Trekking a---- the desent alone is dangerous

五良夜2022-10-04 11:39:542条回答


asksky010 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
daechunghwa 共回答了256个问题 | 采纳率
admits 承认
Trekking 承认单独降落是危险的。


go hiking和go trekking的区别
天啊我好苦 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
go hiking去远足
go trekking去徒步旅行
A Trekking Journal
A Trekking Journal
November 12,1997
Today (be) ___is___ the second day of my trek around Mount Annapurna.I am exhausted and my legs (shake)____________________ ; I just hope I am able to complete the trek.My feet (kill,really)____________________ me and my toes (bleed)____________________,but I (want,still)____________________ to continue.
Nepal is a fascinating country,but I have a great deal to learn.Everything (be)____________________ so different,and I (try)____________________ to adapt to the new way of life here.I (learn)____________________ a little bit of the language to make communication easier,unfortunately I (learn,not)____________________ foreign languages quickly.Although I (understand,not)____________________ much yet,I believe that I (improve,gradually)____________________
I (travel,currently)____________________ with Liam,a student from Leeds University in England.He (be)____________________ a nice guy,but impatient.He (walk,always)____________________ ahead of me and (complain)____________________ that I am too slow.I (do)____________________ my best to keep up with him,but he is younger and stronger than I am.Maybe,I am just feeling sorry for myself because I am getting old.
Right now,Liam (sit)____________________ with the owner of the inn.They (discuss)____________________ the differences between life in England and life in Nepal.I (know,not)____________________ the real name of the owner,but everybody (call,just)____________________ him Tam.Tam (speak)____________________ English very well and he (try) ____________________ to teach Liam some words in Nepali.Every time Tam (say)____________________ a new word,Liam (try)____________________ to repeat it.Unfortunately,Liam (seem,also)____________________ to have difficulty learning foreign languages.I just hope we don't get lost and have to ask for directions.
tianxianren 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
(shake) are shaking
(kill, really) are really killing
(bleed) are bleeding
(want, still) still want
(be) is
(try) am trying
(learn) am learning
(learn, not) don't learn
(understand, not) don't understand
(improve, gradually) will gradually improve
(travel, currently) am currently travelling
(be) is
(walk, always) always walks
(complain) complains
(do) did
(sit) is sitting
(discuss) are discussing
(know, not) don't
(call, just) just calls
(speak) speaks
(try) is tryng
(say) is saying
(try) tries
(seem, also) also seems
终于好啦, 真的挺长的!
希望我没做错吧! 你也可以检查检查, 学习天天向上!
穿过 几个词的用法!Trekking____the forest is very exciting.空格本应填throu
穿过 几个词的用法!
Trekking____the forest is very exciting.
情海孤洲 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
There were very few roads in Nepal,so trekking was the best
There were very few roads in Nepal,so trekking was the best way to travel 改同意句
jeorm 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
ecause there were very few roads in nepal,trekking was the best way to travel.
Trekking through the mists of the Huangshan mountains , I ca
Trekking through the mists of the Huangshan mountains , I came upon a young man painting the scenery with traditional brush and ink on rice paper. He smiled proudly as he showed me his work. It was indeed quite beautiful for a painting , but it paled compared to the living scene before my eyes: mountaintops surrounded by light clouds, an endless dance of wind and fog that changes alternately in the dark hills beneath. How futile it must feel for a mere human being to try to capture that , I thought.
Yet for centuries ,these mountains in the heart of China have been a destination for artists and poets , who come to commune with nature in one of its more striking pose-and struggle to replicate its beauty. Along with the artists and poets come lovers ,who grasp locks symbolic of their undying love to the chain fences that protect hikers from the steep cliffs .Seventy miles of trials wind around 72peaks , the two majestic of which are Capital of Heaven and Lotus Flower.
In 1990 ,UNESCO declared Huangshan a Cultural and Natural Property , thereby ensuring that the area’s physical beauty will be preserved forever. Pheasant and deer abound. Hundreds of plants are said to heal the body and the famous hot springs are known for their healing qualities . An hour’s meditation in one of these pools is a great way to end a day of hiking .
The three staging areas for Huangshan visitors are Jade Screen, the Hot Spring area and the North Sea. The Xi Hai and Bei Hai ,located on different summits are three-star hotels serving Chinese and Western food as well as wine and liquor from East and West.
Huangshan may not be exactly off the beaten path , but it is on a road well worth taking.
小题1: The writer thought the young man ‘s painting .
A not a bit beautiful B not as beautiful as the living scene
C more beautiful than the living scene D beautiful enough to caught the nature’s beauty
小题2: Why would lovers like to grasp locks to the chain fences?
A because locks symbolize lovers’ forever love
B because locks can protect lovers from the cliffs
C because locks help lovers climb to the top quickly
D because locks contribute to enjoy nature easily
小题3: What is the purpose of the passage?
A To introduce some hotels in Huangshan mountains
B To recommend Huangshan mountains to tourists
C To speak highly of the beauty of Huangshan mountains
D To stress the convenience to climb Huangshan mountains
我是不是陌生人1 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%