Would you give me some information about THE PRIDE AND PREJU

会游泳的男人2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

Would you give me some information about THE PRIDE AND PREJUDICE?(in english)
the more the better
thank you


windrain2006666 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
Pride and Prejudice is a novel by Jane Austen, first published in 1813. The story follows the main character Elizabeth Bennet as she deals with issues of manners, upbringing, morality, education and marriage in the society of the landed gentry of early 19th-century England. Elizabeth is the second of five daughters of a country gentleman, living near the fictional town of Meryton in Hertfordshire, near London.
Though the story is set at the turn of the 19th century, it retains a fascination for modern readers, continuing near the top of lists of 'most loved books' such as The Big Read. It has become one of the most popular novels in English literature, and receives considerable attention from literary scholars. Modern interest in the book has resulted in a number of dramatic adaptations and an abundance of novels and stories imitating Austen's memorable characters or themes. To date, the book has sold some 20 million copies worldwide.
The plot of the novel is driven by a particular situation of the Bennet family: The Longbourn estate where they reside is entailed to one of Mr Bennet's collateral relatives—male only in this case—by the legal terms of fee tail. Mr and Mrs Bennet have no sons: this means that, if Mr Bennet dies soon, his wife and five daughters will be left without home or income. Mrs Bennet worries about this predicament, and wishes to find husbands for her five daughters quickly. The father doesn't seem to be worried at all.
The narrative opens with Mr Bingley, a wealthy young gentleman and a very eligible bachelor, renting a country estate near the Bennets called Netherfield. He arrives accompanied by his fashionable sisters and his good friend, Mr Darcy. Attending the local assembly (dance) Bingley is well received in the community, while Darcy begins his acquaintance with smug condescension and 'proud' distaste for all the country locals. After Darcy's haughty rejection of her at the dance, Elizabeth resolves to match his coldness and pride, his prejudice against country people, with her own prideful anger—in biting wit and sometimes sarcastic remarks—directed towards him. (Elizabeth's disposition leads her into prejudices regarding Darcy and others, such that she is unable to 'sketch' their characters accurately.)
Soon, Bingley and Elizabeth's older sister Jane begin to grow close. Elizabeth's best friend, Charlotte, advises that Jane should show her affection to Bingley more openly, as he may not realise that she is indeed interested in him. Elizabeth flippantly dismisses the opinion—replying that Jane is shy and modest, and that if Bingley can't see how she feels, he is a simpleton—and she doesn't tell Jane of Charlotte's warning. Later Elizabeth begins a friendship with Mr Wickham, a militia officer who is of long personal acquaintance with Darcy—they grew up together. Wickham tells her he has been seriously mistreated by the proud man; Elizabeth seizes on this news as further reason to dislike Darcy. Ironically, Darcy begins to find himself drawn to Elizabeth, unbeknownst to her.
Jane pays a visit to the Bingley mansion. On her journey to the house she is caught in a downpour and catches ill, forcing her to stay at Netherfield for several days. In order to tend to Jane, Elizabeth hikes through muddy fields and arrives with a spattered dress, much to the disdain of the snobbish Miss Bingley, Charles Bingley’s sister. Miss Bingley’s spite only increases when she notices that Darcy, whom she is pursuing, pays quite a bit of attention to Elizabeth.
Mr Collins, the male relative who is to inherit Longbourn, makes an appearance and stays with the Bennets. Recently ordained a clergyman, he is employed as parish rector by the wealthy and patronising Lady Catherine de Bourgh of Kent. Mr Bennet and Elizabeth are amused by his self-important and pedantic behaviour. Though his stated reason for visiting is to reconcile with the Bennets, Collins soon confides to Mrs Bennet that he wishes to find a wife from among the Bennet sisters. He first offers to pursue Jane; however, Mrs Bennet mentions that her eldest daughter is soon likely to be engaged, and redirects his attentions to Elizabeth.
At a ball given by Bingley at Netherfield, Elizabeth intends to deepen her acquaintance with Mr Wickham, who, however, fails to appear. She is asked to dance by Mr Darcy; here she raises Wickham's fate with him, causing their harmonious dance to fall into a 'testy' discussion. The ball proceeds as spectacle: the arriviste Sir William Lucas shocks Darcy, alluding to Jane and Bingley and 'a certain desirable event'; Mr. Collins behaves fatuously; now Mrs Bennet talks loudly and indiscreetly of her expectation of marriage between Jane and Bingley, and, in general, cousin Collins and the Bennet family—save Jane and Elizabeth—combine in a public display of poor manners and upbringing that clearly disgusts Darcy and embarrasses Elizabeth.
The next morning, Mr Collins proposes marriage to Elizabeth, who refuses him, much to her mother's distress. Collins handily recovers and, within three days, proposes to Elizabeth's close friend, Charlotte Lucas, who immediately accepts. Once marriage arrangements are settled, Charlotte persuades Elizabeth to come for an extended visit to her new bridal home.
Though appearing at the point of proposing marriage to Jane, Mr Bingley abruptly quits Netherfield and returns to London, leaving the lady confused and upset. Elizabeth is convinced that Darcy and Bingley's sister have conspired to separate Jane and Bingley.
In the spring, Elizabeth joins Charlotte and her cousin in Kent. The parsonage is adjacent to Rosings Park—the grand manor of Lady Catherine de Bourgh, Mr Darcy's aunt—where Elizabeth and her hosts are frequently invited to socialize. After Mr Darcy and his cousin Colonel Fitzwilliam arrive to visit Lady Catherine, Elizabeth renews her project of teasing Darcy—while his admiration for her grows in spite of his intentions otherwise. Now Elizabeth learns from Fitzwilliam that Darcy prides himself on having separated Bingley from Jane; and, with the poorest of timing, Darcy chooses this moment to admit his love for Elizabeth, and he proposes to her. Incensed by his high-handed and insulting manner, she abruptly refuses him. When he asks why—so uncivil her reply—Elizabeth confronts him with his sabotage of Jane and Bingley's budding relationship and with Wickham's account of Darcy's mistreatment of him, among other complaints.
Deeply shaken by Elizabeth's vehemence and accusations, Darcy writes her a letter which reveals the true history between Wickham and himself. Wickham had renounced his legacy—a clergyman's 'living' in Darcy's patronage—for a cash payment; only to return after gambling away the money to again claim the position. After Darcy refused, Wickham attempted to elope with Darcy's fifteen-year-old sister Georgiana, and thereby secure her part of the Darcy family fortune. He was found out and stopped only a day before the intended elopement. Regarding Bingley and Jane, Darcy justifies his interference: he had observed in Jane no reciprocal interest for Bingley; thus he aimed to separate them to protect his friend from heartache.
In the letter Darcy admits his 'repugnance' for the 'total want of propriety' of her (Elizabeth's) family, especially her mother and three younger sisters. After reading the letter, Elizabeth begins to question both her family's behaviour and Wickham's credibility. She also concludes: Wickham is not as trustworthy as his easy manners would indicate; that he had lied to her previously; and that her early impressions of Darcy's character might not have been accurate. Soon, Elizabeth returns home.
Elizabeth tells her father that Darcy was responsible for uniting Lydia and Wickham. This is one of the two earliest illustrations of Pride and Prejudice.[2] The clothing styles reflect the time the illustration was engraved (the 1830s), not the time the novel was written or set.
Some months later, during a 'northern' tour, Elizabeth and her Aunt and Uncle Gardiner visit Pemberley, Darcy's estate, while he's away. The elderly housekeeper has known Darcy since childhood, and presents a flattering and benevolent impression of his character to Elizabeth and the Gardiners. As they tour the grounds Darcy unexpectedly returns home. Though shocked—as is Elizabeth—he makes an obvious effort to be gracious and welcoming, and treats the Gardiners—whom before he would have dismissed as socially inferior—with remarkable politeness. Later he introduces Elizabeth to his sister, a high compliment to Elizabeth. Elizabeth is surprised and hopeful of a possible new beginning with Darcy.
Elizabeth and Darcy's renewed acquaintance is cut short by news that Lydia, her youngest (and most frivolous) sister, has run away with Wickham. Initially, the family (wishfully) believe they have eloped, but they soon learn that Wickham has no plans to marry Lydia. Lydia's antics threaten her family—especially the remaining Bennet sisters—with social ruin. Elizabeth and her aunt and uncle hurriedly leave for home; Elizabeth is anguished, and convinced that Darcy will avoid her from now on.
Soon, thanks apparently to Elizabeth's uncle, Lydia and Wickham are found and married. Afterwards, they visit Longbourn; while bragging to Elizabeth, Lydia discloses that Darcy was present at the wedding. Surprised, Elizabeth sends an inquiry to her aunt, from whom she learns that Darcy himself was responsible for both finding the couple and arranging their marriage, at great expense to himself.
Bingley returns to Longbourn and proposes marriage to Jane who immediately accepts. Now Lady Catherine surprisingly visits Longbourn. She sternly tells Elizabeth she has heard rumours of Darcy proposing to her; she came with 'determined resolution' to confront Elizabeth and to demand that she never accept such a proposal because Darcy is supposed to marry her daughter. Elizabeth refuses to bow to Lady Catherine's demands. Furious, 'Lady C' charges off and tells Darcy of Elizabeth's obstinacy—which convinces him that Elizabeth's opinion of him may have changed. He now visits Longbourn, and once again proposes marriage. Elizabeth accepts, and the two become engaged.
The novel's final chapters establish the futures of the characters: Elizabeth and Darcy settle at Pemberley, where Mr Bennet visits often; Mrs Bennet remains frivolous and silly—she often visits the new Mrs Bingley and talks of the new Mrs Darcy; Jane and Bingley eventually move to locate near the Darcys in Derbyshire. Elizabeth and Jane teach Kitty who had always been badly influenced by Lydia better social graces, and Mary who had been the most reclusive learns to mix more with the outside world at Meryton. Lydia and Wickham continue a life of frivolity which keeps them from accumulating any wealth and leads them to have to move often, leaving debts for Jane and Elizabeth to pay. At Pemberley, Elizabeth and Georgiana grow close; Georgiana is surprised by Elizabeth's playful treatment of Darcy, and she grows more comfortable with her brother. Lady Catherine holds out, indignant and abusive, over her nephew's marriage, but eventually Darcy is prevailed upon to reconcile with her sufficiently that she condescends to visit. Elizabeth and Darcy remain close to her Uncle and Aunt Gardiner—the agents of their reconciling and uniting.


英语翻译原文是:Formulating the phenomena that information science s
Formulating the phenomena that information science should explore and the problems information science should solve is of basic significance.It is by establishing the scope of this problem that the precise area of systematic,scientific investigation can be specified and the assumptions governing the activity developed.N.Belkin put it as:“Facilitating the effective communication of desired information between human generator and human user” (Belkin,1977:22) (1)
描述信息科学要探索的现象和信息科学要解决问题是最基本的.通过确定这一问题的范围,系统、科学的研究的确切领域可以被确定,而且行为控制的假设可以被发展.N.贝尔把它看为:“促进信息在人类机器和人类用户之间有效的通信” (贝尔,1977:22) (1)
yinamd1 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
写一个i开头的单词,解释为to ask for information about something.
luckyshoren 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
inquire [ɪn'kwaɪr]
vt. 询问;查究;问明
vi. 询问;查究;询价
a lot of 或者a lot 哪个可以()information
iltsea 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率81.5%
两者皆可~只有修饰形容词副词的时候两者有区别,只能用a lot
my GRE account 输入信息后,“The information you provided does not
my GRE account 输入信息后,“The information you provided does not match our records"怎么办?
zhao92 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
英语翻译break down call by(information) cut sb off (often passiv
break down call by(information) cut sb off (often passive) get away(from...) get through (to sb) hand (sb) over to sb hang on (infornal)
hang up put sb through
anee 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
1.The telephone system has broken down.电话系统瘫痪了.
2.Retrieve call information by using call logs.通过使用呼叫记录取回呼叫信息.
3.They were cut off for not paying their phone bill.他们未付电话费,被停机了.
4.Will you get the phone?你去接一下电话好吗?
5.I tried calling you several times but I couldn't get through.我试着给你打了几次电话,但都没打通.
6.hand (sb) over to sb (尤指打电话或在新闻广播中)让某人听另一个人讲话或同其谈话
eg:I'll hand you over to my boss.请跟我的老板讲.
7.Hang on—I'll just see if he's here.等一下——我这就看看他在不在.
8.After I hung up I remembered what I'd wanted to say.我挂了电话之后才想起来原本想说的话.
9.Could you put me through to the manager,please?请帮我找经理接一下电话好吗?
Upon在这里是什么意思?"Upon this information we have received custome
Upon在这里是什么意思?"Upon this information we have received customer orders"
feigoo 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
同于according to /on
英语翻译restrict disclosure and use of information to employees
restrict disclosure and use of information to employees (including any contractors or consultants,provided that such contractors and consultants agree in writing to be bound by the provisions hereof) with a need-to-know,and not disclose it to any other parties
qbdsb 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率96%
Armed with the information you have gathered,you can set up
Armed with the information you have gathered,you can set up preparing you business plan.
谓语,宾语.句子结构 和 句式.
gy2009 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
(Armed with the information 《you have gathered定语从句,省略了that,修饰information》非谓作状语),(you主语) (can set up谓语) (preparing you business plan宾语).有了(armed with直译为配备了)你收集的...
2.The information is very important.(感叹句) ______ ______ info
2.The information is very important.(感叹句) ______ ______ information it is!
3.The girl is too young to go to school.(同义句) The girl is ____young ____she can’t go to school.
4.Do you mind if I sit beside you?(同上) Do you mind ____ ______ here?
6.It seemed that an accident happened to him.(同义句) An accident _____ _____ _____ ______ him.
7.He didn’t laugh at me.He helped me.(合并) He helped me ___ __ __ at me.
编号玖伍贰柒 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
2.how important
3.so that
4.me sitting
6.seemed to happened to
7.instead of laughing
My request is that the information referred to in my report
My request is that the information referred to in my report ________ Mr. Brown without delay.
A.to be e-mailed B.be e-mailed C.e-mailed D.being e-mailed
紫岸星宿 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%

in addition,information about the daily activities of our an
in addition,information about the daily activities of our ancestors can be provided by art请问这句话的意思,
zhoujwen 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
Pls find the information under blow如何译
Pls find the information under blow如何译
求教Pls find the information under blow其中是blow还是below?如何译?是否有under blow 和under below?如何译?
lucky_rmb 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率75%
英语句子改成被动语态,We use computers to search informationThe teacher
We use computers to search information
The teacher ofter repeats the story
They don't allow fishing here
hupyouxi 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
1 computers are used to search information by us.
2 the story is often repeated by the teacher.
3 Finishing isn't allowed here by them.
关于give to the Congress information of the state of the union
关于give to the Congress information of the state of the union的语序
可以看成是give information of the state of the union to the Congress来理解吗?give to the Congress information of the state of the union和give to the Congress information of the state of the union哪种表达方式更常见呢?
傻Y呆呆 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率73.7%
the internet ____ i easy to get much new information in a sh
the internet ____ i easy to get much new information in a short time
活在爱里 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率100%
running 全句是information helps develop a picture of the market
全句是information helps develop a picture of the market-without it we are 'running bling'
sdsun 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
information helps develop a picture of the market-without it we are 'running bling'
who you can trust with classified information.请问这里with class
who you can trust with classified information.请问这里with classified information是什么成分?
永恒之爱恋 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率96%
with classified information在本句中是作宾语补足语,简称宾补.
trust sb with...是固定搭配,意思是把…托给(某人)管理,在...信任某人
who在本句中是trust的宾语,那么with classified information(机密信息)就是对who的补充,表示在...信任谁
My duty is to introduce background information of aircraft m
My duty is to introduce background information of aircraft model and merit and demerit of our product to consumer.If they have purchase intention,I would guide them.I won the Month Sale champion at that time.When consumers were dissatisfied and came to our counter with product,I could deal with.The experience of volunteer improved my communication skills and make me realised the importance of teamwork.
31号 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
英文中少了世博,应该加上The experience of volunteer in Shanghai Expo比较好
英语翻译Failure to submit the housing information to WWCE one mo
Failure to submit the housing information to WWCE one month prior to your arrival in the US,will result in your dismissal from the program without fefund.
云且留住 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
using system of receiving and senging information as a serie
using system of receiving and senging information as a series of the numbers one and zero 错在哪里
using system of receiving and sending information as a series of the numbers one and zero,showing that an electronic signal is there or is not there.
东冬儿 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
Information is well-organised using a good range of signals
Information is well-organised using a good range of signals and link words
小小大大毛毛虫 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率100%
解释原因的动词ing的用法,还比如,the paper is interesting using a lot of funny stories.
They__(download)lots of information before we arrived.这句话是应该
They__(download)lots of information before we arrived.这句话是应该用过去完成时的么.
juexh 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
had downloaded 是过去完成时啊.ARRIVED就是过去时,BEFORE表示时间关系.
Anyone who had information should contact the police on 5550
Anyone who had information should contact the police on 55501212.同义句转换
m21zhaosheng 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
whoever had information should contact the police on 55501212
kanglecjr 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
information u.n.消息;资料
newspaper u.n.报纸 (亦作:paper)
The following chart(表) shows some information about the stud

The following chart(表) shows some information about the student’s after-school activities in a middle school. 100% means all the students, 51%—99% means most students, 1%—50% means some students and 0% means no students.
of Activity
Every day
Once or twice a week
Three or four times a
Do housework
Surf the Internet
小题1:This chart is about the ______ of the students in a middle school.
D.after-school activities
小题2: _________ of the students can take enough(足够的) exercise during the week.
A.65% B.25% C.10% D.75%
小题3: If there’re fifty students doing housework every day, there will be ________students surf the Internet every day.
A.100 B.50 C.150 D.250
电子虫虫 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%

小题1:细节理解题,根据文中语句“The following chart(表) shows some information about the student’s after-school activities in a middle school.”理解可知。
英语翻译Output devices convey information from the computer to t
Output devices convey information from the computer to the user.Increasingly,audio output devices are becoming popular,particularly those with voice output.Be suer to look at the graphics provided for the examples
ywkkxd 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
英语翻译72:[Sender To Receiver Information]/REC/AT MATURITY,I.E.
72:[Sender To Receiver Information]
//27,2013 BEING 120 DAYS AFTER
vip68988 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
word,information,message 完形填空单词辨析?
word,information,message 完形填空单词辨析?
fujitaka1988 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
word n[c] 指“词”,即单独表达含义的词语;
information n[u] 指“资讯”、“信息”等,含义较为笼统;
message n[c] 指具体的“信息”,例如手机发送的“短信”,你给别人的留言,都是 a message
英语翻译Sensor protocols for information via Negotiation
wzqsamsung 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
Write a polite letter to the school asking for information y
Write a polite letter to the school asking for information you want to know. Use your notes in 3a.
jevons99cai 共回答了1个问题 | 采纳率100%
翻译It helps you understand how information is presented in th
翻译It helps you understand how information is presented in the reading
陌染1985 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率76.9%
Check for information provided for application 的中文意思?
pengfei2008 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
information 是不可数名词?most?
information 是不可数名词?most?
1.These books,which you can get at any bookstore,will give you____you need
A.all the information B all the informations
C all of the information D all of the informations
information 是不可数名词?若是的话排除B D 但AC中为什么不用C
2.It is reported that____adopted children want to know who their natural parents are
A.the most B most of C most D the most of
make_it_true 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
1,all of + 可数名词复数
most of the,被收养的孩子当中的大部分.之所以加the,是因为特指这些被收养的人.这里的most是代词
(What useful) information you gave us last week
(What useful) information you gave us last week
括号里还有what a useful和 how useful和 how useful an
都市牡牛 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率79.2%
information 是不可数名词,所以用What useful
We are said ___in the information age,a time of new discover
We are said ___in the information age,a time of new discoveries and great changes.
A.to live B.to be living C.to have lived D.having lived
flypen 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
We are said ___in the information age,a time of new discoveries and great changes.
【sb is said to do sth】表示某人被认为...
这边不需要用to have done
()nice information!A.what B.how C.what a C.how a
()nice information!A.what B.how C.what a C.how a
()happy your grandma will ve to see you!
A.what B.how a C.how D.what a
it's snowing in Harbin.we()go skiing there.
A.should B.must C.will D.can
嘟嘟oprah 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
1 选A
3 选 D
1.______useful the information they've given us is!
1.______useful the information they've given us is!
A.What B.What a C.How the D.How
2.______nice day!Let's go for a picnic on the beach together.
A.What B.What a C.What an D.How
3.Could you tell me______?
A.when will the meeting begin B.when the meeting begins
C.when the meeting began D.when the meeting would begin
修修Y 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率100%
1.因为后面跟的是useful,是形容词,所以用how ,what后面跟的是名词
2.nice day 名词,用what,day是可数名词,后面又没有S,所以前面+a
28.A computer can store ______ information because it has a
28.A computer can store ______ information because it has a very large memory.
A) a great many B) a vast amount of
C)a large number of D) a number of
29.Lao Wang is a selfless man,so under no circumstances ______ anything that will benefit himself and hard the interests of others.
A does he do B) did he do
C) he does do D) he does
30.No one doubts ______ he is the best leader in the company.
A)whether B) what
C) if D) that
ADC 我写的是BAD 为什么 28information是不可数要用many形容 29为什么不倒装 30no doubts 什么时候是加if 什么时候that
上帝也在混日子 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
information只是不可数名词,而a great/good many,a (large) number of都是修饰可数名词的.
Can you send me________ information about the hotel,please?
Can you send me________ information about the hotel,please?
why not plaese tell me why?
nideshangzhi 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
如果改为 can't you send ...,就用any
Make an information card.Then write an e-mail about yourself
Make an information card.Then write an e-mail about yourself.
Dear friend,
My name is...
SUN晴天 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
wen,thank you for your e-mail .you asked me about myself last time ,let me tell you something about me.
i'm a very lively 11-year-old girl (boy ),i'm interested in english ,mathematics and biology ,i'm now the minister of our class ,i'm good at playing tennis ,i've won the first prize in a contest of our school .i have many fridends ,i hope i can make the acquaintance with you ,and be good fridends .
looking forward to hearing from you !yours,
She offered a _______ of $ 2000 for information about her mi
She offered a _______ of $ 2000 for information about her missing son.

[ ]

A. pay
B. reward
C. fee
D. fare
clrzy 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
ellen5419 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
[英] [ˌɪnfəˈmeiʃən] [美] [ˌɪnfɚˈmeʃən]
谁可以帮我修改一下英语作文Recently a Beijing information company did a su
Recently a Beijing information company did a survey of student life among more than 700 students in Beijing ,Guangzhou,Xi’an,Chengdu,shanghai,Wuhan,Nanjing,and Shengyang.The results have shown that 67percent of students think that saving money is a good habit while the rest believe that using tomorrow’s money today is better.What do you think?
Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a composition of about 200 words.
You are to write in three parts.
In the first parts,state specifically what your opinion is
In the second part,support your opinion with appropriate details.
In the last part,bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.
You should supply an appropriate title for your composition
Marks will be awarded for content,organization,grammar.And appropriateness
Saving money or spending tomorrow’s money
A recent survey in several cities showed a great number of students prefer to save money while some individuals tend to use tomorrow’s money,I’m with the opinion that we should save money,there are two justifications listed to support my argument.
In the first place ,we students can’t afford to live totally by ourselves,we ask our parents for money.Once we run out of our money,we must ask our parents for help,thus saving money is necessary.Furthermore,saving money is commonly regarded as a good habit,which enables us to do whatever we want to do at any time,not borrowing money from others.
With the two advantages of saving money,you may agree to my standpoint that saving money is the best choice
忘忧星晴 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率88%
A recent survey were done in several cities.It showed that a great number of students prefer to save money while some individuals tend to use tomorrow’s money,I’m with the opinion that we should save money.There are two justifications listed to support my argument.
In the first place ,students can’t afford to live totally by themselves,they ask their parents for money.Once they run out of their money,they have to ask their parents for help.Therefore,saving money is necessary.Furthermore,saving money is commonly regarded as a good habit,which enables people to do whatever we want to do at any time,not borrowing money from others.
With the two advantages of saving money,you may agree to my standpoint that saving money is the best choice
人称要一制,主语唯一,we 和students出现两个主语,你想表达的是我们学生,但是这个在英语上是说不通的:we students can’t afford to live totally by ourselves.所以删除we 这个句子就成了:students can’t afford to live totally by ourselves,这时students 是属于第三人称,而ourselves是第一人称,所以要改,在写支持的观点的时候,j尽量避免出现 you,your,we,our,第一人称和第二人称.最好用第三人称或被动语态来表的它的客观性,若用第一人称或第二人称,这会显得过于主观
英语单项选择方面的问题I __ more information i needed ,but my computer b
I __ more information i needed ,but my computer broke down.
A.had got B.need have got C.might have got D.must have got
598730195 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
英语翻译the information is subject to change and supplement with
the information is subject to change and supplement without prior notice
城上高楼接大荒 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
Products information shall be subject to change and supplement without prior notice
PS:这里的change and supplement在中文里就是“变动”的意思,没必要翻译出来“改变和补充”,因为改变和补充就是“变动”.
Work and information processing in a solvable model of Maxwe
Work and information processing in a solvable model of Maxwell's demon 求翻译
澜意烟雨 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
应该填什么?1.They have a ____ more information about that acciden
应该填什么?1.They have a ____ more information about that accident.
选项:A.little B.few
一般性 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
a bit,a little,rather,much,far,by far,many,a lot,lots,a great deal,any,still,even
The information is( )important than( )
The information is( )important than( )
The information is( )important than( )you told me.
ysm1987 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率96.2%
The man ___ ___i got the information is one of my friends
The man ___ ___i got the information is one of my friends
smj123 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率100%
from whom