rip van winkle的读后感!英文的大概300字

斯文帅帅2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


yrygkj 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
"Rip Van Winkle" is about a man named Rip Van Winkle,who lived in a little Dutch town in the Hudson Valley.Everyone in the town was very fond of him because he would help anyone who needed help and he would play with the children.The thing he couldn't do was tend to his farm because it seemed that everything he did failed,so he would go out and fish or go to the town inn and listen to the gossip.His wife Dame Van Winkle would get angry at him for being lazy and not tending to the farm.One day he decided that he had one option to get away from his wife and the farm,which was to take his gun and dog and go into the woods and hunt squirrels.
He spent all day looking for squirrels,but couldn't find any.So he lied on the grass and after awhile he noticed it was getting dark,so he started back.As he did this,he heard someone calling his name and then he saw a ghost appear carrying a keg of liquor on his back.So they both went together down the woods until they came to this opening where they saw these weird dressed people playing 9 pin.Rip and the ghost walked up towered them and the ghost poured liquor into the flasks for the people to drink and Rip started to drink too until he passed out on the ground.The next mourning he woke up and didn't know what to tell his wife.He reached for his gun,but all he saw was a rusted out gun instead of the well oiled,shiny gun.Then he looked for his dog and he couldn't find his dog.
So he went back in town and everyone stared at him like they didn't know him.He looked at himself to see what everyone was staring at and he saw that he had a beard a foot long.He looked around the village and nothing was familiar,even his house which looked like a run-down shack.He went to the tavern to see if he recognized anyone,which he didn't.Then he started calling the his friends names to see if anyone has heard of them and they all said that they were have moved on or dead.Then he asked if they have heard of the name Rip Van Winkle and they all pointed to his son,which looked just like him.This made Rip think that he had woke up someone else because his son looked just like him.
Then a woman with a child in her arms came to see the man.Rip had overheard the name of the child was Rip and he asked her who was her father and she said her father was Rip Van Winkle,who left when she was a child twenty years ago.Then Rip told her that he was her Events,no matter how small can change a society,a culture,and an outlook in the blink of an eye.Whether it is in a war,a speech,a gesture,or even a novel.Washington Irving made an incredible impact from his short story "Rip Van Winkle",drawing the events surrounding him to form a simple story with deep meaning.To bring to a pinpoint,the story shaped the American culture as the American culture shaped the story.
From this folklore,others have grown from it.Some believe that Rip in fact did not fall asleep,but took adventurous journeys in foreign lands with strange people.Art and child-like fantasies have been the median to which the stories have been communicated.Drawings consist of fairy-like areas and magical settings have attracted children and adults alike.
"Rip Van Winkle" has affected elements across the board.It shows up everywhere.Since 1819,the story,the name,and what it stand for has touched all parts of the arts,literature,education,and culture.The number of editions that the story has accumulated is higher than most and comes in all forms of literature from cheap paperbacks to elaborated illustrations that have become classics.Mentioned in other literature,in politics,and in a variety of languages,it is used to define what our country became after the revolutionary war and how the British perceive the Americans.The fact that Rip fell asleep due to the effects of a drink.England felt that the Americans were lazy alcoholics that would fall apart if not for the British authorities controlling them.
The story of Rip Van Winkle has almost come to the point where it has become commercialized.If one travels into the Catskills,they will come across an array of tourist attractions ranging from hotels,to Lakes,to gas stations.There is a tour company that travels from New York to the Catskills.There one will find a famous garden with the same name.
In conclusion,the story Rip Van Winkle has affected and in turn,been affected by American society.How can we apply this to modern day society?Are we still able to compare that way that are government has evolved?Not only was it new beginning for a new style of writing it was a new start for a country.Washington could in no way have known how much his story would effect our culture.
(403 字)


jsrdssg 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
2 :枯萎,凋枯,枯萎
3 :病区,区,处所,唐人街,少数民族居住区,西班牙语人聚居的区域
4 :解开,停住,分开,撞出,打乱
5 :缓和,解除,慰问,照亮,缓和,安慰
rip van winkle求一篇读后感.
richtersun 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
Rip Van Winkle" is about a man named Rip Van Winkle,who
lived in a little Dutch town in the Hudson Valley.
Everyone in the town was very fond of him because he
would help anyone who needed help and he would play with
the children.The thing he couldn't do was tend to his
farm because it seemed that everything he did failed,so
he would go out and fish or go to the town inn and
listen to the gossip.His wife Dame Van Winkle would get
angry at him for being lazy and not tending to the farm.
One day he decided that he had one option to get away
from his wife and the farm,which was to take his gun
and dog and go into the woods and hunt squirrels.
He spent all day looking for squirrels,but couldn't
find any.So he lied on the grass and after awhile he
noticed it was getting dark,so he started back.As he
did this,he heard someone calling his name and then he
saw a ghost appear carrying a keg of liquor on his back.
So they both went together down the woods until they
came to this opening where they saw these weird dressed
people playing 9 pin.Rip and the ghost walked up
towered them and the ghost poured liquor into the flasks
for the people to drink and Rip started to drink too
until he passed out on the ground.The next mourning he
woke up and didn't know what to tell his wife.He
reached for his gun,but all he saw was a rusted out gun
instead of the well oiled,shiny gun.Then he looked for
his dog and he couldn't find his dog.
So he went back in town and everyone stared at him like
they didn't know him.He looked at himself to see what
everyone was staring at and he saw that he had a beard a
foot long.He looked around the village and nothing was
familiar,even his house which looked like a run-down
shack.He went to the tavern to see if he recognized
anyone,which he didn't.Then he started calling the his
friends names to see if anyone has heard of them and
they all said that they were have moved on or dead.Then
he asked if they have heard of the name Rip Van Winkle
and they all pointed to his son,which looked just like
him.This made Rip think that he had woke up someone
else because his son looked just like him.
Then a woman with a child in her arms came to see the
man.Rip had overheard the name of the child was Rip and
he asked her who was her father and she said her father
was Rip Van Winkle,who left when she was a child twenty
years ago.Then Rip told her that he was her Events,no
matter how small can change a society,a culture,and an
outlook in the blink of an eye.Whether it is in a war,
a speech,a gesture,or even a novel.Washington Irving
made an incredible impact from his short story "Rip Van
Winkle",drawing the events surrounding him to form a
simple story with deep meaning.To bring to a pinpoint,
the story shaped the American culture as the American
culture shaped the story.
From this folklore,others have grown from it.Some
believe that Rip in fact did not fall asleep,but took
adventurous journeys in foreign lands with strange
people.Art and child-like fantasies have been the
median to which the stories have been communicated.
Drawings consist of fairy-like areas and magical
settings have attracted children and adults alike.
"Rip Van Winkle" has affected elements across the board.
It shows up everywhere.Since 1819,the story,the name,
and what it stand for has touched all parts of the arts,
literature,education,and culture.The number of
editions that the story has accumulated is higher than
most and comes in all forms of literature from cheap
paperbacks to elaborated illustrations that have become
classics.Mentioned in other literature,in politics,
and in a variety of languages,it is used to define what
our country became after the revolutionary war and how
the British perceive the Americans.The fact that Rip
fell asleep due to the effects of a drink.England felt
that the Americans were lazy alcoholics that would fall
apart if not for the British authorities controlling
The story of Rip Van Winkle has almost come to the point
where it has become commercialized.If one travels into
the Catskills,they will come across an array of tourist
attractions ranging from hotels,to Lakes,to gas
stations.There is a tour company that travels from New
York to the Catskills.There one will find a famous
garden with the same name.
In conclusion,the story Rip Van Winkle has affected and
in turn,been affected by American society.How can we
apply this to modern day society?Are we still able to
compare that way that are government has evolved?Not
only was it new beginning for a new style of writing it
was a new start for a country.Washington could in no
way have known how much his story would effect our
How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
How I wonder what you are!
mmmet 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
Twinkle,twinkle,little,star 一闪一闪亮晶晶,漫天都是小星星
Twinkle,twinkle,little star!
How I wonder what you are,我想知道你身形,
Up above the world so high,高高挂在天空中,
Like a diamond in the sky.就像天上的钻石.
How I wonder what you are!我想知道你身形.
