Do you think there are aliens on other planets?State your re

特武迷城2022-10-04 11:39:543条回答

Do you think there are aliens on other planets?State your reasons.
If there were,what about their attitude to us?


yanlian 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
Yes ,I think so.Because there are so many strange things happening in our planet everyday,such as the apperance of UFO,which confuse many people.I think it's likely a friendly visit from allens.What's more,
Crop circle(麦田怪圈),many people think it's the masterpiece of the allens,so do I.As the socience developing,we can finally meet them sometime.
汉语程度 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率
havity 共回答了4个问题 | 采纳率
yes,according to recent science research,on the one hand,some creatures can endure harsh environment,on the other hand,the environment of other planets can provide the for their attitude,i think it is hard to judge,after all,we have not confronted aliens yet,but i hope they are friendly.


are there aliens?的作文
最快不过光光跑7 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
Are there aliens?you know?I do not know.And we all do not know.we only found some strangers by seeing the film,except that ,we know nothing about aliens.Maybe ,in the world,or in the universe,there no aliens at called aliens ,only be imaged out by someone who is upset to the other world.And then more and more people feel unsafe ,and then the aliens,really existed,of cause only in someone's mind.
英语中的反义疑问句I don't think there are aliens,____________?怎么填 为什么
csl3084 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
are there?
There is a film _____ called Monsters VS.Aliens.A.what's jus
There is a film _____ called Monsters VS.Aliens.A.what's just started B.that's just started
C.which just started
各人感觉不对,应该选B.just “刚刚”不是用于现在完成时吗?
中分女 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
He (has) just arrived in Japan.他刚到日本.
He (has) just finished his work.他刚刚做完工作.
Do you believe there are aliens?I'm afraid not.I don't think
Do you believe there are aliens?I'm afraid not.I don't think aliens _______ in space.A can find
B can be found C can be founded D can't be found
gxzjazz 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
B can be found
yingyushumianbiaoda写一篇《Aliens landed at our school》的作文 单词要是八
yingyushumianbiaoda写一篇《Aliens landed at our school》的作文 单词要是八年级下册的
ypjian 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
Aliens landed in our schoolI'm a reporter,happened at school last week a thing,a UFO landed in my school,I interviewed several saw classmate.A man surnamed li says he saw three alien walked out of a U...
uuuu 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
according to the conversation between Joe and the aliens, wh
according to the conversation between Joe and the aliens, what do we know about Venus 怎么翻译
hjyjyu4ku 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
dahai5131421 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
according to the conversation between Joe and the aliens,wha
according to the conversation between Joe and the aliens,what do we know about Venus 怎么翻译
zhizhou23 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
用方框内所给词的适当形式填空。 accident , kitchen , scared , aliens , playg
accident , kitchen , scared , aliens , playground ,
take off,land ,shop,get out of,bedrooms
1. I saw two _____ come out of the UFO.
2. I was very _____ to hear him shouting behind me.
3. While I was cutting my hair in a barber shop, the alien _____ the UFO.
4. My fight to New York _____ from Shanghai International Airport.
5. When I got home from school, Mum was cooking in the _____ .
6. While we were having English, Class One were having P.E. on the _____ .
7. It was fine when the plane _____ in Beijing.
8. The apartment was very big that it has four _____ and two bathrooms.
9. I _____when I heard the news.
10. When I saw the _____ ,I called up the TV sta tion.
风起枫落0 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
1. aliens
2. scared
3. got out of
4. took off
5. kitchen 6. playground
7. landed
8. bedrooms
9. was shopping
10. accident
现在进行时与过去进行时正为一道题烦恼look!A group of aliens_____the street.They
look!A group of aliens_____the street.They just got out of the UFO.
A.were talking down B.walked down C.are walking down
woaini1873 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
Do you believe in aliens?Why/Why not?写篇120左右的英语作文
a1b2c3xyz 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
As is known to all, Aliens only exist in movies. However, some people believe in aliens. In my opinion, there is no aliens because we haven't any evidence to prove.
Firstly, living beings need three elements - proper temperature, water and air. No other planets have such conditions except for our globe. The only discovery of living trace is that on Mars, but just some marks. These marks could only shows that there probably had been living beings, but now, they died.
Secondly, if there are aliens, where are they from? Why don't they connect people on the world? Global famous scientist cannot even explain such questions. Because from thousands of year, no evidences shows aliens had once communicate with people.
Lastly, rumors which concern about aliens or UFO is just imagination. We have heard all kinds of legends, news or information about aliens and something like UFO. Some people even said they had seen such aliens. But until now, no one had taken real photos or show any conclusive clues. Some story about them is only guessing and dreaming.
In a words, we haven't find aliens now. But I believe, maybe hundreds and thousands years ago, aliens will appear and make friends with us.
i didn't see the aliens.she didn't see t( ) either.
cuitao1108 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
them 代指 aliens.
非诚忽扰There are aliens living on the moon.与There are aliens li
非诚忽扰There are aliens living on the moon.与There are aliens live on the moon.有什么区别?
极_夜_蓝 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
There are aliens living on the 表示持续的状态,一直存在.
There are aliens live on the moon.live只是陈述一个事实,不表示持续.
英语翻译Do you believe there are aliens(外星人)?Well,make a phone c
Do you believe there are aliens(外星人)?Well,make a phone call and you will know.A group of Americans can help.They made a device(装置) to “talk” to aliens.If you want to talk to an alien,you only need to visit www.***.com,call 1-900-226-0300 and say:“Hello aliens,this is Earth calling.Can you hear me?” you can say anything you want.
But now,they only take phone calls from people in the US.The call is $3.99 every minute.After the hotline began in February,www.***.com has got hundreds of calls.There is one call every three minutes.They are also trying to send people’s e-mails,photos and videos into space.
中产阶级分子 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
你相信外星人的存在么?不妨打个电话,然后你就会知道答案了.有这样一群美国人可以提供帮助,他们设计制作了一套可以和外星人“对话”的装置.如果你想要与外星人交谈,那么你只需要登录www.***.com这个网站就可以了.拨打电话:1-900-226-0300 ,接着说:“你好外星人,这是来自地球的呼叫,你们能听见我说话吗?.”你想说些什么就说些什么.
There's possibility( ) justin was taken by aliens.A that Bwh
There's possibility( ) justin was taken by aliens.A that Bwhat Cwhich Dit
jenny_song88 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
I won't believe there are aliens until I see the
I won't believe there are aliens until I see the
I won't believe there are aliens until I see them同义句转换I ___ believe there are aliens ___ I see them
cnzzwt 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
don't until
It‘s a____ that she saw aliens
It‘s a____ that she saw aliens
We can't live without d_____ water
( ) I am not full,please me _____ one
A other B another C the other D others
( )The two men are _____ us still alive
A surprised to see B surprised seeing C surprising to see D surprise to seeing
185786216 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
It‘s astonishing that she saw aliens.
We can't live without drinking water.
( ) I am not full,please me _____ one
A other B another C the other D others
选B another
( )The two men are _____ us still alive
A surprised to see B surprised seeing C surprising to see D surprise to seeing
选A surprised to see
When did he tell others about aliens from Mars landing on th
When did he tell others about aliens from Mars landing on the earth?
landing 为什么用现在分词
bigsixboy 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译翻译题:why do aliens have to have arms,eyes,noses,teeth,or
翻译题:why do aliens have to have arms,eyes,noses,teeth,or anything like humans at all.这里的at all 怎么翻译呢?
ansonlulin 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
AT ALL使这句话有反问的意思,根据意思可翻译成“归根结底”.
Two windows of the supermarket were broken,and five aliens c
Two windows of the supermarket were broken,and five aliens came in --- them.
qq281113758 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
through the borken windows
—You don’t believe in aliens, do you ?
—You don’t believe in aliens, do you ?
—__________. It’s a crazy idea.________
A.Yes, I do; I don’t believe a word of it.
B.Yes, I do; You’ve got it right.
C.Yes, I don’t; You must be joking.
D.No, I don’t; What do you make of it?
ZHOUXJ42 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%

英语否定前移题6.\x05Does he believe there are aliens?–I ‘m afraid n
6.x05Does he believe there are aliens?–I ‘m afraid not.He aliens be found in space.
A.thinks; can’t B.thinks; can C.doesn’t think; can D.doesn’t think; can’t
小QQD 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
What does a UFO look like? Do you believe there are aliens o

What does a UFO look like? Do you believe there are aliens outside the earth? Maybe nobody can tell us exactly, but some of us believe that we humans are not alone in this world. We have friends living outside the earth. And a lot of people in the world think they really have seen a UFO flying in the sky. Now many scientists are trying to understand the origin of the UFO sightings. Scientists even try to draw pictures about aliens and aliens’ life according to their imagination.
Because we don’t really know about it, we call it UFO or Unidentified Flying Object. Many of us are curious(好奇的) about it and interested in it very much.
While scientists have no same ideas about whether there is an alien or not, it seems that China has been home to some UFO sightings recently.
On August 20 th ,2011, a UFO was seen at 21:00 by the pilot on the plane which took off from Pudong International Airport to Changchun. At almost the same time, many astrophiles(天文爱好者)took pictures of it. Later, reports from some cities said that the UFO was seen. The pilot said the UFO was small at first, then expanded(扩大),moved north, and disappeared(消失)several minutes later. However, he couldn’t exactly make sure about what he had seen.
小题1:What do scientists know about the aliens according to this passage?
A.Scientists know about the aliens’ life well.
B.Some scientists try to imagine aliens’ life.
C.Scientists have the same idea about the UFO.
D.Many scientists have already understood the origin of the UFO sightings.
小题2:What happened on August 20 th ,2011?
A.A UFO took off from Pudong International Airport.
B.A pilot took pictures of the UFO.
C.Many astrophiles saw the UFO.
D.The UFO was small when it moved north.
小题3:Which of the following sentences is NOT true according to this passage?
A.UFO is short for Unidentified Flying Object.
B.Some people from some cities said that they saw the UFO on August 20 th ,2011.
C.The pilot could exactly make sure what he had seen.
D.Many of us are interested in the UFO.
西门傲血 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率75%
小题1:B小题2:C小题3:C 小题1:根据文章内容“Scientists even try to draw pictures about aliens and aliens’ life according to their imagination.内容可知答案为B小题2:根据文章内容“On August 2...
i don't think there are aliens,_____?(A)do you (B)don't you
i don't think there are aliens,_____?(A)do you (B)don't you (C)are there (D)aren't there
i don't think there are aliens,_____?
(A)do you (B)don't you (C)are there (D)aren't there
yunly 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
例如:I expect our English teacher will be back this weekend,won't she/he?
We suppose you have finished the project,haven't you?
例如:I don'tbelieve that he can translate this book,can he?
We don'timagine the twins have arrived,have they?
此类句子的回答同"前否后肯"型反意疑问句一样,如上述后一个句子,若双胞胎已经到了,则回答为"Yes,they have.";若尚未到达,使用"No,they haven't.".
例如:Your sister supposes she needs no help,doesn't she?
You thought they could have completed the project,didn't you?
They don't believe she's an engineer,do they?
She doesn't expect that we are coming so soon,does she?
did they see the aliens (play)football just now 应该填什么形式
coffeecatyj 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
因为just now 是刚才 而且助词是did
theyve been seeing the aliens playing football for a while
1.It is believed that aliens exist=Aliens_ _ _ _2.When she w
1.It is believed that aliens exist=Aliens_ _ _ _2.When she was a child=_ _child3.After graduation
=_ _ _ _the school,句型转换,
qiegou 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
1 Aliens ( are believed to exist )
2 ( Since she was a ) child.
3 ( Have been graduated from ) the school.
急英语问题写个4、5句话Do you believe aliens have already visited Earth
Do you believe aliens have already visited Earth?
What would you do if you come face-to-face with an alien?
茱蒂娃娃 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
I don't think that aliens haven visited Earth yet.As far as I know,if man wants to travel between galaxies,he must travel at a fast speed,especially near to the velocity of light .And the space outside is so large.So I don't think that aliens haven visited Earth yet.
I will show my friendly to him.And I will take him to my home as a guest.Tell him something about our Earth human beings instead of showing him around .Because I think if I take him around ,there must be a traffic jam all over the Earth!
It′s said that aliens tried to warn the astronauts
It′s said that aliens tried to warn the astronauts
It′s said that aliens tried to warn the astronauts on the moon to [ ], Maybe they did not like human beings to get close to them
B stay out C stay away A; stay behind并解释原因
关芹 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
stay away离开,远离的意思.
这句话的意思是 据说外星人试图警告月球上的航天员离开,可能他们不喜欢人类靠近他们.
Do you think aliens really take people away?用英文回答
Do you think aliens really take people away?用英文回答
yuer1986 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率76.2%
肯定回答:Yes,I think aliens really take people away!
否定回答:No,I don't think aliens really take people away!
材料:Mr.Li said,” I saw three aliens get out of the UFO” Wang
材料:Mr.Li said,” I saw three aliens get out of the UFO” Wang Jun said,”I was studying when I saw the UFO outside the windows” Ma Yan said,”I saw two aliens playing football in the school hall.” Liu Ming said ,” I was eating lunch when the aliens walked into the dining room.” Aliens Landed at our school!__________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ______________________________________________
Newyear8818 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
Aliens landed in our school I'm a reporter,happened at school last week a thing,a UFO landed in my school,I interviewed several saw classmate.A man surnamed li says he saw three alien walked out of a ...
Do you believe there are aliens?
Do you believe there are aliens?
Do you believe there are aliens?–I ‘m
afraid not.I don’t think aliens in space.

A can find
B can be found
C can be founded
D can’t be found
luxboy 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
It is true we are aliens.A.which B.what C.who D.that
差不多啦 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率96.2%
选D 典型的宾语从句,that 后面是一句完整的话 而且是it的解释和说明,用来具体说明开始的it是什么内容
用这些单词组成一个句子By non-human Smith aliens John not claim beings E
By non-human Smith aliens John not claim beings Earth the is first to visiting the book that are.
Kidding- 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
John Smith is not the first to claim aliens are non-human beings visiting the Earth by that book
John Smith is the first to claim aliens are not non-human beings visiting the Earth by that book.
I think there are aliens in space
I think there are aliens in space
A:What great!B:What fun!C:How fun选什么啊!
gun_j 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
How great!
What fun!都可以
Maybe there are aliens Out there on Mars.
Maybe there are aliens Out there on Mars.
nic829 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
1.They looked______aliens from another planet.A.for C.l
1.They looked______aliens from another planet.A.for D.seem
2.We______to our feet when the headmaster entered the room.
A.stood B.changed C.sprang D.appeared
kasir 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率100%
第一题选C :look like,看上去像,句子意思是他们看起来像来自其他星球的外星人.不过第一题有点歧义,似乎选A也对,look for意为他们寻找其他星球的外星人.
英语翻译You might have seen aliens in books and movies .They loo
You might have seen aliens in books and movies .They look strange .They look strange.They are very smart.They travel in spaceships.
But are there really aliens in space?British scientist Stephen Hawking thinks so.He thinks they are dangerous.
On a new British TV program,Hawking,68,tells people his latest opinions on space.
"It's quite possible that there are aliens in space,"says Hawking.
The universe has many stars.Earth is probably not the only place with life on it,according to Hawking.
Hawking says that aliens may live on planets or stars.
“We should work out what aliens might look like,"he says.
Hawking says that they could be microbes.Microbes have lived on Earth for many years.But he suggests that they could develop much further.
"I imagine they might live in vig ships because they have used up all the resources from their home planet,”he says.
He suggests such aliens might get resources from Earth and then move on.He says people should not try to find aliens.They may bring disaster to Earth.
Some scientists agree with Hawking.They think aliens are out there.
In another British TV program,British scientist Brian Cox suggested aliens may live on Mars and a moon of Saturn.
Early this year,British scientist Martin Rees said in a meeting that there might be aliens,but humans may not be able to understand them.
snow_811 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
另一个英国电视节目里,英国的科学家Brian Cox认为外星人可能居住在火星和土星的卫星上.
这年初,英国科学家Martin Rees在一个会议上说,可能会有外星人,但是人类可能不能够理解外星人们.
翻译一个简单的英语句子She saw two aliens wearing silver suits get out
nant123 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
It is said that aliens tried to warn the astronauts on the m
It is said that aliens tried to warn the astronauts on the moon to Maybe they did not like human
beings to get close to them
A stay up B stay out C stay away D stay behind
kuangsi1234 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率75%
stay up 不睡觉,熬夜
stay out 呆在户外;不回家;持续到...结束
stay away 外出,不在家
stay behind 留下来 ...
---Do you believe there are aliens?
---Do you believe there are aliens?
---i'm afraid not.i don't think aliens ____in space.
A,can find B can be found C.can be founded D,can't be found
点点的心房 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
使用被动语态啊 find 的过去分词 就是found啊
选择填空 ()1.()believe there are aliens ()I see the
选择填空 ()1.()believe there are aliens ()I see the
()1.()believe there are aliens ()I see them with my own eyes.
A.won’t until B.don’t until C.will ,until
()2.Most students buy the English Learning Machine()leam English well . that order to C.because
()3.I()think the answer ()right because there’s a mistake in spelling
A./ ,is B./ ,isn’t
C.don’t ,is .
()4.This()in a short time .We still have many other things to do ..
A.can’t be done B.can done C.must be do
()5.The movie will ()next Saturday . .B.shown shown
()6.I believe Mars()soon in the future by human beings
A.may be visit B.may be visited C.maybe visited
楼下整一个傻B 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%

Ce sont de beaux italiens 还是 Ces sont des beaux italiens ?
Ce sont de beaux italiens 还是 Ces sont des beaux italiens ?
如果是 为什么要用ce 而 不用 ces, 还有 第一句当中那个de 要变复数des吗? 如果不变那de 是什么意思?性数配合不是不具备了吗?
lujijia 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率76.2%
正确的是 Ce sont des beaux italiens
des 是部分冠词,意思是这是(一些)帅气的意大利人.
1.______ Gork is still looking for the aliens in his cave.
1.______ Gork is still looking for the aliens in his cave.
A.May be B.Possible C.Probably D.Impossibly
2.We _______ go to the beach for a holiday.
A.sometimes B.some time C.sometime D.some times
3.Light travels _______ than sound.
A.much more slowly B.more slow C.more faster D.much faster
4.She studies ________ her sister.
Aas hardly as B.not as good as carefully as D.not as better as
5.The poor man had to make a living dy ______ newspapaers.
A.deliver B.delivering C.sent D.send
6.After making many films,she became ______ .
A.richer and richer B.more and more rich C.famous ahd famous D.more famous and famous
就这些,and give me reason!
rolinchen 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
c.分开的may be做情态动词,用在句中;possible是adj.,这里要用adv.;impossible是不可能,不符合句意
下面的英语题不明白求大神How do you feel about aliens from Mars (land) on
How do you feel about aliens from Mars (land) on the earth.
98shuishen 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
问句回答`````Do you believe there are aliens?What do you think t
Do you believe there are aliens?
What do you think they are like?
Do you think there would be war between the aliens and our human beings?
红酒香 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
Yes ,I do./No,I don't.
I think they are like.
Maybe./Yes,I do./No,I don't.
After the UFO _____,several aliens got out.A.took off
After the UFO _____,several aliens got out.A.took off B.landed 选择哪个,
took off 是起飞的意思
landed 着陆
爱飞暗暗 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率76.9%
选B land是着陆的意思 而took off是起飞的意思 get out下车
several aliens got out.是有几个外星人下飞船
蜀栋 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
仿照例句做句子 例:saving the earth from aliens It was about saving t
仿照例句做句子 例:saving the earth from aliens It was about saving the Earth from aliens .
1.a visiti to the Moon pet dog
侉妞 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
It was about visiting to the Moon.
It was about my pet dog