In this _____[A.war-torn B.war-tored C.war tearing] country,

蜡笔小新家的小白2022-10-04 11:39:542条回答

In this _____[A.war-torn B.war-tored C.war tearing] country,…………


木头大侠 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
这里要用tear的过去分词形式,tear有“破坏”的意思,这里是被动语态,表示“被战争破坏的”.是个形容词,修饰后面的country.整个就是“被战争破坏的国家” .
zhonxiufen 共回答了2155个问题 | 采纳率
A war-torn country 固定搭配,遭受战争破坏的国家


这本书里没什么有趣的东西 There isn't _______ _________ in this book
共回答了个问题 | 采纳率
in april this year能不能等于in this april? 为什么作文里我写 in
in april this year能不能等于in this april? 为什么作文里我写 in
in april this year能不能等于in this april?
为什么作文里我写 in this april老师把in圈了起来?
on Mars中间要加the么?Earth呢
zhutaixing 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
some people believe (argue, recognize, think) that 观点1. but other people take an opposite side. they firmly believe that 观点2. as for me, i agree to the former/latter idea.
there are a dozen of reasons behind my belief. first of all, 论据1.
more importantly, 论据2.
most important of all, 论据3.
in summary, 总结观点. as a college student, i am supposed to 表决心.
或 from above, we can predict that 预测.
people hold different views about x. some people are of the opinion that 观点1, while others point out that 观点2. as far as i am concerned, the former/latter opinion holds more weight.
for one thing, 论据1.
for another, 论据2.
last but not the least, 论据3.
to conclude, 总结观点. as a college student, i am supposed to 表决心.
或 from above, we can predict that 预测.
there is no consensus of opinions among people about x(争论的焦点)。some people are of the view that 观点1,while others take an opposite side, firmly believing that 观点2。as far as i am concerned, the former/latter notion is preferable in many senses. the reasons are obvious.
first of all, 论据1。
furthermore, 论据2。
among all of the supporting evidences, one is the strongest. that is, 论据3。
a natural conclusion from the above discussion is that总结观点。
as a college student, i am supposed to 表决心.
或 from above, we can predict that 预测.
1)We should take some effective measures. 2)We should try our best to overcome(con quer)the difficulties. 3)We should do
Tom is ____ in this ____ book (interest)
elwinyin 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
我是这个镇上新来的。(英语转换) I _____ _____ in this _____.
Costa Hu1年前3
枯黄 共回答了5个问题 | 采纳率80%
am new town
在这之前我见过你两次,为什么是In this I seen you before two times而不是In this
在这之前我见过你两次,为什么是In this I seen you before two times而不是In this I have seen you two times.麻烦从英语语法角度回答,从字面上不是应该是在两次之前我见过你吗=.= 而且 见过对现在应该是有影响了吧?而且也已经完成了啊,为什么不用现在完成时.还是说In this before是词组什么的……
来源是有道词典=。= 那正确的表达应该是什么?
乡下人坏 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
I've seen you twice (before).
【Engnerd - 英语牛人团】
We are student in university,In this 4 years,We should do wh
We are student in university,In this 4 years,We should do what?We can gain what?If I want my dream come ture .What should I do what in university?And ,We can gain what in university?
文可安邦 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
hehe, you should learn more knowledge about your specialty and improve your english, for this point, I am shamed because I have not spent more time on my english in school.making friends as more as possible, the friends is your greatest wealth in your life. five or ten years after graduation, every one has the different career, you can get help from them, of course, you also can help them.and you can harvest your love at the same time. in case you become one of them who can not get married at their age of more than 30 查看原帖
My little daughter likes bread____ (sell)in this supermarket
My little daughter likes bread____ (sell)in this supermarket.
shenghero 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率76.5%
—I am ______ in this ______ movie.
—I am ______ in this ______ movie.
—So am I.
[ ]
A. interested; interesting
B. interested; interested
C. interesting; interesting
D. interesting; interested
haonanerNO18 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
there is_______ in this book
there is_______ in this book
there is _______ in this book.
a.something interesting b anything interesting
钵钵鸡吖 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
我觉得不可以吧!你前面的动词是单数 只能用something 翻译为不可数
关于被动语态选择题1.____shoes____in this shop?A.DO,sell B.Are,sell C
1.____shoes____in this shop?A.DO,sell B.Are,sell C Are,sold D.Did,sell 2.He___much better felt B.felt C is being felt D is feeling 3.David Brown___to him the park this morning A.saw go B was seen go C was seen to go D.saw going 4.The paper for books and newspapers_____from wood.A is made B are made C is being made D.has been made
libaoping 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率76.5%
1、 Are shoes sold in this shop?(这句话的主语是 shoes,故用被动语态,被动语态的构成:be动词+过去分词,所以只有C符合条件)
2.He is feeling much better today. (这句话主语he 和 动词 feel “感觉”成主动关系,故选D:主动语态:他今天感觉好多了)
3.David Brown was seen to go to( him) the park this morning .(be seen to do sth “被看见做过某事”,被动语态,故选C,但貌似多了个 him)
4.The paper for books and newspapers is madefrom wood. (这句话主语是The paper,故谓语需用单数形式,for books and newspapers做后置定语,由于表示常理,故用一般现在时的被动语态,选A)
children are_____in this _____movie A.interesting interestin
children are_____in this _____movie A.interesting interesting B.interested interested
C.interesting interested
D.interested interesting
qinyue1986 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率96%
be interested in sth 对...感兴趣
interesting 有意思的,有趣的
用括号里的词完成下列句子I am very________in this________book.(interestin
I am very________in this________book.(interesting;interested)
笨笨郎 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
I am very interested in this interesting book
语法纠错 文章在下面In this class,I have practiced my oral presentatio
语法纠错 文章在下面
In this class,I have practiced my oral presentation skills which increased my self-confidence of learning English.But most impressive to me was that when we discussed the film "Fire Proof" you shared the love between you and Thomas with us.You said that although after marriage there was less excitement then before,you still love him very much,and this love has risen to a kind of a new level which includes both love and affection.It was really a good lesson of love and I was really touched.
mcdowell777 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
第一排 increased increase
第二排 but和most之间加个the was改为is
第四排 then改为than love改为loved has改为had
一.1、We Chinese people love own ( )very much.(land)2、In this(
1、We Chinese people love own ( )very much.(land)
2、In this( )area there are no animals at all.(desert)
3、The village is located in the ( ) district.(mountain)
4、Mr.Smith is the manager of a company( ).(near)
二、填a(an)or the
1.I wish you could have ( )lovely time and ( )good weather.
2.Mr.Black is ( )old customer and ( )honest man.He came to( )hotel by ( )taxi last night.But we wondered how he could get( )taxi at such ( )hour as 2:30a.m.
3.Crossing( )Atlantic by ( )plane takes only ( )few hours nowadays.
4.( )Yangtze River is ( )largest one in ( )China.
5.I have been to ( )United State of America many times.
6.( )sea is very rough today!I've never seen such ( )rough sea before.
WCB3752675 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率66.7%
二:1.a / an the / the an 3.the a/ a 4.the / 5the 6the a
三:1.What matters is that you have to get there on time
2.someone called Liming wants to meet you
3.he was still the first one to get to the classroom as usual.
4.she hates being alone.
He is _____ in this _____ book. [ ]
He is _____ in this _____ book.
[ ]
A. interested, interesting
B. interested, interested
C. interesting, interested
D. interesting, interesting
看着不顺眼 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率78.6%
the subject is very well____in this book
the subject is very well____in this book with
B.dealing with
C.dealt with deal with
kisssi 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
如何翻译下面的话in this 〔the choosing of words〕 his 〔the translator’
in this 〔the choosing of words〕 his 〔the translator’s〕 task is much harder than that of the original author. If the latter seeks a word with which to express a thought or describe an experience, he has available many words in his own language and can without much difficulty or delay choose the one that suits him best and pleases him most. The translator of the word thus chosen has to decide on the nearest equivalent, taking into consideration the probable thoughts of the author, the probable feelings of the author’s readers and of his own readers, and of the period in history in which the author lived.
If follows then that at every pause the translator makes a choice; and from what has been said in our first chapter about the correspondence of words it follows that his choice is not between alternative yet exact equivalents, but between a number of equivalents, possibly all more or less inexact. Such a choice depends in large part on the personality of the translator and that it is essentially an aesthetic choice cannot be denied.
A fair conclusion
胡搅蛮缠0 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
英语题目改写句子 急1.Old people counted their sheep and cows _in this
英语题目改写句子 急
1.Old people counted their sheep and cows _in this way__(划线提问)
______ ________old people count their sheep and cows?
2.I was tired.I could not go any father.(同义转化)
I was________tired ________I______go any father.
3.How much will you pay for the coat?(同义转化)
How much will the coat_______ _________.
4.I spent three hours making a birthday cake for my friend.
________ ________me 3 hours________ _____a birthday cake for my friend.
5.He was so busy that he couldn't help me with my lessons.(同义转化)
He was _______free_______to help me with my lessons.
6.She was so excited that she couldn't say anthing.(同义转化)
She was ________excited_____say anthing.
夜游浪子 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
1 How did that couldn't
3.cost you
4.It took to make
5.not enough
6.too to
请问In this supermarket,eggs are sold ___ 是用by dozen还是by the d
请问In this supermarket,eggs are sold ___ 是用by dozen还是by the dozen
爱哭的冰激凌 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
固定搭配by dozen类似的还有by weight/by the hour /
jim,is,class,tallest,the,his,in this,much,is,how,
jim,is,class,tallest,the,his,in this,much,is,how,
波波so 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
Jim is the tallest in his class.