The exact mechanism of HIV infection of CD4+ T cells

yangchuncheng2022-10-04 11:39:542条回答

The exact mechanism of HIV infection of CD4+ T cells
Anyone provide any papers on how HH1 and HR2 of gp41 act when the virus gain entry into the cells?
Can just give me the title of the articles. thanks.


hh家的泡菜 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
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亮一手42 共回答了54个问题 | 采纳率
the most helpful website(many articles)


I suggest that more canteen be built and a mechanism of comp
I suggest that more canteen be built and a mechanism of competition be introduced among them.
zxcvbnm963258 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
suggest that + 主语 (should) + 动词原形 (should)可以省略
所以你看到从句中谓语是 be built & be introduced (就是省略了should)

however,referring to automobile,it means the mechanism to en
however,referring to automobile,it means the mechanism to engage or disengage a shaft with or from
however,referring to automobile,it means the mechanism to engage or disengage a shaft with or from another shaft or rotating part readily ,and a pedal -the control tool to operate this mechanism.
快乐的雪PP 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
然而,这个说法到了汽车上,意思就变成了 汽车中 连接或断开与传动轴的咬合的机能.
in-plane 什么意思?The micro-deformation mechanism of honeycombs
in-plane 什么意思?
The micro-deformation mechanism of honeycombs under in-plane dynamic crushing
xlhome 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
英语翻译The first set of proposed privacy preservation mechanism
The first set of proposed privacy preservation mechanism included mechanisms based on Data Aggregation based schemes as proposed by Claude Castelluccia that uses additively homomorphism stream cipher which allows efficient aggregation of encrypted data.
zzhfine521 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
(The first set of proposed privacy preservation mechanism)(主语) (included)(谓语)( mechanisms based on Data Aggregation based schemes as proposed by Claude Castelluccia that uses additively homomorphism stream cipher which allows efficient aggregation of encrypted data.)(宾语)
整句话主体是: preservation mechanism included mechanisms.
对于宾语,which allows efficient aggregation of encrypted data修饰additively homomorphism stream cipher;that uses additively homomorphism stream cipher修饰 Claude Castelluccia;
based schemes as proposed by Claude Castelluccia修饰Data Aggregation;based on Data Aggregation修饰mechanisms;这些都是定语从句,前面的两个based前面都省略了which is
英语翻译Mapping—The mechanism by which virtual addresses are tra
Mapping—The mechanism by which virtual addresses are translated into
physical ones (very similar to cache mapping)
xiaolanhbw 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率66.7%
20.The default binding mechanism for a C# method call is:
20.The default binding mechanism for a C# method call is:
21.Which of the following statements will result in a null reference being stored in p if the object referenced with variable o is not actually an instance of the Pet class?
a.Pet p = (Pet)o;
b.Pet p = o as Pet;
c.bool isPet = o is Pet;
22.Which of the following definitions best characterizes the concept of polymorphism?
a.The ability to write more than one type of class that is derived from a common base class.
b.The ability to define a derived class that extends multiple base classes,allowing instances of that type to be passed to methods that expect an instance of any one of the base classes.
c.The ability to provide overloaded forms of the same method on a class; allowing the same logical functionality to be accessed using different sets of arguments.
d.The ability to treat objects of different types generically as if they were instances of the same type.
23.A class can implement more than one interface.
24.Assuming Person is a class and ITeller an interface,which of the following class declarations is legal in C#?
a.class Employee :Person,ITeller { }
b.class Employee :ITeller,Person {}
dgfhbtfr 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译Finally,we will discuss a possible mechanism for theobse
Finally,we will discuss a possible mechanism for the
observed growth of single-crystalline rutile TiO2.As shown
in Fig.7,the boundary edge between the adjacent diamond
(1 0 1) and (1 1 0) facets is parallel to the ½¯1114 direction.
This direction was parallel to the observed /1 11S and
/110S axes of the grown single-crystalline TiO2 thin
films,marked S2 and S3,respectively.This suggests that
low-index planes appear on the surrounding edge surfaces
of the grown TiO2 thin films so as to reduce the total
number of dangling bonds and to decrease the total free
energy of the concerned system.In addition,the effect of
low-energy particle beam such as the Bravais law and the
Onderdelinden channeling effect may determine the crystalline
direction of the grown single-crystalline films [1].
Because the diamond (1 1 0) facet was inclined at 601
against the incident electron beam direction when the
incident electron beam impinged parallel to the diamond
[0 1 1] direction to the rod substrate,this off-angle effect
should be considered to estimate the sizes of the singlecrystalline
TiO2 regions.The regions estimated for the
single-crystalline TiO2 thin films marked S2 and S3
were E2002100 and E1502140nm2 in size,respectively,
being nearly equal each other.Thus,it is concluded that the
TiO2 thin films deposited on substrates with sizes of
E22104nm2 by using low-energy particle beam can grow
as a single-crystalline phase.It is also found that the area of
the single-crystalline TiO2 can spread over parts of the
adjacent idiomorphic surfaces.Since any strain induced by
the lattice misfit between the substrate and overlayer
slightly increase the total free energy of the system,the
rutile TiO2 film is considered to more easily grow on a
smooth flat surface with substantially less strain energies.
Thus,it is expected that single-crystalline rutile thin films
may grow on flat substrates with larger areas than those
treated in the present study.
However,in the present study where the incident
directions of the low-energy particles were not well defined
due to usage of the polycrystalline diamond films,no reliable
relation between the growing plane direction of the overlayer
and the particle beam direction has been determined.Thus,
we should investigate in more details the threshold sizes of
the substrates for the single-crystallization,the mechanism
governing the crystalline directions,the influence of the
sputtered particle beam,and so on.
gaoming326 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
是Izumi,Teraji 和 Ito 在 Journal of Crystal Growth去年2月登的一篇文章吧,看过看过,是同行吧.不才在国外就是学这个的,姑且试一试,但是很多专业词汇的中文名称不大熟,多多包涵.
帮忙翻译:operation mechanism fluid charging time tests
zsnina 共回答了30个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
英语翻译Distinct mechanisms regulate expression of the two major
Distinct mechanisms regulate expression of the two major groEL homologues in Rhizobium leguminosarum
jzcz 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
the heating mechanism required for the formation of the groo
the heating mechanism required for the formation of the grooved terrain on Ganymede is an unsolved problem in the planetary sciences.5095
jshlsk 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
求助医学英文文献一篇,诚谢!Emerging epigenetic mechanisms of long non-cod
Emerging epigenetic mechanisms of long non-coding RNAs.
sdfyf 共回答了29个问题 | 采纳率86.2%
化学专业英语翻译^Electron dot formulas clarify the mechanism of form
Electron dot formulas clarify the mechanism of forming a coordinate bond in the neutralization of a Lewis acid. Neutralization of a proton by an ammonia molecule is A
The acid — base pair Al3+ and H2O undergoes Lewis neutralization by forming six coordinate bonds.
Many displacement reactions illustrate the relative strength of the Lewis acid or base. For example, the cyanide ion is a stronger base than the fluoride ion by virtue of its ability to displace the fluoride ion from the hexafluoroferrate (III) ion: FeF63- + 6CN- ------→ Fe(CN)63- + 6F-
There are many reactions that fit the Lewis acid-base concept. In contrast to proton loss or gain in the Bronsted-Lowry concept, the Lewis concept emphasizes the electron pair ------a Lewis acid lacks an electron pair in an empty orbital, or has an orbital that can be vacated and a Lewis base has a nonbonding electron pair and can supply this pair to another substance lacking an electron pair.
It is evident that the Lewis concept applies, not only to the chemical behavior correlated by the Bronsted-Lowry concept, but also to many chemical reactions that do not involve proton transfer, and for this reason it is most useful. Its generality precludes the establishment of a scale of acid and base strengths for all Lewis acids and bases, but comparisons can be made between selected substances.
The terms nucleophilic, and electrophilic are sometimes applied to bases and acids. Lewis acids that accept an electron pair are electrophilic, and the strength of Lewis bases is measured by their tendencies to supply electrons. For example,H2O is a stronger base than Cl- because H2O displaces Cl~ in supplying an electron pair for the proton:
HCl+H2O------→H3O+ + Cl-
Consequently , H2O is a stronger nucleophilic agent than Cl-.
救命啊。。。。。帮帮我!= =||、
瘦翠儿 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
Sorry I can understand all of it but I am aborad so I can't use Chinese! Sorry! this is something abou8t Organic Chemistry and about the process of how the group of mechamism form bond!
Emissions trading system is a market-based mechanisms of env
Emissions trading system is a market-based mechanisms of environmental economic policies.Article on the emissions trading system,the origin,characteristics and advantages of the analysis,evaluation shows that emissions trading system is to solve a problem of environmental pollution effective measures.Of emissions trading system in China is facing at this stage the relevant legislation has not yet sound and the lack of accurate monitoring of emissions trading,the sewage volume is difficult to determine the initial distribution of a fair and market imperfections and other issues.Address these issues put forward specific measures and measures.
abosn 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率96%
Emissions trading system is a market-based mechanisms of environmental economic policies
a 去掉 要么将 mechanisms s 去掉
Article on the emissions trading system,the origin,characteristics and advantages of the analysis,evaluation shows that emissions trading system is to solve a改为the problem of environmental pollution effective measures.
句子也不通 to solve a problem of environmental pollution effective measures.
to solve the problem of environmental protection towards pollution.
Of emissions trading system in China is facing(谓语1) at this stage the relevant legislation has not yet sound(谓语2) and the lack of accurate monitoring of emissions trading,
Of emissions trading system in China is facing at this stage
facing 什么?
后面没有 宾语
the relevant legislation has not yet sound
Of emissions trading system in China is facing at this stage the relevant legislation has not yet sound
of 去掉 at this stage 是 状语,可至后至前,但不做宾语
the relevant legislation has not yet sound
这句话的 sound 没有表达清楚.
Address these issues put forward specific measures and measures.
address 是起草的意思 就换成 draft
measures and measures.换掉
英语翻译下面是一段关于否定选择算法的英文原文,2.3 Detector GenerationMechanism2.3.1
2.3 Detector GenerationMechanism
2.3.1 Detector Generation with String Representation
The typical detector generation mechanism in negative selection algorithms,as described in the original model (Forrest et al.,1994),is a randomized algorithm that generates candidates and then eliminates those that match self samples or training data.Except for the difference in the matching rules developed later,most negative selection algorithms using string representation have the same or similar detector generation process.On the other hand,a few deterministic generation algorithms were also designed.In many cases,they were described so as to study analytically the algorithm
complexity or detector coverage (D’haeseleer et al.,1996; Ayara et al.,2002;Wierzchon,2000).Because string representations provide a more convenient platform for such analysis,deterministic algorithms are often discussed in such representations.D’haeseleer et al.(1996) discussed both randomized algorithms (exhaustive algorithm)and deterministic algorithms (linear time algorithm and greedy algorithm).
红尘十二恨 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
(1)What is a reaction mechanism and how does it differ from
(1)What is a reaction mechanism and how does it differ from a balanced chemical equation?
(2)Define the following general types of chemical reactions:
b-1.Beta Elimination;
b-2.Alpha Elimination;
b-3.other than alpha- or beta-;
c.Displacement / Substitution;
丁丁爱吃糖 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
(1)What is a reaction mechanism and how does it differ from a balanced chemical equation?
Ans :
A reaction mechanism provides a detailed step by step description of a reaction.
A balanced equation provides the number of moles of both reactants and products but does not show how the reaction proceeds.
2)Define the following general types of chemical reactions:
Two reactants combine to yield one product.Addition frequently occurs with organic compounds at double ortriple bonds and occasionally at small-sized rings.
Elimination (Decomposition) is the reverse of addition because two or more atoms or groups are removed from one molecules.
b-1.Beta Elimination:
Beta elimination involves removal from adjacent atoms and always leads to an increase in multiple bonding.
b-2.Alpha Elimination:
Alpha elimination is the removal from same atom and produces a carbene if this atom is carbon.
b-3.other than alpha- or beta-;
If elimination is other than from adjacent atoms or the same atom,a ring results.e.g.Removal from atom once removed (gamma-elimination) affords a three-membered ring.
Decomposition,a kind of elimination,is the energy-catalyzed
breakdown of a molecule into at least two molecule without the
intervention of any other reagent.
c.Displacement / Substitution:
This is the replacement of one group by another.When an H is displaced,the reaction is called substitution.
Bonds are scrambled to form an isomer.
Redox involves transfer to electrons or change in oxidation number.Oxidation of a C is signaled by a decreased in the number of its bonded H's or an increase in its number of bonds to other atoms such as C,O,N,Cl,Br,F,and S.
All these names refer only to the net reaction as given by the cemical equation.For multistep mechanisms,individul steps may be of different types.
英语翻译As the figures show,the brittle fracture mechanism
As the figures show,the brittle fracture mechanisms (Fig.2a,b) and the ductile fracture ones are explained quite differently even though both require preceding plastic deformation.The brittle fracture mechanism is explained by the effects of a flat pile-up of dislocations (Fig.2a,b),whereas the ductile fracture mechanism (Fig.3a) is explained by the nucleation and development of voids around inclusions and separations.This means that two different theories of fracture are applied here:the theory of dislocations in the case of brittle fracture and a modified theory of the porous body in the case of ductile fracture [3–6].Problem.Due to the lack of cohesion between the above theories the causes of the transition from ductility to brit tleness (Fig.2d) cannot be clearly explained.Moreover,the above model of the ductile fracture mechanism does not explain the fracture of pure metals or the fracture of monophase metal alloys.Neither does this model generate any criteria for the control of the trajectory of shear fracture.Since it is not possible to control the trajectory of shear fracture,several technical problems,connected with,e.g.,the precision of die shearing and similar technological processes,arise.Neither is the problem of shear fracture trajectory control solved by the theory of adiabatic shear bands (Fig.4)
美丽佳人购物频道 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
当数据显示,脆性断裂机制(图2 a,b)和韧性断裂的截然不同的解释虽然都需要前塑性变形.脆性断裂机理解释了影响位平堆积(图2 a,b),而韧性断裂机制(图3)解释了成核和发展的孔洞周围包裹体、分离.这意味着两种不同的理论应用在这里:骨折脱位的理论下的脆性断裂理论和修改的多孔体的情况[6]延性断裂.问题.由于缺乏上述理论之间的衔接过渡的原因,tleness延性》(图2 d)不能清楚地解释.此外,上述模型的韧性断裂机制并不能解释断裂的纯金属或断裂的monophase金属合金.该模型也没有产生任何标准来控制的弹道剪切断裂.由于它是不可能控制的弹道剪切断裂,几个技术问题,结合,例如、精密模具剪切和类似的工艺、起来.也就是问题解决的剪切断裂理论轨迹控制条件下的绝热剪切带(图4)
英语翻译While the exact mechanism by which JEV causes these neur
While the exact mechanism by which JEV causes these neuropathologies is not completely understood,increasing evidence suggests the involvement of cytokine-mediated bystander damage.
angelruohan 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
我觉得“the involvement of cytokine-mediated bystander damage”翻译成“有细胞活素介导的其他物质损害”比较合适.感觉bystander有“不太相关的物质”的意思.仅供参考啊.
英语翻译Due to the change of oxidation mechanism,a nano-effectwi
Due to the change of oxidation mechanism,a nano-effect
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由于氧化机理的变化,会引起 MEC的纳米效应适当减弱
连新居 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
如果是作为标题的话,可以不用加.但是如果是作为短句跟随着前面的一些话,那就得加 冠词 “the”.因为说的是指定的WTO的相关机制,比如说:We are now studying the "Dispute Settlement Mechanism" of WTO.即便是用小写来表达dispute settlemetn mechanism,也是加上冠词the比较合适.
What control do you have over the delivery mechanism of mate
What control do you have over the delivery mechanism of materials to your customer?求翻译
幸福小丑 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
翻译constant-breath cam mechanisms
温柔提醒 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
constant breadth cam mechanisms
英语翻译Proxemics and Personal Space Among the mechanisms that a
Proxemics and Personal Space
Among the mechanisms that are used to regulate privacy are the two closely linked concepts of proxemics and personal space.Proxem- ics,a term formulated by anthropologist Edward Hall,is concerned with the “interrelated observations and theories of man’s use of space as a specialized elaboration of lture.”’~Derived in part from the studies of animal behavior regarding territoriality,proxemics deals primarily with the ways that people space themselves in different social situations.In his book The Hidden Dimension,Hall describes four culturally defined distances used by Americans.Each distance has a close and far
Two terms are of note regarding personal space and small group ecology.Humphry Osmond,in evaluating psychiatric ward design,originated the terms sociofugal and sociopetal.The first term sociofu- gal refers to those aspects of design which tend to discourage social contact,and the second term sociopetal “is that quality which encour- ages,fosters,and even enforces the development of stable interpersonal relationships such as are found in face-to-face groups.”29 Furniture layout is a manifestation of these concepts.An extreme example would be two lounge chairs,first placed face to face and then back to back.The first would definitely encourage social interaction (sociopetal) while the second would discourage it (sociofugal).There are of course no positive or negative connotations inherent in these terms.In some situations- study areas for instance-sociofugal arrangements would support the normal quest for solitude.In other circumstances,benefit would be derived from social intercourse encouraged by sociopetal design.
Problems can arise when sociopetal arrangements of furniture are placed in areas where privacy is sought and/or intended.Conversely sociofugal layouts would be inappropriate and counterproductive in settings where conversation and interaction is intended.
One study indicated that arrangement of furniture in a one-to-one counseling situation can have a measurable effect upon the anxiety level of those being counseled.There was a significant reduction in anxiety where students were interviewed in an informal “knee-to-knee” ar- rangement as opposed to a more formal “across-the-desk”one.
This is applicable to library environments as personal interviews and other counseling functions are conducted in the daily business of administering libraries.Further,this type of information would be applicable in the design of spaces and furniture intended for all interac- tion with the public.Reference interviews,learners advisory services,online searches,and other one-to-one situations could be more effective and productive if patron anxiety were reduced through more appropri- ate furniture arrangement.
hh梦回唐朝 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
在被用来管制机制隐私是两个紧密地联系在一起的空间关系的概念和私人空间.Proxem——集成电路,这个办法,由人类学家爱德华大厅,关心的是“相关的理论和观察人的利用空间作为一个专业的细心的c lture.' ' ' 部分起源于动物行为的研究,关于属地的,主要是处理与空间关系的办法空间自己在不同的社会状况.在他的著作《隐藏的尺寸、大厅描述使用四个文化定义距离美国人.各设一个亲密而远
两个术语注意对于个人空间和小组的生态环境.Humphry奥斯蒙德,在评估精神病科守卫的设计是sociofugal和sociopetal条款.第一项sociofu -加指的是那些)的设计理念中趋于阻碍社会联系,第二学期sociopetal”,是指品质,培养encour岁,甚至执行发展稳定的人际关系,如被发现在面对面的团体.”29家具布置这些概念的显现.一个极端的例子将会是2长椅面对面,首先放置,然后才回来.第一个一定会鼓励社会相互作用),而sociopetal第二劝止(sociofugal).当然没有正面或负面的含意隐藏在这些条款.在一些情况下,研究区安排instance-sociofugal正常会支持寻求孤独.在其他情况下,利益仅仅是社会交际鼓励来自sociopetal设计.
英语翻译Reaction Mechanism and Kinetics of Polyacrylonitrile in
Reaction Mechanism and Kinetics of Polyacrylonitrile in the heat treatment process
贝贝爱芋头 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
Research into Mechanism and Kinetics of Polyacrylonitrile Reaction in the heat treatment Process
跪求这段话的汉语翻译Flank wear progression and wear mechanisms of unco
Flank wear progression and wear mechanisms of uncoated, coated with PVD applied single-layer TiAlN, and CVD applied multi-layer
MT-TiCN/Al2O3/TiN cemented carbide inserts were analyzed during dry turning of hardened AISI 4340 steel (35 HRC).
一个没有ff 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
Flank wear progression and wear mechanisms of uncoated, coated with PVD applied single-layer TiAlN, and CVDapplied multi-layer
后刀面磨损和未磨损的发展机制,PVD TiAlN涂层应用的单层,多层和心血管疾病的应用
MT-TiCN/Al2O3/TiN cem...
The mechanism for this is "lnternet"--a low-cost and efficie
The mechanism for this is "lnternet"--a low-cost and efficient link between electronic mail service
moonleft 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
英语翻译In fact,the specific biological mechanisms that allow pa
In fact,the specific biological mechanisms that allow parents to transmit their features to their offspring were an enormous mystery until about 140 years ago.Scientists back then knew that parents somehow made a tiny copy of themselves inside an egg or a sperm,but they had no idea what these copies were or how they worked.
Then,in the 1860s,an Austrian monk named Gregor Mendel started breeding peas in his garden.Where others saw only plants,Mendel looked deeper and found the basic units of heredity we now call genes.If you remember from the last chapter,genes are the parts of a chromosome that are transcribed to mRNA and are ultimately translated to the proteins essential to cellular processes.Mendel had no knowledge of protein synthesis and had never seen a chromosome,but his simple experiments with peas and the laws he developed to describe the behavior of hereditary—now termed classical genetics—have provided the foundation for the modern field of molecular genetics,the study of heredity on the molecular level.
For the SAT II Biology,you need a solid understanding of the basic laws and patterns of both classical genetics and molecular genetics.Questions on genetics can make up anywhere from 14 to 20 percent of the core of the SAT II Biology.In addition,the “M” section of the Biology E/M test focuses on evolution in terms of molecular biology,including genetics.
Basis of Inheritance:Meiosis
Mitosis takes a diploid cell and creates a nearly exact copy.Mitosis has two main functions:(1) it leads to the creation of all of the somatic (body) cells in humans and other living organisms; (2) in organisms that undergo asexual reproduction,diploid parent cells undergo mitosis to create identical daughter copies of themselves.Mitosis creates a daughter cell with chromosomes that are identical to the chromosomes in its parent cell.
But humans and most other complex plants and animals each have a unique set of chromosomes.This diversity of chromosomes is the result of sexual reproduction,which involves the contribution of the genetic material from not one,but two parents.During sexual reproduction the father’s haploid sperm cell and the mother’s haploid ovum (egg) cell fuse to form a single-celled diploid zygote that then divides billions of times to form a whole individual.
In order for sexual reproduction to take place,however,the parents first need to have haploid sperm or ova,also called sex cells,germ cells,or gametes.Meiosis is the name for the special type of cell division that produces gametes.
灌水为主沉默为辅 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
In fact,the specific biological mechanisms that allow parents to transmit their features to their offspring were an enormous mystery until about 140
years ago.Scientists back then knew that parents somehow made a tiny copy of themselves inside an egg or a sperm,but they had no idea what these
copies were or how they worked.
If you remember from the last chapter,genes are the parts of a chromosome that are transcribed to mRNA and are ultimately translated to the
proteins essential to cellular processes.Mendel had no knowledge of protein synthesis and had never seen a chromosome,but his simple
experiments with peas and the laws he developed to describe the behavior of hereditary—now termed classical genetics—have provided the
foundation for the modern field of molecular genetics,the study of heredity on the molecular level.
For the SAT II Biology,you need a solid understanding of the basic laws and patterns of both classical genetics and molecular genetics.Questions on
genetics can make up anywhere from 14 to 20 percent of the core of the SAT II Biology.In addition,the “M” section of the Biology E/M test focuses on
evolution in terms of molecular biology,including genetics.
Basis of Inheritance:Meiosis
Mitosis takes a diploid cell and creates a nearly exact copy.Mitosis has two main functions:(1) it leads to the creation of all of the somatic (body) cells
in humans and other living organisms; (2) in organisms that undergo asexual reproduction,diploid parent cells undergo mitosis to create identical
daughter copies of themselves.Mitosis creates a daughter cell with chromosomes that are identical to the chromosomes in its parent cell.
But humans and most other complex plants and animals each have a unique set of chromosomes.This diversity of chromosomes is the result of
sexual reproduction,which involves the contribution of the genetic material from not one,but two parents.During sexual reproduction the father’s
haploid sperm cell and the mother’s haploid ovum (egg) cell fuse to form a single-celled diploid zygote that then divides billions of times to form a
whole individual.
In order for sexual reproduction to take place,however,the parents first need to have haploid sperm or ova,also called sex cells,germ cells,or
gametes.Meiosis is the name for the special type of cell division that produces gametes.
英语翻译1.learning is mechanism by which one accompulishes other
1.learning is mechanism by which one accompulishes other goals.
2.Strong individuals with deep desires to learn remain undaunted by the compromised priorities of their colleagues.
3.view each experience an opportunity for a mental adventure.
飘逸一哥 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
第一句可看作learning is mechanism 这个是主句,后面的one accompulishes other goals by (后面长加上目中方式或者途径)which ,which 在这里就是指代前面的mechanism.
第二局较复杂一点,主句是individuals remain undaunted by the compromised priorities. 其中的Strong deep desires 修饰individuals,their colleagues是compromised priorities的定语.
第三局较简单 动词时view 后面加上宾语和宾补构成view+each experience+an opportunity ,for a mental adventure修饰opportunity.
英语翻译The mechanism is to offer up to C$650,000 Flow‐through u
The mechanism is to offer up to C$650,000 Flow‐through units.The non‐brokered placement will be for
up to 5,416,667 units.怎么翻译,
_不再犹豫_ 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
机构会发行价值多达650,000加元的流转股. 非公开配售多达 5,416,667股.
英语翻译so the heat transport and other mechanisms are greatly s
so the heat transport and other mechanisms are greatly simplified.In addition,the planet Venus takes 243 earth-days to turn once on its axis,so incoming heat from the sun is added and distributed at a more leisurely,observable pace.
这个,so incoming heat from the sun is added and distributed at a more leisurely,observable pace.在中文我估计我都不理解啊啊.
80wxf 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
太抠门了 给两分不行啊.这样没人会给你好好翻译的
英语翻译Schematic Representation of Possible Mechanisms of the B
Schematic Representation of Possible Mechanisms of the Base Catalyzed Aminolysis Reaction
General Base-Catalyzed Aminolysis.The next step in this
computational study is to investigate the catalytic effect of
methylamine and acetic acid for two considered mechanisms
for anhydride aminolysis.According to experimental observations,
the reaction can take place as a catalyzed process with
the catalytic involvement of the second amine molecule or
bifunctional catalysis with a carboxylic acid arising together
with the amide from the reaction between the anhydride and
the amine which manifests itself frequently in an S-shaped
transformation curve.29
From the results obtained for the base catalyzed aminolysis
reaction,one can see that the concerted mechanism as well as
the rate-determining step along the stepwise pathway involves
proton transfers through six-membered cyclic transition states
云鑫 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译帮忙翻译下Mechanism and Preventive Measures for Die Soldering
帮忙翻译下Mechanism and Preventive Measures
for Die Soldering during Al Casting in
a Ferrous Mold
唯一有点甜 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
Mechanism and Preventive Measures for Die Soldering during Al Casting in a Ferrous Mold
The transfer function of a servomechanism is given by the co
The transfer function of a servomechanism is given by the complex number G=1/(1+jωT).Determine the modulus and argument of G whenω=2.5and T=0.4
Factorize x^2-xsinθ+1 in the complex domain ( θ is constant)
Find the locus of z in terms of x and y if (z-j)/(z-1) is purely imaginary,and give another representation of the locus in terms of z.
风雨嘉陵江 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
伺服驱动系统的传递函数是复数G=1/(1+jωT),计算当ω=2.5和 T=0.4 时G的模和相角.
how the market mechanism bring a stable price
how the market mechanism bring a stable price
请专家尽快帮忙回答 请回答帮忙易懂点
what are the main difference between planned and market economy explain how the market bring about a stable price
考ff 共回答了9个问题 | 采纳率100%
求一道有机化学反应机理的答案!Provide a mechanism for the following reactio
Provide a mechanism for the following reactions.Show the movement of electrons with
the appropriate arrows and indicate equilibrium arrows where relevant

共回答了个问题 | 采纳率
有人知道吗Mechanism of Positive Inotropic Effect of Digitalis
shinezhen 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
• Inhibition of Na+•K+-ATPase results in intracellular accumulation of sodium.
• Activation of a membrane Na+-Ca2+ carrier results in intracellular accumulation of calcium.
• Increase the amount of free intracellular calcium by displacing of membrane-bound calcium.
Increase the amount of free intracellular calcium by releasing stored calcium from SR
英语翻译The students' understanding of the reaction mechanisms d
The students' understanding of the reaction mechanisms depends on when the experiment is performed in relation to the coverage of course topics.The author and his colleagues have performed the experiment before the introduction of electro-
philic aromatic substitution or enolate halogenation in lectures.However,by the time the students' reports were due,the former topic had been discussed in the classroom,and students under-stood that the chlorination was an example of an electrophilic aromatic substitution.
Besides being used in the second-semester organic labora- tory,this experiment is also appropriate as an early experiment of an advanced or third-semester organic laboratory.Because the reactions are operationally simple,the instructor can emphasize the opportunity for students to become (re)acquainted with the hands-on operation of several instruments.In addition,the experiment reinforces the concepts of reactivity,selectivity,and spectral interpretation that were introduced in the second- semester organic course.
安庆笨笨猪 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
请教二道化学题(AP)(1)What is a reaction mechanism and how does it d
(1)What is a reaction mechanism and how does it differ from a balanced chemical equation?
(2)Define the following general types of chemical reactions:
b-1.Beta Elimination;
b-2.Alpha Elimination;
b-3.other than alpha- or beta-;
c.Displacement / Substitution;
入场22 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
(1)What is a reaction mechanism and how does it differ from a balanced chemical equation?
Ans :
A reaction mechanism provides a detailed step by step description of a reaction.
A balanced equation provides the number of moles of both reactants and products but does not show how the reaction proceeds.
2)Define the following general types of chemical reactions:
Two reactants combine to yield one product.Addition frequently occurs with organic compounds at double ortriple bonds and occasionally at small-sized rings.
Elimination (Decomposition) is the reverse of addition because two or more atoms or groups are removed from one molecules.
b-1.Beta Elimination:
Beta elimination involves removal from adjacent atoms and always leads to an increase in multiple bonding.
b-2.Alpha Elimination:
Alpha elimination is the removal from same atom and produces a carbene if this atom is carbon.
b-3.other than alpha- or beta-;
If elimination is other than from adjacent atoms or the same atom,a ring results.e.g.Removal from atom once removed (gamma-elimination) affords a three-membered ring.
Decomposition,a kind of elimination,is the energy-catalyzed
breakdown of a molecule into at least two molecule without the
intervention of any other reagent.
c.Displacement / Substitution:
This is the replacement of one group by another.When an H is displaced,the reaction is called substitution.
Bonds are scrambled to form an isomer.
Redox involves transfer to electrons or change in oxidation number.Oxidation of a C is signaled by a decreased in the number of its bonded H's or an increase in its number of bonds to other atoms such as C,O,N,Cl,Br,F,and S.
All these names refer only to the net reaction as given by the cemical equation.For multistep mechanisms,individul steps may be of different types.
The waterwheel is a mechanism designed to harness energy fro
The waterwheel is a mechanism designed to harness energy from a source other than animals.
86年的冰咖啡 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
