噩梦 作文

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宝贝龙猫 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%


The endless nightmare无尽噩梦(7) 作文
枫-凌 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
Chapter 7School is just simply boring. And Miss Brooke is simply lame.The classroom seemed to be incredibly quiet and calm when Erica entered the next morning. And guess why that is? Tommy isn’t here today. Long live the arrangement. No one knows why he’s absent——and no one CARES.Miss Brooke came into the classroom wanly. “UmmHummm…” She cleared her throat. “Erica, I’d like to have a word with you.” She had this weird look on her face as if she had just came back from the moon and was freaked out by a alien.“What happened? Why is Miss Brooke getting all spooked up?” Erica thought.“Take a seat now.” Miss Brooke’s voice sounded serious.“I don’t know if you have heard this but Tommy varnished. I called his parents and they have no idea either. According to your words yesterday, I was thinking that you might have known any details……”“Wait a min!” Erica interrupted. “You’re not suspecting me doing anything bad against Tommy, are you?” She blushed with anger.“It’s hard not to think that way, since you cursed him dead yesterday.” The teacher’s voice was getting raspy.“I didn’t curse him! Where did you get that from?” Erica explained.“Was I the one making all the things up? Who was the one with ‘ TOMMY U R SOOOOOOOO DEAD!! ’?” Miss Brooke imitated loathsomely.“I didn’t mean it, I was just mad! Any one would say that when she’s mad!” How could she ever be a little more understanding?“Well girl, Tommy is gone and you’re the first suspect.”“Maybe he just disappeared during his sleep like the other teenagers.” Erica objected“HUH? What teenagers?” Erica forgot she was the only one who got the special newspaper.“Nevermind. But give me a chance. I’ll figure it out and give you an answer by the end of this week, ok?”“Ok, but you’d better start working on it. You don’t want to go in jail, do you?”Erica went out of the room with a pale face, how the hell would she knew why Tommy disappeared?
噩梦醒来 作文
我用ff不服吗 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
Theendlessnightmare无尽噩梦 作文
killusa2 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
Chapter 7School is just simply boring. And Miss Brooke is simply lame.The classroom seemed to be incredibly quiet and calm when Erica entered the next morning. And guess why that is? Tommy isn’t here...
职业走路 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
People always say that dreams are always great because we can do something that we can not do
in real life and some unimaginable thing can happen.However,the dream I had last night was
horrible.In a rainy day,I was running to my home.But when I was near to the river,I saw a
ghost on the other side of the river.I was scared,so I wanted to run more quickly.But,I
suddenly found that my legs frozen and I fell down.And then I found three people I knew,so I
shouted and asked for help.Unfortunately,they just saw me quietly and nobody helped me.Then I
cried and woke up.After I woke up,I was still scared,so that I turned on the light.But the
good thing was that I feel lucky after woke up,because nothing horrible happened.
Theendlessnightmare无尽噩梦 作文
lmp520520 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
Chapter 5The bell rang again. School is sure over this time. Ericca picked up my bags and waited for Melissa and Ryan in front of the candy shop near my house. She remember the appointment with them—to spend the afternoon in my house.She just felt someone wrapped an arm around her neck. She was completely freaked out. She wanted to scream but no sound came out.“Don’t move.” Erica heard a deep voice. She could feel the breath near her. She did not dare to move, she thought I was going to die. “Now,” the voice said coldly. “I want you to do as I say, I’m I understood?”“Ok, but what do you want?” Erica was being a coward, I know. But no one could be brave when one’s life was in a hand of another.“I don’t want much; just give me your Sun times. TODAY’s Sun times, and YOUR’S.” That sure made her shriek. Why did he want the newspaper? And he especially mentioned HER newspaper? She remembered the secret about the newspaper. But she only told it to Melissa and Ryan, how else could have heard?Obviously, she had never thought the someone behind her bench could overhear it.The arm around her neck is tightened. She must lose no time. “But who are you? Why do you want a normal newspaper?” She was earning time for herself. The person can’t do anything to her until he gets the Sun times.“Hey, tommy! What are doing? Let Erica go, you dumb bully!” Erica saw a stream of light. Melissa and Ryan was running to her.The person seems to be thunder stocked and let go of Erica’s neck suddenly.“It’s you Tommy! You gangster!” Erica cried. She chased Tommy along the way but Tommy was to fast for her. Erica got back to her friends, looking exhausted.“I don’t know how I offended Tommy; he is always being impassable with me!” Erica complained.“Maybe he got a crush on you and just wanted to catch your attention!” Ryan made a face.“Oh shut up Ryan! If so, I can say you have a crush on Amber. You were going to beat her up this morning. Didn’t you want to get her attention.” I teased back. This really works; no one likes rumors being spread about him and his enemies.“No, you shut up. How dare you say that! I hate Amber!” Ryan colored hotly.“Stop it. Both of you!” Melissa blew up.“Wow! What a nice house you’ve got.” Melissa admired.“It certainly looks good but some people say it is haunted, and that’s why we got it at a good price.” Erica didn’t believe in haunted houses. But she wasn’t sure Melissa doesn’t. Melissa is a pavid person.“R…Really?” Melissa paused a little as she asked. “Maybe I should go home, I am scared.”“Go if you admit you are a scary cat.” Ryan teased.Melissa stood where she was. She didn’t attend to move.“LINGINGINGING…….” The door bell rang. Melissa almost spited her lemonade. “What was that?” She cried uneasily. “That was just our door bell. I think it needs some repair. The sound is quite scary.” Ryan explained.Erica told Ryan to stay will Melissa while she get the door. Erica turned the doorknob gently and frowned. Much to her surprise it wasn’t anyone else, but Amber.“Amber, what are you doing here?” Erica was being very polite, “Why don’t you come in and…” And what she didn’t say.Amber walked in naturally, squeezing a warm smile to her face. “Erica, I am so sorry,” Her voice was getting so soft and melting. “I want to solve the mystery with you…Err….the teenagers…you know?”“How did you know about this?” Erica asked her anxiously.“Melissa told me.”“Ryan, I think it is Amber out there.” Melissa was trembling all over.“So what? She’s not going to swallow you.” Ryan and Melissa were on the first floor living room.“Err……Ryan, I’m kinda thirsty. Would you mind…”“Sure.” Ryan went off to the kitchen.When he got back, everything was not quite the same before. For example: Where is Melissa?Erica and amber heard a scream. They ran over, “Ryan, what’s wrong? Where is Melissa?”“Exactly.” Ryan ruminated. Amber rolled her her eyes dreadfully, “Maybe she was caught by the ghosts.”
太阳甜甜 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率79.2%
People always say that dreams are always great because we can do something that we can not do in real life and some unimaginable thing can happen.However,the dream I had last night was horrible.In a rainy day,I was running to my home.But when I was near to the river,I saw a ghost on the other side of the river.I was scared,so I wanted to run more quickly.But,I suddenly found that my legs frozen and I fell down.And then I found three people I knew,so I shouted and asked for help.Unfortunately,they just saw me quietly and nobody helped me.Then I cried and woke up.After I woke up,I was still scared,so that I turned on the light.But the good thing was that I feel lucky after woke up,because nothing horrible happened.
在狂风中 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
People always say that dreams are always great because we can do something that we can not do in real life and some unimaginable thing can happen. However, the dream I had last night was horrible. In a rainy day, I was running to my home. But when I was near to the river, I saw a ghost on the other side of the river. I was scared, so I wanted to run more quickly. But, I suddenly found that my legs frozen and I fell down. And then I found three people I knew, so I shouted and asked for help. Unfortunately, they just saw me quietly and nobody helped me. Then I cried and woke up. After I woke up, I was still scared, so that I turned on the light. But the good thing was that I feel lucky after woke up, because nothing horrible happened.