
wind_in_alone2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


如花妃子74 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
春天,大地恢复一片生机,花开了,像一个个娇气的小公主,它们有的绽开花朵,有的含苞欲放.夏天 ,烈日当空,有的在操场上打篮球、有的在树下 、有的在打羽毛球,还有的在踢足球……秋天,全城变成了金色的海洋,枯叶在 飞舞,小草和小花的叶子都变黄了.冬天,我们早就穿上了棉衣,戴上了帽子.这是我们眼中的四季.
Spring, the earth recover fresh and green, flower, like a little princess, there are some flowers, some bud. Summer, sun on the sky, some are playing basketball on the playground, some under the tree , some are playing badminton, the others are playing football... Autumn, the whole city turned golden ocean, leaves flying in the city, grass and floret leaves are turning yellow. Winter, we would have put on the cotton-padded jacket, wear a hat. This is our eyes of the four seasons.


写一篇our animal friend的英语作文(五年级 35单词)
黑色月光 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率72.7%
My favourite animals are pandas.The panda is China's national treasure.they only live in China.Sichuan is a homeland of pandas.They are funny and very lovely.They are black and white.They are fat so they can't run fast.They lives in the forest.Some pandas live in the zoo.They like climbing the tree.They like eating bamboo.They usually eat 15 kilos of bamboo a day.They eat for about 12 hours a day.There are not many pandas alive in the world.The giant panda has become an endangered species.They are our friends,we should protect them.