9年级英语II. 选出恰当的选项(30分)7. The boy _____ blue T-shirt is my cla

四叶草kuankuan2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

II. 选出恰当的选项(30分)
7. The boy _____ blue T-shirt is my classmate.
A. on B. in C. with D. dress
8. It was here _____ I was knocked down.
A. that B. where C. which D. on which
9. My watch doesn’t work, I’ll have it _____ tomorrow.
A. repair B. repaired C. repairing D. to be repaired
13. We have a Christmas _____ for you.
A. surprising B. surprised C. surprisement D. surprise
14. He has _____ an interest in music.
A. developed B. getten C. grown D. known


wdl_05 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率100%
B.have it done.固定搭配


新目标9年级英语 review of units 1-5 复习单元 书上的题答案 p40~43 快 有分加
jshylu 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
1、The little girl is very shy ;she usually says something in a g____ voice.
2、We are supposed to speak to the old in a g____ way.
3、I perfer to buy a new car rather than buy a u____ one in a low price.
4、Some wonderful zoos p____ clean and safe places for endangered animals to live.
最后一个确实是 provide 但前三个感觉666evileye答得不太对唉...
兴云 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
graceful 那个小女孩很害羞,她经常用一种很温和的语气说话.
gentle 我们应该用有礼貌的方式和老人讲话
used 我宁愿买一辆新的汽车也不愿以低价买一辆二手车.
provide 一些动物园为那些濒临灭绝的动物提供清洁安全的生活坏境.
zmyapple 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率78.6%
你能用英语写作吗?你也能用英语写电子邮件吗?可能不。电子邮件是一种新的书面英语,它可以节省时间。 许多电子邮件英语词汇对我们而言可能不熟悉,许多看起来像垃圾一样!这是因为它们来自一种名叫ICQ的电脑程序。ICQ的意思是“我寻找你”,人们可以用它来和朋友进行网上聊天。一位加拿大的老师说,“人们能够使用电脑互相聊天,但是你应该打字快些,以便别人不会感...
要用上 开小差be absent minded
掉到地上,fall onto the ground
yuyouchisu 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
In the English class, the teacher was talking about something about festivals. Tom began to imagine a lot of things. He was thinking then Christmas was coming, Santa Claus would send lots of gifts. Th...
环境污染的英语翻译我9年级英语考试需要写关于环境污染的作文。希望有人能帮我把中文用英语说出来. 在我们的地球里.有很多会
bbz520 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
" we have to use less polluting the environment items"这是个病句哦!
In the earth we live ,lots of things can pollute the environment.So,we should decrease the usage of things that are not friendly to the environment.These are my advices:
1.To reduce air pollution,we should not use cars too often.
2.We had better not use disposable (如果不认识这个单词就换成one-shot)things and plastic bags when we go to shopping.
3.Plant more trees to keep the air fresh.
I hope we can love and protect the earth .
Let us create good environment !
另外有个建议,写英语句子不要总是我们我们… 或者总是我我… 太单一了。好好学英语哦。
假如你是某个公司的老板,富有的你将会做些什么来回报社会与家人呢?请根据所给提示,完成一篇80词左右的短文.提示:1、捐100万给希望工程(Project hope)2、捐100万帮助农民致富.3、给父母买一套带有花园及游泳池的房子.
suzzky 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
If I were a boss of a company,I would do many things to help the society and my family.First,I would donate 1 million yuan to the Project Hope to help more people.Then,I would donate 1 million to help the peasent become richer.As for my parents,I would buy a big house with garden and pool.I hope they will be happy with this gift.Anyway,If I became richer,I would make the world more beautiful.
1.I hope you to get on well with your classmates.2.Could you tell me what our hometown will like in the year 2005.3.The apples on the tree are hard to reach them.
小黑96512 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
I hope you get on well with your classmates
Could you tell me what out hometown will be in the year 2005
The apples on the tree are hard to reach.
9年级英语连词成句 parents, polite,she,how,to,is,her.
9年级英语连词成句 parents, polite,she,how,to,is,her.
天空任我翱翔 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
How polite she is to her parents
9年级英语(人教版) 利用Unit1中self check2的资料写一篇英语作文
alan0504 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
We asked Xu Zheng about how to learn English well.He likes taking notes in class and he often watches movies and listens to pop songs after school.But,it wasn't easy for him to understand native speakers when they talked.Becuase they spoke too quickly.Then he made up conversations and spoke to friends in English to improve his pronunciation.Finally,he made great progress."Most people speak English as a second language,but English is used around the world for computers and is often used in cience.English can help us understand many new books and movies,so we have to learn it well."He said.
xiaomagehuai 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率69.2%
谁有人教版九年级英语书,Unit1的Reading,就是关于霍金的,最先回答的给50分 4页3a 你怎样学得很棒?这个星期我们在新星高中询问了学生关于学习
9年级英语题 求解答1. Driver usually sit_____ the car when they drive
9年级英语题 求解答
1. Driver usually sit_____ the car when they drive.
A. in front of B. in the front of C. at front of D. in back of 2. ---Please introduce ____ to us, Tony. --- OK. A. yourself B. himself C. myself D. herself
3. What would you do if someone____ you to take part in a contest? A. asks B. ask C. asked D. asking
4. There is ____ in today’s newspaper. You needn’t read it.
A. sth interesting B. anything interesting C. nothing new D. new nothing.
5. Do what you want to do. You shouldn’t ___ whether it will be a success or not.
A. worry about B. worried about C. be worry about D. be afraid 6. My father went to work without ___ breakfas this morning. A. eat B. eats C.eatting D. eating
7. My best friend invited me ___ the concert with him. A. go B. go to C. to go D. to go to 8. She is a person who is easy _____.
A. get along B. to get along C. get along with D. to get along with 9. He ____ an answer to the question in the end.
A. came up B. came up with C. came over D. came along 10. I would rather ___ at home than ___ to the movies.
A. stay, go B. staying, going C. to stay, to go D. stay, to go 11. I will study hard and won’t let my parents _____. A. on B. up C. down D. in
12. My story book is ___ interesting ___ they all want to borrow it. A. too, to B. so, that C. such, that D. too, so that. 13. What ___ you do if you won the game? A. shall B. will C. would D. can
14. --- Did Lucy have a good time? --- Yes. She enjoyed ___ very much. A. himself B. herself C. sheself D. themselves
15. If a friend said sth bad ___ you, what would you do? A. on B. to C. about D. for
胡汉三回来了了 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率61.1%
9年级英语 用所给词适当形式填词或根据首字母填词
9年级英语 用所给词适当形式填词或根据首字母填词
please everyone everyday ___ (be) too hard job
Shakespeare is Mary's favoite a____
The dress s___ me fine
Young people usually have more e___ than the old
云向天 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
sagogogo 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
Amy is the most beautiful girl in my class. She has long and black hair, a round face. She looks lovely and beautiful when she smiles. She is so outgoing that she is popular among classmates. She is s...
richard771 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
全国各地用的教材都不同,用的都不一样.上海用的教材和别的也不同.有的用的是牛津英语. 有的用的是新目标. 建议最好上书店买一本练习册,上面翻译和讲解都有. 也不算贵.
9年级英语改错题1.I need to look this word in the dictionary ___ ___
1.I need to look this word in the dictionary ___ ___
2.I'm afraid I won't get a good grade in the exam ,for I made a few mistake.___ ___
3.Mrs.Jones was always afraid to crossing the street .___ ___
4.Peter said he learn English by reading aloud .___ ___
5.Do you have a partner to practice dancing ___ ___
6.Holly's only three but she wrote her name all by her.___ ___
hehehe010101 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
1、 在look 与this之间加上 up ,look up 在一起才是查字典
2、 mistake改为mistakes
3、 crossing 改为cross
4、 learn改为过去式learned 或learnt
5、 to 改为for
6、 her 改为herself
9年级英语上册人教版1单元section A,1b和2a,2b的听力原文
愿意爱你 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
1b Listen.How do these students study for a test?Write letters from pictures above.
Hey,gang.There's a big test on Tuesday.
I really need some help.
Can you tell me how you study for a big test?
Sure!Yes.Sure we will.
You did really well on the last English test,
didn't you,Mei?
Yeah,I did OK.
Well,how did you study?
By making flashcards.
Maybe I'll try that.
How did you study,Pierre?
By asking the teacher for help.
She was really happy I asked.
That's interesting.How do you study,Antonio?
I like to study by listening to tapes.
But sometimes my mother thinks
I'm listening to music.And then she gets mad.
2a Listen and check the questions you hear.
Welcome to the English club.
Today we're going to talk about the best ways to learn English.
Who has an idea?
Do you learn English by watching English-language videos?
No.It's too hard to understand the voices.
What about keeping a diary in English?
Do you learn English that way?
I think so.It helps to write English every day.
Have you ever studied with a group?
Yes,I have!I've learned a lot that way.
Do you ever practice conversations with friends?
Oh,yes.It improves my speaking skills.
What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?
I do that sometimes.I think it helps.
I do too.And I always look up new words in a dictionary.
That's a great idea!
9年级英语选择题1.There are floors in

1.There are floors in the building and Mr. Wang lives on the floor.

  A. twelve; twelve B. twelfth; twelfth C.twelfth; twelve D. twelve; twelfth

2.—Do you like Jane’s new dress?

—Yes, very much. I’ll ask Mom to buy for me.

A. that B. it C. one D. any

3.— Jack, could you tell me ?

— Sure. In the post office on Green Road.

A. where you bought the stamps B. where did you buy the stamps

C.when you bought the stamps D. when did you buy the stamps

4. — We can use this special pen to record or take pictures?

— Really? Will you please show me it?

  A. how to use B. what to use C. why to use D. where to use

5.The staff in the supermarket Father Christmas to welcome the customers on Christmas Day.

A. are dressed in B. are dressed up C. dress up as D. dress up

A friend of my ____ and I are going to visit_______ next week.

A. father; Browns B. father's; the Browns C. father; the Browns D. father's; Browns

6 A friend of my ____ and I are going to visit_______ next week.

A. father; Browns B. father's; the Browns C. father; the Browns D. father's; Browns 7. water it is!

  A.What a clean B.What clean C.How clean D. How clean a

8.He treated me a child.

   A. for B. to C. as D. with

9.What do you the festival?

A. think of  B. think over  C. like   D. feel

流畅的快感 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
6-10 BBCA
9年级英语选哪个帮帮忙(说明理由啊)谢谢Thre are many people downstairs .WHAT do
9年级英语选哪个帮帮忙(说明理由啊)谢谢Thre are many people downstairs .WHAT do you think_________-
Thre are many people downstairs .WHAT do you think_________-?
A to happen B happening
C is happened D has happened
newwukong 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
D do you think 是插入语,拿掉.我们根据意思来解题的话,把选项一个一个带进去看看,假设每个问法都存在的话.
A.What to happen?这个问的应该是将会发生什么?
B.What happening?少了个is.
C.What is happened?什么被发生了?
D.What has happened?(已经)发生了什么?
我们返回来看题目,There are many people downstairs.有许多人在楼上.ABCD四个选项哪个符合题目的意思呢?当然就是D咯.
neeyoung 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
关于9年级英语第二单元sectionB,3a与self check
关于9年级英语第二单元sectionB,3a与self check
1....but these days i get up early...Q:these days不是只能用于现在进行时表示现阶段做的事吗?为什么这里是一般现在时?
2....but now i have to study...Q:now不是只能用在现在进行时表示现在正在发生的动作吗?为什么这里是一般现在时?
3.还有一个问题是self check中的,i used to have short hair but now i grow it long .Q:
hunaijiao 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
Answer1:“ these days”译为这几天,近几天,表示现在的状况,一般用一般现在时表示近来的状况.如果强调正在发生的动作,也可以用 现在进行时,如果强调动作的延续性,也可以用现在完成时或现在完成进行时.在文中作者只是在讲述过去与现在的差异,并没有强调正在发生的动作或动作的延续性,只是表述现状,因此一般现在时最为适合.
Answer2,3:now=at the moment,译为现在,正在,是正在进行时的标志,一般出现时用正在进行时,但不能说一出现一定用该时态,像上面我说的在文中作者只是在讲述过去与现在的差异,并没有强调正在发生的动作,只是表述现状,因此可以用一般现在时,用现在进行时就太过勉强.
人教版9年级英语第12单元Grammar Focus翻译
liusong_ 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
Grammar Focus 都市电影院最便宜。它有最友好的服务。电影宫有最舒适的座位。詹森服装店和时尚少年服装店是很好的商店。时尚少年服装店有更好的服务。詹森服装店有质量最好的服装。102.1调频老歌回放十分糟糕。它比完全谈话970调频更糟。它播放的音乐最不好。...
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From pie to flying dishThe flying disk was invented by college students.In 1950s,one day,somecollege students finished eating pies in a bakery in Bridgeport ,connecticut.They throwed the plates which ...
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人教版9年级英语十三和十四单元Grammar Focus的句子 不是翻译
_LastWish_ 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
Unit13 :We are trying to save the earth.
The river used to be so clean.
The air is badly polluted.
No scientific studies have shown that shark fins are good for...