student times 双语报现在最新的一期

wennini2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

student times 双语报现在最新的一期


五子者 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
读,反复读!学英语最简单的诀窍就是读,而且要认真,不能得过且过,比如发音要自觉纠正,勤查字典,这样不仅你的发音会好,而且听力也会提高,读过就会说,会形成语感,英语表达能力逐渐加强的同时,听力也会提高,因为自己熟悉这个发音,就听得出来.1.反复记单词,单词会了才听得懂,看得懂,涉及到听力、阅读、翻译、写作,尤其是后三项,因为听力总体上不会出现太难的单词.2.听地道英语,从VOA Special English慢速英语开始听,新闻有文档,也可以从中学到地道英语.3.其实语法是最简单的,有个框架:13种时态(基本的9种,过去、现在、将来、过去完成、现在完成、将来完成、过去进行、现在进行、将来进行),需要特殊记忆不规则动词的原形、过去式和过去分词.每一种时态都有固定格式,各找一个例句,理解记忆,背下简单例句,印在脑子里,你就会用了.例如我以前记感叹句基本句型,就两句:What a beautiful flower!How beautiful the flower is!这样我就区分了what和how在感叹句的用法.过去式 I visited China last month.(动词过去式) 现在时 I am a Chinese./I like reading./The earth turns around the sun.(动词原形) 将来时 I will visit China next month./I am going to visit China next month.(will+动词原形/be going to+动词原形/be coming/going/visiting等表来来去去的动词) 过去完成时 I had finished the homework before I went out.(had+动词过去分词) 现在完成时 I have been to China five times.(have/has+动词过去分词) 将来完成时 The project will have been completed in July 18th.(will+have+动词过去分词,此句具体来说应用了将来完成时被动语态,过去进行 I was taking shower when the phone rang.(was/were+动词现在分词) 现在进行 I am answering your question now.呵呵(be+动词现在分词) 将来进行 I will be visiting China on July 18th.(will be+动词现在分词) 两种语态=主动、被动,掌握固定词组的用法,这些都掌握了就不会犯语法错误.主动态 The teacher asks a student to answer the question.被动态 The student is asked to answer the question by the teacher.字字都是敲打出来的,学到心里去就会喜欢英语的,很简单,祝你学业顺利


student times
yanyang1122 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
下面是21世纪报中学生英语双语版 ( Student Times )刊登的一封读者来信,请你以编辑Henry的身份给这位
下面是21世纪报中学生英语双语版 ( Student Times )刊登的一封读者来信,请你以编辑Henry的身份给这位中学生写封回信。
Dear editor,
I am a new student in Xin Hua Middle School. I hardly talk to my classmates. Sometimes I do want to talk, but I don’t know what to talk about and how to begin a conversation. I feel so lonely. And I spend most of my time studying but I find it’s more difficult and tiring than before, especially spoken English.
Could you give me some advice?
注意:回信的内容包括以下要点,可适 当增减细节
参考词汇:自信的 confident adj.
丰富多彩的 colorful adj.
Dear Tom,
Your problem is a common one among middle school students. Maybe the following advice can help you………
siegfrieds 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率73.3%
Dear Tom,
Your problem is a common one among middle school students. Maybe the following advice can help you.
First of all, you should have a smiling face. As we can experience in our daily life, one smile speaks louder about your wish to make friends than any words. Your smile will show that you are friendly to them. What’s more, you can talk about the same hobbies or discuss your study with them.
By the way, English is playing a more and more important role in our daily life. In order to master a language, you must be confident and practice speaking more. There is no doubt that studying is tiring, but you can make your school life colorful by having sports,and …….
Best wishes.
Yours ,