I’d like to share a story_ music overcame a physical barrier

披qq的小胖2022-10-04 11:39:544条回答

I’d like to share a story_ music overcame a physical barrier and makes a connection with a young student
A.which B.that C.when D.where


linguigy 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率96%
I’d like to share a story_ music overcame a physical barrier and makes a connection with a young student
A.which B.that C.when D.where
【music overcame a physical barrier and makes a connection with a young student in the story】
where=in which
紧密团结 共回答了56个问题 | 采纳率
D where表示在故事里
jiaxunqi11 共回答了904个问题 | 采纳率
where=in which: 意思是“在这个故事里”
I’d like to share a story 【where=in which:意思是:在这个故事中】 music overcame【overcomes】 a physical barrier and makes【要不就是made】 a connecti...
南方的树 共回答了5402个问题 | 采纳率
I'd like to share a story where music overcmes a physical barrier and makes a connection with a young student
1 I'd like to share a story


Most young people enjoy some form of physical activity.It ma
most young people enjoy some form of physical activity.it may be walking,cycling or swimming ,or in winter,skating or skiing.it may be a game of some kind —football,hockey,golf,or tennis.it may be mountaineering.
those who have a passion for climbing high and difficult mountains are often looked upon with astonishment .why are some men and women willing to suffer cold and hardship,and to take risks in high mountains this astonishment is caused ,probably,by the difference between mountaineering and other forms of activity to which men give their leisure.
mountaineering is a sport and not a game.there are no man-made rules,as there are for such games as golf and football.there are,however,rules of a different kind which it would be dangerous to ignore,but it is this *** from man-made rules that makes mountaineering attractive to many people.those who climb mountains are free to use their own methods.
if we compare mountaineering and other more familiar sports ,we might think that one big difference is that mountaineering is not a team game.we may well be mistaken in this.there are ,it is true,no”matches”between “team”of climbers,but when climbers are on a rock face,linked by a rope on which their lives may depend,there is obviously teamwork.
the mountain climber knows that he may have to fight forces that are stronger and more powerful than man.he has to fight the forces of nature.his sport requires high mental and physical qualities.
it is not unusual for men of fifty or sixty to climb the highest mountains in the alps .they may take more time than younger men,but they probably climb with more skill and less waste of effort,and they certainly experience equal enjoyment.
1.which of the following is not a “team game”
2.to ignore the rules of mountaineering would ___________.
a.be dangerous
b.not do any harm
c.help the climbers to climb faster
d.give the climbers more *** in the course of climbing
3.according to the author,many people are attracted by mountaineering because__________.
a.it is both dangerous and exciting
b.there is gold on some mountain peaks
c.it is the best form of sport
d.it is a sport free from man-made rules
4.only _________can climb the highest mountains in the alps.
a.experienced old men
b.young people
c.those who have high mental and physical qualities
d.strong sportsmen
5.compared with young men ,old climbers of fifty or sixty may climb a mountain with _________.
a.more skill
b.less time
c.less enjoyment
d.much more waste of effort.
Phedle 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
1、D If we compare mountaineering and other more familiar sports ,we might think that one big difference is that mountaineering is not a team game.
2、A There are,however,rules of a different kind which it would be dangerous to ignore
beauty and physical attractiveness关键词3分钟英语演讲
beauty and physical attractiveness关键词3分钟英语演讲
给定关键词,beauty and physical attractiveness要3分钟的英语演讲,短句,长句都可,或者写几句中文的也行,笔者可以自己翻译,保证不会照抄您的答案的,笔者希望借此拓展下思路,
另,还要确认一下,beauty and physical attractiveness准确意思是什么?直译的话,应该是美丽和体态的吸引力,但觉得怪怪的,
的世界 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
What do you look for in a potential date? Sincerity? Good looks? Character? Conversational ability? Asked to rank such attributes, most intellectuals put physical attractiveness near the bottom of the list. Of course. Sophisticated, intelligent people are not greatly concerned with such superficial qualities as good looks; they know that "beauty is only skin deep." At least they know that's how they ought to feel. As Cicero counseled, "The final good and the supreme duty of the wise man is to resist appearance."
This intuition that looks matter little may be another instance of our denying real influences upon us, for there is now a file drawer full of research studies indicating that appearance is a powerful determinant of initial attraction. The consistency and pervasiveness of this effect is startling, perhaps even disconcerting. Good looks are a great asset.
Like it or not, the fact is that a young woman's physical attractiveness is a moderately good predictor of how frequently she dates; a young man's attractiveness, slightly less a predictor of how frequently he dates. Does this simply imply, as many have surmised, that women are better at following Cicero's advice to "resist appearance"? Or does it merely reflect the fact that men more often do the inviting? If women were to indicate their preferences among various men, would looks be as important to them as to men?
Some researchers have addressed this question by providing men and women students with various pieces of information about someone of the other sex, including a picture of the person, or by briefly introducing a man and a woman, and later asking them how interested they would be in dating one another. In these experiments, women were virtually as much influenced by a man's looks as men were by a woman's.
Do the benefits of being good-looking spring entirely from one's being sexually attractive? Clearly not. Young children are favorably biased toward attractive children much as adults are biased toward attractive adults. When adults judge children they are similarly biased. Margaret Clifford and Elaine Hatfield showed Missouri fifth-grade teachers identical information about a boy or girl, but with the photograph of an attractive or unattractive child attached. The teachers who judged an attractive child saw the child as more intelligent and more likely to do well in school. Or think of yourself as a playground supervisor having to discipline an unruly child. Might you be tempted to give more benefit of the doubt if the child is attractive?
What is more, beautiful people, even if of the same sex, are assumed also to possess certain desirable traits. Other things being equal, they are guessed to be happier, more intelligent, more sociable, more successful, and more competent. When in need, they receive more help. When good things happen (for example, a promotion), attractive people are perceived as more responsible for the outcome than are unattractive people; when bad things happen, attractive people are seen as less responsible. To top it off, attractive people, more than unattractive people, are guessed to have personalities like one's own. Added together, the findings point to a physical-attractiveness stereotype: What is beautiful is good. Children are taught the stereotype quite early. Snow White and Cinderella are beautiful--and kind; the witch and the stepsisters are ugly--and wicked. As one kindergarten girl put it when asked what it means to be pretty, "It's like being a princess. Everybody loves you".
However, we should not overstate the potency of the attractiveness stereotype. To say that attractiveness is important, other things being equal, is not to say that physical appearance is always more important than other qualities. Attractiveness probably most affects first impressions; one's appearance is vivid, it draws immediate attention. As a relationship develops, appearance may diminish in importance. Nevertheless, first impressions are important, not only for one's prospects for dating, but also for job interviews. If first impressions are bad, there may never be a chance for second impressions. Indications are that attractiveness does figure strongly in hiring decisions. Moreover, as society has seemingly become more mobile and urbanized--our contacts with doctors, colleagues, and neighbors more fleeting--first impressions have probably become more important than ever before.
Is the physical-attractiveness stereotype accurate? Or was Leo Tolstoy correct when he wrote that it's "a strange illusion... to suppose that beauty is goodness"? There might well be a trace of truth to the stereotype. Children and young adults who are attractive tend to have higher self-esteem. They are more assertive, though they are also believed to be more egotistical. They are neither more nor less academically capable (contrary to the negative stereotype that "beauty times brains equals a constant"). However, they are somewhat more socially polished.
Thus far, I have described attractiveness as if it were an objective quality like height, something some people have more of, some less. Actually, attractiveness is whatever the people of any given place and time find attractive. This, of course, varies. And even in a given place and time, there is (fortunately) some disagreement about who's attractive and who's not. Generally, though, "attractive" facial and bodily features do not deviate too drastically from the average. Noses, legs, or statures that are not unusually large or small tend to be perceived as relatively attractive.
We can conclude our discussion of attractiveness on a heart-warming note. Not only do we perceive attractive people as likable, but we also perceive likable people as physically attractive. Perhaps you can recall individuals who, as you grew to like them, became more attractive, their physical imperfections no longer so noticeable. For example, Alan Gross and Christine Crofton had University of Missouri students view someone's photograph after reading a favorable or unfavorable description of the person's personality. Those perceived as good appeared more attractive. Other researchers have found that the more in love a woman is with a man, the more physically attractive she finds him. Apparently Plato was right: "The good is the beautiful."
mental age 和physical
温柔雨嫣 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%
精神年龄 和 实际年龄
ourselves from the physical and men
ourselves from the physical and mental tensions,we each need deep thought and inner quietness.
A. Having freed B.Freed C.To free D.Freeing
iori0618 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率75%

physical与physics有关系吗?physical 是physics的形容词吗
心冷七月 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%
physical adv :自然的; 物质的;物理的; 身体的; 身体检查; 体格检查; 自然规律的;
physics n :物理;物理学; 物理成分; 物理现象;
就物理的和物理这一意思而言,physical 是physics的形容词.
英语翻译Many people have made a____to a physical fitness program
Many people have made a____to a physical fitness program so as to maintain good health.
coco_law 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
make commitment to sth (决定坚持做sth)
make decision to do sth(决定做sth)
a very easy question (_physical
a very easy question (_physical
liubin888520520 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
21302—physical education is vital element in a comprehensive
21302—physical education is vital element in a comprehensive,well—balanced curriculum and can be a major
contributing factor in the development of the traditional education.3751
1—well—balanced curriculum:
2— can be a major contributing factor:就是不明白这种can+be+n的结构.怎么翻译这样的结构.是不是can后面不能直接n 想加n得跟个动词,这里由于没有动词,所以用be来代替.
contributing :1.贡献的,起作用的 comprehensive:这里是综合的
1—physical education is vital element in a comprehensive,well—balanced curriculum :
综合的 均衡的课程中,体育教育是一个重要的因素。
2—and can be a major contributing factor in the development of the traditional education:
can + be n./ do sth.就这两种形式,翻译成“是”即可
ahhnet 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
1 均衡的
2 can + be n./ do sth.就这两种形式,翻译成“是”即可.
英语高手进!physical appearance is often culturally programmed.翻译
棋从断处生 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
physical是什么意思 ,物理还是体育
physical是什么意思 ,物理还是体育
为什么我看到有体育的 physical education 体育课 不要网上的在线翻译
就欣赏廖无墨 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
The experiment shows that proper amounts of physical exercis
The experiment shows that proper amounts of physical exercise, if _______ regularly, can make a
difference to our health.
[ ]
A. being carried out
B. carrying out
C. carried out
D. to carry out
sushoushan 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
2:He keeps on with physical training in winter ___________co
2:He keeps on with physical training in winter ___________cold it is
2.no matter how
3.whether or not
tj08760876 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率68.8%
1whatever可用作连接词或连接副词,引导让步状语从句,表示“无论,不管”的意思.此时,可用no matter what结构来替换其意完全相同.位置前后置都可以.
2whatever还可以引导名词性从句,同时起先行词和关系代词的作用.相当于anything that或all that,有任何一切这类意思.此时不能用no matter what替换.
3what和ever分开写,则作“到底,究竟”解,这时它和on earth,in the world相同,起强调作用.e.g.What ever do you mean?= What do you mean on earth?
4what也可以引导名词性从句意为“the thing which”与“whatever”含义相同.
Topography of the cost function in the physical parameter sp
Topography of the cost function in the physical parameter space 这句话怎么翻译?
苔藓玫瑰 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
Fitness is not just physical:Change your thoughts, and you c
Fitness is not just physical:Change your thoughts, and you change your world. 用中文怎么说啊
hbjs31415926 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
________ he or she is not kind,their physical beauty is only
________ he or she is not kind,their physical beauty is only a mask that hides their ugly soul.
飞阳如血 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
求篇英语作文 About Doing Physical Exercise
l_liu 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
Exercising is very important to us.It can keep our body healthy and strong.We will have the ability to do very complex things.At the same time,we must not forget our studies.The brain needs exercising as well as the body,so if we don't study for several days,our brains will become rusted.So,we must exercise our brains as well as our body
The festival of physical culture which was held by our schoo
The festival of physical culture which was held by our school just finished recently.改错?
零nn 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
just finished recently,要改成has just been finished recently才对.
Physiology与Physical区别,以及它们的名词,形容词(相同词性两词比较) Physical不是有“身体的”
Physiology与Physical区别,以及它们的名词,形容词(相同词性两词比较) Physical不是有“身体的”意思吗
龙老 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
physiology phys.i.ol.o.gy[ˌfIzI`ɑlədʒI; ˌfiziˋɒlədʒi]不可数名词1 生理学2 [the ]生理,生理机能physical phys.i.cal[`fIzIkl; ˋfizikl]形容词(more ; most )1 (无比较级、最高级) (与精神上相对而言之) 物质 (上) 的,物质世界的; 自然 (界) 的the world物质世界2 a.(无比较级、最高级)身体的,肉体的(←→ mental,psychic)~beauty肉体美a checkup健康检查,身体检查one's constitution体格→ physical COURAGEa examination身体 [体格] 检查~exercise体操,运动~health (肉体上之) 健康~training体育b.(口语)追求肉欲 [肉体] 的3 (无比较级、最高级)a.物理学 (上) 的b.根据自然法则的,自然科学的a impossibility在物理上 [自然法则上] 不可能之事a explanation of miracles一种根据自然法则对奇迹的解释可数名词(又作 physical examination) (美)身体检查
people who have regular physical exercise seldom catch a dis
people who have regular physical exercise seldom catch a disease like flu,_____?
A.don not they B.have not they请问选什么?为什么?
yunan708 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
这句话的主句是 People seldom catch a disease,seldom是否定意义的词.所以应该用 do they?
Strength does not come from physical capacity.It comes from
Strength does not come from physical capacity.It comes from an indomitable will.最合理的翻译?
疯疯颠颠 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
英语翻译Physical Methods include processes where no gross chemic
physical methods include processes where no gross chemical or biological changes are carried out and strictly physical phenomena
used to improve or treat the wastewater.examples would be coarse screening to remove larger entrained objects and
sedimentation (or clarification).
in the process of sedimentation.physical phenomena relating to the settling of solids by gravity are allowed to operate.usually this consists of simply holding a wastewater for a short period of time in a *** under quiescent conditions,allowing the heavier solids to settle.and removing the "clarified" effluent.still other physical phenomena are used in the treatment which consists of filtration.here wastewater is passed through a filter medium to separate solids.an example would he the use of sand filters to further remove entrained solids from a treated wastewater.certain phenomena will occur during the sedimentation process and can be advantageously used to further improve water quality.permitting greases or oils,
for example·to float to the surface and skimming or physically removing them from the wastewaters is often carried out as a part of the overall treatment process.
雾岚 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
labor refers to the use of mental or physical work to produc
labor refers to the use of mental or physical work to produce goods怎么翻译
酆螽锝郓 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率88.5%
英语翻译Nurses faithfully tended to his physical needs,while he
Nurses faithfully tended to his physical needs,while he remained as a shell of flesh and bone,completely lacking in life.
lacking in life是不是应该解释为生活缺乏生气呢 总觉得“完全缺乏生活”有些奇怪
while he remained as a shell of flesh and bone好像翻的也是字面意思
Luna_zz 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
Physical __(教育)is good.
Physical __(教育)is good.
Are you __(确信) you are right?
不知道8980 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
relaxation activities help to reverse the physical reactions
relaxation activities help to reverse the physical reactions to stress 的句子成分.主要是TO STRESS
黑脚柄 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
句子主干是activities reverse reactions
Relaxation activities help to reverse the physical reactions
Relaxation activities help to reverse the physical reactions to stress.的句子成分
维K 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
Relaxation activities作主语 意为放松活动
help to reverse 是谓语 reverse 原为 颠倒 为了句子通顺 就意为改变
the physical reactions 是宾语
to stress做后置定语 修饰 the physical reactions
整句为 放松活动能帮你改变压力造成的生理反应
英语翻译1 He takes blows well.2 He's resilient to physical attac
1 He takes blows well.
2 He's resilient to physical attacks
jane1108 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
blow 除了给人一拳之外,还表示抽象意义的打击
resilient 就是韧性好
physical attacks 就是身体袭击
szh00 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
英语翻译what is the ture love True love is neither physical,nor
what is the ture love True love is neither physical,nor romantic.True love is an acceptance of all that it,has been will be,and will not be.The happiest people do not necessarily have the best of everything;they just make the best of everything they have.Life is not about how to survive the storm.but how to dance in the rain.
blueeyes88 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
物理气相沈积(Physical Vapor Deposition)指的是怎么样的一种技术?
物理气相沈积(Physical Vapor Deposition)指的是怎么样的一种技术?
我在翻译中越到“利用物理气相沈积(Physical Vapor Deposition)的方式,在真空系统中反应沈积的各种耐磨耗、高硬度的薄膜于刃具、模具等工件表面,在不影响工件的韧性下,能有效保护被镀工件,大大提升工件的使用寿命.”我不明白“利用物理气相沈积(Physical Vapor Deposition)的方式"指的是怎么样一种方式.
fatq_2001 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率81.5%
英语翻译who regards his many physical problems as unimportant
yy小猪 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
physical problems 不能简单的翻译成物理问题
6句话说说Physical appearance plays a significant role in one’s l
6句话说说Physical appearance plays a significant role in one’s life.
zhangsanfeng23 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率68.8%
1,The 1st impression is very important,everyone knows this.
2,If your physical appearance is good,you'll be confident.
3,There are a lot of people who just judge a person by physical appearance
4,No one knows what a person is really like except himself.
英语翻译During an El Niño,the physical relationships between win
During an El Niño,the physical relationships between wind,ocean currents,oceanic and atmospheric temperature,and biosphere break down into destructive patterns that are second only to the march of the seasons in their impacts to weather conditions around the world.
给我一生爱的人 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
英语翻译it is costly to acquire,like physical capital and pays o
it is costly to acquire,like physical capital and pays off over time,like physical capital .
wang0yu0han 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
物理力量是physical strength,那精神力量呢?我找不到“精神”的形容词
物理力量是physical strength,那精神力量呢?我找不到“精神”的形容词
顺便问一下,比如***女孩应该是chinese girl吧,我有在英文书里看到china girl,为什么呢?
usbusb1782 共回答了29个问题 | 采纳率96.6%
Mental strength
china girl是有点歧视的称呼
英语选择 Harry is ____ as Jack in this physical field.
英语选择 Harry is ____ as Jack in this physical field.
Harry is ____ as Jack in this physical field.
A.as excellent scientist
B.as an excellent scientist
C.such excellent scientist
D.as excellent a scientist
东区9号楼上住 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
physical harm to living being 这句话什么意思啊?怎么翻译啊?
cct_8 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
帮忙写一篇英语作文,Why is physical education and fitness important?分三
帮忙写一篇英语作文,Why is physical education and fitness important?分三段,简单一点比较好.不过不要太短,也不要太长.急用!
xcllk23jlkfjalks 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
1 体育活动都有哪些?
2 体育活动的重要性
3 如何开展体育活动
The physical education embraces a great number of activities such as tennis,swimming,running,football,basketball,skiing,skating,badminton and so on.
People concern themselves with physical education as something essential for everyday life and vital for their health.The reasons are as follows.First and foremost,certain amount of physical exercise a day keeps the doctor away as well as keeps us a fit and strong body.Furthermore,we can reinforce our mental capacity via sports.Last but not the least,physical exercise is deemed as a way of recreation,which will relax us from the heavy work and fresh our mind for a better state.
Consequently,neither the school nor the students should avoid the responsiblity to promote physical education.First,schools should support relevant facility building and employ professional faculty to hold sports events and provide interesting lessons.Second,it is us students that should pay more attention to our self-improvement in physical quality through sports and to keep a healthy lifestyle.
这张图是被人踩扁的可乐罐1.list 3 physical properties of this aluminum ca
1.list 3 physical properties of this aluminum can.
2.when this can was crushed,did it undergo a physical change of a chemical change?
3.how does the density of the metal in the crushed can compare with the density of the metal before the can was crushed?
4.can you tell what the chemical properties of the can are by looking at the picture?explain your answer.
yujifjtv 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
1 it's flexible light and sharp when broken.2 it'll be a physical change3 density of the can after it's crushed is the same as it before that4 i can't tell what the chemical properties it is just by a...
英语翻译Physical Theatre DevisedPieceSTIMULI:Entitled “The Natur
Physical Theatre DevisedPiece
STIMULI:Entitled “The Nature of Things”*
GROUPS:4 to 5 students per group
TASK ONE:Drawing on ideas generated by thestimuli,find a soundscape made up of natural sounds,percussion,found sounds,strains of music and/or sound effects.It must not be a song and there shouldbe no lyrics or recognizable words.
TASK TWO:Create a physical theatre piece thatis inspired by the stimuli and the soundscape.The piece must feature at leastfour of the following elements from both Contrastand Space and all elements from Levels and Speed:
TASK THREE:Consider other production elements asperformance space,costumes and lighting
TASKFOUR:You will writeabout the process and performance in your DWB,using vocabulary that we haveused in class and through your reading of Meyerhold and BioMechanics.How hasknowledge of his work influenced your approach to this performance project?Your DWB will also include three visual renderings of your piece:a) a presentation of your stimuli b) a representationof the stimuli c) something textualor a combination of the colours ofyour stimuli.Due Thursday,October 31.
*Possible stimuli:
· Rainforest
· Wetlands
· MonarchButterflies
· SlipperySloap
· Timber!
· Snowfall
baowm1982 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
英语翻译his sublime life proved that even physical weakness coul
his sublime life proved that even physical weakness could remove the mountains in the pursuit of an end recommend by duty.
jerry_guan 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
in the pursuit of an end recommend by duty需要上下文才能准确翻译出来.
请教怎么用英语回答以下问题1. Why are photojournalists said to do physical
1. Why are photojournalists said to do physical editing while shooting and some mental editing on the way back to the office?
2. What do you think are the main obstacles in improving Journalistic English?
s不懂 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
Because some of the photos that they took will need to be edited with the storylines
Methods to get exciting news and insider information about some news which the public are interested in.
英语翻译In the finite element analysis,physical interactions amo
In the finite element analysis,physical interactions among joints are simulated by contact algorithms.The femur–bone-cement interface and the bone-cement–implant interface surface to surface contact algorithms of ANSYS were used for implicit static analysis.Three stem-cement interface conditions are considered:completely bonded,debonded with coefficient of friction 0,and debonded with coefficient of friction 0.2.In the analysis,a viscoelastic material model is utilized for bone-cement.Numerical shape optimization is applied to the prosthesis.
The results of finite element simulations are compared with Charnley’s implant results and appropriate material for the implant is proposed.The best stem shapes fulfilling the desired functional requirements are chosen for the design.These findings can form a base for further research such as the optimum design of bone-implant hip prosthesis.
我爱vv哟 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率100%
太专业了, 不懂了,不好意思.
这句话语法点是什么?I am having some【 blood drawn 】for a physical exam
I am having some【 blood drawn 】for a physical exam
抽血 是 draw blood,
这里用了 过去分词 drawn 放在 blood 后面,是修饰 blood 做后置定语么?还是,过去分词 作 宾补?
drawn 修饰,blood ,drawn 视作形容词?drawn blood 有 抽血 这个意思么?
不过 看到 have sth done ,比如 have my hair cut .,是cut 过去分词做宾补,
我觉得 I am having some【 blood drawn 】for a physical exam
drwan 也像是 过去分词 做宾补了吧?相当于 被动语态 blood is drawn
2 过去分词作宾补,和 被动语态 有相似之处,而且过去分词作宾补,有些表达结构和被动语态 完全一样,那有何区别?意思上?只是 谓语和非谓语 结构的区别么?
3 have sth done ,have sth to be done 大致不同是
4 have sth to do 还是 have sth do 那个才准确.
请按顺序 回答.
而且过去分词作宾补,有些表达结构和 被动语态 完全一样
寒武纪的猴子 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
I am having some【blood drawn】for a physical exam
1、draw blood:draw 是动词,与 blood 构成动宾结构,意思是“使流血/抽血”,只能充当动词功能的成分.
2、这个句子用的结构是 have sth.done (使某事被[某人]做),它是由 have sb.do sth.(使某人做某事)变为被动而形成的常用结构.
3、drawn for a physical exam 要整体看作是语言一个单元,意思是“为医学测试而被抽血”.
4、具体到have some blood drawn 的结构应该是“使役动词have + 宾语 some blood + 过去分词短语充当的宾补drawn for a physical exam”,意思是“使他人为医学测试抽血”.
see sb.do a physical exam 看见某人做医学测试 = see a physical exam done (by sb.) 看到医学测试(被某人)做
have a barber cut his hair让理发师给他理发 = have his hair cut (by a barber) 让他(被理发师)理发.
三、have sth.done 和 have sth to be done 的意思不同,直接用过去分词作宾补表示“某事被做过”,用不定式的被动语态作宾补表示“某事将要被做”.
四、下面几个动词后作宾补的不定式一定不能带小品词 to:
所以 have sb.do 是错误的,应该是 have sb.do.
除此之外,像 get、order 等使役动词应该用 get/order sb.to do,小品词 to 不能省去
英语翻译True love is neither physical,nor romantic.True love is
True love is neither physical,nor romantic.True love is an acceptance of all that is,has been,will be,and will not be中文翻译
一百级风 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
mental health and physical health,which is more important?
紫怀 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
Well,I think we can hardly lose one of them.To a healthy person,losing the former or the latter might cause serious problem.But,in this way,mental health may be more important.We can think in a opposi...
谁能帮我写一篇英语作文 题目是 Introduction the physical appearance and per
谁能帮我写一篇英语作文 题目是 Introduction the physical appearance and personlity of one of myfriend 谢谢
让时间证明 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
Hello,everyone. I am very glad to introduce my friend Li Lei to you. She is one of my best friend. She is tall and thin with a round face. She has long black hair. She is kind ,warm-hearted and friend...
mental.physical.trader.reconstruction.dawn.overcme.insist.plain.resist.cheif.widespread.supply.chain.willing.in vain.take a chance.leave alone.insist on.put out.on sale.in ture.as a result.be willing to.at dawn 造句
zhoujy 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
英语翻译The Physical LayerThe physical layer contains the data f
The Physical Layer
The physical layer contains the data files that hold all the data for the database.Nearly all modern DBMSs allow the database to be stored in multiple data files,which are usually spread out over multiple physical disk drives.With this arrangement,the disk drives can work in parallel for maximum performance.A notable exception among the DBMSs used as examples in this book is Microsoft Access,which stores the entire database in a single physical file.While simplifying database use on a single-user personal computer system,this arrangement limits the ability of the DBMS to scale to accommodate many concurrent users of the database,making it inappropriate as a solution for large enterprise systems.In all fairness,Microsoft Access was not designed to be a robust enterprise class DBMS.I have included it in discussions in this book not because it competes with products such as Oracle and SQL Server,but because it's a great example of a personal DBMS with a user interface that makes learning database concepts easy and fun.
The database user does not need to understand how the data is actually stored within the data files or even which file contains the data items) of interest.In most organizations,a technician known as a database administrator (DBA) handles the details of installing and configuring the database software and data files and making the database available to users.The DBMS works with the computer's operating system to manage the data files automatically,including all file opening,closing,reading,and writing operations.The database user should not be required to refer to physical data files when using a database,which is in sharp contrast with spreadsheets and word processing,where the user must consciously save the documents) and choose file names and storage locations.Many of the personal computer-based DBMSs are exceptions to this tenet because the user is required to locate and open a physical file as part of the process of signing on to the DBMS.Conversely,with enterprise class DBMSs (such as Oracle,Sybase ASE,Microsoft SQL Server,and MySQL),the physical files are managed automatically and the database user never needs to refer to them when using the database.
yitusihua123 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
在物理层中包含的数据文件保存所有数据库的数据.几乎所有现代的DBMS允许数据库在多个数据文件,通常分布在多个物理磁盘驱动器进行存储.有了这项安排,磁盘驱动器可并行工作,以最高的性能.阿中在这本书的示例中使用的DBMS的显着的例外是Microsoft Access,它存储在一个单一的物理文件的整个数据库.同时简化在一个单用户的个人计算机系统数据库的使用,这种安排限制了数据库管理系统扩展能力,以适应数据库许多并发用户,是不适当的,作为大型企业systems.In所有公平的解决办法,Microsoft Access将是没有设计成一个强大的中文
