who you 我现在初二,英语句子里老是有这句话,不懂.

cobba2022-10-04 11:39:545条回答


wormdad 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%


i don't know who you are

如果不是从句,就是who are you ,疑问句语序
hensy9401 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率76.5%
锷鱼帅帅 共回答了112个问题 | 采纳率
who are you是直接疑问句
who you are只能出现在在宾语从句里的宾语从句部分用 陈述句语序
如I want to know who you are
南方的袄子. 共回答了1230个问题 | 采纳率
应该是Who are you?意思是,你是谁?
跳跳糖223 共回答了108个问题 | 采纳率

例如:Can you tell me who you are?你能告诉我你是谁吗?



请找一个人信任的人交谈please … someone who you
请找一个人信任的人交谈please … someone who you
请找一个人信任的人交谈please … someone who you to ..
Colubrine 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
find related
疑问句中插入语的用法who did you said was coming to my office?和 who you
who did you said was coming to my office?和 who you said was coming to my office?谁对,插入语需要按照疑问语气来倒装吗?
舜天笑 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
第一句是对的,do you think这之类的插入语不单单是起到插入语的作用,因为他们有时也影响了句子的正常语序,构成双重疑问句.
Can you tell me when he will spend holidays abroad?
1.May I ask you what my teacher would ask me to do in his office?
2.Do you know how I can get there in five minutes?
3.Do you know if the army is in great need of food at present?
4.Does any of you know where he has gone?
5.Have you any idea which book belongs to me?
二、由疑问词+do you think + 其它部分(采用正常语序),例如:
What do you think they should do to solve their problems?
此句为另一种形式的双重疑问句,由一般疑问句和特殊疑问句混合而成.运用该句型需要注意以下几点:①一般疑问句(如本句的do you think)用疑问语序;②特殊疑问句应注意形式或语序的变化,即特殊疑问词被放到了句首(如本句的what),并用陈述句语序;③可用于该句型的动词除think之外,还有say,guess,believe,suppose,suggest,imagine,propose等,例如:
1.How old do you say she was then 你说说,她那时候有多大?
2.Where do you guess we can see him?你认为我们能在什么地方见到他?
3.Who do you believe is friendly to him?你认为谁对他很友好?
4.What do you suppose has happened to him?你觉得他发生了什么事?
5.How do you imagine he made fun of you?
第二类的双重疑问句我们还可以改为以下两种形式,①在句首的疑问词后插入一个一般疑问句“do you think ”,“do you believe” 等等;②在一个特殊疑问句后加上一个一般疑问句“do you think ”,“do you believe” 等等,并将特殊疑问句后的问号改为逗号.例如:
1.What,do you think,they should do to solve their problems?
2.What should they do to solve their problems,do you think?
这两种形式的句子可以被认为是双重疑问句变化了的形式,由于”do you think”在句子中所具有的疑问概念已微不足道,只是在句子中间或是在句子末尾起一种追加提问以达到证实事实的目的.这两种形式句中的“do you think”一般被当作插入语看待.
值得注意的是,句一的构成为:疑问词 +一般疑问句“do you think” +其它部分(采用正常语序):句二的构成为:特殊疑问句 +一般疑问句“do you think”.
It seemed that the boy who you _____ didn’t show any interes
It seemed that the boy who you _____ didn’t show any interest in what he was reading at all.
A.were made to study B.made to study
C.made study D.were making to study
tuojiang_79 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语作文(我要0错误的)My best friend要求:从以下三方面写Introduction(Say who you
My best friend
Introduction(Say who your best friend is)
Main body(Describe his/her appearance and describe his/her perso-
Conclusion(Describe his/her future plans)
幻影幻影逸梦 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
My Best Friend-我最好的朋友
As I am now eighteen years of age,I have a great many friends.But one of them I like much better than any other.I became acquainted with him when I began to go to school.Since then he and I have been living together for ten years.
He is a man of a sweet and soft temper,but looks grave and solemn.He sometimes appears very old and sometimes very young and bright,but he is always clever,active,and alert.He is liked by all who know him.
He is a learned man.He knows everything and studies nearly all the languages spoken by mankind.Moreover,his memory is extremely remarkable.He remembers whatever has happened in the world.He is also a great teacher.He has taught millions upon millions of young men.Therefore he has been and is known to everybody.
He is my best teacher as well as my best friend.At first he taught me Chinese.When I was fifteen years of age,he began to teach me English and some sciences.This year he not only teaches me the languages mentioned above,but also teaches me a new language called French.
He is a patient man.Stupid as I am,he is never tired of teaching me.He continues to teach me until I am perfectly familiar with my lessons.But there is one thing which you may be surprised to know.Though I have lived with him a long time,I have never heard his voice.Whenever I ask him questions,he never answers them with his mouth,but shows me the answers on his face.
He is not only my best friend,but the best friend of many others.Therefore his name is widely known.I am sure you also know my best friend's name and love him very much.Do you want me to write out his name?His name is B-O-O-K.
My Best Friend
When I look at the old photo,I can't help thinking of my best friend,Wang Ying.At the age of five,I made friends with her.She lived next door to me,and was then seventeen years old.The twelve year's gap in age didn't hinder① our growing fondness② for each other.She treated me as a younger sister of her own.
In school,Wang Ying was a 3-A student③.She did well in every subject.But she never seemed to be proud of her achievements.She was hard-working and good-natured to younger students.I remember the little incident that took place two years ago.One day I caught a bad cold and had a high fever.I had to stay in bed.This prevented me from going to school.I was very anxious for missing so many classes when suddenly the door opened.In came Wang Ying.
“Hello,Tong-tong.How are you feeling today?” she said to me with a friendly smile.“Don't worry about your lessons.Now let me make them up for you.” Before I could say anything,she had taken the English textbook out of her schoolbag.I was so moved that I couldn't keep back my tears.
Wang Ying was a kind-hearted girl.Though she was the only child of her parents,she was not spoiled.She was polite to teachers and students,generous to her friends,and kind to the poor.She was always ready to give her pocket money she had saved to those in need without hesitation.
One day last year,on her way home,Wang Ying saw a little boy slipping into a pond.The boy was struggling desperately④ in the water.Seeing this,Wang Ying quickly ran to the pond while shouting for help.She jumped into the cold water to save the boy.With the help of some workers,the boy was finally rescued.However,our little hero,like Luo Shengjiao,lost her own life.
People were sad over her death.I felt something was missing in my life.For the happiness of the boy's family,Wang Ying sacrificed⑤herself.Her death is a glorious death weightier than Mount Tai.
①hinder ['hind+] v.阻止;阻碍;妨碍
②fondness ['f&ndnis] n.喜爱
③a 3-A student 一个三好学生
④desperately ['desp+ritli] ad.拼死地;不顾一切地
⑤sacrifice ['s$krifais] v.牺牲;献出
My Best Friend
My best friend is Windsor.He’s a lovely dog,he’s white and black,his eyes are big and they are dark brown,his ears are long and big.
He likes eating rice with meat.Sometimes he has some beef and milk.He dislikes fish and he hates carrots.
Windsor often plays with me.Sometimes I play with him in the park.He runs,barks and jumps happily.After supper,my mother always takes him for a walk.
Windsor is very clever,he can give newspapers to my father,and he can help my mother make the room in order.
My parents and I all love Windsor very much!