
yiuuwu2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


灌水专用灌水 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
  《乱世佳人》改编自美国女作家Margaret Michel的长篇小说Gone With The Wind,影片堪称美国电影史上的一部经典作品,在1939年第12届奥斯卡中囊括最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳女主角、最佳女配角、最佳改编剧本奖等8项大奖而首创纪录.
  (Ashley leaves the hall with intention of walking around the house. But before he can do this, Scarlett calls him into a detached room..)
  Scarlett: Ashley!
  Ashley: Scarlett…who are you hiding from here? What are you up to? Why aren’t you upstairs resting with the other girls What is this, Scarlett? A secret?
  Scarlett: Well, Ashley, Ashley…I love you.
  Ashley: Scarlett…
  Scarlett: I love you, I do.
  Ashley: Well, isn’t enough that you gathered every other man’s heart today? You always had mine. You cut your teeth on it.
  Scarlett: Oh, don’t tease me now. Have I your heart my darling? I love you, I love you…
  Ashley: You mustn’t say such things. You’ll hate me for hearing them.
  Scarlett: Oh, I could never hate you and, and I know you must care about me. Oh, you do care, don’t you?
  Ashley: Yes, I care. Oh can’t we go away and forget we ever said these things?
  Scarlett: But how can we do that? Don’t you, don’t you want to marry me?
  Ashley: I’m going to marry Melanie.
  Scarlett: But you can’t, not if you care for me.
  Ashley: Oh my dear, why must you make me say things that will hurt you? How can I make you understand? You’re so young and I’m thinking, you don’t know what marriage means.
  Scarlett: I know I love you and I want to be your wife. You don’t love Melanie.
  Ashley: She’s like me, Scarlett. She’s part of my blood, we understand each other.
  Scarlett: But you love me!
  Ashley: How could I help loving you? You have all the passion for life that I lack. But that kind of love isn’t enough to make a successful marriage for two people who are as different as we are.
  Scarlett: Why don’t you say it, you coward? You’re afraid to marry me. You’d rather live with that silly little fool who can’t open her mouth except to say “yes”, “no”, and raise a houseful of mealy-mouthed brats just like her!
  Ashley: You mustn’t say things like that about Melanie.
  Scarlett: Who are you to tell me I mustn’t? You led me on, you made me believe you wanted to marry me!
  Ashley: Now Scarlett, be fair. I never at any time…
  Scarlett: You did, it’s true, you did! I’ll hate you till I die! I can’t think of anything bad enough to call you… (接下)Ashley: Oh, mostly of life becoming too real for me, I suppose. Not that I mind splitting rails. But I do mind very much losing the beauty of that, that life I loved. If the war hadn’t come, I’d have spent my life happily, buried at Twelve Oaks. But the war did come. I saw my boyhood friends blown to bits. I saw men crumple up in agony when I shot them. And now I find myself in a world which for me is worse than death. A world in which there is no place for me. Oh, I can never make you understand, because you don’t know the meaning of fear. You never mind facing realities. And you never want to escape from them as I do.
  Scarlett: Escape? Oh, Ashley you’re wrong. I do want to escape, too. I’m so very tried of it all. I’ve struggled for food and for money and I’ve weeded and hoed and picked cotton until I can’t stand it another minute. I tell you, Ashley, the South is dead, it’s dead. The Yankees and the carpetbaggers have got it and there’s nothing left for us. Oh, Ashley, let’s run away. We’d to go Mexico. They want officers in the Mexican army, we could be so happy there. Ashley I’d work for you, I’d do anything for you. You know you don’t love Melanie, you told me you loved me that day at Twelve Oaks, and anyway, Melanie can’t …Dr. Meade told me she couldn’t ever have any more children. And I could give you…
  Ashley: Can’ t we ever forget that day at Twelve Oaks?
  Scarlett: Just think I could ever forget it, have you forgotten it? Can you honestly say you don’t love me?
  Ashley: No, I…I don’t love you.
  Scarlett: It’s a lie.


由于本人英语水平不好,但是期末将至,英语的难题就靠大家来解答了.Gone with the Wind也就是《乱世佳人》中
由于本人英语水平不好,但是期末将至,英语的难题就靠大家来解答了.Gone with the Wind也就是《乱世佳人》中tomorrow is another day是怎么理解?老师要求用50个英语单词的句子来解释
hardow 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
Tomorrow is another day every day,and it will be new beginning .Don't kink in yesterday, tomorrow is the most important, hope is that in the future we can only look more wonderful!
scfubsha 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
[《乱世佳人》读后感]《乱世佳人》读后感  上师范时开始读《乱世佳人》(即《飘》)的上下集,《乱世佳人》读后感.第一次翻阅时,被其一波三折、跌宕起伏的故事情节所吸引;再次看时,则被其犀利又不失风趣幽默的写作语...
求电影的经典对白(英汉互译)如《乱世佳人》的whatever comes,i will love,just as i d
如《乱世佳人》的whatever comes,i will love,just as i do now,until i die.无论发生什么,我都会爱着你,直到永远.
365tian520 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
after all,tomorrow is another day.(《乱世佳人》)
It takes a strong man to save himself,and a great man to save another.
Hope is a good thing,maybe the best of things,and no good thing ever dies.
Get busy living,Or get busy dying.(《肖申克的救赎》)
Life was like a box of chocolates,you never know what you're gonna get.(《阿甘正传》)
tracetian 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
After all, tomorrow is another day! 明天又是新的一天!
Gone with the Wind(《乱世佳人》)中tomorrow is another day是怎么理解?
Gone with the Wind(《乱世佳人》)中tomorrow is another day是怎么理解?
忧郁本人英语水平不好,但是期末将至,英语的难题就靠大家来解答了.Gone with the Wind也就是《乱世佳人》中tomorrow is another day是怎么理解?老师要求50个英文单词来解释,帮帮小弟咯
ccloader 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率100%
