1.Leonardo da Vinci was the following EXCEPT _____.

tearfuji2022-10-04 11:39:542条回答

1.Leonardo da Vinci was the following EXCEPT _____.
A.a painter
B.a sculptor
C.an inventor
D.a writer
2.Which of the following words has the same meaning as “genius at many things”?
3.Which of the following was NOT one of Da Vinci’s works or ideas?
A.Mona Lisa
B.The Last Supper
C.The idea of keyboard.
D.The Da Vinci Code选择如题


chliubxi 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
D达芬奇密码是丹 布朗的小说,和达芬奇无关噢~
lidandan620 共回答了9个问题 | 采纳率


德芙325 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
英式[ˌliɒˈnɑ:dəu] 美式[ˌliɑ:ˈnɑ:rdou] 第一个音节中的[i]为弱元音表示把长元音[i:]发短一些即可并非短元音[ɪ],美式中[ɒ]开口度更大变为[ɑ:],第三个音节儿化,最后一个音节比英式的咧嘴程度要小.附带一个音频地址http://zh.forvo.com/search/leonardo/en/希望对你有所帮助
阅读理解 What do Leonardo d

What do Leonardo da Vinci. Paul McCartney. Napoleon. and John McEnroe have in common?
They are all left-handed. Today, about 15 percent of the population arc if handed. But why are people
left handed? The answer is the way the brain works.
The brain has two halves-the right half and the left hail. The right half controls the left side of the
body, and the left controls the right side of the body. So right-handed people have a strong left brain, and
left-handed people have a strong right brain.
The two halves the brain are about the same size. But each side controls different things. The left side controls language, math and logic. When you memorize the spelling of words, or when you put things in order, you use your left side. The right side of the brain controls you love of art, color and music, It is also good at recognizing faces.
This does not mean, that all artists are left-landed and accountants (会计) arc right handed. There
arc many exceptions (例外).Some right-handers have a strong right- brain, and some left brain have a
strong left brain.
( )1. Eighty five percent of the population are right handed today.
( )2. The right side of the brain controls the left side of the body.
( )3. The left side of the brain controls color.
( )4. All accountants arc right handed.
( )5. When you recognise a face, you are using your right brain.
鲨鱼游啊游 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
1-5 T T F F T
pipdoo 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
和Leo有关的名字其意思大都与狮子或者勇气有关,Leo意思为狮子宫,狮子座,雄狮,还有勇士.Leonardo大意为强壮如狮,自 Leonardo da Vinci以后,这个名字更倾向于和艺术联系起来.
把下列句子改为被动语态1.Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa.2.We ca
1.Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa.
2.We can use wood to make a lot of things.
3.They have kept these books in the library for a long time.
4.One of the students will show us around the school.
姜太公二世 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
1The Mona Lisa is painted by Leonardo da Vinci
2Wood can be used to make a lot of things by us
3 These books was kept in the library by them for a long time.
4we will be showed around the school by one of the students.
1.Leonardo da Vinci(1452—1519) 【 】 birds kept in cages in or
1.Leonardo da Vinci(1452—1519) 【 】 birds kept in cages in order to have tje pleasure of setting them free.
A.is said to be buying B.is said to have bought
2.We can never expect 【 】bluer sky unless we create 【 】 less polluted word.
A.a;a B.a;the
xkmtz 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
Do you know what( )with Leonardo?A is wrong B wrong is C wro
Do you know what( )with Leonardo?A is wrong B wrong is C wrong was D was wrong 选哪个,为什么
下一站感觉 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率82.6%
a what's wrong with 属于固定习语,不用变陈述语序,并且问的是现在的情况
英语翻译Two of Leonardo's most famous paintings are "The Last su
Two of Leonardo's most famous paintings are "The Last supper"and"The Mona Lisa" The first is in Milan,italy,and the second in Paris,France.They have been studied carefully by lovers of art from all over the world.
haiming0459 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
while leonardo do vinci was working阅读理解
山岭靓仔 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
While leonardo do Vinci was working in reading comprehension
求大神翻译What do Leonardo da Vincii, Marie Curie, and Albert Ein
What do Leonardo da Vincii, Marie Curie, and Albert Einstein have in common? They were all left-handed, along with other famous people including Brad Pitt Prince
William, and Barack Obama. In fact, an estimated 13 percent of the world's
population may be left-handed.
Most people around the world are right-handed. This fact also seems to have held
true throughout history In 1977, scientists studied works of art made at various times in history starting with cave drawings from 15,000 B.C. and ending with paintings
from the 19SOs. Most of the people shown in these works of art are right-handed, so scientists guessed that right-handedness has always been common.
Many researchers claim to have found relationships between left-handedness and
Various physical and mental characteristics, such as blond hair, blue eyes: vegetarianism, and sleep difficulties. Other studies have found a higher-than-normal level of left-handed people in certain occupations, including
professional baseball and tennis players, architects, lawyers, as well as prisoners.
However, some of these connections are very weak, and others have not been proven.
What makes a person become right-handed rather than left-handed? As yet no one
really knows for sure. One simple idea suggests that people normally get
right-handedness From their parents. Studies have found that two right-handed parents have only a 9.5 percent chance of having a left-handed child, whereas two
left-handed parents have a 26 percent chance of having a left-handed child. Another common theory is that left-handed people suffer mild brain damage during birth,
which makes them lea-handed. However, if this theory were true, it would not explain why the percentage of left-banded people is so similar in every society; when birth conditions vary so much f:om society to society
Whatever the reasons behind it, people's attitudes toward left-handedness have changed a lot over the years. Statistics show that although 13 percent of young people (10 - 20 years old) are left-handed, only six percent of the elderly are left-handed. Lea-handed children used to be punished until they began using their right hand like other children, but today people who are left-handed are no longer looked down on nor are they considered abnormal. For most people today,either case is perfectly acceptable. There are even a number of shops now that specialize in selling products designed for left-handed people, such as left-handed scissors, can openers, guitars, and even a left-handed camera.
In 1976, Left-Handers International, a group of left-handed people in Topeka, Kansas, in the United States, decided to start an annual event in order to clear up misunderstandings about left-handedness. They decided that August 13th is International Left-Handers Day, and to this day, groups of left-handed people around the world celebrate their own special day.
magicer 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
不管背后的原因,人们对左撇子的态度在过去几年发生了很大的变化。统计数据显示,尽管百分之13的年轻人(10 - 20岁)是左撇子,只有百分之六的老年人是左撇子。李给儿童使用的是惩罚,直到他们开始使用他们的右手,像其他孩子一样,但是今天,习惯用左手的人不再瞧不起他们也不认为是不正常的。对于今天的大部分人,都是完全可以接受的。甚至有一些商店,专门销售产品为左撇子设计的,如左手剪刀,开罐器,吉他,甚至一个左撇子相机。
by ___the way birds fly,leonardo tried to find out the secre
by ___the way birds fly,leonardo tried to find out the secret of flying
b.to watch
问题英文 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
By是介词,后面的动词应该用ing形式,在这里By watching the birds fly 做方式状语,表通过观察鸟飞行的方式,李奥纳多尽力找出飞行的秘密.
英语题目求翻译I just bought Leonardo's secret notebook! Rare object
I just bought Leonardo's secret notebook! Rare object collector Stan Ucker was
really agitated but his friend, special investigator Sarah Kepticwas
unimpressed. — How do you know it is genuine? — Oh, it must be, at that price.
And it is written in the da Vinci code. Sarah browsed a few of the pages. It was
obvious to her that the code was a substitution cipher, where each letter of the
alphabet had been substituted by another letter. — Leonardo would have written
the plain-text and left it to his assistant to encrypt, she said. And he must
have supplied the substitution alphabet to be used. If we are lucky, we can find
it on the back cover! She turned up the last page and, lo and behold, there was
a single line of all 26 letters of the alphabet: QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM —
This may be Leonardo's instructions meaning that each A in the plain-text was to
be replaced by Q, each B withW, etcetera. Let us see... To their disappointment,
they soon saw that this could not be the substitution that was used in the book.
Suddenly, Stan brightened. — Maybe Leonardo really wrote the substitution
alphabet on the last page, and by mistake his assistant coded that line as he
had coded the rest of the book. So the line we have here is the result of
applying some permutation TWICE to the ordinary alphabet!
Sarah took out her
laptop computer and coded fiercely for a few minutes. Then she turned to Stan
with a sympathetic expression. — No, that couldn't be it. I am afraid that you
have been duped again, my friend. In all probability, the book is a fake. Write
a program that takes a permutation of the English alphabet as input and decides
if it may be the result of performing some permutation twice.
布川裤子 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
英语翻译(The two famous starts are Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate W
(The two famous starts are Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslette.)
Leonardo is excellent as the poor,handsome Jack and Kate Winslette is perfect as the rich and beauful Rose.
然后问这部电影的主要人物,然后答案说人物是Jack and Rose.
喊我ss就好 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率82.6%
Leonardo极好地扮演贫穷但却帅气的Jack,Kate Winslette 则完美演绎了富有、美丽的Rose.
可以看出,两个明星在影片中的角色(人物)是Jack and Rose.
my people agree that leonardo Da Vince was one of the greate
my people agree that leonardo Da Vince was one of the greatest thinkers of all time. how only went
看着你成长 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
我家人一致认为莱昂纳多.达芬奇是有史以来最伟大的思想家之一.how only went(这个是不是没完整啊)
I admire Leonardo da Vinci.
读你sjwzy 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率88%
我崇拜 里昂纳多·达芬奇
专业翻译!专业!What do Leonardo da Vinci. Paul McCartney. Napoleon.
What do Leonardo da Vinci. Paul McCartney. Napoleon. and John McEnroe have in common? They are all left-handed. Today, about 15 percent of the population arc if handed. But why are peopleleft handed? The answer is the way the brain works. The brain has two halves-the right half and the left hail. The right half controls the left side of the body, and the left controls the right side of the body. So right-handed people have a strong left brain, and left-handed people have a strong right brain. The two halves the brain are about the same size. But each side controls different things. The left side controls language, math and logic. When you memorize the spelling of words, or when you put things in order, you use your left side. The right side of the brain controls you love of art, color and music, It is also good at recognizing faces. This does not mean, that all artists are left-landed and accountants (会计) arc right handed. There arc many exceptions (例外). Some right-handers have a strong right- brain, and some left brain have astrong left brain.
天空之城里的蜗牛 共回答了30个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
做什么达芬奇.保罗·麦卡特尼.拿破仑.和约翰·麦肯罗有什么共同点?他们都是左撇子.今天,如果交给大约15%的人口弧.但为什么peopleleft手?答案是大脑的工作方式.大脑有两半,右半部和左冰雹.右半控制身体的左侧,左侧控制右边的身体.因此,惯用右手的人有强烈的左脑,而惯用左手的人有强烈的右脑.两半的脑是大约相同的尺寸.但每一方控制不同的东西.左侧的控制语言,数学和逻辑.当你记忆单词的拼写,或者当你把事情办得井井有条,你用你的左侧.右边你爱的艺术,色彩和音乐的大脑控制的,这也是很好的识别面孔.这并不意味着,所有的艺术家都是左降落和会计师(会计)电弧右手.弧有很多例外(例外).有些右撇子有很强的右脑,而有些左脑有astrong左脑. 中间有些翻译不出来,可能是您打错了.
英语首字母填空 Leonardo may have been the g___ genius pe
英语首字母填空 Leonardo may have been the g___ genius pe
Leonardo may have been the g___ genius people have ever known.He lived in Italy around the year 1500,but many of his inventions seem modern to us today.For example,one of his notebooks has drawings of a helicopter.Of c____,he couldn't build a helicopter with the things he had.But s____ say his idea would have worked.But Leonardo wasn't just an inventor.He was one of the greatest a____ of his day.By the time he was twenty years old,he was called a master painter,and as he got older he became e_____ more famous,sometimes he drew a hand ten d____ ways before he was ready to paint.Many of Leonard's wonderful paintings are still with us today.You may know one of his most famous works the s_____ woman known as the Mona Lisa.
感性的涟漪 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
英语翻译Four and a half centuries later,Leonardo’s idea was real
Four and a half centuries later,Leonardo’s idea was realized.Apollo II took three Americans Collins,Aldrin,and Armstrong to the moon.The mission(任务)did fill the whole world with great surprise,as Leonardo had said it would.Numerous essays,articles,and books were written about man’s first moon mission.But perhaps the most interesting story was one written before the event over 100 years before.
In 1865,French author Jules Verne wrote a story about the first journey to the moon.His story was very similar to the 1969 Apollo II mission.
Verne’s spacecraft also contained three men——two Americans and a Frenchman.The spacecraft was described as being almost the same size as Apollo II.The launch(发射)site in Verne’s story was also in Florida.The spacecraft in Verne’s story was named the “Columbia”.The Apollo II command ship was called “Columbia”.His account of sending the spacecraft into the space could easily have been written about how Apollo II was sent into the space.
888通宵达旦 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
把下列句子改变成被动语态:1.Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa.2.We
1.Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa.
2.We can use wood to make a lot of things.
3.They have kept these books in the library for a long time.
4.One of the students will show us around the school.
吾为苍穹 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci
Wood can be used to make a lot of things by us.
These books have been kept in the library by them for a long time
We will be shown around the school by one of the students