
hr0092022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


ll不需要名字 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
iological trait


to biological laboratory
ahui1999 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
问几个开放式的英文题目1.are there much difference between biological pa
1.are there much difference between biological parents and adopted parents?
2.should grandparents be considered biological parents?
3.who's interest is more important than the other parents?(the grandparents,adopted parents,and biological parents)
我能买房 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
1.Narrowly speaking,they have one distinct difference.We are directly connected with the former in blood and genes,but often we haven't any connection with the latter on this point.But broadly speaking,to some extent,there aren't many differences.they are both the one who bring up us and teach us,especially support us and give us invaluable love.
2.I don't think so.Usually "parents"means the one who give birth to you.But grandparents just have blood relationship with you,they are very close to you,however,we still cannot regard them as biological parents.In some cases,they are as dear as our parents,or play exactly the role of our parents,but Grandparents are grandparents.
3.I think a person's interest is not directly connected with his all kinds of "parents".Certainly their interests might influence the young kids,but the envrionmrnt the kids grow up,the way of they being educated,the people they contact,all play an important role in the formation of one's interest.
So it's hard to rank them,many orther factor are to be concerned,esecially who is the one who live most close to you.
biological experiment technology怎么读
q6225665 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
英语翻译I have to say it's a cunning biological clock indeed tha
I have to say it's a cunning biological clock indeed that allows for the fact that there are far more interesting things for teenagers to do between nine and midnight,than between seven and 10 in the morning.
她是谁 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
biological 意思
lcscamel 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
英语翻译Kubo et al demonstrated higher levels of biological acti
Kubo et al demonstrated higher levels of biological activity to polyethylene particles of 11 μm than larger controls.
tianyaguren 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译Inner signals control other biological clocks.German sci
Inner signals control other biological clocks.German scientists found that some kind of internal clock seems to order birds to begin theri long migration flights twice a year.Birds prevented from flying become restless when it is time for the trip,but become calm again when the time of the flight has ended.
概念饭桶 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率100%
洗衣机里的英文谁能给翻译下?Biological with prewash Very dirty without pre
Biological with prewash
Very dirty without prewashed
Normal soil without perwash
Rinse and spin
Special treatments and spin
Long spin only
Synthetics with prewashed
Synthetics without perwashed
Rinses and spin
Special treatments
Delicate spin
Delicate spin for wool
behanbill 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
modeling and simulating biological systems. 什么意思
fbc123 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
英语翻译three levels of analysis:biological level of analysispsy
three levels of analysis:
biological level of analysis
psychological level of analysis
environmental level of analysis
在心理学书中这三个层面的分析的术语名字叫什么?只翻译three levels of analysis 就好,
oulaxieweiqi 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
Psychology 8th edition
作者:David Myers
日期:March 2006
出版社:Worth Pub
Psychology's Three Main Levels of Analysis
biological level of analysis
psychological level of analysis
environmental level of analysis
gre阅读难题Some modern anthropologists hold that biological evol
Some modern anthropologists hold that biological evolution has shaped not only human morphology but also human behavior.The role those anthropologists ascribe to evolution is not of dictating the details of 5 human behavior but one of imposing constraints— ways of feeling,thinking,and acting that ―come natu- rallyǁ in archetypal situations in any culture.Our ―frailtiesǁ –emotions and motives such as rage,fear,greed,gluttony,joy,lust,love—may be a very mixed 10 assortment,but they share at least one immediate quality:we are,as we say,―in the gripǁ of them.And thus they give us our sense of constraints.
Unhappily,some of those frailties—our need for ever-increasing security among them—are presently 15 maladaptive.Yet beneath the overlay of cultural detail,they,too,are said to be biological in direction,and therefore as natural to us as are our appendixes.
1.Which of the following most probably provides an appropriate analogy from human morphol- ogy for the ―detailsǁ versus ―constraintsǁ distinction made in the passage in relation to human behavior?(D) The psychological profile of those people
2 who are able to delay gratification as against people‘s inability to control their lives completely (E) The greater lung capacity of mountain peoples that helps them live in oxygen-poor air as against people‘s inability to fly without special apparatus
jiewufenglei1985 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
constraints— ways of feeling,thinking,and acting that "come naturally" in archetypal situations
A most people's inability to name any but the primary colors
不是与生俱来的 是通过后天学习
B people's inability to mask their feelings completely
C most people's inability to swim long distances
D people's inability to control their lives completely
这个也一样 不是天生的
E inability to fly without special apparatus
只有这个是学不了的 人都不会飞..
gre阅读难题Some modern anthropologists hold that biological evol
Some modern anthropologists hold that biological evolution has shaped not only human morphology but also human behavior.The role those anthropologists ascribe to evolution is not of dictating the details of 5 human behavior but one of imposing constraints— ways of feeling,thinking,and acting that ―come natu- rallyǁ in archetypal situations in any culture.Our ―frailtiesǁ –emotions and motives such as rage,fear,greed,gluttony,joy,lust,love—may be a very mixed 10 assortment,but they share at least one immediate quality:we are,as we say,―in the gripǁ of them.And thus they give us our sense of constraints.
Unhappily,some of those frailties—our need for ever-increasing security among them—are presently 15 maladaptive.Yet beneath the overlay of cultural detail,they,too,are said to be biological in direction,and therefore as natural to us as are our appendixes.
1.Which of the following most probably provides an appropriate analogy from human morphol- ogy for the ―detailsǁ versus ―constraintsǁ distinction made in the passage in relation to human behavior?(D) The psychological profile of those people
2 who are able to delay gratification as against people‘s inability to control their lives completely (E) The greater lung capacity of mountain peoples that helps them live in oxygen-poor air as against people‘s inability to fly without special apparatus
wuhao929 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率88%
constraints— ways of feeling,thinking,and acting that "come naturally" in archetypal situations
A most people's inability to name any but the primary colors
不是与生俱来的 是通过后天学习
B people's inability to mask their feelings completely
C most people's inability to swim long distances
D people's inability to control their lives completely
这个也一样 不是天生的
E inability to fly without special apparatus
只有这个是学不了的 人都不会飞..
英语翻译西藏海洋生物保护协会这样翻译对不对The Marine Biological Preservation Asso
The Marine Biological Preservation Association Of Tibet
x2htk 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
Marine biological conservation society in Tibet
Naval Biological Laboratory这个是藻类育种室的意思么?我不是很明白
pkorsh 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
这个不是~这个的意思和Marine Biological Laboratory 的意思是一样的 海洋生物研究室
lolix 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
iological :百哦啰及扩尔 geography:及哦格软非
biological fluid mechanics是什么意思
片刻清欢 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
iological fluid mechanics
[英][ˌbaiəˈlɔdʒikəl ˈflu:ɪd mɪˈkænɪks][美][ˌbaɪəˈlɑdʒɪkəl ˈfluɪd mɪˈkænɪks]
Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel exo-methylene cyclopentanone tetracyclic diterpenoids as antitumor agents
ever720 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel exo-methylene cyclopentanone tetracyclic diterpenoids as antitumor agents
as 做什么成分Physical anthropology or biological anthropology as
as 做什么成分
Physical anthropology or biological anthropology as it is also called
SMCC126 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
做状语的,因为as it is also called,后面不缺成分,正如所说的,也被称之为
如果,是,as is also called,则是非限定性定语从句,as 做主语,是关系代词了
请问一个名词是不是可以用2个形容词来形容,比如 proper biological needs
JIFFYKING 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率77.3%
限定词--数词--描绘词--(大小,长短,形状,新旧,颜色) --出处--材料性质,类别--名词
a small round table
a tall gray building
a dirty old brown shirt
a famous German medical school
an expensive Japanese sports car
1) Tony is going camping with ___ boys.
A. little two other B.two little other  C. two other little  D. little other two
答案:C.由"限定词--数词--描绘词--(大小,长短,形状,新旧,颜色) --性质--名词"的公式可知数词,描绘词,性质依次顺序,只有C符合答案.
proper (描绘词)biological (性质)needs(名词)
英语翻译翻译论文标题 Fenton-biological treatment processes for the rem
翻译论文标题 Fenton-biological treatment processes for the removal of some pharmaceuticals from industrial wastewater
0-00-00 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
fenton 生物治理法去除工业废水中一些药物成分的过程
biological activity of telomerase inhibitor 是什么?
fuguixuan123 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率80%
telomerase inhibitor 是 端粒酶抑制剂,这是医药科学的专业名词.
biological activity 是生物活性的意思,连起来就是端粒酶抑制剂的生物活性.
英语翻译Phenol biodegradation by rotating biological contactor
zhanglei21al 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率88%
英语翻译The objective of this Review is to introduce biological
The objective of this Review is to introduce biological and
physical scientists to the concept of bipolar electrochemistry
with a view toward expanding its scope in new and interesting
directions.This is a worthwhile goal,because the broad
adoption of electrochemical methods by those working in
other subdisciplines of science in recent years has underscored some shortcomings of existing techniques,apparatuses,
and theory.These include the difficulty of making direct
electrical contact to nanoscale electrodes,maintaining control
over and reading out very large arrays of electrodes simultaneously,controlling electrodes that are mobile in solution,
maintaining a non-uniform potential difference over the
surface of an electrode,and using electrodes to control local
solution potentials.In this Review,we will show that all of
these aspects of electrochemistry can be addressed,at least
partially,using bipolar electrodes (BPEs).
忙里偷闲mangli 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率96.3%
英语翻译LCP systems possess inherent biological advantages in fr
LCP systems possess inherent biological advantages in fracture fixation by preserving the periosteal blood supply,serving as internal fixators.It is important to consider the strength of each orthopaedic implant as an important selection criterion while utilizing the reported advantages of LCP systems to prevent catastrophic fracture failure.Mechanical testing of orthopaedic implants is a common method used to provide a surgeon with insight on mechanical capabilities,as well as to form a standardized method of plate comparison.The purpose of the study was to demonstrate and to quantify observed differences in the bending strength between the LCP ,LC-DCP,3.5 mm LC-DCP ,and SOP orthopaedic bone plates.The study design followed the ASTM standard test method for static bending properties of metallic bone plates,which is designed to measure mechanical properties of bone plates subjected to bending,the most common loading encountered in vivo.Single cycle four point bending was performed on each orthopaedic implant.The area moment of inertia,bending stiffness,bending strength,and bending structural stiffness were calculated for each implant.significant differences in bending strength and stiffness between the four orthopaedic implants .The 3.5 mm LCP should be expected to provide in vivo strength and stiffness similar to a comparable LC-DCP.The SOP should provide strength and stiffness that is greater than a comparable LC-DCP but less than a 3.5 mm Broad LC-DCP.
loveleext 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
英语翻译In fact,the specific biological mechanisms that allow pa
In fact,the specific biological mechanisms that allow parents to transmit their features to their offspring were an enormous mystery until about 140 years ago.Scientists back then knew that parents somehow made a tiny copy of themselves inside an egg or a sperm,but they had no idea what these copies were or how they worked.
Then,in the 1860s,an Austrian monk named Gregor Mendel started breeding peas in his garden.Where others saw only plants,Mendel looked deeper and found the basic units of heredity we now call genes.If you remember from the last chapter,genes are the parts of a chromosome that are transcribed to mRNA and are ultimately translated to the proteins essential to cellular processes.Mendel had no knowledge of protein synthesis and had never seen a chromosome,but his simple experiments with peas and the laws he developed to describe the behavior of hereditary—now termed classical genetics—have provided the foundation for the modern field of molecular genetics,the study of heredity on the molecular level.
For the SAT II Biology,you need a solid understanding of the basic laws and patterns of both classical genetics and molecular genetics.Questions on genetics can make up anywhere from 14 to 20 percent of the core of the SAT II Biology.In addition,the “M” section of the Biology E/M test focuses on evolution in terms of molecular biology,including genetics.
Basis of Inheritance:Meiosis
Mitosis takes a diploid cell and creates a nearly exact copy.Mitosis has two main functions:(1) it leads to the creation of all of the somatic (body) cells in humans and other living organisms; (2) in organisms that undergo asexual reproduction,diploid parent cells undergo mitosis to create identical daughter copies of themselves.Mitosis creates a daughter cell with chromosomes that are identical to the chromosomes in its parent cell.
But humans and most other complex plants and animals each have a unique set of chromosomes.This diversity of chromosomes is the result of sexual reproduction,which involves the contribution of the genetic material from not one,but two parents.During sexual reproduction the father’s haploid sperm cell and the mother’s haploid ovum (egg) cell fuse to form a single-celled diploid zygote that then divides billions of times to form a whole individual.
In order for sexual reproduction to take place,however,the parents first need to have haploid sperm or ova,also called sex cells,germ cells,or gametes.Meiosis is the name for the special type of cell division that produces gametes.
灌水为主沉默为辅 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
In fact,the specific biological mechanisms that allow parents to transmit their features to their offspring were an enormous mystery until about 140
years ago.Scientists back then knew that parents somehow made a tiny copy of themselves inside an egg or a sperm,but they had no idea what these
copies were or how they worked.
If you remember from the last chapter,genes are the parts of a chromosome that are transcribed to mRNA and are ultimately translated to the
proteins essential to cellular processes.Mendel had no knowledge of protein synthesis and had never seen a chromosome,but his simple
experiments with peas and the laws he developed to describe the behavior of hereditary—now termed classical genetics—have provided the
foundation for the modern field of molecular genetics,the study of heredity on the molecular level.
For the SAT II Biology,you need a solid understanding of the basic laws and patterns of both classical genetics and molecular genetics.Questions on
genetics can make up anywhere from 14 to 20 percent of the core of the SAT II Biology.In addition,the “M” section of the Biology E/M test focuses on
evolution in terms of molecular biology,including genetics.
Basis of Inheritance:Meiosis
Mitosis takes a diploid cell and creates a nearly exact copy.Mitosis has two main functions:(1) it leads to the creation of all of the somatic (body) cells
in humans and other living organisms; (2) in organisms that undergo asexual reproduction,diploid parent cells undergo mitosis to create identical
daughter copies of themselves.Mitosis creates a daughter cell with chromosomes that are identical to the chromosomes in its parent cell.
But humans and most other complex plants and animals each have a unique set of chromosomes.This diversity of chromosomes is the result of
sexual reproduction,which involves the contribution of the genetic material from not one,but two parents.During sexual reproduction the father’s
haploid sperm cell and the mother’s haploid ovum (egg) cell fuse to form a single-celled diploid zygote that then divides billions of times to form a
whole individual.
In order for sexual reproduction to take place,however,the parents first need to have haploid sperm or ova,also called sex cells,germ cells,or
gametes.Meiosis is the name for the special type of cell division that produces gametes.
英语翻译重新来一次:The history of life is the story of biological evo
重新来一次:The history of life is the story of biological evolution on a changing planet,and at no time has change ever been as rapid as in the age of humans.
xzcviuaosdfpus 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
一道托福阅读的句子改写题!原文→Indeed,stability of the biological clock's p
原文→Indeed,stability of the biological clock's period is one of its major features,even when the organism's environment is subjected to considerable changes in factors,such as temperature,that would be expected to affect biological activity strongly.
题目→Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage?Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
○ Stability,a feature of the biological clock's period,depends on changeable factors such as temperature.
○ A major feature of the biological clock is that its period does not change despite significant changes in the environment.
○ A factor such as temperature is an important feature in the establishment of the biological clock's period.
○ Biological activity is not strongly affected by changes in temperature.
shinewe2 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
1.题干要求找“best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence”的项,也就是提取主干.即需抓准句子陈述的中心对象.
2.B项的主语“A major feature of the biological clock”符合上述条件.
1)原句句尾“such as temperature,that would be expected to affect biological activity strongly.”说温度可strongly影响生物活性
一个英文句子,In the realmof the biological sciences,the sequencing
In the realm
of the biological sciences,the sequencing of the
genomes ofmany more species has had deep ramifications in
diverse areas of research,providing new insights,for exam-
ple,into the evolutionary histories of numerous species.这个地方deep ramifications怎么理解
baishafly 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
deep ramification
帮我检查下语法错误The twenty-first century is the era of biological s
The twenty-first century is the era of biological sciences,but also an era of information science.The bioinformatics is one of the most important and advanced science development realms nowadays.It has already been used for obtaining,handling,analyzing and managing of the gene sequence data extensively.
In this thesis,it introduces the bioinformatics and bio-database of relevant content,it describes blast algorithm the correlation algorithm.
This thesis to create bioinformation platform with the .NET and the SQL Server of related technique.Through the laboratory test of DNA sequences and the relevant information on the Internet,and constructs the DNA database,carry out some operation of view and search of this local database with the ASP.NET and ADO.NET.The local BLAST alignment system based on Web has many excellent features.The style of retrieve,parameters selection and the pattern of results are the same as NCBI.This is easy to contrast with NCBI and communicate between researchers.
相亲时代 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率100%
The twenty-first century is not only the era of biological science, but also an era of information science. The bioinformatics is one of the most important and advanced science development realms nowadays. It has already been extensively used for obtaining, handling, analyzing and managing the gene sequence data.
In this thesis, the bioinformatics and bio-database of relevant content is introduced, and blast algorithm and the correlation algorithm are described.
This thesis will create bioinformation platform with the .NET and the SQL Server of related technique. Through laboratory test of DNA sequences and relevant information on the internet, a DNA database is constructed, some operations are carried out, and the local database may be viewed and searched with the ASP.NET and ADO.NET. The local BLAST alignment system based on web has many excellent features. The way of retrieval, parameters selection and the pattern of results are the same as NCBI. It is easy to contrast with NCBI and communicate between researchers.
英语翻译if we could develope a biological system working at a me
if we could develope a biological system working at a mere five per cent effeiciency——today's solar cells can double that ——it would require twenty square feet,not one acre,to feed one person.
XINDEXUEYE 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
proper biological needs 请问 这个英语的形容词顺序正确吗?
花罡 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率66.7%
a mom's biological cocoon是什么意思
a mom's biological cocoon是什么意思
还有 and that teaches him how healthy or unhealthy he will be years down the road.
hjjgjhgj 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
a mom's biological cocoon 指的是母体的子宫
and that teaches him how healthy or unhealthy he will be years down the road.会让他了解到他出生后会有多健康或不健康
谁可以解释下 bottom-feeding 的意思.原句 Biological hypotheses include e
谁可以解释下 bottom-feeding 的意思.原句 Biological hypotheses include ecological changes brought about by the evolution of cooperation between insects and flowering plants or of bottom-feeding predators in the oceans.
鼠王子 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
ottom-feeding predators 我的理解是“底饲掠食者”.
bottom-feeding adj.of or relating to fish and marine life that feed on the bottom of a body of water.
1.large Old World freshwater bottom -feeding fish introduced into Europe from Asia.
2.and many of the commonly available species are members of the large and diverse carp
family of fishes ,or other bottom -feeding species.
3.Market participants warn that the activity represents "bottom -feeding" by opportunistic
investors whose strategies could be derailed by rising interest rates.