Its founder is Chris Lee who grew up at his parents’ corner

xiao阿罗2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

Its founder is Chris Lee who grew up at his parents’ corner store with one hand almost always in
Chris Lee grew up at his parents’ corner store with one hand almost always in the jar of sweets.
1、解释with one hand是短语吗?不是的话,


skd2001 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
with one hand almost always in the jar of sweets.这是介词短语做状语.这里是伴随状语.



Li Yang,the founder of Crazy English,says that he copies it
Li Yang,the founder of Crazy English,says that he copies it down _____ he comes to a
beautiful sentence.
D.every time
航拍航拍航空摄影 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率66.7%
英文单选Colonel Harland Sanders was the founder of KFC for _ lif
Colonel Harland Sanders was the founder of KFC for _ lifewasfulloffailures beforehe was successful.A.whom B.who C.whose D.his 为什么不能选C
9941 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
所以填 for whom 在定从中 作状语
= and life was full of failure for him.
如果 选C whose.不对 应该是his .for前面 须有逗号,for 引导并列句 ,表示原因.但句子意思 不通顺.故 错.
或者 把for去掉 则也是定语从句.whose作从句中的定语.
英语阅读.Sim Jae-duck is 74 years old and the founder(创始人) of th
sim jae-duck is 74 years old and the founder(创始人) of the world toilet association(厕所协会).he was born in a restroom.“my mother followed advice from my grandmother that people born in restrooms will ___85___ long lives,” sim he plans to live and die in a toilet-shaped house.
the large glass building was built in suweon,a korean city.there are two bedrooms and two guest rooms ___86___ the rooms.the house,of course,has three expensive toilets.
“there is a display bathroom behind glass for all to see.the other toilets have water saving features,” sim said.“my family has ___87___ agreed to keep this house as a symbol(象征)of south korea’s new toilet ____88___ after my death.the house will be remembered as an example of saving people from diseases and protecting the environment.”
the main bathroom has a machine that produces a mist(液体喷雾) ___89___others can’t see the people in the bathroom.that can make users feel ____90____.the toilet seat will be raised as people enter and music will play.
sim’s advice has changed public toilets into clean and beautiful resting the public toilets in suweon are ____91____ paintings,fresh flowers or even small gardens.they are places that protect human health.
85.a.take b.enjoy c.welcome
86.a.besides b.behind c.among d.ahead
87.a.nearly b.already c.almost d.yet
88.a.process c.culture d.manner that b.because c.unless d.although
90.a.excited b.terrible c.tired
91.a.covered with b.made of
c.used to d.decorated with the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)
the *** employs(雇佣) many people to help take care of our society.however,they cannot help out every one just by themselves.they need our help!consider volunteering!
what is volunteeringvolunteering is when we regularly go and do nice things for other people.there are many t__92__ of volunteers.volunteers may help out in local retirement homes,or in hospitals.some volunteers work with poor people and other volunteers help teach orphaned children to read.
volunteering teaches mature(成熟) thinking
volunteering is something that really helps gives us a chance to stop complaining about our own lives,and realized e__93__ how lucky we are.we are able to see the people who really need help.volunteering also teaches us more a__94__ responsibility,patience,empathy(同情心),and above all,compassion(爱心).
ways to start volunteering
there are many places that you can go to try to start are just a few places you can go and what you can do at each place.
hospital-ask if you can go and visit people who are really s__95__.sometimes all they need is just someone who will t___96___ with them,or someone to give them hope.
orphanage(孤儿院) -the children living here really need someone to p__97__ with them.
whatever you decide to do,just do the b__98__you can.
sahiton 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
85 --91 BCBCADC
92 types
93 enough
94 about
95 sick
96 talk
97 play
98 best
英语翻译Owen Tripp,con-founder of the Redwood City ,Califbased R
Owen Tripp,con-founder of the Redwood City ,Califbased worked with one financial advisor whose client made an angry tweet about his investments not doing as well as the market,making the post instantly discoverable.The financial advisor was worried it would damage his reputation.
zxfliuli 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
欧文特里普(Owen Tripp),是位于加利福尼亚州在红木城的Reputation.c**m的创始人之一,曾与一位财务顾问共事.那位财务顾问有位客户写了一篇“愤怒的推文”表示所作的投资回报不及市场回报,让那篇网文即时曝光.财务顾问担心这会损害他的声誉.
英语翻译J.J.P.Oud,co-founder of the de Stijl movement,as city ar
J.J.P.Oud,co-founder of the de Stijl movement,as city architect of Rotterdam provided excellent examples of Rationalistic buildings with his Kiefhoek estate and community housing in the Hook of Holland.As early as 1921 he promoted architecture as follows,‘the tension as it is aesthetically realised in the great rhythm,in the balanced complex of mutually referential and influencing parts,whereby one supports the aesthetic intention of the other,where nothing can either be added or removed,whereby each part in its position and measurement relates so completely to the other parts,in itself and as a whole that any -- even the smallest -- change results in a complete destruction of the balance.What today’s architecture lacks in terms of this balance achieved with own resources,it corrects by applying ornament.An ornament-free architecture demands the maximum purity of the architectural composition’.It will be objective without disintegrating into ‘barren Rationalism’ but in that ‘will immediately experience something more elevated’,‘to unfold the attraction of the cultivated material,the clarity of the glass,the flashing and rounding of the surface,the shining and brilliance of the colour,the glistening of the steel etc.” and hence ‘be able to exceed Classical purity through the absence of all superfluity’
38992004 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率65%
J.J.P.Oud,de Stijl 运动的创始人之一,鹿特丹的城市建筑设计者,推出他的得意作品,理论主义流派的代表作,位于荷兰国土一隅的Kiefhoek社区.早在上世纪20年代初,J.J.P.Oud就抛出了他的著名言论:建筑的审美张力有赖于强烈的节奏感,有赖于外部参照与影响的微妙的平衡的把握,由此双方各自支撑着彼此的美学意图,儿这两方面也不可或缺,相辅相成,即使是最微小的改变,也会导致设计作品的失衡.当今的建筑作品欠缺的是这两方面的协调,故装饰的使用,可以弥补这个缺憾的局面.一个天马行空的装饰作品需要最大纯度的建筑构成来实现.它不是抛弃所谓的理论的辅助,反而更大程度上衬托出它的卓绝的作用.(装饰可以)“散发建筑文化最醇厚的魅力,可以让玻璃更明亮,可以让建筑表面更闪耀,让建筑色彩更明快,钢构更迷人.”,因此也可以更好的达到将建筑建造成经典的目标.
英语完形填空Apple's co-founder Steve Jobs died on Wednesday,Octobe
Apple's co-founder Steve Jobs died on Wednesday,October 5.He was 56.“We have (36) a dear friend and a great mentor,”Apple's CEO Cook wrote.“And he will always encourage Apple."
Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco in 1955.He grew up in Silicon Valley and (37) Apple with his friend Wozniak when he was 21years old.Their first computer,Apple I,didn't do well in the market,(38) 1977’s AppleⅡ became a bestseller.
But not everything was (39) .Apple's first model failed(失败).Called Lisa,the computer's $10,000 price was too high for most consumers.
Jobs left the company in1985.When he (40) to Apple in 1997,jobs succeeded again with the iMac.The iMac is a computer (41) has a transparent design.In 1998,Apple sold about 2 million iMacs.A year (42) ,the iMac was America's best-selling computer.
Steve Jobs used to (43) talking about Apple to talking about his life.In 2005,Jobs did talk about life,(44) after learning that he had cancer."Don't let others' noise influence your own (45) ,”he said at Stanford University.“And most important,have the courage to follow your heart.Eerything else is unimportant.”
()36.A.met B.gone C.lost D.missed
()37.A.ended B.started C.went D.operated
()38.A.if C.and D.but
()39.A.successful B.beautiful C.bad D.friendly
()40.A.stopped B.talked C.returned D.started
()41.A.that B.who C.whom D.what
()42.A.late B.later C.lately D.latest
()43.A.want C.tell D.prefer
()44.A.fairly B.easily C.shortly D.slowly
()45.A.feeling B.idea C.advice D.suggestion
249845263 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
36-40 C B D A C 41-45 A B D C B
Kataria is the founder of the worldwide laughter movement. T
Kataria is the founder of the worldwide laughter movement. The celebration of World Laughter Day is a positive activity for world peace and is intended to build up a global sense of brotherhood and friendship through laughter. The first “World Laughter Day” gathering took place in Mumbai, India, on 11th January, 1998. 12,000 members from India and international Laughter Clubs attended it. Now there are over 5,000 Laughter Clubs worldwide on all 5 continents.
“HAPPY—DEMIC” was the first World Laughter Day gathering outside India. It took place on 9th January, two years after the Mumbai gathering. In Copenhagen, Denmark, more than 10,000 people gathered at Town Hall Square. The event went into Guinness Book of World Records. “World Laughter Day” is now organized on the first Sunday of May every year. Hundreds of people gather worldwide on that day to laugh together.
Today, many people fear widespread international terrorism. The world has never faced so much unrest before. People are at war within themselves. Laughter is a universal language, which has the ability to unite humanity without religion. Laughter can build a common connection between various religions and create a new world order. The idea may sound over -ambitious(野心太大的), and maybe it is. But maybe it is not. It is our deep belief that laughter and only laughter can unite the world, building up a global sense of brotherhood and friendship.
Studies also say that laughter helps your body do the following: lower blood pressure; lighten depression; reduce stress; work out the heart, especially for those who are unable to perform physical exercise. So in life, when you can laugh, you should laugh loudly and with your entire body-because it’s good for you.
小题1:The purpose of celebrating World Laughter Day is ________. build up a global sense of brotherhood and friendship through laughter build a common connection between various religions reduce stress and lighten depression lower blood pressure
小题2:The first World Laughter Day gathering outside India took place________.
A.on 11th January, 1998 B.on the first Sunday of May
C.on 9th January, 1996 D.on 9th January, 2000
小题3:The author’s attitude towards laughter movement is ________.
A.positive B.negative C.uninterested D.objective
小题4:The passage is mainly about ________.
A.World Laughter Day and its significance
B.the worldwide laughter movement
C.a universal language
百年好合-1 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%

第七段(英译中)Since the beginnings of NameLab,founder Ira Bachrach
Since the beginnings of NameLab,founder Ira Bachrach has been a particular champion of the coined name.He believes that properly formulated coined names can be even more meaningful than existing words.Take,for example,the name "Acura." Although it has no dictionary definition,it actually suggests precision engineering,just as the company intended.How can that be?Bachrach and his staff created the name "Acura" from "acu," a word segment that means "precise" in many languages.By working with meaningful word segments (what linguists call morphemes) like "acu," Bachrach claims to produce new words that are both meaningful and unique.
colawong 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
十万火急的英语问题Bill Gates,founder (创建者) of the world's largest sof
Bill Gates,founder (创建者) of the world's largest software company Microsoft (微软公司),announced on June 15 that he is only to work for the company "part-time".
laozijiushilao 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
Is Kuanling Fan the founder of the modern liberated Chinese
Is Kuanling Fan the founder of the modern liberated Chinese traditional poetic form-Hsinku poetry
Dr.Guang Ling Fan is Dr.Kenneth Kuanling Fan
yufeng0303 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
We would like to thank the founder of our library, without _
We would like to thank the founder of our library, without ________ help none of this would have been possible.
A.which B.whom C.whose D.that
lee1028 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%

英语翻译Could its late founder be transitioning to a new calling
Could its late founder be transitioning to a new calling and joining the ranks of other supposedly spotted mythological figures?
pjs1 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
请教一段话里面几个词的译法The founder (in the sense of first practitioner
The founder (in the sense of first practitioner) of this so-called “noble discipline of natural law” was according to Pufendorf “the incomparable Hugo Grotius,” who “set out to construct a work wherein he was not ruled by the influence of his precedessors” and that resisted the fragmenting tendencies of discrepant opinions.
first practitioner是否该译为仅先驱”?the incomparable Hugo Grotius“无与伦比的格老秀斯”?“that resisted the fragmenting tendencies of discrepant opinions”“该著作反对把思想仅仅因为在观点上有差异而划分为不同的流派”?
高个男孩 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
1、first practitioner 这里是创始人,
2、the incomparable hugo grotius 我觉得翻译成无可替代的格老秀斯比较好,
3、that resisted the fragmenting tendencies of discrepant opinions 这个你翻译的比较准确,但是不是稍显累赘?“他反对把不同的思想划划分为不同流派”就可以了.
Founder of Heart of England on family
renminyang 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
on family 只能是指“英国之心”这个机构在家庭方面的事务
why say the henry fielding is the founder of the english rea
why say the henry fielding is the founder of the english realistic novel? 最好英文回答,谢谢
又聋又哑又瞎 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
Henry Fielding influenced the main tradition of the English novel through the eighteenth century (e.g.,Smollett) and the nineteenth century (e.g.,Dickens and Thackeray).With the tightly structured Tom Jones,in which every detail has a purpose,Fielding contributed a sense of structure to the development of the English novel; some critics have called it one of the best plotted novels in English,despite a lengthy interpolated story,"The Man on the Hill." With the character Tom Jones,he introduced a new kind of fictional hero good hearted,well intentioned,generous young man with ordinary human weakness,one who yields to temptation with women and to make errors in judgement.With his theories of the novel,expressed primarily in Joseph Andrews,Fielding attempted to give dignity and status to the new genre of the novel by relating it to the classical epic.
For Fielding,art is artifice or deliberately crafted (this view contrasts with modern theories of realism as a "slice of life").Nevertheless,Fielding as well as Richardson and Sterne was regarded as startlingly realistic and widely admired by contemporary readers on the continent.
Fielding believed,as did most eighteenth century writers and educated readers,that the purpose of art is to create pleasure which is both civilized and civilizing.
英语翻译Every village has a founder.Tim Berners-Lee is the man w
Every village has a founder.Tim Berners-Lee is the man who wrote the software program that led to the foundation of the World Wide Web.In the 1980's scientists were already communicating using a primitive version of e-mail.While working at a laboratory in Switzerland Tim Burners-Lee wrote a program which let him store these messages.This gave him another idea.Write a program that will let academics from across the world share information on a single site.In 1990,he wrote the HTTP and HTML programs which form the basis of the World Wide Web.The next year his programs were placed onto the Internet Everyone was welcome to use them and improve them if they could.Programmers adapted his codes to work with different operating systems.NAEW features like web browsers and search engines were developed .Between 1991 and 1994,the number of web pages rose from 10 to 100,000.
0351maomao 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
次年他的方案被放置于互联网上,每个人都欢迎他们,使用他们,他们改善他的守则,以适应不同的工作与经营系统 NAEW像Web浏览器和搜索引擎功能的开发工作.1991年至1994年,该网页的人数从10至10万元.
英语翻译Maribeth Kuzmerski,founder of the Grayslake ,Ill-based R
Maribeth Kuzmerski,founder of the Grayslake ,Ill-based RedZone Marketing recalls one president of a big corporation whose own family member posed as a client,attacking his professional reputation until the negative content found its way into his top ten search results.Only after working hard to post positive comments and press releases about upcoming events were those negative posts pushed back down.
游而由者 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
Maribeth Kuzmerski,Ill-based RedZone Marketing Grayslake的创立者,回忆起一个大公司的董事长(他自己的家庭成员装成客户)攻击了他的职业声望,一直到那些负面内容被提上搜索结果的头10条.
英语翻译Thomas Burberry is the original founder of Burberry.He s
Thomas Burberry is the original founder of Burberry.He started the famous brand in 1856 after completing years as a draper’s apprentice.He started Burberry by opening a store in Hampshire,England,that focused primarily on outerwear.
Although a success,Thomas changed the way he created the outerwear jackets in 1880 by introducing gabardine to the clothing,which is a water-resistant and breathable fabric.
书生孩子气 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
翻译一段文字3Owen Tripp, con-founder of the Redwood City , Califba
Owen Tripp, con-founder of the Redwood City , Califbased Reputation. com worked with one financial advisor whose client made an angry tweet about his investments not doing as well as the market, making the post instantly discoverable. The financial advisor was worried it would damage his reputation.
willfarlh 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
欧文特里普(Owen Tripp),是位于加利福尼亚州在红木城的Reputation.c**m的创始人之一,曾与一位财务顾问共事.那位财务顾问有位客户写了一篇“愤怒的推文”表示所作的投资回报不及市场回报,让那篇网文即时曝光.财务顾问担心这会损害他的声誉.
nei2000 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
Chris Levis,the founder of Lewis,added:"The falling standard
Chris Levis,the founder of Lewis,added:"The falling standard of literacy is a most alarming development.In an age of increased course fees,this needs to be urgently addressed.How else can you explain this introduction from an arts graduate:"I am looking for a career in public relations."帮我翻一下这句话,在分析下句子成分
流泪的雨雨 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
1)Chris Levis,the founder of Lewis,added:"The falling standard of literacy is a most alarming development.
Chris Levis--主语;the founder of Lewis--同位语,补充说明主语的;added--谓语(过去时);"The falling standard of literacy is a most alarming development.整个带引号的句子,是谓语动词added的宾语(直接引语);其中第一个句子The falling standard of literacy--主语;is是系动词; a most alarming development 是表语;
2) 引号中的第二个句子In an age of increased course fees,this needs to be urgently addressed.In an age of increased course fees--时间状语,this--主语;needs--谓语(单数第三人称);to be urgently addressed--不定时短语(被动式)作谓语动词 needs 的宾语;
3)How else can you explain this introduction from an arts graduate;以疑问副词How else开头的特殊问句;you--主语;can explain--can+原形动词作谓语;this introduction--宾语;from an arts graduate--定语,修饰宾语 introduction;
4)I am looking for a career in public relations.整个句子作同位语,用来补充说明其前的宾语--introduction;I--主语;(am) looking for--谓语(现在进行时);a career--宾语;in public relations--后置定语,修饰宾语career.
A friendship founder on business is better than a business f
A friendship founder on business is better than a business founder on friend
nick008 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
zai shengyi shang jian li qi lai de youyi yao bi kao youyi qu zuo shengyi hao de duo
steve jobs the founder or the Apple company,____(pass)away a
steve jobs the founder or the Apple company,____(pass)away after years of battle against pancreatic cancer.
空空大师 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译请各位高手帮我翻译“Hyde School founder Joseph Gauld claims succes
请各位高手帮我翻译“Hyde School founder Joseph Gauld claims success with the program at the $18,000-a-year high school in Bath,Maine,which has received considerable publicity for its work with troubled youngsters"并从英语教学的角度帮我分析这个句子,如句型,语法,词汇,句子结构等方面.答得好还可以追加分数啊
可爱小龙虾 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率69.6%
Hyde School founder Joseph Gauld claims success with the program at the $18,000-a-year high school in Bath,Maine ,which has received considerable publicity for its work with troubled youngsters"
(1)主语是:Hyde School founder Joseph Gauld 【Hyde School 的创始人Joseph Gauld 】
(2)谓语是:success with the program at the $18,000-a-year high school in Bath,Maine
(3)定语从句是:which has received considerable publicity for its work with troubled youngsters,意思是【因为针对问题青年的工作而备受关注】

【success with】...方面的成功
【receive considerable publicity for】因...而备受关注

Hyde学校的创始人Joseph Gauld说道,在Bath,Maine里对年学费为18,000美元的高校的研究项目的成功,已经因为它针对问题青年的工作而备受关注了.

Microsoft founder Bill Gates said that he planned to give aw
Microsoft founder Bill Gates said that he planned to give away almost all of his vast fortune , largely to the cause of global health , during the course of his lifetime . With an estimated(估计)worth of more than $ 40 billion , according to Forbes , the project will be no small feat (功绩)for Gates . Having already provided the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with $ 24 billion to address global health issues , Gates said that eventually his entire fortune will be put towards the cause except “a few percent left for the kids.”
So what has made the richest man in the world to channel his resources so heavily into one interest ? Gates believes that “the equality of opportunity” in which Americans take such pride needs to extend to other nations around the world . Improving the health of the populations , he says , has proven to be an essential method in helping poor countries to be financially successful . “National borders allow inequalities ,” said Gates : “We all need to take a more global view , rather than just saying my country is doing well . We have to step up these health issues , knowing how few resources are going into them .”
Gates said that both his parents set an example for him as a child . His father , William H. Gates , was the head of the local Planned Parenthood , and his mother , Mary , volunteered for the United Way . As he gathered his fortune , Gates knew he would eventually want to give back as well , but he didn’t expect to devote himself whole-heartedly to one project until he was about 60.
However , Gates , 47 , began to question his ability to wait that long . “It seemed there was a real time urgency,” Gates said . “I started to think , How many lives could I save before then ?”
小题1:Bill Gates believes that one important way of developing poor countries is . set up more foundations for them aid them with natural resources put more effort into the health issues in them help them take a more global view
小题2:It can be learned from the text that Bill Gates thinks .
A.Americans should care about people in other countries
B.Americans should treat fellow citizens well
C.Americans should devote themselves to certain projects
D.Americans can be world-famous by giving away vast fortune
小题3:Bill Gates gave away his vast fortune earlier than he had expected because of .
A.his weakening health condition B.his parents’ suggestions
C.his great success in business D.his concerns for suffering people
泡浴浴 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率100%

一道高中英语选择题(要理由)Bill Gates, the founder of the software indust
Bill Gates, the founder of the software industry , is said to posses $36.4 billion, highest___in Forbes magazine.
A ever recorded
B was ever recorded
C having ever recorded
D having ever been recorded
打伞下雨 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
Bill Gates,the founder of the software industry ,is said to posses $36.4 billion,the highest___in Forbes magazine.
A ever recorded
B was ever recorded
C having ever recorded
D having ever been recorded
析:the highest =the highest amount of money,为$36.4 billion的同位语,后面是它的定语.
Microsoft founder Bill Gates said that he planned to give aw
microsoft founder bill gates said that he planned to give away almost all of his vast fortune, largely to the cause of global health, during the course of his lifetime. with an estimated (估计) worth of more than $40 billion, according to forbes, the project will be no small feat (功绩) for gates. having already provided the bill & melinda gates foundation with $24 billion to address global health issues, gates said that eventually his entire fortune will be put towards the cause except “a few percent left for the kids”.
so what has made the richest man in the world to channel his resources so heavily into one interest? gates believes that “the equality of opportu nity” in which americans take such pride needs to extend to other nations around the world. improving the health of the population, he says, has proven to be an essential (实质的) method in helping poor countries to be financially successful. “national borders allow inequalities,” said gates: “we all need to take a more global view, rather than just saying my country is doing well. we have to step up these health issues, knowing how few resources are going into them.”
gates said that both his parents set an example for him as a child. his father, william h. gates, was the head of the local planned parenthood, and his mother, mary, volunteered for the united way. as he gathered his fortune, gates knew he would eventually want to give back as well, but he didn’t expect to devote himself whole-heartedly to one project until he was about 60.
however, gates, 47, began to question his ability to wait that long. “it seemed there was a real time urgency (紧迫),” gates said. “i started to think, how many lives could i save before then?”
小题1:.. bill gates will give away his vast fortune to ___.
a.improve the health of population in america alone
b.improve the health of population all over the world
c.avoid leaving his children too much money
d.spare the american *** the burden of health care
小题2:.. bill gates believes that one important way of developing poor countries is ___. set up more foundations for them aid them with natural resources put more effort into the health issues in them help them take a more global view
小题3:. it can be learned from the text that bill gates thinks ___.
a.americans should care about people in other countries
b.americans should treat fellow citizens well
c.americans should devote themselves to certain projects
d. americans can be world-famous by giving away vast fortune
小题4:.. bill gates gave away his vast fortune earlier than he had expected because of ___.
a.his weakening health condition b.his parents’ suggestions
c.his great s uccess in business d.his concern for suffering people
小题5:. the underlined word “channel” probably has a similar meaning as it is used in sentence “___”.
a.try to channel your abilities into something useful
b.we ought to channel this street so that water can flow away easily
c.ships must follow the channel into the port d.which cha nnel will you be broadcasting tonight
songbaivip 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%

英语短文填词Maria was the founder of a chain of coffee bars. She i
Maria was the founder of a chain of coffee bars. She is an excellent b____woman.She was born in singapore and then she moved to London.Her father,_____was a factory manager,filled her___a belief in hard work.Maria studied political science at university.After _____University she became a teacher .When her father ______(去世), she went to New York for a break .Every morning ,she 'd go to a coffee bar. When she r____to London,she realizedthat there was nothing like those coffee bars.So she decided to give up her job and do s_____about it. She opened the first coffee bar in 1995,and her ______(成功 )was quike. She opened ten more in the following year.Now she is P_____of her achievments.and plans to open eighty more _______(除_之外))the eighty_five she has already had.
littlenadia 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
Maria was the founder of a chain of coffee bars.She is an excellent【business】woman.She was born in singapore and then she moved to London.Her father,【who】was a factory manager,filled her【with】a belief in hard work.Maria studied political science at university.After 【graduating】University she became a teacher .When her father 【died】(去世),she went to New York for a break .Every morning ,she 'd go to a coffee bar.When she 【returned】to London,she realized that there was nothing like those coffee bars.So she decided to give up her job and do 【something】about it.She opened the first coffee bar in 1995,and her 【success】(成功 ) was quick.She opened ten more in the following year.Now she is 【proud】of her achievments and plans to open eighty more 【besides】(除_之外)) the eighty-five she has already had.
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A.took away B.passed away C.put away D.threw away
kk刀客 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%

pass away,表示去世 的意思,符合题意。故选B
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Yes.I think he is the one.He is the founder of both of the following organizations.Their names are as the follows in Chinese language:
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宝宝最高 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
第1行:advice 第2行:adviced 改为 advised 第3行:of 改为 for 第4行:trying 改为 try
第5行:it 去掉 第6行:to 后加be ,改为 to be greatful ;还有一个错误 is of greatful 改为 is of great 第7行:important 改为importance 在加 for our children.
楼主最后一句 the ready for 写重复了?楼主没有按试卷的行数来写,正规的考试应该是每行有一个错误,还有可能是有一行没错,我只找出9个错误.
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B Bill Gates C Nelson Mandela D Norman Bethune
2 Our headteacher was strict with us ( )friendly
A but B and C or D because
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beautiful sentence.
D.every time
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What I need to do some kind of preparation for this job?
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you are sure to be well with the import and export study,you can join the related foreign lesson class to get the needs.
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