巧克力工厂 作文

孤单的螃蟹2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


general50 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
我爱吃巧克力,是因为一个梦: 那一天,我放学回家,由于太累,就直接躺在沙发上睡着了,模模糊糊中,我看见一个大门,上面写着:巧克力加工厂。咦?这巧克力加工厂是什么时候建的?正当我疑惑之时,一朵白白的云向我飘来,他对我说:“你好,欢迎来到我的巧克力加工厂,你有什么吃的不想吃,可以拿到我这来,我们会根据你的口味,来做巧克力,保证不会厌倦食物......”嘿,听起来还不错,是不是真的呢?见我这样,那朵云说:“你如果不信,那就跟我来,保证让你心服口服!”嘿嘿,反正肚子也饿了,进去吃点巧克力派也顶饿呀! 白云带我进来,一直在我面前介绍着介绍那,还偶尔炫耀一番,不过,我对这个并不感兴趣,而对食物感兴趣,因为我太饿了。白云似乎看出了我的心思,就对我说:“饿了吧?我现在就带你去我们的贵宾食堂!”贵宾食堂?我是贵宾?噢耶,太好了,贵宾食堂的饭一定很好吃! 白云把我领入食堂,给我点了一份菜,菜很快就上桌了,我狼吞虎咽地吃着,白云在旁边看,问道:“怎么样,我没骗你吧?”“恩,没骗。”“喜欢这吗?”“喜欢。”白云问完,又问我想留在这吗,我回答,不,如果我留在这,爸爸妈妈怎么办?白云没有挽留。 吃饱之后,白云送了我几个巧克力,说,只要我想他们了,吃一个就能来,还说,可以带任何人来。 第二天,妈妈把我叫醒,说我在沙发上睡着了,还说着梦话。我听了,只是“呵呵”在那里乐,没说一句话。


75词左右 不要有语法错误啊.写的好的加分
baicheng9 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率100%
Imaging my future life
In the future, I want to start a chocolate factory. I will run it earnestly and make a lot of money from it. I will buy a new house for my parents and travel all around the world with them. Besides that, I will also fulfill my social responsibility to help the people in need. With the money I earn, I would be more than willing to help the poor children hand so that they can be better educated.
run2028 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
What touched me most is that Charlie would rather give up the inheritance to his family, the Chocolate Factory . He also used his love probation Willy Wonka Wonka finally understand the family 's valuable to understand his father's care and thought . The last Charlie his loving cabins moved to the factory , became the heir of Wonka .
Charlie interpretation of the power of love , love is the world's greatest power , the love of wisdom , love can be inclusive , to overcome . We have to do a caring person and Charlie . Let the seeds of love sprinkled in every corner of the world !如果我回答对的话,就请把我的答案评为最佳答案咯,好吗?(^人^) 拜托啦~╰( ̄▽ ̄)╮
麦紫奇缘 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
求初2英语作文预测未来,写给笔友LUCY,1.开办巧克力工厂,赚很多钱 2 为父母买座新房并带父母去旅游.3 帮助贫困的
预测未来,写给笔友LUCY,1.开办巧克力工厂,赚很多钱 2 为父母买座新房并带父母去旅游.3 帮助贫困的小朋友上学.70-80字
借调的华丽 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率76.9%
Dear Lucy
Long time no news of you,all right? Last time you asked me of the dream, and now can answer you:
When I grew up I wang to open a chocolate factory, to earn a lot of money, so I can buy a new house for my parents and can also take them out tours. And I want to hope that works to help children to school in poor areas.
Help me regards to your family, and look forward to your reply, with me discuss dreams.
Yours XX
求英文版 查理在巧克力工厂影评要翻译 60词
世纪宝贝 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
I was extremely pleased with the new Charlie and The Chocolate Factory movie, remake of the 70's Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Tim Burton did an excellent job recreating the original lines and incorporating his own interpretation, which made this 2005's version exciting, comedic and entertaining. I loved the mix of characters that starred - some rookies and some vets - their roles were played magnificently. I was also very pleased with Johnny Depp's performance in relation to the original Willy Wonka. I arrived thinking his role was going to be like most every other role he's played, with his own attitude. But, it was totally different from what everyone was used to, and it was hilarious. I loved the mix of sarcasm and comedy. The audience was full of a mix of different ages and everyone was laughing and really getting into it. The end was one of the best parts because everyone thought it was going to end negatively, but of course they made it even better than the original. Everyone was on their feet and clapping for a job well done.
帮忙翻译一下 谢谢最令我感动的是查理为了他的家人,宁可放弃继承巧克力工厂.他还用他的爱心感化了威利•旺卡,让旺卡终于懂得
帮忙翻译一下 谢谢
ucjeur 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
最令我感动的是查理为了他的家人,宁可放弃继承巧克力工厂.他还用他的爱心感化了威利•旺卡,让旺卡终于懂得了亲情的可贵,明白了父亲的良苦用心.最后查理把他的充满爱的小木屋搬到了工厂,成了旺卡的继承人.What impressed me most is Charlie to his family, would rather give up the inheritance of the chocolate factory. He also used his love penitentiary Wiley Wonka, let Wonka finally know the value of family, understand the father's heart. Finally, Charlie put his Loving Hut moved to the factory, into Wonka's successor.查理诠释了爱的力量,爱是世界上最伟大的力量,爱是智慧,爱能包容一切,战胜一切.我们也要和查理一样做一个有爱心的人.让爱的种子撒满世界的每一个角落!Charlie's interpretation of the power of love, love is the greatest power in the world, love is wisdom, love bears all things, to overcome all. We would like Charlie to be a caring person. Let the seeds of love spread to every corner of the world!