concentrate on 和 foucus on 区别

yyalja2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

concentrate on 和 foucus on 区别
形容集中注意力的是 foucus on
focus on


Angel寒馨儿 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
concentrate on集中注意力,强调精神
foucus on 集中视力,强调眼神


Concentrate on,at present,stay up,learn form,have an opportu
concentrate on,at present,stay up,learn form,have an opportunity,be good for,the other day
1.swimming________your health
2._______teenagers have strong personalities.they need *** and independence will solve the problem if you________more________it
4.students should______each other
5.i will ask jackie shan for his autograph if i________yo meet him
6.________,lisa happened to meet her teacher on the way to london
david505 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
1,is good for
2,At present,
3,concentrate more on it
4,learn from
5,have an opportunity
6,The other day,
英语翻译1.外面的噪声使我不能专心做我的工作(concentrate on)2.他很早就来到办公室,他为他人作出表率.(
1.外面的噪声使我不能专心做我的工作(concentrate on)
2.他很早就来到办公室,他为他人作出表率.(set an example)
3.这个喝醉酒的司机应对这起事故负责任.(blame for)
4.这种新产品下月会上市吗?(on sale)
5.昨天天太冷拉,我们不得不呆在房间里边.(so ...that)
恒泰2 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
1 The novices outside can't make me concerntrate on my work
2 He came to office very early to set an example
3 This drunk driver should be blamed for the accident
4 Will the new products on sale next month?
5 It was so cold yesterday that I had to stay in the house
devote to ,concentrate on,fix on,absorb on的区别
wolingmeng 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
devote to 是致力于 concentrate on 是专注于 fix on 是集中目光,目不转睛 absorb on 被吸引、、、、、
concentrate on 与focuse on 的区别
jing646222165 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
concentrate on 注意力集中,专注,
focus on 聚焦于,关注于,
太吵了,我不能集中注意力做工课.(concentrate on)
素心彝族 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
I can't concentrate on my homework because of the noise.
英语翻译1 我们必须致力于改进教育工作(concentrate on)2 他被派去报道那次会议的有关情况(cover)3
1 我们必须致力于改进教育工作(concentrate on)
2 他被派去报道那次会议的有关情况(cover)
3 只有当你经历了许多磨难后,你才知道幸福的可贵(only of)
4 他被指控***并被宣判死罪(be accused of)
5 为了占到好座位,我和mary俩很早就去了(so as to)
Twins淡定孤单 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
We must concentrate on improving the work of education.

He was sent to cover that meeting.
Only if you have experienced the pain of suffering can you realize the preciousness of happiness.
He was accused of murder and sentenced to death.
Mary and I went there very early so as to get a good seat.
depend on,feed on,comment on,concentrate on,rest on,
灵感重生 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
depend on取决于
feed on饲养在
comment on评论,
concentrate on集中
rest on安放在,修养于
concentrate on 和 concentrate to 的用法和区别?
concentrate on 和 concentrate to 的用法和区别?
330326 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
concentrate on 意思是集中精力于
可直接接名词concentrate on sth
或接动词ing concentrate on doing sth
或 concentrate one's effort on sth/doing sth
* I can't concentrate (on my studies) with all that noise going on. 吵闹声不绝於耳, 我精神无法集中(於学习).
* We must concentrate our efforts on improving education. 我们必须致力於改进教育工作.
* Having failed my French exams, I decided to concentrate on science subjects. 我因法语考试不及格而决心专攻理科.
* This firm concentrates on the European market. 这公司把工作重点集中在欧洲市场.
concentrate to后面一般加动词,意思是专心去做某事.不知对不对,靠大家了
英语短语造句我从不写下任何东西,我只是全身惯注于下一步 用concentrate on造 里面要用到这个词 在线等~~~
用concentrate on造
里面要用到这个词 在线等~~~急~!
相册1 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
I never write anything down but concentrate completely on the next step.
英语翻译1.约翰在专心做练习,与此同时杰克却在看小说(concentrate on,meanwhile)2.那个记者冒着
1.约翰在专心做练习,与此同时杰克却在看小说(concentrate on,meanwhile)
3.如果你渴望经营好一家餐馆,就必须懂得这行的诀窍(be eager to,the tricks of the trade)
4.请仔细核对清单以避免发生错误,否则客户可能会要求赔偿损失(so as to,demand damages)
5.在那件案子里,他被指控故意输掉比赛(case,accuse of,deliberately)
gyy383566071 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
1、John is concentrating on exercises,meanwhile jack is reading the novel.
2、The journalist risked his life to cover the situation in Iraq.
3 、If you are eager to run a restaurant well,you must know the tricks of the trade.
4、 Please check the list carefully so as to avoid mistakes,or customers may demand damages.
5 、In that case,he was accused of losing games deliberately .
选择恰当的词组并用其正确形式填空 stay up,concentrate on,be
选择恰当的词组并用其正确形式填空 stay up,concentrate on,be
stay up,concentrate on,be good for,in fact,look good on,instead of,the other day,learn from,at least,at present.
1.Look at my new dress,Mum.Does it _ me?
2.People usually _ until 12pm to wait for the New year to come on New Year's Eve.
3.I saw Li Ming in the street _ .
4.we should _ our studies, we want to go to the best middle school.
5.Wang Ming is a good student.we should _ him.
6.Taking a walk after supper _ your health.
7.It was worth five hundred dollars _ .
8.He thought that I knew some French,but _ I don't know it at all.
9.I'm afraid I can't help you just _ ,for I'm too busy.
10.It's raining now. I would like to watch TV at home _ playing soccer outside.
likl 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
1 look good on
2 stay up
3 the other day
4 concentrate on
5 learn from
6 is good for
7 at least
8 in fact
9 at present
10 instead of
concentrate造句 注意,不是concentrate on
concentrate造句 注意,不是concentrate on
驱祸 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
Your TV is so loud that I can't concentrate.
concentrate on是什么意思
k8k8cc 共回答了8个问题 | 采纳率37.5%
快点翻译尽管双目失明,他仍然专心学习,给我们留下了深刻印象。(concentrate on,though)
潘锡铭找工作 共回答了30个问题 | 采纳率53.3%
We are deeply impressed that he still concentrates on his study though he is blind.
用所给词或词组填空如题 concentrate on,succeed in,stay up,at present,in
concentrate on,succeed in,stay up,at present,in the way,care about.point,in a mess,instead of,obey When problems are ____,it is usually difficult for a person to ____ what he or she is doing.What we usually do is to _____ all night trying to get everying right.In fact,sleep is very important at the time,If you don't get enough sleep,your mind will be ____.That means you can't think properly.So,my ____ is that we should _____ the rule of nature.____making yourself is probably wiser for you to make a list of all the difficulties you have _____ and try to work out the most important problem,Don't ____ what others say.Just focus on one problem at a time and you'll finally_____ solving all of them
motoman110 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
When problems are IN THE WAY ,it is usually difficult for a person to CONCENTRATE ON what he or she is doing.What we usually do is to STAY UP all night trying to get everying right.In fact,sleep is very important at the time,if you don't get enough sleep,your mind will be IN A MESS.That means you can't think properly.So,my POINT is that we should OBEY the rule of nature.INSTEAD OF making yourself exhausted.It is probably wiser for you to make a list of all the difficulties you have AT PRESENT and try to work out the most important problem.Don't CARE ABOUT what others say.Just focus on one problem at a time and you'll finally SUCCEED IN solveing all of them.
concentrate on有关该短语的用法及注意
kingg666 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
concentrate on 意思是集中精力于
可直接接名词concentrate on sth
或接动词ing concentrate on doing sth
或 concentrate one's effort on sth/doing sth
* I can't concentrate (on my studies) with all that noise going on.吵闹声不绝於耳,我精神无法集中(於学习).
* We must concentrate our efforts on improving education.我们必须致力於改进教育工作.
* Having failed my French exams,I decided to concentrate on science subjects.我因法语考试不及格而决心专攻理科.
* This firm concentrates on the European market.这公司把工作重点集中在欧洲市场.
尽管双目失明,他仍然专心学习,给我们留下了深刻印象。(concentrate on,though)
尽管双目失明,他仍然专心学习,给我们留下了深刻印象。(concentrate on,though)
qiy1 共回答了9个问题 | 采纳率100%
We are deeply impressed that he still concentrates on his study though he is blind.

本题中含有一个让步状语从句,用though来连接,让步状语可翻译成though he is blind,对某事留下印象可用be impressed that+从句的结构来表示,修饰动词印象可用副词深刻地deeply,表示专心于某事物可用concentrate on sth,故本题的主语是可翻译成We are deeply impressed that he still concentrates on his study,所以本题可翻译成We are deeply impressed that he still concentrates on his study though he is blind。
用短语“concentrate on” "depend on" "accuse…of&qu
用短语“concentrate on” "depend on" "accuse…of" "so as to"(do sth) "ahead of"各造一个句子
sunyifhsy 共回答了5个问题 | 采纳率100%
You have to concentrate on correcting basic factual errors about the real world.
pay attention to 与concentrate on
pay attention to 与concentrate on
小猫漫步 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
pay attention 指注意到某件事情或者某样东西
如:nowadays,more and more people pay attention to the issue of global warming.全球暖化越来越引起人们的注意了
concentrate on 指专心于某事
如:concentrate on study 专心学习
用"be familiar to""centre on/upon""concentrate on "造句.
用"be familiar to""centre on/upon""concentrate on "造句.
Trinangel 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
We are familiar to what we should do everyday.我们多我们每天应该做的事情了如指掌.
China is the country that centre upon all over the world in our heart.中国在我们心中是全世界的中心国家.
We should concentrate on our studying.我们应该集中注意力与学习之上.
concentrate on与 concentrate in有什么区别
guoxin1234 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
concentrate on 意思是集中精力于
可直接接名词concentrate on sth
或接动词ing concentrate on doing sth
或 concentrate one's effort on sth/doing sth
* I can't concentrate (on my studies) with all that noise going on.吵闹声不绝於耳,我精神无法集中(於学习).
* We must concentrate our efforts on improving education.我们必须致力於改进教育工作.
* Having failed my French exams,I decided to concentrate on science subjects.我因法语考试不及格而决心专攻理科.
* This firm concentrates on the European market.这公司把工作重点集中在欧洲市场.
concentrate in
把 ...集中在 ...上
1.People concentrate in cities not only to get jobs but to take advantage of cultural facilities.
一道高一英语选择题关于concentrate on和focused on
一道高一英语选择题关于concentrate on和focused on
When I came in,he was____his book.
A.concentrating on B.contributed to C.burying on D.focused on
汗五弟 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
A.concentrating on 是答案.
首先,要用主动语态形式.所以,第二个答案,和第四个答案都是错误的.第三个答案要说 buried in.是固定说法.