Thomas Lagos graduated from Wittenburg University in Ohio in

尘嚣何时了2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

Thomas Lagos graduated from Wittenburg University in Ohio in only one year. His father, a Greek immigrant(移民), said, “Whatever Tommy do, he’ll like to do fast.”
Thomas studied at Showee High School. He taught himself to read 750 words a minute. While he was in high school, he took of the 36 credits(学分)he needed to graduate from university. He took another 12 credits at the university simply taking examinations without attending the courses. The remaining credits he took by the old fashioned method of attending classes.
He studied very well, so he graduated with the greatest honours. Now at the age of nineteen, he has entered the graduate school of Michigan University. He is studying law.
小题1:Thomas Lagos is .
A.a Greek American in Greece immigrant American
小题2:Thomas’s father .
A.speaks English poorly B.speaks English perfectly
C.does not speak English an Englishman
小题3:The number of credits Thomas took by attending university courses was .
A.36 B. C. D.12
小题4:Thomas entered Wittenburg University . the age of 19 one year
C.with the greatest honours the age of 18
小题5:Thomas’s course .
A.can hardly be taken in an ordinary way unworthy good for boy students to take D.should be widely taken


ghbgb34 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%

小题1:地理常识题:从第一句话:Thomas Lagos graduated from Wittenburg University in Ohio in only one year. 说明是在美国俄亥俄州的大学上的学。选D
小题1:推理题:从文章中父亲的话Whatever Tommy do, he’ll like to do fast.看出里面有语法错误。选A。
小题1:数字计算题:从第二段的内容,可知一共36个学分,在高中得了 ,没有上课只是考试的得了12个学分。还有最后一句话The remaining credits he took by the old fashioned method of attending classes.说明是C。就是36-( +12)=
小题1:推理题:文章第一句话说Thomas Lagos graduated from Wittenburg University in Ohio in only one year.说明他在这所大学学习了一年,而最后一段说 Now at the age of nineteen, he has entered the graduate school of Michigan University.他19岁进入密西根大学,那推算出他上Wittenburg University 是18岁。选D


英语翻译英语作文英语写作:假定你是ABC公司的Thomas Black ,刚从伦敦出差回来,请给在伦敦的Jane Cos
英语作文英语写作:假定你是ABC公司的Thomas Black ,刚从伦敦出差回来,请给在伦敦的Jane Costa小姐写封感谢信.写信日期,2013-2-21
mxhz 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
Dear Jane Costa
I've just returned from London. I'm so excited that I must express my appreciation and thanks to you . Thank you very much for your hospitality when I was in London for a business trip .During my stay in London, you welcomed me warmly and showed me around some factories and schools . London left a good impression on me .What's more, I learned a lot from the factories and the schools that I had visited . Therefore, I like England very much . And I hope you can come to China very soon . I'm looking forward to seeing you again .

Best wishes for you !
Thomas Black
━━This is Thomas speaking 的 问句是什么?
━━This is Thomas speaking 的 问句是什么?
1who speakings? 2who is that speaking? 3what are you speaking? 4who's going to speaking?
feiying888 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
2、Who is that speaking?希望我的回答能够给楼主提供帮助,
英语翻译Thomas Edison was a great American inventor.When he was
Thomas Edison was a great American inventor.When he was a child,he was always asking questions and trying out new ideas.No matter how hard it was,he never gave up.
Young Tom was in school for only three months.His teacher didn’t understand why he had so many strange questions.Most of them were not about his lessons.The teacher didn’t want to teach Tom any more.He asked Tom’s mother to take the boy home.Tom’s mother taught him to read and write,and she found him to be a very good pupil.He learnt very fast and became very interested in science.
One day ,he saw a little boy playing on the railway tracks at a station.A train was coming near quiclly,and the boy was too frightened to move.Edison rushed out and carried the boy to safety The boy’s father was so thankful that he taught Edison to send messages by telegraph.
静思小刀 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
全文如下:托马斯·爱迪生是美国的一个伟大的发明家.当他还是一个孩子的时候,他就喜欢一直问问题,并且乐于尝试一些新的想法.不管有多难,他都不会放弃.小Tom 之在学校念过三年书.他的老师不理解为什么他会有这么多奇奇怪怪的问题.并且很大一部分都和学业无关.老师不想再教Tom了.他让他妈把他领回家.他的妈妈教他阅读和写作,同时她发现他是一个非常优秀的小学生.他学的非常快,并且对于自然科学非常感兴趣.
Thomas Alva Edison didn’t “invent” the light bulb (灯泡), but
Thomas Alva Edison didn’t “invent” the light bulb (灯泡), but rather he ______ a 50 –year –old idea, which is not well –known.
A.improved upon B.take down C.put up D.break away
atao1978 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率83.3%

句意:鲜为人知是的,爱迪生并没有发明灯炮,而是在其50年前的发明上改进了电灯泡(把灯丝寿命延长到13.5小时)。Improve on/upon超过,改进;take down把……拆卸开;put up张贴,搭建;break away摆脱。
英语阅读Thomas Edison wore many caps during his lifetime .First
Thomas Edison wore many caps during his lifetime .First he was just a poor working boy.He wore __1______caps of many kinds._____2__he became a famous inventor.Then he wore the capds of many famous schools and colleges.But his most important cap was his ______3___cap.
When he was a young boy ,Edison's thinking cap saved his mother 's____4____.One night ,she suddenly fell_____5__.Edison sent for a doctor.The doctor had to operate on her at once,but there was not enough ____6___in the room.
1( ) a.teching b.thing c.learning d.working
2( )a.late b.lately c.later d,latest
3.( )a.teaching b.thinking c.learning d.working
5.( ) b.behind c .asleep d .ill
海之欧 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
5.fell ill
英语英语英语提目Thomas Edison was a famous American scientist. He wa
Thomas Edison was a famous American scientist. He was born in 1847. When he was a child, he liked to find out how things worked. He was in school for only three months. He asked his teacher a lot of strange questions. Most of them had nothing to do with his lessons. The teacher thought the boy was not bright and was not worth (值 ) teaching. When he told this to Edison's mother, she took her son out of school. As she had been a teacher, she taught him herself. The boy read a lot. Soon he became very interested in science. At the age of ten,
Edison had already built a chemistry lab(实验室) for himself. Ever since then, he never stopped searching for new and better ways to do things.
()1. Edison was born in the century ( 世纪 ) .
A. eighteenth B. nineteenth
C. nineteen D. eighteen
()2. While he was in school, Edison ____
A. studied his lessons very hard
B. was often late for school
C. liked to ask strange questions
D. was not bright enough to study
()3. Edison learned more from
A. his mother B. his teacher C. other boys D. his father
()4. Young Edison was interested in _____
A. sports B. playing games
C. making trouble D. science
()5. He was always searching for new and better ways to do things after he _____
A. read books B. finished school
C. built a lab D. was taken out of school
cheryl1886 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
Thomas was a real friend, for he advised me as well as _____
Thomas was a real friend, for he advised me as well as ___________ me with my Arabic.
[ ]
A. helping
B. help
C. helped
D. to help
yangxing441 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
Thomas Edison is generally considered ( )the first lamp
Thomas Edison is generally considered ( )the first lamp have invented B.inventing invent D.having invented
应该选哪一个,为什么 这题的选项和consider有关吗,后面是跟ING形式吗
青春不飞扬 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
be considered to被认为… have invented.用现在完成时表示对现在存在影响
Everyone knows Thomas Edison ________a lot of useful 这个题的答案是
Everyone knows Thomas Edison ________a lot of useful 这个题的答案是什么
xiandiaopushui 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
Everyone knows Thomas Edison invents a lot of useful
希望英语大神帮我改下语法Pursuing this further,Thomas’ reading and writin
Pursuing this further,Thomas’ reading and writing skills are weakly,so he should keep the Study Skills to overcome his weak points.These basic skills will help him to get more comfortable in the college and fell easier to read and write.There are so many advantages for him to keep this class.Firstly,Mr.Jackson is a genial and has a good sense of responsibility.His happiness always can influence the students,for the jokes he narrated on the class is often let them laughing out loud.Also,There are only two multiple test in the class and no direly homework.That's a good message for Thomas.It gives him much more freely times to prepare other classes homework.The time he will be save in the future is useful,because he palpably can work more hours to assist their family business getting more prosperous.Furthermore,Mr.Jackson used to help them to find out their college goals.These plans will come to fruition according to schedule.It really encouraged Thomas to try his best for studying.On the other hand,this class is not required for graduation,so the units he will earn can’t count into his transcript for university.But I think t he should keep this class,for it is the pedestal part of all knowledge he will learn.In brief,this class can help Thomas adeptly use these skills of study,so he should not drop this class
小捣吾爱 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
Thomas is weak in reading and writing,so he should continue practising his studying skills to overcome these challenges.
These skills will make him to feel more comfortable in the college and will also improve his reading and writing skills.
There are many advantages for him to take this class.First of all,Mr.Jackson is a cheerful and responsible person.He has a good sense of humour which influences the students in a positive way.His jokes told in class often make the students laughing out loudly.
Also,there are only two multiple choice tests throughout the semester and no assignment.That's good news for Thomas because he will have much more time to prepare the homework from other courses.The time he saves can be used to assist his family's business.Furthermore,Mr.Jackson is known to help the students to explore their college goals.These goals will be accomplished according to the planned schedule.This will really encourage Thomas to try his best in studying.
On the other hand,this class is optional for graduation.Therefore,the credits will not be counted on his university transcript.However,I still believe Thomas should take this course for all the knowledge he will gain.
In conclusion,he should not drop this class becuase it will benefit him to quickly adapt these study skills.
麻烦翻译一下,Mr and Mrs Thomas with their son,........
梅九卧 共回答了1个问题 | 采纳率100%
Thomas Edison was as clever a student as other kids in his c
Thomas Edison was as clever a student as other kids in his class.求翻译.
caoliyiningma 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
On May 29, 1973, Thomas Bradley, a black man, was elected ma
On May 29, 1973, Thomas Bradley, a black man, was elected mayor of Los Angeles. Los Angeles is the third largest city in the United States, with a population of three million. About sixteen percent of the city’s population are black.
News of this election appeared on the front pages of newspapers everywhere in the United States. Here is how one major newspaper reported the event:
Bradley called his victory over Yorty “the fulfillment (实现) of a dream”. During his childhood and youth, people had kept telling him, “You can’t do this, you can’t go there, because you are a Negro.” Nevertheless he had won a decisive victory over a man who had been won 43.7 percent.
Los Angeles voters have had many opportunities to judge. Thomas Bradley had to form an opinion of him. The son of a poor farmer Texas, he joined the Los Angeles police force in 1940. During his twenty-one years on the police force he earned a law degree by attending school at night. He was elected to the city council (市政厅) ten years ago.
At the time of the Los Angeles election, three other American cities already had black mayors, but none of those cities had as large a population as Los Angeles. Besides, the percentage of blacks in those other cities was much larger. Cleveland, Ohio, had thirty-six percent black when Carl Stokes was elected mayor of Cleveland in 1967. In the same year Richard Hatcher was elected mayor of Cary. In Newark, New Jersey, sixty percent of the population were black when Kenneth Gibson was elected in 1970. Thus election of a black mayor in those cities was not very surprising.
In Los Angeles thousands of white citizens voted for Thomas Bradley because they believed he would be a better mayor than the white candidate(候选人). Bradley had spent forty-eight of his fifty-five years in Los Angeles. Four years ago Bradley lost mayoral election to Yorty. This time Bradley won.
小题1:In the author’s opinion, it was surprising that _______.
A.the whites would vote for a black mayor
B.a black mayor would be elected in such a large city
C.a black from a poor farmer’s family could be elected mayor of Los Angeles
D.there would be so many black mayors
小题2:From the passage we can infer that people ________.
A.voted for Bradley because of his black color
B.didn’t care much about his color when they voted
C.voted for him to give a chance to fulfill his dream
D.voted for Bradley because they trust him
小题3: Bradley hit the front page headline for _______.
A.he was the first black mayor in history
B.he was the first black mayor in the south of USA
C.he was the first black mayor of one of the largest cities in USA
D.a poor farmer’s son could also win an important election
小题4: From Bradley’s victory in the election we can see that ________.
A.blacks had equal rights as whites in the USA people’s situation began to be improving much more than before can be successful through hard work in the USA no matter what color he is is certain that someday the USA will have a black president
黑色数据 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%

小题1:推断题。根据文章第1段最后一句:洛杉矶黑人的比例为16%以及倒数第2段所描述其他几个城市的黑人的比例(分别是36 %、55 %、60 %)可推此题答案为A。
小题2:细节题。根据文章最后一段第1句…because they believed he would be a better mayor than the white candidate可推知此题的答案为D。
小题3:细节题。根据倒数第2段第1句…three other American cities already had black mayors, but none of those cities had as large a population as Los Angeles可推知此题的答案为C。
Thomas Edison often enjoyed ______ strange questions and ___
Thomas Edison often enjoyed ______ strange questions and ______ out good ideas when he was a child.

[ ]

A. to ask; trying
B. to ask; to try
C. asking; to try
D. asking; trying
熊出没的地方 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
听下面一段材料,回答第1-3题。 1. Who is Thomas? A. Linder’s husband.
1. Who is Thomas?
A. Linder’s husband.
B. The man’s cousin.
C. A chef.
2. How many years have the speakers got married?
A. 40.
B. 50.
C. 60.
3. What do we know about Linda?
A. She won’t be invited to the party.
B. She doesn’t eat chicken.
C. She is a good cook.
布封 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
1-3: CBB
Sat 语法题Through his novels Thomas Wolfe reveals to us both th
Sat 语法题
Through his novels Thomas Wolfe reveals to us both the pain and the beauty of his boyhood in the American South.
“Through his novels”后面是否要加",
hzheart 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
Thomas Wolfe reveals to us both the pain and the beauty of his boyhood in the American South through his novels.原句语序应该是这样 但是这句中只是把状语提前了 不需要加逗号的
People often said Thomas Edison was the greatest genius(天才)
People often said Thomas Edison was the greatest genius(天才) of his age. There are only a few men in all of history, who have changed the lives of other men as much as the inventor of the first useful electric light. But Edison could never be pleased only because someone said he was a genius. “There is no such a thing as genius,” Edison said. He thought what people called genius was mostly hard work.
But Edison was a thinker as well as a worker. From his earliest days as a child he wondered about the secrets of nature. He tried to understand them, and then he tried to learn what he could usefully do with them.
Edison enjoyed thinking. He knew that most people would do almost anything instead of the difficult work of thinking, especially if they do not think very often. But he knew, too, that thinking could give men enjoyment and pleasure.
Edison could not understand why anyone could not be interested in life. As he loved to think, he also loved to work. On the day he became 75 years old, someone asked him what idea he had about life. “Work,” he answered, “Discovering the secrets of nature and using them to make men happier.” He said he had enough inventions in his mind to give him another 100 years of work.
小题1:What is genius according to Thomas Edison?
A.Hard thinking. B.Hard work. C.Useful ideas. D.Useful inventions.
小题2:How did Edison always deal with the secrets of nature after exploring them?
A.To write down what he had learned.
B.To carry out a new experiment.
C.To make them useful in life.
D.To share them with others.
小题3:What does the last sentence in the passage mean?
A.Edison was born to be a great inventor.
B.Edison was able to live another 100 years.
C.Edison was ready to make his 100th invention.
D.Life was too short for Edison to work for human beings.
olive1978 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%

Mr.thomas was depressed about his lack of success.翻译句子
lizy900 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
_____ is know___ __ Thomas Edison invented the electric ligh
_____ is know___ __ Thomas Edison invented the electric light.
请注意是know 不是known A.As ; that B.Which ; that C.It ; / D.It ; that 3Q Very much!
mcrw 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
D 众所周知,托马斯 爱迪生发明了电灯.追问:众所 周知 不是It is known that 吗 回答:感觉题目出错了.刚刚查了下,没有以上 句型 追问:应该吧 反正没抄错题,回答:额.不好意思啊.
--- Thomas does well in dancing. How about Bob?
--- Thomas does well in dancing. How about Bob?
--- Bob is_____, I think. He once won the first prize in a dancing competition.
A.well B.better C.worst D.bad
耶露撒冷 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%

On May 29,1973,Thomas Bradley,a black man,was elected mayor
On May 29,1973,Thomas Bradley,a black man,was elected mayor of Los Angeles.Los Angeles is the third largest city in the United States,with a population of three million.About sixteen percent of the city’s population are black.
News of this election appeared on the front pages of newspapers everywhere in the United States.Here is how one major newspaper reported the event:Los Angeles Elects Bradley Mayor,Defeating Yorty—Black Win 56% of Votes.
Bradley called his victory “the fulfillment of a dream.” During his childhood and youth,peo?ple had kept telling him,“You can’t do this,you can’t go there,because you’ re a Negro.” Nev?ertheless he had won a decisive victory over a man who had been the city’s mayor for three times.Bradley had won 56.3 percent of the votes; Yorty had won 43.7 percent.
Los Angeles voters had many opportunities to judge Thomas Bradley and to form an opinion of him.The son of a poor farmer from Texas,he joined the Los Angeles police force in 1940.During his twenty-one years on the police force he earned a law degree by attending school at night.He was elected to the city council ten years ago.At the time of Los Angeles election three other American cities already had black mayors,but none of those cities had as large a population as Los Angeles.Besides,the percentage of blacks in those other cities was much larger.Cleve?land,Ohio,was thirty-six percent black when Carl Stokes was elected mayor of Cleveland in 1967.In the same year Richard Hatcher was elected mayor of Gary,Indiana,which was fifty-five percent black.In Newark,New Jersey,sixty percent of the population were black when Kenneth Glibson was elected in 1970.Thus the election of a black mayor in those cities was not very surprising.
In Los Angeles thousands of white citizens voted for Thomas Bradley because they believe he would be a better mayor than the white candidate.Bradley had spent forty-eight of his fifty-five years in Los Angeles.Four years ago Bradley lost the mayoral election to Yorty.This time Bradley won.
63.Which of the following cities had the largest percentage of black population?
A、Los Angeles.
64.We may infer from the forth paragraph that Los Angeles voters _____.
A、believed that Thomas Bradley would give them many opportunities to judge him
B、had been given many opportunities so they have a high opinion of Thomas Bradley
C、had known Thomas Bradley well for his long years of public service in the city
D、had had many opportunities to elect Thomas Bradley mayor of the city
65.Why did the white voters choose Bradley over a white candidate?
A、Because he had proved to be a good policeman.
B、Because they expected him to do a better job.
C、Because he held a law degree from a good university.
D、Because they simply wanted to give him a chance.
yagnshunke 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
a c
Lin Dan played badminton very well. He won theThomas Cup aga
Lin Dan played badminton very well. He won theThomas Cup again.合并为一句
答句:Lin Dan played badminton well___ ___win theThomas Cup again.
ppsufeiya1003 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
Lin Dan played badminton well that he win theThomas Cup again.
英语翻译Thomas Edison was often said to be the greatest genius o
Thomas Edison was often said to be the greatest genius of his age.There are only a few men in all of history,who have changed the lives of other men as much as the inventor of the first useful electric light.But Edison could never be happy only because someone said he was a genius."there is no such thing as genius."Edison said.He said that what people called genius was mostly hard work.But,Edison was a dreamer as well as a worker.From his earliest days as a child he wondered about the secrets of nature.Natuer,he often said,is full of secrets,he tried to understand them;then,he tried to learn what could usefully be done with them.
in7o 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
Thomas Edison was brave enough to carry the boy to--------.
Thomas Edison was brave enough to carry the boy to--------. 为什么
军玲天下 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率78.3%
carry sb to safety 把...带到安全的地方去
how did Thomas Edison's feel about this handicap?
zf813 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率100%
I think 1847 is unusual,because Thomas Edison was born this
I think 1847 is unusual,because Thomas Edison was born this year.Do you know him?He is one of th
I think 1847 is unusual,because Thomas Edison was born this year.Do you know him?He is one of the most famous persons all around the world.And his birthday is November 2nd.He started to go to school at the age of 8.
He sold newspapers on a train in 1859.And he began working early,he left home to work in different cities when he was only 18 years old.In 1869,he moved to New York to become an inventor.
I think he is very creative,because he could have 1903 inventions from 1868 to 1931.He is a talented inventor,isn't he?
wfkm15fqf022d 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率81.5%
英语填空 速求Thomas Edison tried two thousand different materials_
英语填空 速求
Thomas Edison tried two thousand different materials______ _____ ______find a filament for the light bulb.
owen023 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
答案:in order to 为了
0025 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
I'm back at home now.I wish to express my thanks to you for the wonderful vacation I spent with you and your family.During the vacation you show me the shooland the factiry .I really appreciate your taking time off work to take me round and show me so many places.
Your wife is such a terrific cook!I think I must have gained 10 pounds just in the week I spent with you.Surely I've spent a happy vacation,which will be remembered for long.
I hope you will be able to visit our school sometime.Thank you again.Let's keep in touch
Thomas spent RMB 10 on this book 否定句
安祖 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
Thomas didn't spend RMB 10 on this book.

祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)
Thomas Alva Edison was awarded more patents on inventions th
Thomas Alva Edison was awarded more patents on inventions than any other American.When he died in 1931,Americans wondered how they could best show their respect for him.One suggestion was that the nation observed a minute or two of total blackout.All electric power would be shut off in homes,streets and factories.
Perhaps this suggestion made Americans realize fully what Edison and his inventions meant to them.Electric power was too important to the country.Shutting it off for even a short time would have led to complete confusion.A blackout was out of the question.
On the day of Edison’s funeral,many people silently dimmed their lights.In this way they honored the man who had done more than anyone else to put the great force of electricity at his countrymen’s fingertips.
1).People decided to honor Edison when
A.he made the first electric light.
B.electric power was 100 years old
C.the country realized electricity’s importance
D.he died in 1931
2).The suggestion was to
A.turn off the lights in factories and schools
B.observe a few minutes of total silence
C.dim all electric lights
D.shut off all electricity for a short time
3).Americans fully realized what Edison’s inventions meant when they
A.heard of his death
B.heard of the plan to honor him
C.first used electric power
D.tired to carry out the plan
4).The plan was never carried out because
A.not everyone wanted to honor Edison was too difficult
C.electric power was too important to the country honored only one of Edison’s inventions
5).Which of the following statement is incorrect?
A.Thomas Alva Edison was awarded more patents on inventions than any other American.
B.On the day of Edison’s funeral,many people silently dimmed their lights.
C.This passage talks about the process of Edison’s invention of electricity
D.On the day of Edison’s funeral,many people silently opened their lights.
爱欣然 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译Thomas Edison was a giant among inventors.He patented (取
Thomas Edison was a giant among inventors.He patented (取得专利权) over 1,000 inventions,including the record player,moving pictures and the first practical electric bulb.Largely home taught,Edison only went to school for three months.But at 17 he invented the telegraph system(系统).This allowed four dot-dash messages to be sent down a wire at the same time,speeding up telegraph service greatly.
Though he made great achievements,he still worked up to 20 hours a day.In 1879,he discovered that if electric current(电流)is passed through 8 thin threads of carbon (碳) in a glass vacuum(真空),it becomes white hot,giving off a brilliant light.Then ,for use of this electric bulb,he developed a complete electrical distribution system(配电系统).In 1880,he formed the Edison Electric Light Company.In 1882,he built the Pearl Street Plant,and New York became the first city lit by electricity.
jjj6772732 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率100%
虽然他取得了巨大成就,他仍然每天工作20小时.在1789,他发现在真空条件下,电流在8条由碳构成的细线中通过,细线就会进入白热化状态,并且发出夺目的光芒.然后,他制定了一个完整的配电系统用来使用这个电灯泡.在1880年,他创立了爱迪生典礼公司,在1882年,他建立了Pearl Street Plant,纽约成为了第一个使用电力照明的城市
His parents called him Thomas,_________his grandfather,Thoma
His parents called him Thomas,_________his grandfather,Thomas Jenkins.
A .after
jinlongwang0928 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
call sb … after sb's name “以某人的名字给某人起名字”
这句话的意思是“他的父母叫他Thomas,这个名字是以他爷爷的名字Thomas Jenkins命名的.”
Thomas Edison considered genius to be _____ one per cent ins
Thomas Edison considered genius to be _____ one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.
A.composed of B.constituted in C.consisted of D.comprised in
妞妞姐 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%

composed of. [注释]be composed of由......组成。consist of由......组成,是不及物动词,不能用被动语态,故不合题意;而B,D为及物动词不需要用介词。
1.说明收获 2.表达谢意 3.提出建议或要求
Dear Thomas,
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming

因硬件故障 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
Dear Thomas,
I’m so thankful to you for your kindness and help in the oral English training course. My spoken English has greatly improved owing to the effective training program, during which I made many new friends.
I used to be shy and un-talkative. When staying with my classmates, I tried to communicate with them in English, but I often made mistakes. Whenever I met with native speakers, I had a strong willing to practise English, but I wasn’t brave enough to open my mouth,which worried me for a long time. Luckily enough, your training course smoothed away all the difficulties. I have benefited from it.
Now, I’m glad to learn you are to organize more training courses, and I hope I can get your advice on how to improve my writing. In short, I’m looking forward to more new things in our future courses.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming

①When staying with my classmates, I tried to communicate with them in English, but I often made mistakes.
②Staying with my classmates, I tried to communicate with them in English, however, I often made mistakes.
Thomas didn't bring his ruler to school yesterday,so he b__
Thomas didn't bring his ruler to school yesterday,so he b__ mine.空缺处填什么
nn-小鱼 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
答案是:borrowed 借了过去式
英语翻译Stephanie Thomas,a learning support teacher whose findin
Stephanie Thomas,a learning support teacher whose findings have been published,was inspired to investigate this area because he noticed that those students who had the most trouble with spelling also had a poor pen grip.
Mr.Thomas believes that the difference between elder and younger writers is far too dramatic to be accounted for simply by the possibility that people get better at writing as they grow older.
海风云 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
学习辅导老师Stephanie Thomas注意到发音困难的学生写作能力也差,他对此进行了调查研究,并发表了这一发现.
VI.Close test.(完形填空) Thomas Edison wore 1 caps during his li
VI.Close test.(完形填空) Thomas Edison wore 1 caps during his life,2 thinking caps,the
VI.Close test.(完形填空)
Thomas Edison wore 1 caps during his life,2 thinking caps,the caps of many famous schools and colleges.But the most important cap was his thinking cap.It had saved his mother’s 3 .One day when he was a boy his mother fell ill.The doctor wanted 4 her an operation (手术).But the light in the room was not bright.Edison quickly 5 his thinking cap and he found a way 6 his mother.Edison was good at 7 his hands and his head.He was the most interested 8 electricity.We can see his 9 everywhere because they are very common.They were 10 by Edison’s thinking cap.
( )1.A.much B.many C.a lot D.lot of
( ) B.for C.such as D.was like
( ) C.lives D.alive
( )4.A.give give gave D.give
( )5.A.take off B.put off C.put down D.put on
( ) save C.saving D.saved
( )7.A.use B.make C.using D.making
( ) B.of D.on
( )9.A.inventors B.invent C.invents D.inventions
( )10.A.inventing B.invented C.made D.making
caisx7672 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
John Thomas was an 18-year-old student,but he had been a fam
John Thomas was an 18-year-old student,but he had been a famous champion.
John Thomas was an 18-year-old student,but he had been a famous champion(冠军).Everybody at Boston University liked this tall,quiet boy.Once he was hurt,everybody at Boston University was 41 .People all over the country 42 about John Thomas and often asked,"Will he ever jump again?" John's mother went to the hospital to see her son.She looked at his 43 leg.Then she looked into his 44 .She knew what her son would 45 ."You're going to jump again,John,I know it," she said." 46 will be all right." If John hoped to jump again,he would have a 47 to do.He began at once.Even in his hospital bed John started to exercise.He used a wheel(轮子) and other metal things.Soon his 48 looked like a machine shop!It was May when John 49 the hospital."Is it all right if I go camping this summer?" he asked the doctors."Yes," the doctors said."But take it easy on that foot." John took only 50 walks at first.He was taking it easy on his foot.But not on anything else.He went swimming and did other kinds of exercises.He exercised 51 his body cried for a rest.Some days later,he exercised a little 52 .In late summer John went back to 53 .He asked if he could practise with the football team.Football wasn't his favorite,but he had to get that leg 54 again!He worked hard."No one pushed him as hard as he pushed a champion fighting back is a wonderful thing to himself," said one of his friends."To 55 watch."
( )41.A.sorry B.afraid C.alone D.tired
( )42.A.thought B.talked C.heard D.moved
( )43.A.broken B.lost C.missing D.dead
( )44.A.face B.foot C.eyes D.leg
( )45.A.make B.use C.agree
( )46.A.Nothing B.Anything C.Something D.Everything
( )47.A.little B.lot C.few D.bit
( )48.A.chair B.classroom C.home D.bed
( )49.A.reached B.called C.left D.found
( )50.A.short B.long C.quick
( )51.a.after B.if C.until D.when
( )52.A.later B.better C.more D.less
( )
( )54.A.thick B.strong C.straight D.hard
( )55.A.look B.hear C.know D.see
y5zqr3 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
41. A. sorry
42. B. talked
43. A. broken
44. C. eyes
45. C. agree
46. D Everything
47. B. Lot
48. D. Bed
49. C. left
50. A. short
51. C. until
52. C. more
53. A school
54. B strong
Thomas Edison was a famous American science.
Thomas Edison was a famous American science.
Thomas Edison was a famous American scientist.He was born in 1847.When he was a child,he liked to find out how things worked.He was in school for only three months.He asked his teacher a lot of strange questions.Most of them had nothing to do with his lessons The teacher thought the boy was not bright and was not worth(值) teaching.When he told this to Edison's mother,she took her son out of school.As she had been a teacher,she taught him herself.The boy read a lot.Soon he became very interested in science.At the age of ten,Edison had already built a chemistry lab for himself.Ever since then,he never stopped searching for new and better ways to do things.
()1.Thomas Edison was born in the____century(世纪)
A.eighteenth B.nineteenth C.nineteen D.eighteen
()2.While he was in school,Edison____
A.studied his lesson very hard B.was often late for school
C.liked to ask questions D.was not brighe and enough to study
()3.Edison learned more from____
A.his mother B.his teacher C.other boys D.his father
()4.Young Edison was interested in____
A.sports B.playing games C.making trouble
()5.He was always searching for new and better ways to do things after he____ books B.finished school C.built a lab D.was taken out of school
vicention 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%

cheming 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
Dear David,I have a meeting in other places.I need some help.When you come over,could you please take my dog for a walk in the morning?Could you help me feed my dog and wash his bowl after lunch?In the afternoon,could you please water the flowers?After supper,could you change water for the goldfish?Oh,don't forget to clean my dog's bed.Have fun!See you the day after tomorrow!Thanks,Thomas.
Mr Thomas didn't like the price of the dress.
Mr Thomas didn't like the price of the dress.
A week later Mr and Mrs Thomas went shopping and boug.
Mrs Thomas got the dress at last.
Fiona95588 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率82.6%
英语翻译W:Hello,Thomas Brothers.M:Hello,this is Mike Landon here
W:Hello,Thomas Brothers.
M:Hello,this is Mike Landon here.Is Jack Cooper there by any chance?
W:I am afraid not,he is away for a day or two,back on,let’s see,Monday morning.
M:Oh,well perhaps I can live a message for him.
W:Yes,of course,just a minute.Now,let’s see,to Jack Cooper from Mike London.
W:Sorry,yes,got that,and what’s the message?
M:Well it’s just this:could he come to a meeting on Monday afternoon at 5:00 pm?
W:That’s this coming Monday,October 12th
M:Right,it’s to discuss the new factory in France.
W:Fine,I’ve got that.I will see that he gets it as soon as he comes in on Monday.
M:Good,thank you,goodbye.
d0qgcx 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
W:hello,我是Thomas Brothers
M:hello,我是Mike Landon,请问Jack Cooper现在在这里吗?(原话大意是Jack Cooper 又没有可能在那里)
W:当然行,请等一下.好了,能开始了,Mike London给Jack Cooper.
Thomas wants to know _____ _____ _____ (Nina 住哪)
yayajo 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
Thomas wants to know where Nina lives.
where Nina lives是宾语从句,要用正常语序;而且,Nina是单三人称,所以要用lives
Mr.Thomas found the coins while_____in his back home
Mr.Thomas found the coins while_____in his back home
A.digging B.was digging C.dug D.being dingging
linsheng1 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率100%
A.digging,while__(they were )digging___in his back home
Thomas was cheerful and(help)_,and we soon became good frien
Thomas was cheerful and(help)_,and we soon became good friends
331044937 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
Thomas was cheerful and helpful and we soon became good friends
#初三英语语法选择# Thomas Edison was a great American inv
#初三英语语法选择# Thomas Edison was a great American inv
Thomas Edison was a great American inventor He was in school 32 only three months.His teacher didn't understand 33 this new pupil had so many strange questions.Most of the questions had nothing 34 with his lessons.The teacher didn't want to teach Tom 35 .He asked Tom's mother 36 the boy home.Tom's mother taught him to read and write and she found him to be a very good pupil.He learnt very fast and became very 37 in science.When he was only ten,he built a chemistry lab for 38 .
At the age of 12,he started 39 his own newspaper.He printed it and sold copies on the trains.It was the first newspaper 40 on trains in America.
One day in August,1862,Edison saw a little boy,41 on the railway at a station.A train was coming near quickly,and the boy was too frightened 42 .Edison rushed out and carried the boy to 43 .The boy's father was so thankful 44 he taught Edison how to send messages by telegraph.Edison soon became good at it and later left home to work in different 45 .This gave him a new start in life. 46 ,he was only 16. B.since C.for D on
33.A.what B.why D.when do C.doing D.does
35.A.more more C.any more D.any take B.take C.takes D.took
37.A.interesting B.interested C.interest D.interests
38.A.himself B.him C.his D.itself
39.A.writes B.wrote C.writing D.written
40.A.sold B.selling C.sells D.sell
41.A.played B.plays C.playing play move B.moved C.moves D.moving B safety C.safer fely
swezn 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率100%
32 C.for
33.B.why do
35. C.any more take
41.C.playing move
43.B safety
英语反意疑问句怎么理解?例如:Thomas didn't come to school for the meeting
例如:Thomas didn't come to school for the meeting ,did he ___on .he 空格 .the meeting had been cancelled .A.didn't need to come B.should not come C.shouldn't have come
有的最后是didn't 有的又是以did 结尾又什么区别
长篇远论 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
No,he didn‘t,写详细了就是No,he didn't come to school for the meeting 所以意思是:是的,他没有来学校参加会议.
Yes,he did,=Yes,he came to school for the meeting 不,他有来学校参加会议
指出错误并改正 thomas gets to home at 5:30 in the afternoon
遗书 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
因为home是副词 所以前面不要加介词to
1、The invention of the electric light bulb by Thomas A. Edis
1、The invention of the electric light bulb by Thomas A. Edison created a demand for a cheap,
readily available fuel with which to g____(产生) large amount of electric power.
2、You idea at least ___(disposal) of the immediate problem though it may not be the best solution.
3、The purchase of Louisiana made a ___(territory) increase for the United States.
owenzhouxh 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率100%
1 generate
2 disposes
3 territorial