gender and culture是什么意思

dapiao1052022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

gender and culture是什么意思


听幼稚的歌 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率84.6%


英语翻译Would you expect to see a similar gender gap in employme
Would you expect to see a similar gender gap in employment income in other areas of the world?这句话啥意思
梅索萧 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
What’s the secretary’s gender?怎么回答
衡衡yy 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
The secretary's gender is female/male.
英语翻译Gender SegmentationIn focusing on the needs and wants of
Gender Segmentation
In focusing on the needs and wants of one gender,do not miss opportunities to serve the other
Companies may offer product lines for both genders
Nike,Levi Strauss
frank82100 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
Nike,Levi Strauss
小小窃书女子 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
goal [goul] n.目的地,目的,目标
fight for one common goal 为一个共同目标而奋斗
各位帮我翻译三道英语题1.Yet the process of achieving gender equality is
1.Yet the process of achieving gender equality is still an ongoing one. order to survive,to feed,clothe,and shelter himself and his children,man has to learn to use thing he finds in nature,and this means that he has to study and learns about nature
3.what can easily be seen in his poems is his imagery and originality,power and range
merro 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
1 男女平等这个过程正在进行中。
2 人们如果想要生存,吃饱,穿暖,住好并哺育下一代,就一定要学会利用大自然,这就意味着人们要去学习和研究自然。
3 从他诗句的字里行间里我们可以感受到幻想和原创,动力和等级。
how important is it for parents to teach gender roles to the
how important is it for parents to teach gender roles to their children,
chnwnl 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
please enter your gender
palapalacr 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率72.7%
gender discrimination in Job-hunting 急求以此为题的英语作文,4级水平原创,180字
gender discrimination in Job-hunting 急求以此为题的英语作文,4级水平原创,180字左右,通俗易懂点
譂裑 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
Sexual discrimination in job-hunting
Discrimination against women in job-hunting has been increasingly encountered by female graduates since the job-hunting prime time has approached.
  A female postgraduate majoring in literature revealed her diary to reporters,which disclosed scenes of sexual discrimination during her job-hunting.
  Three years ago,the girl using the anonym Wang Li (王莉) enrolled for the postgraduate exam to avoid heavy employment pressure,the diary wrote.She found that 19 out of her 25 classmates were girls,who share the same idea that it might be easier for a female postgraduate than a university graduate to find a job.
  Unfortunately,the three years of their graduate life have not reduced the employment pressure much,the diary continued.
  Wang Li began her job hunting in late 2006 and failed to find a job five months later.She noticed that sexual discrimination was found everywhere.
  Some employers hanged a notice in front of their recruitment booths,stating clearly that they need only males,while others turned down girls when the female students came for application.
  “I yelled at one of the employers,‘The job only asks for a person who has ability to deal with paper works?Why do you turn down us girls as far as the job is concerned?’” Wang wrote in the diary.
  “The requirement has been raised by my boss and I have nothing to do with it,” the employer answered impatiently.
 A recent survey conducted by the state’s Labor and Social Security Department showed that 67% employers polled in 62 cities proposed sexual limitation or stipulated clearly that female employees were prohibited from being pregnant during their employment.
Sexual discrimination in subsidized housing
Source:China Woman’s News
The employees of Wuhan Aviation Equipments and Meters Co.,Ltd.recently pooled their money in order to fund the construction of economy employee housing.However,participation in this project is limited to married male employees,inciting the furor of female employees and their families.
A female employee who has been in the service of Wuhan since 1969 said,considering her seniority,she is more than qualified to participate in this project.“If this isn’t sexual discrimination then I don’t know what is,” she said.
In light of recent events,the company has revised the original project,removing the gender restriction.On April 3,the new project will be revealed to employees.
Gender ,Abilities ,Desired position 中文啥意思?
尼姑洗头用舒蕾 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
英语翻译文献的题目是Gender,Race and the ‘Art’ of Fiction:
boai99 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
英语翻译A reference to any gender includes all genders unless th
A reference to any gender includes all genders unless the context otherwise dictate,and
word importing the singular number shall be deemed to include the plural number and visa
德州的春天 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率68.4%
treat both genders fairly和words that put too much emphasis o
treat both genders fairly和words that put too much emphasis on gender are carefully avoided
344525206 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率96.2%
第一个genders 被both 修饰,是两性的意思;第二个gender 是作性别讲的意思,只能用单数形式
求编一段英语对话或写一篇英语短文!主题为Gender bias in language,六分钟对话最好!
求编一段英语对话或写一篇英语短文!主题为Gender bias in language,六分钟对话最好!
bruce_zhb 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
The use of one gender includes other genders and the use of
The use of one gender includes other genders and the use of the singular includes the plural.求解?
維維安杜 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
The use of one gender includes other genders and the use of the singular includes the plural.



A courageous follower is responsible for what he has done and admits bravely even if he has made a mistake.

句中的 he 就是这种用法,指代的不仅是男性,还包括女性.
急用 语法修改ResumeName:Xinwen,liu Gender:MaleDate Of Birth:02 Dec
急用 语法修改
Date Of Birth:02 Dec 1988
24/106 Elizebath st Richmond VIC 3121
Education Backgroud:
September 2006 until now,Stott's College
Work Experience:
August,2006 -- Feb,2007 as a kitchenhand in Singapore Restaurant.
March 2007 -- March 2008,as a sales clerk ,Waiter in Northcote plazza charcoal chicken .
I am applying for any position explore for wider experience and look for a more challenging oppotunity,That may enhance my work ablity.
I am a deligent reliable motivated and my abilities have been recognized by both clients and my superisors.Strong sense of responsibility.Can learn new things well in short time.Friendly relationship.
我才是三天 共回答了29个问题 | 采纳率89.7%
August,2006 -- Feb,2007 as a kitchenhand in Singapore Restaurant.
什么是kitchenhand啊?建议改成kitchen assistant
March 2007 -- March 2008,as a sales clerk ,Waiter in Northcote plazza charcoal chicken .
clerk一般是说OFFICE里的职员,你就说你是 sales或waiter就行了
另外,你可以写一写你做这些工作的时候学到了什么,比如team work之类的.
I am applying for any position explore for wider experience and look for a more challenging oppotunity,That may enhance my work ablity.
I am applying for any position in oder to gain more experience and take more challenging opportunities.That may enhance my work ablity.
I am a diligent reliable and self-motivated person.My abilities have been recognized by both clients and my superisors.I have strong sense of responsibility and be able to learn new things well in short time.I also good at keeping a friendly relationship with other team members.
首席科学家 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
AMY2002920 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
æn,en,ʌn 组合后比较接近【an(汉语拼音)】
how have gender roles changed in the United States over the
how have gender roles changed in the United States over the last century?
倦客2559 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
it had changed changed from "man takes all the power,woman do all the work" to "woman and man are equal.we are all human beings".
我想问一下gender and peace building啥子意思?
山里的百合 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
For the presidential race, i do not play gender card and i t
For the presidential race, i do not play gender card and i try to play a winning card. They attack
ethirty 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
Select Gender翻译
andyhuan79 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
the common gender通性
natural gender自然的性
h995269 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
number,gender,and case
Latin nouns have case,number and gender.
A booklet on successful gender case studies;
Akkadian nouns are declined according to gender,number and case.
小五五子001 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
英语作文gender inequelity in employment of college graduates”.
玩转等和平 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
gender inequelity in employment of college graduates
Gender inequality does exist in the employment of college graduates.As a common phenomenon,males are more popular with corporations and companies while females are relatively unpopular.There are many reasons for the situation.To begin with,males are prone to shoulder the hard working and heavy pressures in their jobs because it's known for all that males are stronger than females both internallly and externally.Second,males need less holidays than females do.For example,maternity leave is a must for females when they are pregnant.Moreover,when it comes to a business trip,males can easily travel to everywhere the boss directed while females may have certain misgivings of their own.So,companies are tended to employ male employees than female ones.
some people think that the gender gap is trending down.
some people think that the gender gap is trending down.
trending 为什么加ing
香雨123 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
在一个句子中,只能有一个谓语.已经有is做谓语了,所以trend这个动词不能用原形.而-ed表被动,ing表主动&现在&进行.句子没有被动的意思,且表示 现在&进行 所以用ing.
cross gender children
xhqxl 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
所谓跨性别(cross gender),是指具有某一生物学(解剖学)性别的个体,具有某种程度的异性心理、行为,或说异性气质.
请帮我写一份有关于Gender Wage/Gender Roles in the work place的五分钟演讲稿,高
请帮我写一份有关于Gender Wage/Gender Roles in the work place的五分钟演讲稿,高三水平就行
thanks a milloin,harry please!` ```~
这个名字没人抢吧 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
Gender Wage
"The U.S.Census Bureau has made available statistics on women鈥檚 and men鈥檚 earnings for several decades.By examining this time series of data,it is possible to get a feel for the changes and trends in earnings.One thing revealed by a simple visual examination of the series since 1960 is how closely the shapes of the two lines parallel each other.The dips and bumps in women鈥檚 and men鈥檚 earnings seem to move in tandem.Clearly,similar economic and social forces are at work in influencing the rise and fall of earnings for both sexes.Men鈥檚 earnings do not stand still and wait for women鈥檚 to catch up."
"The series of data points from 1960 onward provides a basis for a forecast of the future,although such forecasts are always estimates rather than hard certainties.When we used forecasting analyses to project the earnings of women and men into the future,to the year 2010,we found no evidence on which we could base a prediction for a closing (or widening) wage gap."
Gender Roles in the work place
Men and women have declared a cease-fire in the war that raged between the sexes through much of the last half of this century.In its place,they face common new enemies 鈥 the stress,lack of time and financial pressure of modern life.
A new national survey has found that after nearly a generation of sharing the workplace and renegotiating domestic duties,most men and women agree that increased gender equity has enriched both sexes.But both also believe that the strains of this relatively new world have made building successful marriages,raising children and leading satisfying lives ever more difficult.
The problem that now unites them,as warehouse operations manager James Lindow,35,of Green Bay,Wis.,put it,is "the lack of time you spend with your life."
Large majorities of more than 4,000 men and women questioned in a series of surveys last fall placed high importance on having a successful marriage and family.At the same time,equally large majorities of working men and women said they felt bad about leaving their children in the care of others,and wished they could devote more time to their families and themselves.
Surprisingly,although men and women agreed they should have equal work opportunities,and men said they approved of women working outside the home,large majorities of both said it would be better if women could instead stay home and just take care of the house and children.
Majorities of men and women believe there still are more advantages to being a man rather than a woman,and that most men don't understand the problems women face.And the survey shows that in some areas,the reality of daily existence for two-career families still has not caught up with changed attitudes.
Poll Data
This series of stories was based on the following polls,conducted for The Washington Post,the Henry J.Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard University on these dates:
Most men in the polls said they were happy to share child care and domestic chores with wives who work outside the home.Yet household duties remain sharply divided along gender lines.Working mothers still do twice as much housework as their husbands,and more than half of all women questioned expressed at least some dissatisfaction with the amount of help their husbands provide around the house.
"I think men are beginning to get it,at least some are,some of the time," said survey respondent Traci Hughes-Velez,34,of Brooklyn,N.Y.,director of compensation for a major corporation."But there are times they don't.My husband just doesn't seem to get it when I tell him that I feel I'm always on duty.When we're at home,I'm the one who always has an eye out for our son,making sure he's eating on time,things like that."
The survey shows that real differences in perspective and perception remain between the sexes.Men are more likely to support increases in defense spending; women more favorably disposed toward health care for uninsured children.Women are more likely than men to be religious and to value close friendships; men are more likely than women to want successful careers and wealth,and more likely to value an "active sex life."
But rather than emphasizing their differences and blaming many of life's problems on each other,men and women share a sense of conflict and confusion about how to make it all work under today's pressures.To a large extent,the politics of resentment have become the politics of fatigue.
Over the next five days,The Post will examine how men and women are managing in this transformed world based on a series of five nationwide surveys sponsored by The Washington Post in collaboration with researchers from Harvard University and the Henry J.Kaiser Family Foundation.
The people surveyed came from all walks of life and all parts of the country.They included people like B.J.Sande,a 32-year-old mechanical engineer from Chattaroy,Wash.,and Phyllis Wilkes,a 68-year-old San Franciscan retired from waitressing in a restaurant called Clown Alley.A sewing machine operator,a preschool teacher,a woman on welfare,a man looking for a job 鈥 they all spoke with conviction about how their lives are mostly better but definitely harder.
Today's story describes some of the consequences of the gender revolution,as revealed in survey data,in conversations with men and women,and in interviews with social scientists.Subsequent stories will examine women and men in the workplace,where expectations openly collide with the old ways of doing business; how changing gender roles have affected love and marriage; and how new research into the world of boys is posing troubling questions about how we raise our sons.
Gender Equality的英语作文,字数越多越好
醉刀医生 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
On Equality
In the days when a woman’s entire obligation was to be a good daughter,a good wife and a good mother,men and women were far from equal.Women suffered sexual discrimination until the so-called feminism came into being.Nowadays,feminism has been running for over a century.Result?It ran into the extreme of "equality" from my perspective.
Most of us agree that men and women should enjoy equality in this modern society.But what on earth does this equality mean?To be "equal",those for feminism would like to share everything with men they split bills,apply for masculine jobs,etc.They intended to buy in all the advantages and disadvantages of being a man.On their long journey to the "equal world",they’ve forgotten some basic facts they ARE women.Even school children know that women,after all,are different from men both physically and mentally.It is unwise,or even stupid,to ignore all these differences and pursue a so called "equal world".We couldn’t expect a man to give birth to a baby as we couldn’t expect the sun to rise in the west.Likewise,we couldn’t expect a woman to become the world’s fastest runner,as is simple,but seems forgotten by those feminists.
Equality is not bisecting everything.Real equality should be built upon the common sense of the basic sexual differences.Since some of the jobs can only be done well enough by men,women should not feel discriminated when we fail.After all,there’re also some jobs,which can only be perfectly done with women’s hands.These are not symbols of inequality,but natural laws.What really counts is equality in rights,reputation,etc.Only when all the individuals value the spirit of being equal can women really enjoy equality with men
Relationship Name Age Gender (F/M) Occupation
oeagc 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
翻译gender,age,marital status,place of birth
zdl7812 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
英语翻译Pleck defines this as gender transcendence of gender rol
Pleck defines this as gender transcendence of gender role norms and boundaries and the “development of psychological androgyny in accordance with their inner needs and temperaments” (Pleck 1975,p.172).Therefore,according to this theory,gender-related rules are flexible,and individuals can use them to adapt to situations where opposite sex characteristics may be more desirable.Davidson and Gordon further corroborated Pleck’s argument that it is possible for an individual to exhibit both masculine and feminine characteristics simultaneously (1979).Individuals may learn that they can be more successful by applying both masculine and feminine characteristics.
PentiumD820 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率78.9%
文章the difference between sax and gender
呃呃哈哈 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
the difference between sax and gender