
路西2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

1the benefits(益处) of automobiles
2the problems of automobiles
3possible solutions


从MOP到nn 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
Talking about automobiles,which are more important—its advantages or disadvantages?There is a general controvert nowadays as to the issue,some people claim that there are various advantages of automobiles.They believe that automobiles have greatly contributed to the prosperity of our modern economy and brought people much convenience.Other people argue that the disadvantages are more evident.Their belief is reinforced by the plenty of problems that we have to live with,such as pollution,road accidents,traffic congestion,etc.So they’ d rather choose excising cars from our earth.
Weighing the pros and cons of both sides,I am inclined to agree to the former point of view.Though mobiles takes a lot of social problems,we should not neglect their contributes.In the first place,we can arrive wherever we want to go by driving cars.A case in point is that more and more people begin to love traveling by cars.In the second place,aotumobiles make our life and work more efficiency.For instance,we can save a lot of time on the way to work or back to home.Last but not least,cars like some kind of friends which can bring their owners funs and happiness.
Judging from all evidence offered we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion,that compared with the disadvantages,automobiles have much more advantages.
But that is not to say we can ignore the problems cars bring to us.Perhaps the best policy is to regulate the automobile industry so as to maximize it's advantages and minize it's disadvantages.In the meantime,a kind of punishment should be given to those who have violated certain regulations.


关于单复数的问题(1)This is the best of the automobiles that ___ in w
(1)This is the best of the automobiles that ___ in working oder.
为什么不是is 而是are
(2)The community , as well as the onwers of the land ___ in development.
为什么是 is interested 不是 are interested ?
community 本身不是代表一群人么?
(3)My family ___ very interested in playing bowls.
这里又是 are
2 3 不是矛盾么?
蓝色阳光2003 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率90%
1. that代替的是 automobiles,所以用are.
2. community 是一个集合名词,当把它作为一个整体时,用单数,指具体的成员时,用复数形式.这里的“in development” 说明是把它当成整体在看.因此用is.
3. 从playing bowls看得出来是指整个family里的人,即成员,因此用are.
Everday,automobiles drive people to or from work.
Everday,automobiles drive people to or from work.
解释下句中的 to or
7788123l 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
to or from work是指上下班.
in working This is the best one of automobiles that are in w
in working
This is the best one of automobiles that are in working order.
wangwe123456 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
in working order 能正常发挥功能
英语翻译She was captivated by automobiles and,even though it was
She was captivated by automobiles and,even though it was well into the thirties,I don't think she had ever been in one before we came down and took her driving...
the thrities 应该是三十年代的意思.请全句翻译,
雪月狂沙 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
英语翻译报废汽车用Scraped automobiles 合不合适?有限公司就用Co.,Ltd.Scraped Auto
报废汽车用Scraped automobiles 合不合适?有限公司就用Co.,Ltd.
Scraped Automobiles Collectiong &Breaking Co.,Ltd.
Scrap Automobile Collectiong &Breaking Co.,Ltd.
End-of-Life Vehicles Collectiong &Breaking Co.,Ltd.
比如Sichuan — Si Chuan?Zhongye — Zhong Ye?
TrampDemon 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率72.2%
Salvage yard
一般前面会有公司名称,例如 Mark's Salvage Yard Ltd.
the benefits of automobiles 是什么意思
仙米冻 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
Unlike automobiles,——use a four-stroke engine,motorcyclists
Unlike automobiles,——use a four-stroke engine,motorcyclists use a two-stroke engine.
asa463 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
In modern times,however,trains,automobiles,trucks and airpla
In modern times,however,trains,automobiles,trucks and airplanes are doing much of the work which was formerly done by ships and boats.
He had looked at me the day before as though he didn't think much of me.
zly03 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
1. What are the basic components of automobiles?
1. What are the basic components of automobiles?
blythie 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
1) The basic structure:
It consists of the frame, the suspension system, axles, wheels and tyres.
2)The engine:
It provides the motive power for all the various functions which the vehicle or any part of it, may be required to perform. The engine used in automobiles is internal combustion engines.
3) The transmission system:
Transmission system transmits the power generated at the engine to the road wheels. It consists of a clutch, a gear box, a propeller shaft to transmit the torque output from the gear box to the rear axle and a differential gear to distribute the final torque equally between the driving wheels.
4) The auxiliaries:
The electrical system is one of the main auxiliaries in the automobile. Like the lights, dashboard panels, alternator, spark plugs etc.
5) The controls:
They consists of steering system and braking system
6) The super structure:
The body is known as the superstructure. Cars mainly frame-less construction. But some cars and heavy vehicles like trucks and trailers use chassis as base and we build body over it.
This is the best of the automobiles that ____ in working ord
This is the best of the automobiles that ____ in working order.
为什么先行词是automobiles 而不是 the best of automobiles?
7月特快至uu 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率75%
实际上可以拆成两句来理(1)This is the best of the automobiles(这是最好的车子).(2)The automobiles are in working order(这些车子目前可以正常使用).
整个句子,用that从句来修饰automobiles,再用the best of来进行条件选择.
这句英语的翻译和其中的知识点?Americans drive automobiles down freeways and
Americans drive automobiles down freeways and fill up with gas;the British drive cars along motorways and fill up with petrol.
菠菠萝萝225 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
请帮忙看文法和用词是否正确.I like automobiles.Automobiles are the fastest
I like automobiles.Automobiles are the fastest one of the civil products since the invention of the traffic tools.
It provides people with comfortable driving condition because of its superior functions.It also satisfies different requirements of various kinds of people due to its constantly appearence designs.It owns the day to day safety assurance system,which reduces the unsafety that high speed driving could brings as far as possible.It has successfully been the indispensable part of people's lives in modern society.
However,the negative effect that it produced has been continuouslly taking on as one of the reasons that the vehicles commoditization causes the global warming.The number of people died and hurt in annual traffic accidents has been gradually increasing.In China,one person dies in the traffic accidents every five minutes.One person can be hurted in the the traffic accidents every one minute.More and more automobiles have caused the traffic jams in every cities.These are the unavoidable drawbacks that automobiles bring us convience at the same time.
If people obey the traffic rules strictly ,drive safely and take public transportation as much as possible,the negtive effects can be reduced to the lowest point.
We can not stop the progress of modern technologies but can avoid the harmfulness that it can bring.In this way,we can still enjoy automobiles.
被草包hh 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
第一段 I like automobiles.Automobiles are the fastest one of the civil products since the invention of the traffic tools.
1.the fastest one of the civil products 应该为 one of the fastest civil products
第二段 It provides people with comfortable driving condition because of its superior functions.It also satisfies different requirements of various kinds of people due to its constantly appearence designs.It owns the day to day safety assurance system,which reduces the unsafety that high speed driving could brings as far as possible.It has successfully been the indispensable part of people's lives in modern society.
2.It provides people with comfortable driving condition because of its superior functions 要么用代词 they provide people with …because of their superior functions 呼应上文,要么改为 an automobile provides people with … because of its superior functions.
3.后面的 和 its 按照第二条意见逐一改动,同时要注意其他名词与所用主语的数的一致,如 It satisfies … due to its constantly appearence design 或者 they satisfy … due to their constantly appearence designs
4.could brings as far as possible 情态动词 could 后要用动词原形 bring
第三段 However,the negative effect that it produced has been continuouslly taking on as one of the reasons that the vehicles commoditization causes the global warming.The number of people died and hurt in annual traffic accidents has been gradually increasing.In China,one person dies in the traffic accidents every five minutes.One person can be hurted in the traffic accidents every one minute.More and more automobiles have caused the traffic jams in every cities.These are the unavoidable drawbacks that automobiles bring us convience at the same time.
5.the vehicles commoditization 改为 the commoditization of vehicles 比较符合语法. person dies in the traffic accidents every five minutes 中 one person 泛指某一个人,如果改为 There is one person dying in the traffic accidents every five minutes 就合理了.同理,有一句话也应该如此处理,或者改为与前一举并列 and one person being able to be hurted in the traffic accidents every one minute.
7.These are the unavoidable drawbacks 中的 the 应该删除.
第四段 If people obey the traffic rules strictly ,drive safely and take public transportation as much as possible,the negtive effects can be reduced to the lowest point.
8.take public transportation 用 take 表示“乘坐”应该跟具体名词,此处可以改为 take public vehicles,或者把动词换为 go,后面用 by means of public transportation.
第五段 We can not stop the progress of modern technologies but can avoid the harmfulness that it can bring.In this way,we can still enjoy automobiles.
翻译:that's more than two for every three automobiles.
snow028 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语阅读理解The United States is full of automobiles.Some families
The United States is full of automobiles.Some families have two or even more,although there are still many families without cars.Cars are used for more than pleasure.They are a necessary part of life.
Cars are used for business.They are driven to offices and factories by workers who have no other way to get to their jobs.When salesmen are sent to different parts of the city,they have to drive in order to carry their products.Farmers have to drive into the city in order to get supplies.
Sometimes small children must be driven to school.In some cities,school buses are provided only when children live more than a mile from the school.Where the children are too young to walk that far,their mothers take turns driving them to school.One mother drives on Monday,taking her own children and the neighbors’ children as well.Another mother drives on Tuesday,another on Wednesday,and so on.This is called forming a car pool.Men also form pools,with three or four men taking turns driving to the place where they all work.
More car pools should be formed in order to put fewer automobiles on the road and to use less gasoline.Parking is a great problem and so is the traffic in and around cities.Too many cars are being driven.Something will have to be done about the use of cars.
(true / false) 26.Some American families have more than one car.
(true / false) 27.Children must be taken to school by car when their homes are over one mile away from their school.
(true / false) 28.Members of a car pool take turns driving both their own children and the neighbors’ children to school.
(true / false) 29.Forming car pools will cause parking problems.
(true / false) 30.The author thinks that there are too many cars in the streets and on the road in the United States.
bettycxmxj 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
以T代表true F代表false
1.T 依据:Some families have two or even more 部分美国家庭有两辆以上的车
2. F 依据: In some cities, school buses are provided only when children live more than a mile from the school. 学生只有住在距离学校1英里以上才有资格坐校车,而不是必须坐校车.
3.T 依据:One mother drives on Monday, taking her own children and the neighbors’ children as well. Another mother drives on Tuesday, another on Wednesday, and so on. This is called forming a car pool Car Pool成员的母亲们轮流送自己与邻居的孩子上学
4. F :More car pools should be formed in order to put fewer automobiles on the road and to use less gasoline 组Car Pool会减少交通拥堵,而不是增加.
5.T 依据:Too many cars are being driven. Something will have to be done about the use of cars.