If criticize me can make you rich(有没有语法错误)请详解?

梦想西游2022-10-04 11:39:543条回答


nthingyea 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
有 ,改为:If criticizing me can make you rich.
criticize me 是动词短语,不能用作主语.做主语要用动名词和不定式.
Seeing is believing.
或者:To see is to believe.
mingyue1016 共回答了117个问题 | 采纳率

梦里萧湘 共回答了92个问题 | 采纳率
criticize 改成criticizing 动词不能做主语 要用动名词


I criticized him, you know, not ________ I hate him but ____
I criticized him, you know, not ________ I hate him but ________ I love him.
A.because; because B.because; for C.for; because D.for; for
闪光平原D 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%

求一英语作文why should not we criticize children from time to time
求一英语作文why should not we criticize children from time to time ,and how to criticize correctly
ritaf 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
As adults,we have always been told that it is our obligation to teach the children how to conduct themselves properly in the world.Thus,people used to correct children's mistakes in behavior through giving them some criticisms.It is right for us to criticize in a positive way but sometimes criticizing the children can be harmful to them if the criticisms given are too harsh.
Most of the time,people would forget that children have more fragile hearts than us which may broke easily.Consequently,we might brutally criticize about the faults and failures of the children and break the children's hearts without being aware of it.Children may need our citicisms in their developments but it is kind of important for us to not to criticize the children after they have been tried hard in doing something even if they fail.Once the feelings or self-esteem of the children being hurted,they will be afaird of the possibility of failing while they want to give something a try and lose the courage to dream.This will bring up bad influences to the shaping of the way the children think,feel,behave and learn now and in the future,
Therefore,it matters a lot for us to know how to criticize the children in a correct way.First of all,a consructive criticism should be given in realizing children are also individuals like us that sharing the same feelings as well.We must try to relate to them as we would like others to relate to us.Furthermore,we should have our message clear.If we don't have an idea we are trying to convey,then all we are doing by criticizing the children is venting our own anger and frustration.Remember,our goal with criticism is to educate,not to punish or embarrass or to seek revenge against the children.When we criticize we must have something we are trying to teach.
In conclusion,it is acceptable to criticize the children as long as it brings no harm but means something which will help in getting them become a better person they could be.
Did you hear Tom was criticized for his spelling mistakes in
Did you hear Tom was criticized for his spelling mistakes in his English composition?
一 Yes,but a more careful person _____ so many mistakes
A.wouldn't make
B.needn't have made
C.shouldn't make
D.wouldn't have made
vibecar 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
C 没有用完成时态,如果C用了shouldn't have made,这个题目就可以选C了,不过出题人应该不会出2个答案的.
google在线翻译you were once criticized to me crossing street mon
google在线翻译you were once criticized to me crossing street monent be going
虚竹锦 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
The speaker________have criticized the paraprofessionals,kno
The speaker________have criticized the paraprofessionals,knowing full that they were seated in the audience.
A should not to
B must not
C ought not to
D may not
真我无悔 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
1. 答案:C. 2. 翻译:这个演讲者既然完全知道观众席上就有专业人员助手,他就本不该对他们提出批评. 3. 解释: 固定搭配:should not have done sth=ought not to have done sth 本不该做某事(但实际上已经做了) A 多了个to B 有must have done sth,但是没有must not have done sth; D 有may have done sth, 但是如果要表示否定,会用can't/couldn't have done sth,而没有may not have done sth.
I had made a mistake.I had criticized his work.(not only ...
I had made a mistake.I had criticized his work.(not only ...but...as well)
遛马村遛狗 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率100%
I had not only made a mistake but criticized his work as well.
Not only had I made a mistake but criticized his work as well.
英语翻译3.This controversial book was both praised and criticize
3.This controversial book was both praised and criticized,but whether it was read by artists I leave to further research.
qdd07 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
谁说得对奖分!Having been criticized by the teacher,Li Ming gave up
Having been criticized by the teacher,Li Ming gave up smoking.能不能把它改成为
Have been criticized by the teacher,Li Ming gave up smoking.干吗上面的have加上了 ing,我觉得不需要这里也不是表示主动.
快乐笨宝宝 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
首先,分句 be criticized by the teacher是发生在give up smoking之前,所以分局要用完成时;
其次,Having been criticized by the teacher在句子中是表示原因的,而Have been criticized by the teacher不能表示.最重要的是,Have been criticized by the teacher这种以动词原形来头的形式的句子是根本不能做从句的,更不能充当状语.三种形式:-ing分词,-ed分词;动名词;不定而不是式.我原来也不是很懂,后来仔细钻研了一下语法书,现在大彻大悟了!
改错题 英语的~1.In his latest article,Tom criticizes the way which
改错题 英语的~
1.In his latest article,Tom criticizes the way which the war ie being handled.错误是which,怎么改 为什么不是being 前面已经有is了啊?2.John said his mother would buy him a five-speeds racing bicycle for his sixteenth birthday.错误是B 怎么改 为什么would buy him 没错?不是buy sth.sb.3.If the experiment succeeds or fails,it will provide us with valuable experience,which is essential to improving our future work.错误是IF 我觉得应该是provide us with,不是provide sb 怎么还有with
mm0898 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
1, which 应该改成 in which 吧?being handled只是被动.一般现在时就是is handled,但用现在时表达正在发生,就用 be doing,就是 be + is handled,be就是is, is 变成进行时就是being,于是是 is being handled.
2, 这句是转述嘛,will在过去就是would啦.buy sb sth没错啊.
3, 这句的意思是无论实验成功与否,它都给我们宝贵的经验, 这些经验对我们未来工作的改进是有重大作用的.if在这里就不对啦,if提供的是如果,这里要用whether.
A is essential to B,A对B很重要.这里的B是指 improving our future work 整一段.简单的对比下,它对学习很重要.A is essential to learning.
they criticized me for something wrong that i had done 改被动
vcbsdfgsdfg 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率85.2%
I was criticized by them for something wrong that i had done
you can find _______in his exercise book.you must criticize
you can find _______in his exercise book.you must criticize him for not doing his homework
暖恋49 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
Being criticized is awful! 被人批评真是痛苦!
Being criticized is awful! 被人批评真是痛苦!
琳咻咻 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
Being criticized
be criticized 被动结构“被批评”
His parents criticized him because he didn't come back h
His parents criticized him because he didn't come back home on time.
He_ _ _his parents because he didn't come back home on time.
yyynj 共回答了30个问题 | 采纳率90%
He was criticized by his parents because he didn't come back home on time.
求:Being criticized is awful!啥意思尼
TomD 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
Being criticized is awful!的意思——
英语翻译Dear students Who are you?Elderly criticized the ban is
Dear students
Who are you?
Elderly criticized the ban is not your、
Please leave a name!
Elderly school classes to talk to you to find!
Nostalgia with 丶late hard
nagasea 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
诟病和批评是一个意思吗?criticize可以翻译为 诟病吗
谭柱 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
v. 批评,吹毛求疵,非难
帮忙作文改错,通顺即可Many people criticize my life and my attitude.I d
Many people criticize my life and my attitude.I don’t understand why people have that opinion.I agree that I treat my life Laura as a doll.However,I do this because I love her.I want to protect her because she lacks of social experience,and I try to tell her everything she can do because of our social value,which is that men have the domination of the world.
First,I treat my wife like a doll because of the social situation.Right now in our society,men control everything in our society.Women have no right to decide what they do.For that reason,I can let Laura do what I want her to do.If she respect like other women,she should trust me to do what I told her to do.In reality,a woman like Mrs.Linde cannot find a job easily in a men society.Therefore,under the men’s domination,I require my life,Laura,to do things that I want.This is a kind of respect in our family,especially in my family.
The second reason is that Laura lack the society experience.A person like her cannot suit in our society.She is not Mrs.Linde,who is very independent.Mrs.Linde wants to find a job right now.When her husband was dead,she tries to get some property from her husband.However,she gets nothing from her husband.She has enough life experience to face her life.Therefore,she comes to my house,asking a man for a job today.Laura is not like Mrs.Linde.Lack of experience can make her difficult to support her daily life.In addition,we are in the nineteenth century.Women don’t have enough opportunities to do every job they want.Most of time,they have to stay at home and do a lot of housework.These women’s views are limited in the family environment.Also,many women are very under-educated.They lack the abilities to earn wages for their daily lives.In our family,I have a wife,Laura,like those under-educated women.She always considers things as her limited feminist view.She always spends money over-controlled.She talks to others such as a high school student.Under this situation,I cannot let her do wrong things for our family.Therefore,I told her everything that she should do.I admit that I dominate her as a doll.I do that because I want her keep our family well.
背景是 玩偶之家的男主角 角度,不过这不影响作文,感觉很不好这篇,
爱毁在ww 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
Many people had criticized my way of life and my attitude.I don’t understand why they have that kind of opinion.I agree that I treat my wife Laura like a doll; this is because I love her.I want to protect her due to her lack of social experiences.As this is a world dominated by men,so I try to tell her what she can and cannot do according to our social values.
The first reason I treat my wife like a doll is the social environment.Right now men control everything in our society and women have no right to decide what they want to do.That is why women like Mrs.Linde cannot find a job easily.If Laura can behave like other women,she should show respect to my family,trust me and do what I told her to do.
The second reason is that Laura lacks the social experiences and it is difficult for her to adapt to our society.She is unlike Mrs.Linde who is very independent and looking for a job right now.She has tried to get some properties of her husband after his death but failed.So she has to face life on her own with her past experiences; that is why she comes to my house asking for a job.
Laura is not like her,she cannot support herself due to the lack of experience.In addition,there are not much job opportunities for women in the nineteenth century.Most of the time women have to stay at home and do a lot of housework; their views are confined within the family only.Moreover,most women are poorly educated,so they are not able to earn money for their livings.My Laura is just like them,always thinks only within her feminist view.She always cannot control her spending and behaves like a teenager.In view of this,I have to tell her what she should do so that she will not make mistakes and hurt our family.For the sake of our family,I admit I dominate her but for a good cause.
动词转名词appreciate assist brighten criticize excite lead simpli
appreciate assist brighten criticize excite lead simplify这些词的名词形式
林蒙西 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
appreciation,assistant,bright, criticism,excitement,leader,simple. 希望大哥你能采纳
Examiners who are()o favorites are criticized by many people
Examiners who are()o favorites are criticized by many people
Examiners who are______to favorites are criticized by many people
只劫色不劫财 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
A.indifferent ;‎冷漠
B.similar ;adj.类似的; 同类的; 相似的; 同样的
C.equivalent ;adj.相等的,相当的,等效的
D.partial;adj.部分的; 偏爱的; 偏袒的; 钟爱的
求翻译,人工的,To criticize the characters of role models.
驱车登古原 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
role model是给人做榜样的意思
翻译Have you ever been criticized to the point where you let t
翻译Have you ever been criticized to the point where you let the other person get under your skin?
木木的嫁衣 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
get under your skin 让你看不惯,
been criticized to the point 被批评得很正点
After being criticized by her mother, she spoke out the word
After being criticized by her mother, she spoke out the words ______ in her heart for many years,
tears ________ her eyes.
[ ]
A. having hidden; filling
B. hidden; filled
C. hiding; being filled
D. hidden; filling
蓝馨MM 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
I didn't finish my homework and was criticized by our teache
I didn't finish my homework and was criticized by our teacher and -----
A.so did he B.nor did he C.it was with him 为什么
老船长008 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
I didn't finish my homework and was criticized by our teacher and -----
B.nor did he 为什么
如果句子是我功课得到表扬了,他也得到表扬了就要用so did he.因为肯定句的他也有.要用so 引导.
高中英语语法,1haveing been criticized by teacher,I gave up smoking
1haveing been criticized by teacher,I gave up smoking
haveing been criticized by teacher是什么从句,连接词呢?
2____I could express my thanks to the man,he had already disappeared
3where will all this trouble lead
4To own a PC in families,which we thought was impossible twenty years ago,now becomes true
To own a PC in families这句作什么成分?独立主格吗还是什么
now becomes true为什么能直接becomes true
枫雪漫天舞 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
1 haveing been criticized by teacher,I gave up smoking
haveing been criticized by teacher是什么从句,连接词呢?
2 ____I could express my thanks to the man,he had already disappeared
3where will all this trouble lead
4To own a PC in families,which we thought was impossible twenty years ago,now becomes true
To own a PC in families这句作什么成分?独立主格吗还是什么
now becomes true为什么能直接becomes true
1.haveing been criticized by teacher,是现在分词短语(现在分词的完成式的被动结构)用作状语.这个分词短语可以改写为一个从句 → BECAUSE I HAD BEEB criticized by teacher,I gave up smoking .
2. 不能用when 代替.before ... 强调的是: 在 ...之前.同时后半句中的谓语是过去完成时,(he had already disappeared)这进一步说明,这句话中的两个动作(cound express;had disapperaed)的发生是有先后顺序的(had disapperaed在前,cound express在后).
3. all用作形容词, 修饰 this trouble.
4. To own a PC in families 是句子的主语,谓语是 becomes.在这里是系动词.后面接true (形容词),是表语.
To own a PC in families(,which we thought was impossible twenty years ago,)now becomes true.小括号的内容是定语从句,如果把定语从句简化掉,这个句子就成了如下的样子:To own a PC in families(,...,)now becomes true.
你好,IamMason !满意吗?如果不满意可以追问.满意的话就请采纳.
魔力角落 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
1.He criticized my taking risks.
2.If any,I will criticize them.
3.2 All you ever do is criticize!
虚拟语气问题If they were to act like that again,we would criticize
If they were to act like that again,we would criticize them severely.
如果改为“If they act like.,we will criticize...”意思是不是变为他们很可能还会那么做?
hflxhxl 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
If they were to act like that again,we would criticize them severely.
如果改为“If they act like.,we will criticize...”意思是不是变为他们很可能还会那么做?
用括号中的连词改写下列句子:I had made a mistake.I had criticized his work
I had made a mistake.I had criticized his work.(not only……but……as well)
还有在各种句型中not only……but also都是加在什么位置的(主语后?动词后?还是句首或是别的位置?麻烦稍微详细些……
wstguilin 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率82.6%
I had not only made a mistake but also had criticized his work as well.
或:Not only had I made a mistake,but also I had criticized his work.
not only ...but also 在连接谓语时可放在助动词后,行为动词前
在连接句子时,放在句首,但请注意放在句首要倒装,也就是把助动词移到主语前.but also后 不要倒装.如上例句
not only ...but also 连接主语时就放在主语前,注意主谓一致.要就近原则.
如: Not only I but also he is fond of English.
Not only he but also I am fond of English.
Criticized as online games are, they never fail to ______ a
Criticized as online games are, they never fail to ______ a large number of teenagers.
A.appeal to B.object to C.refer to D.turn to
在等奇迹 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%

本题考查短语辨析。appeal to吸引;object to反对;refer to参考,提及;turn to求助.根据句意选A。
should teacher be evaluated and criticized by students?give
should teacher be evaluated and criticized by students?give your opinion in English,thank you
envoy007 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率95.8%
I think teachers should be evaluated and criticized by students for the following reasons:
Firstly, teachers are no longer authorities as they used to be in ancient times;
Secondly, evaluation and criticism by students will help the teachers to become better in teaching;
Thirdly, students are also the subjects of educational evaluation;
Finally,teachers also hope that students can give them proper evaluation and criticism, so as they can improve themselves.
she ought to be praised instead of______(criticize)是不是加ing?如
she ought to be praised instead of______(criticize)是不是加ing?如不是,求详解.
potlove 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
原句意为她应该受到表扬而不是批评 由于是被动 所以应该是criticize的被动形式 楼下是正解 being criticized 因为instead of后加 动名词形式 也就是doing 再加上根据句意需要被动 所以是being criticized
criticize 和.ensure为什么加ing.动名词还是?在句子中是什么成分啊.
蜗牛V芙蓉 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
动词(现在分词),介词后使用(verb(present participle) used after preposition)
before criticizing
make self-examination (忽略to) ensuring
英语语法填空求助The United States has been criticized for its treatm
The United States has been criticized for its treatment of its elderly citizens.31 in many other countries the elderly usually live with their children’s family,many older Americans live alone,32 the close companionship of their children.Sometimes this situation 33 (blame) on the “selfishness” of the younger generation,but 34 closer look shows that many of the elderly prefer to maintain their 35 (depend) lives.
Research on the situation of the elderly in America has shown that while grandparents
are delighted 36(visit) periodically by their children and grandchildren,they prefer to continue living in the surroundings that they are familiar with.This suggests that children should permit their parents to live alone if they wish to,but should encourage 37 to maintain close ties to the rest of the family.
38 surprising result of research on the elderly in the United States has been the very positive influence which pets have been found to have 39 the elderly people with 40 they live.It has been shown that elderly people who care for small pets,such as cats and dogs,live longer,are healthier,and have better attitudes towards their lives than similar elderly people without these companions.
瑜鱼儿 共回答了30个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
33.is blamed
36.to be visited
Not unti his fellows criticized him _______ to admit his mis

Not unti his fellows criticized him _______ to admit his mistake.
A.does he begin B.did he begin C.began he D.had he begun
tcqzx2002 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率96%

not until 位于句首,句子使用部分倒装。观察句子,从criticized可知句子应与过去有关,排除A;C答案为完全倒装。
______not criticize me like this,mum?I've grow up -sorry,dea
______not criticize me like this,mum?I've grow up -sorry,dear.I won't
A.How about B.Would you like C.Would you mind DCould you please
托尼邦葛歌 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
A,C后都接动词ing形式,B是想要,接to do sth
介词短语in replyThe author whom you criticized in your view has
介词短语in reply
The author whom you criticized in your view has written a letter in reply.
in reply在这里是不是介词短语作目的状语?
浪子alan 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
The author whom you criticized in your view has written a letter in reply.
in reply在这里是介词短语 可以看做原因状语
his mother criticized him.he did not like it 变为He did not li
his mother criticized him.he did not like it 变为He did not like______
dfsfb 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
He did not like (being criticized by his mother).
英语高手请进来看看~1.My wife___.A .has forever criticized meB .foreve
1.My wife___.
A .has forever criticized me
B .forever criticizes me
C .does forever criticize me
D .is forever criticizing me
2.But women ________ in the lower-paying,menial,unrewarding,dead-end jobs.
A .dominated
B .predominate
C .rank
D .homemaker
3.Prejudice against black was ________ to most white Americans for many years.
A .visible
B .invisible
C .tangible
D .intangible
4.I held the paper sack with his cookies in my arms ________ by the poems.
A .trailed
B .mead
C .essence
D .shieled
5.I wanted to ________ the room entire and take it to Bailey.
A .gobble up
B .take up
C .give up
D .dress up
6.Going to Mrs.Flowers’ house was ________ to attending church.
A .same
B .identical
C .equivalent
D .assimilated
7.The action was so graceful and ________ benign.
A .inclusive
B .inclusively
C .conclusive
D .conclusively
8.It seemed she had a private breeze which _______ around,cooling her.
A .swirling
B .swirl
C .swirls
D .swirled
9.He had the dignity and ________ of prophets.
A .crouching
B .pillar
C .glaring
D .majesty
10.But then fatigue created a kind of mental ________.
A .anaesthetic
B .paralyzed
C .subside
D .exhaustion
julia朱朱 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
谁能帮我翻译一下英语啊~~~~“ You are mistake !"the voice criticized him.
“ You are mistake !"the voice criticized him.“He had only one prayer,which I answered.If not for that,you would not have received any of my blessing.”“Tell me,”the first man asked the voice.“What did he pray for ?Why would that make me owe him anything?”“He prayed that all your prayers would be answered.”
mianfeilaohu 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率100%
"你错了!" 那个声音责备到."他是我唯一应允了的祈祷者,如果不是他,任何我的祝福你都得不到.""告诉我," 第一个男人问那个声音." 他的愿望是什么?为什么我会欠他的?""他的愿望是你所有的愿望都实现"
we have to be very careful how we criticize peopie.翻译
t-mac45 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
we have to be very careful how we criticize peopie
Want to criticize me to you loving you missing you really on
Want to criticize me to you loving you missing you really only beloved
kweirr 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
After being criticized by her mother, she spoke o
After being criticized by her mother,she spoke out the words______in her heart for many years,
tears________her eyes.
[ ]
A. having hidden; filling
B. hidden; filled
C. hiding; having filled
D. hidden; filling
brilliant_richar 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率61.5%
We don't like him because he_____always_____(criticize 批评)us
We don't like him because he_____always_____(criticize 批评)us.
云下听风 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
is criticizing
_ breaks the school rules should be criticized a all b who c
_ breaks the school rules should be criticized a all b who c whoever d no matter who
a all b who c whoever d no matter who 为什么不可以选d的呢?
p_r_of_aa 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
选择C whoever 无论是谁的意思
obama received the Nobel Peace Prize ,how to criticize this
obama received the Nobel Peace Prize ,how to criticize this thing
天天4174 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%
Here is for C/C++ programming only,please don't mention anything political.
关于conduct的用法1.Many observers criticized the conduct of the t
1.Many observers criticized the conduct of the trial
2.praised for the conduct of the campaign
小草梦天空 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
西门票雪南 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
comment: 评论(程度轻)
critisize: 批评(程度重)
remark: 评论(程度轻)

comment,:英['kɒment] 美['kɑmɛnt];n. 评论;意见;批评;vi. 发表评论;发表意见;vt. 为…作评语
comment on 对……评论
no comment 无可奉告;不予置评;无意见
general comment 一般评论
fair comment 公正批评;公平评论
opinion, criticism, mind, judgement, thinking
declare oneself, air one's opinion
commentary 评论;注释;评注;说明
commentator 评论员,解说员;实况播音员;时事评论者
commentate 评论时事;实况报道
commentate 评论;解说;注释
comment on评论;对;批评;发表意见
comment statement[计] 注解语句;注释叙述;批注叙述
comment token注释标记;解释标记;注释标识表记标帜
fair comment公正评论;公允评论;合理评论;公正批评
comment declaration注解宣告;批注宣告;注解说明
Comment Extension注释扩展;注释扩展块
comment to评论;品题
offer comment提意见;提意
Comment Style注释风格

criticize:vt. 批评;评论;非难;vi. 批评;评论;苛求;[ 过去式criticized 过去分词criticized 现在分词criticizing ]
to criticize批评
Criticize Thinking批判性思维
criticize unfavorably指摘
Slam criticize抨击
Cultural Criticize文明批评
criticize expose批评
Not Criticize而不批评
Please Criticize请批评
criticize plagiarism批判剽窃行为

remark:[ri'mɑ:k] n. 注意;言辞;vt. 评论;觉察;vi. 谈论
Introductory remark编辑说明
integrating remark整合反应
remark list批注清单
special remark特殊说明
awkward remark不合时宜的话
remark about评论
interjectional remark插说;插入语
Remark C备注三
Remark AS备注
remark on 评论;谈论;议论
regard, notice, publicity
observe on, to comment on
talk of, discourse
remarkable 卓越的;非凡的;值得注意的
remarkably 显著地;非常地;引人注目地

Having been criticized by the tether,he gave up smoking.为什么用
Having been criticized by the tether,he gave up smoking.为什么用smoking,而不用smoke?
361029524 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率88%
Having been criticized by the teacher,Li Ming gave up smokin
Having been criticized by the teacher,Li Ming gave up smoking.
能改成To Have been criticized by the teacher,Li Ming gave up smoking.
yoyo8234 共回答了7个问题 | 采纳率100%
To Have been criticized ,还没被老师责备
Having been criticized ,戒烟之前已经被老师责备了
麻烦翻译一下:criticize the misguided cause of animal rights,批评被误导的
麻烦翻译一下:criticize the misguided cause of animal rights,批评被误导的动物权利事业,我怎么翻不出这个意思呢?
笑里藏刀哈哈哈 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
criticize the misguided cause of animal rights
批评 被误导的事业 动物权益保护 [直译,词对词的理解]
批评误入歧途的动物保护事业 [意译:按照汉语言习惯表达原意]