倒入2大匙油烧热,放入卤牛腩拌炒一下,加入番茄高汤及B料煮开,改小火煮至入味,最后加入番茄煮约20分钟,即成茄汁牛肉高汤. 4、面条放入开水中汆烫一下,捞出,沥干,放在碗中,倒入茄汁牛肉汤,放上牛腩厚片和烫好的茼蒿,撒上适量葱末,番茄牛肉面大功告成. 英文版: Material: Ordinary noodles of 300 grams, 1000 milliliter, flank of 300 grams, tomato 2, 2 slices ginger, Onions, 2 TongHao 2 tree root. Seasonings: A material: rice wine 2 big spoon. B material: rice wine 1 big spoon, soy sauce, tomato sauce each 2 big spoon, sugar, 1 big spoon, salt right amount. Practice: 1, tomato abluent, blanch in boiling hot bails out, peeling, cut into parts, Cook in boiling water to wash, blanch to remove iron out;, Onions abluent, 5cm.long3com.wide3cm.thick; Peel ginger slice;, TongHao abluent, hot cooked. Set aside. 2, the pot add tomato beef soup, add onion section, ginger and A material boil, add the flank A small fire halogen until cooked soft, about 40 minutes, remove to cool cutting thick slices, stock to leave aside. 3, another take over into 2 big spoon oil heat, add bittern the flank and stir once, add tomato soup and B material boil to boil until ruwei small fire, finally add tomato and cook for about 20 minutes, become namely tomato sauce beef soup. 4, blanch noodles in boiling water, remove and ironed. Drain and, in a bowl, add tomato sauce on the flank beef soup, put thick slices and ironing good TongHao and sprinkle onion end, tomato beef noodles right amount nearly finished.


番茄牛肉面的做法 英语
shnow2254 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
Ordinary noodles of 300 grams,1000 milliliter,flank of 300 grams,tomato 2,2 slices ginger,Onions,2 TongHao 2 tree root.
A material:rice wine 2 big spoon.
B material:rice wine 1 big spoon,soy sauce,tomato sauce each 2 big spoon,sugar,1 big spoon,salt right amount.
1,tomato abluent,blanch in boiling hot bails out,peeling,cut into parts,Cook in boiling water to wash,blanch to remove iron out;,Onions abluent,5cm.long3com.wide3cm.thick; Peel ginger slice;,TongHao abluent,hot cooked.Set aside.
2,the pot add tomato beef soup,add onion section,ginger and A material boil,add the flank A small fire halogen until cooked soft,about 40 minutes,remove to cool cutting thick slices,stock to leave aside.
3,another take over into 2 big spoon oil heat,add bittern the flank and stir once,add tomato soup and B material boil to boil until ruwei small fire,finally add tomato and cook for about 20 minutes,become namely tomato sauce beef soup.4,blanch noodles in boiling water,remove and ironed.Drain and,in a bowl,add tomato sauce on the flank beef soup,put thick slices and ironing good TongHao and sprinkle onion end,tomato beef noodles right amount nearly finished.
初二英语作文 制作番茄牛肉面范文
小毛为你抽筋 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
Frist cut up two tomatoes and cut up some beef .
Next put some noodles in boiled water .add two teaspoons of honey to the bowl .
Then mix them up.
Finally pour them into the bowl.