西方的神话故事(英语) 60字左右

fyyswj662022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


wavlet622 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
The Western myth - eight angel
1 Title: like the god. May God
Title: the supreme commander of the legions of angels
Symbol: a drawn sword and scales
2: the angel of miracles -- -- Gabriel Gabriel
Title: God is the strength, the power of God
Title: God of left
Symbol: Lily
3: Academic angel -- -- Rafael Raphael
Title: God is ripe
Title: cure
Symbol : the flaming sword
4 " fallen angel -- -- Lu Xihua Lucifer
Title: may God as light, the most bright stars ( before the fall )
Title: before the throne of God
Symbol of "the Almighty weapons ( staff )
5 days: Yeah Uriel
Title: God of Justice
Title: Law
Symbol: the key of moon, star of the musical instrument
6: Defense angel -- -- card by Camael
Title: God of power
Title: Law
Symbol: the sword and the crescent moon bow
7: energy angel -- Chad Sill chadesiel
Title: God's face
Title: Free
Symbol: Almighty Scepter
8 " Angel Charm -- -- ha, haniel
Title: God of beauty
Title: beauty and charm
Symbol: Rose


7cheerman 共回答了1个问题 | 采纳率100%