英语翻译RencaiYou can do the Tongzhuo I am really happy,I Tongzh

cityhunt7201122022-10-04 11:39:542条回答

You can do the Tongzhuo I am really happy,I Tongzhuo from small to very many,you are most satisfied with the Let me but also for me the best.This year you have always looked after me,you helped me a lot of very busy,but also taught me a lot of useful things,I really am grateful to you.x0b I would like you to my Enqing I also do not have the clearance.x0b Your generosity,your peace,you have talent,you are a person of high moral character.Like you I am afraid such a good man can no longer find the second.I would like to "gentlemen's" you are worthy of being called a Dangdang.x0b Congratulations,you encounter a "small" such a good girl,you will be happy together,to take full advantage of,oh.We live in such a long time,I have almost nothing and you would like to say whether the heart or personal experience,so I will not be too depressing.x0bYou will have to go abroad,I first wish you Yilushunfeng,promising x0b Well,I do not say,and I bless you,goodbye.


浪漫木槿花 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
你可以这样做同我真的很高兴,我同从小到很多,你最满意与让我,而且对我来说,最好的.今年你一直照顾我,你帮了我很多非常繁忙,而且还教我了很多有益的东西,我真的很感谢你.我想你我enqing ,我也没有过关.您的慷慨,您的和平,您有人才,你是一个人的品格高尚.喜欢你,我恐怕这样的一个好人,再也不能找到第二个.我想的“君子”你是值得被称为当当.祝贺您,您所遇到的一个“小”这样的好女孩,你会很乐意在一起,以充分利用,哦.我们生活在这么长的时间,我几乎没有和你想说一说,是否患有心脏病或个人的经验,所以我不会太沮丧.您将有到国外去,我首先祝你yilushunfeng ,有前途的好,我不说,我保佑你,再见.
含冰雨 共回答了2个问题 | 采纳率
