The old frontiersman loses his horse的翻譯

zhubao1s2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

The old frontiersman loses his horse的翻譯
Once upon a time,along the northern bordr there lived an old man.One day ,the old man lost a horse.His neghbors all came to comfort him.But he said,"Who knows?Losing a hourse may bring me good luck!"Not long after,the horse came back with another horse from Mongolia.The neighbors were all very happy for him.But the old man said,"Who knowa?"Geting a horse for nothing might bring misfortune!"hearing this,the neighbors were puzzled and left.The old man's son loved to ride horses.One day,he rode the Mongolian horse out.But he fell from the horse and broke his leg.The neighbors heard about it,so they came to comfort the old man.The old man was sad,but he said,"Who knows?"My son has broken his leg,but this may bring him good luck."Not long after,the Mongolian invaded Chian.All the yong men were ordered to finght.Because of his broke leg,the old man's son did not have to fight.At last,al the yong men died except the old man's son.


falltree23 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
The old frontiersman loses his horse 塞翁失马从前,有一位老年人,带着一家人,住在北方边境的一个城关里.人们都称他“塞翁”.边境的房很辽阔,满地是野草,所以,塞翁养了好多马匹.有一天,他家里的一匹白马不见了,找了好多天也没有找到.邻居们替他惋惜,都来安慰他,可是,塞翁并不着急,还满不在乎地说:“这算不了什么,丢了马虽然受到了损失,但是,我认为这说不定还是一件好事呢.” 过了一个多月,塞翁丢的那匹白马突然跑回来了,还带回来一匹好马.左邻右舍指导塞翁得到了好马,都到他家来祝贺.塞翁表现得很平静,并不为此高兴.大家都感到有些奇怪:“这老头怎么这样呢?”塞翁见大家疑惑,便说:“这也算不了什么,白白得到一匹好马,说不定会给我招来一场灾祸呢!” 塞翁的儿子很喜欢骑马.有一天,他骑上这匹跟来的好马,由于这匹好马不熟悉新主人,乱蹬乱跑.结果,塞翁的儿子从马身上摔下来把大腿骨跌断了.邻居们知道塞翁的儿子受伤了都来安慰他.老人并不为此事着急,也不悲伤,又对大家说:“这没有什么,虽然儿子腿摔断了,这未必不是一件好事呢!” 一年后,边境发生了战争,塞上的青年都应征入伍,上前线打仗,结果十有八九是战死在沙场上了.只有塞翁的儿子因破脚,不能参军打仗,保全了性命,父子平安无事.后来人们根据这个故事引申出“塞翁失马”这句成语,比喻坏事可能变成好事,好事也可能变成坏事.


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qczxy 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
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searching information on the internet frequently
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