each morning 用在句首 On each morning 还是In each morning

洪劬颉2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


秋风吹晚 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
直接用Each morning 即可,不需要用介词.


each morning和every morning的区别
each morning和every morning的区别
each morning和every morning两者的区别是什么?我的英文老师说every morning是bad English,那要怎么表达每天早上呀?each morning好像是每一天吧!
十七月 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率76.9%
不能说every morning的bad English的,呵呵,其实这里就是each跟every的区别问题
each强调个体,every强调整体,如你想说每天早晨我都7点起床就要用every morning,因为它表明每天都一样(就是整体)了,或者说Every one is here 也用every
each的侧重点是放在“每一”上,如on each side of the shool就用each的,简单点说就是each是分开来说每一个的,而且一般都有所不同时才用
Each morning ,I walked past a security gusrd(保安).完形填空
amateurdb 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
Each morning,I walked past a security guard (保安) .He __36__ everyone that walked by him.I __37__ how he knew so many people by their first name.The first few times I saw him,I didn’t say hello back to him __38__ he greeted me.I was lost in my own world.On Monday he asked,“ How was your __ 39__ ” I told him about my visit to my sick,elderly mother.He told me how __40__ he was for my mother’s sickness.As I walked away,I realized I did not even know his __41__.The following day,I asked,“What’s your name?” He answered,“  Gary  .” I said,“I’m Deborah.” After that,we talked a couple of times a week.We __42__ stories about our weekends,our dreams,and our families.  Gary   got a new job and moved
__ 43__.It has been years since I last spoke to him,yet the memory feels like yesterday.
I look back at what became a friendship of sharing stories from the heart.When you say __ 44__ to a stranger you become a pebble (鹅卵石) thrown into a lake.With each ripple (涟漪) you create,you spread (传播) __ 45__ that continues to give.
( ) 36.  x09A.watched   x09B.believed   x09C.thanked   x09D.greeted  
( ) 37.  x09A.complained   x09B.admired (羡慕)  x09C.expected  x09D.forgot  
( ) 38.  x09A.when   x09B.until   x09C.before  x09D.and  
( ) 39.  x09A.visit  x09B.weekend  x09C.mother   x09D.sickness  
( ) 40.  x09A.afraid   x09B.glad  x09C.sorry   x09D.surprised  
( ) 41.  x09A.age   x09B.job  x09C.name  x09D.family  
( ) 42.  x09A.wrote  x09B.heard  x09C.read  x09D.shared  
( ) 43.  x09A.away  x09B.over   x09C.on   x09D.in  
( ) 44.  x09A.yes  x09B.hello  x09C.no   x09D.goodbye  
( ) 45.  x09A.news  x09B.virus(病毒)  x09C.love  x09D.sadness