银行保函翻译 高手帮忙This Letter of Guarantee shall expire and become

科技标兵2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

银行保函翻译 高手帮忙
This Letter of Guarantee shall expire and become null and void upon receipt by the BUYER of all amounts hereby guaranteed or upon acceptance by the BUYER of the delivery of the VESSEL in accordance with the terms of the Contract as evidenced by the Protocol of Delivery and Acceptance of the VESSEL duly signed by the BUYER and the SELLER or on ____ whichever comes earlier, and in any case of expiration this Letter of Guarantee shall be immediately deemed null and void. After which you are to return this letter of guarantee to us through your bank. In case we have been informed, either by the SELLER or the BUYER, that arbitration proceedings have been commenced the validity of this Letter of Guarantee shall be automatically extended until thirty (30) days after the final arbitration award or judgment has been served upon you (the “last expiry date”), in which case payment shall be made to you upon presentation to us within the last expiry date of the final arbitration award or final court judgment which orders the SELLER to make the repayment.


方恢复格 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
(Protocol of Delivery and Acceptance Vessel 船舶交接验收协议书 )


英语 外国银行Bank of America, Chinatown Branch 0279 701 Grant Ave.
英语 外国银行
Bank of America, Chinatown Branch 0279
701 Grant Ave. San Francisco CA 10089, USA
baiypeyy 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
acfdig 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率90%
Bank Insurance Business
基因银行回复Dear GenBank Submitter:Thank you for your submission.B
Dear GenBank Submitter:
Thank you for your submission.
Based on the data submitted to us, the scheduled release date
for your submission is:
May 15, 2015
However, if the accession number is published prior to that
date, the sequence will be released upon publication.
Note that the entire sequence will be released when the
article citing this accession number is published or on the
above release date, whichever comes first. If this
is not what you intended, please notify us immediately
so that we can discuss your submission in more detail.
If this date is not correct, please let us know as soon as possible,
otherwise this submission will be released on the date indicated above.
The data would then be available over the network data servers which
provide daily updates of GenBank data. The data are simultaneously
made available to EMBL in Europe and the DNA Data Bank of Japan.
Minor changes may have been made to your original submission in order to
conform to database annotation conventions. If your submission contained unpublished organism names, the scientific
names have been changed to temporary names. Please notify us when the
organism names are published and we will update them accordingly.
Please send any revisions, including bibliographic information (e.g.,
conversion from unpublished to published), biological data (e.g., new
features), or sequence data to:
Since the flatfile record is a display format only and is not an editable
format of the data, do not make changes directly to a flatfile. For
complete information about different methods to update a sequence record,
see: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Genbank/update.html
An accession number has been assigned to each nucleotide sequence and
was previously provided to you. Note that during the processing, we have
assigned protein identifiers to any proteins within the submission. This
is fielded as /protein_id.
We strongly recommend that these numbers appear in any publication
which reports or discusses these data, so that readers may easily
retrieve your data from our databases.
Thank you once again for your submission.
Please reply using the original subject line.
This will allow for faster processing of your correspondence.
我有沉香 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
雪中飘香 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
1、算头不算尾,计算利息时,存款天数一律算头不算尾,即从存入日起算至取款前一天止;  2、不论闰年、平年,不分月大、月小,全年按360天,每月均按30天计算;
