Employment practices often reflect the needs of employers se

firstflag2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

Employment practices often reflect the needs of employers several decades ago.Times have changed.And so too has the Canadian workforce.Yet many employment practices have not kept pace with this change.For example, some work environments and washrooms designed for able-bodied workers seldom accommodate people who use a wheelchair.
Modernizing these practices is what employment equality is about.For example, making sure work benches and washrooms are adapted for disabled people entering the workplace paves the way for workers who become disabled on the job.By doing so, any given group of people? formerly discriminated against-now has access to better employment opportunities.
The objective, of course, is to make the workplace reflect Canadian society.However, this does not necessarily mean setting and enforcing quotas(实行配额). Rather, it means identifying the barriers to employment and designing measures, with achievable goals and clear timetables, to remove them
For example, according to the Canadian Union of Public Employees-Canada’s largest union, it would be unrealistic in the short term to insist that because half of the working age population is women, that half of the employees of an engineering firm should be women.At this moment, there would not be enough qualified female engineers.
A reasonable numerical goal would be based on the number of women who actually are engineers (8% ) and those who are studying to become engineers (25% ).A short term goal of 13% would be appropriate without running the risk of hiring unqualified people.
Equally important is to ensure people who have been disadvantaged the chance to become qualified for new opportunities.If aboriginal people (土著居民) , for example, can’t qualify for certain jobs because they haven’t had access to appropriate educational opportunities, then an employment equality program would have to address that problem with training programs.
Employment laws in this country cannot be considered displeasing if they guarantee all Canadians fair and equal access to the workforce.
小题1:The passage is mainly about how to ____.
A.modernize equipment for the disabled at work
B.achieve equality of employment opportunities
C.protect women’s rights in employment
D.complete a job training program
小题2:The underlined word "them" in Paragraph 3 refers to ____.
A.barriers B.measures C.goals D.timetables
小题3:The example of women shows that ____.
A.only a small percentage of women engineers will get promoted
B.13% of the working age women should be hired as engineers
C.policy makers should adopt a practical and flexible approach
D.the quota of women for employment should be raised
小题4:The underlined word "address" in Paragraph 6 probably means _
A.put forward B.run into C.find out D.deal with


uu赌民uu4 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%

小题1:主旨大意题。分析文章内容可得到答案——1~2 段提到如何改进工作条件,让残疾人可以上班;3~5 段讲述了如何制定措施消除雇佣障碍;第 6 段则提到如何让土著居民得到平等就业的机会。由此可知,B 项是本文的主要内容。
小题1:代词指代题。根据这句话前半句可知,这里的 them 指代前面说的障碍barriers。答案: A
小题1:推理判断题。根据四、五两段有关女性就业情况的描述可知,不能因为女性占工作年龄人口的一半就让女员工占机械厂总员工的一半,而要根据女性的实际情况来确定雇佣人数,由此可知 C 项正确。
小题1:猜测词义题。根据上下文内容以及画线单词后面的“that problem with training programs”可知,D 项符合题意,即解决问题。答案: D


Child labor — the employment of children in industry, often
Child labor — the employment of children in industry, often against their will — has been a problem for many years. Over a hundred years ago, Charles Dickens shocked many of his readers when he described the conditions under which young children worked in British factories. The conditions Dickens described continue almost unchanged today in many parts of the world. The only difference is that today employment of children is confined(limited)to small industries and family businesses, such as hotels, restaurants and particularly farms, rather than to large factories.
Girls suffer more from child labor practices than boys. Many of them are forced to start work when they are only ten years old. Although the work they are given to do is often light, it is often harmful to the health. Recently, children as young as six years were found to be working in Asian factories, and the children were working from eight to fourteen hours a day in overcrowded and unhealthy working conditions. Sometimes a whole family group is employed, with the payment going to a parent or older relative. The children not only receive nothing or very little for their long hours of work, but also they are prevented from attending school. Therefore, when they become older they are unable to do any other kind of work.
The solution to the problem of child labor is clearly better laws to protect young children, greater supervision(监督)of industry and heavier fines for those who break the laws. Only in this way can young boys and girls be allowed to enjoy the most valuable time of their lives—childhood.
小题1:Which’s the main idea of the first paragraph?
A.Children are often willing to work in large factories.
B.Most children are working in British factories.
C.The poor working conditions of child labor in Dickens’ novel.
D.The working conditions for children are similar to those a hundred years ago.
小题2:Girls’ work is ____.
A.not harmful to the health though it is heavy
B.not harmful to the health because it is light
C.harmful to the health though it is light.
D.harmful to the health because it is heavy
小题3:Young children go to work ____.
A.because they are forced to B.in order to be skillful in a certain kind of work
C.in order to be paid well D.in order to earn money for education
小题4:To solve the problem of child labor, the writer suggests the following BUT ____.
A.looking over factories more closely
B.raising their payment and improving the system of education
C.improving laws of protecting children’s interests
D.punishing lawbreakers with severer fines
zlm073200 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%

英语翻译Work onemployment issues tends to focus on job satisfact
Work on
employment issues tends to focus on job satisfaction and on its links to employee
behaviour,rather than on satisfaction with the employer,but job satisfaction is less
likely to be influenced by the employer brand than will be overall satisfaction with the
闽海雄鹰 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
越来越多的就业问题的解决 趋向于工作满意度和雇员表现之间的联系,而不是与雇主满意度联系.但是工作满意度问题并不是很受公司品牌的影响,而是XXX的整体满意 影响较多(这里句子不全)
英语翻译For some employers,the policy of lifelong employment is
For some employers,the policy of lifelong employment is particularly important because it means that they can put money and effort into their staff(职员)training and make them loyal to the company.What they do is to select young people who have potential(潜能)and who can be trained.They then give the young people the kinds of skills that will make them suitable employees for the company.In other words,they adjust their training to their particular needs.
One recently employed graduate says that she is receiving a great deal of valuable training from the company.“This means that I will be a loyal employee,” she says,“And it also means that the company will want to keep me.I am an important investment for them.So the policy is a good one because it benefits both the employer and the employee.”
Recently,however,attitudes towards lifelong employment are beginning to change.Employees are slowly beginning to accept the idea that lifelong employment is not always in their best interest and that changing firms can have career advantages.
cady1504 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
请英译汉词组full-time employmentworking hoursmonthly wagepayment i
full-time employment
working hours
monthly wage
payment in kind
daily wage
hourly wage,wage rate per hour
大大砸了 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
May I borrow your work permit for employment of the annual a
May I borrow your work permit for employment of the annual audit 2009 next week?求教了
ABCD扑 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
May I have your work permit for the 20009 annual audit tomorrow?
英语翻译原句是“Whether the employment costs of staff are recoverabl
原句是“Whether the employment costs of staff are recoverable as damages under a quantum claim?”
weiwei51556 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
quantum在这里指定量的,quantum claim就是指限定的索赔,claim有索赔的意思
英语翻译OnSelf-employment of College Graduates【范文】Nowadays many
OnSelf-employment of College Graduates【范文】
Nowadays many college graduates set up their own companies withthe fund from the government,which is part of the plans to help graduates toget employed.If graduates can put forward a creative and original plan,theywill get the financial aid from the government.Our government is payingincreasing attention to this program.
There are many reasons responsible for this program.It is intended tostimulate college graduates’ creativity and relieve their pressure ofemployment.First,there has been an expansion in universities and colleges.Asa result,the rate of unemployment is on the rise in recent years because ofthe competitive job market.Second,some graduate employees are not satisfiedwith their present jobs and their enthusiasm for work has been frustrated,sothey can’t exhaust their potentials.Third,some brilliant and ambitiousgraduates are confronted with a shortage of start-up capital,so they find ithard to apply what they learn to practice,no matter how good their ideasounds.
As far as I’m concerned,the program will not only offeropportunities to graduates but also bring back their confidence in themselvesand in the future.An increasing number of graduates will benefit from thisprogram.What is more,the development of each graduate will surely promote thedevelopment of the whole society in the long run.
vikilly 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
application for employment with star cruis
application for employment with star cruis
稻田流水 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率92.6%
Last year,the country's employment rate came closer than eve
Last year,the country's employment rate came closer than ever___.
A.to reaching the target goal B.to reach the target goal
C.reaching the target goal D.and reach the target goal
fvht76ghf 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
A.to reaching the target goal
Democrats can't come close to matching the bloodthirsty
come close to
to 是介词.
英语翻译The terms of your employment will be set forth in an Emp
The terms of your employment will be set forth in an Employment Agreement between you and the Company,which will detail any additional terms and conditions.
蓬蓬车车 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
Another way to protect your privacy while seeking employment
Another way to protect your privacy while seeking employment online is to open up an email account specifically for your online job search.
为什么要用while 像句子这么长 该怎么翻译 我觉得 不是能知道中文 句子就能翻译通的
雪魂孤水 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
while 连词,后面省略了you are
dates of employment是什么意思
mingxingge 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
英文:dates of employment
There are only a few small pockets of low employment.翻译
不是蓝色乱马 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
英语翻译create employmentprovide jobs
空中的飞絮 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
create employment:创造就业,增加就业的意思
provide jobs :提供岗位
做一题英语吧The condition of today's college students' employment
The condition of today's college students' employment is very serious__the effect of economic crisis so many of them can't hunt a job.
A with B on C for D from
STANFER 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
look for employment什么意思
晨曦中的枯叶 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率76.2%
tense 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
An activity that serves as one's regular source of livelihood; a vocation.
An activity engaged in especially as a means of passing time; an avocation.
The occupation,work,or trade in which a person is engaged:
the wholesale food business.
A specific occupation or pursuit:
the best designer in the business.
An occupation requiring considerable training and specialized study:
the professions of law,medicine,and engineering.
The body of qualified persons in an occupation or field:
members of the teaching profession.
The act of employing.
The state of being employed.
The work in which one is engaged; occupation.
An activity to which one devotes time.
The percentage or number of people gainfully employed:
一个短语的翻译:a line of employment
一个短语的翻译:a line of employment
下面这句话中的a line of employment 如何理解?
Young people need to commence with finding a line of employment that needs them, and quit looking for perfection in their prior position.
aior 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
inter island employment acency pte ltd
inter island employment acency pte ltd
乐宝 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
应该是inter island employment agency pte ltd.是个人才中介的名字.
1.Current employment laws will be changed to effort and puni
1.Current employment laws will be changed to effort and punish laziness.
2.Exercise is very ,because you will become stronger and healthier after doing it.
3.I hope you find your stay in Milan as as I have always found.
4.He plans to have a party at the end of the day as a for not smoking.
5.The woman promised a of a thousand dollars to anyone who could give information about the location of her husband.
6.The young man felt ,because he could not please his father no matter how hard he tried.
7.The book was to read because even after using a dictionary I still couldn't understand all the difficult words.
8.I started to learn to speak English at a night school when I was still a officer in the National Guard.
9.This book is quite anything I've ever read before,which means that it is unique.
10.The school was any I had previously visited.
貌似是 扬州大学大一新视野期中测试卷复习资料
我无泪 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
分太少没人愿意做啊 虽然我也在找答案
英语翻译The ocean supplies food and employment to a large and gr
The ocean supplies food and employment to a large and growing portion of the world's population;regulate our climate;and provides recreation,transportation,and important medicine.Yet a look at recent trends in world fisheries reveals how swiftly we have affected the ocean on a global scale.
zytzdwzml 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
I accept the terms of this employment offer and agree to rep
I accept the terms of this employment offer and agree to report to work in ___________.
tobi 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率70.6%
空格跟在 in 的后面,应该不是时间(时间前面是 on/at),也不是地点(at),所以最适合的是公司名称.
英语翻译比如公司叫:百度雇佣.雇佣这个单词我用软件翻译出来是:Employment我不知道后面是否应该加这个 ment是
我不知道后面是否应该加这个 ment
是用:Baidu Employ 还是 Baidu Employ
lcs8508978 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
C:May I borrow your work permit for the employment annual au
C:May I borrow your work permit for the employment annual audit 2009 next week?帮忙看下这样写对不?
俺老汉 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
请问employment sponsorship是指什么?要填一个application,里面有个问题,问我did yo
请问employment sponsorship是指什么?要填一个application,里面有个问题,问我did you need employment sponsorship in the future?
reno1978 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
Employment Sponsorship

Permanent Residence through
Employment Sponsorship:
One of the most common methods for obtaining permanent resident status in the United States is through an offer of permanent employment by a U.S. employer. Before applying for permanent resident status (either at a U.S. consulate abroad or at the local Immigration office), an immigrant visa petition must first be filed with and approved by the regional office of the Department of Homeland Security's - Citizen & Immigration Service (CIS).
This web page provides a basic summary of the various categories for employment sponsorship.
The law provides strict guidelines as to the specific requirements necessary for an offer of employment to fall within each of the categories. The alien must also meet certain criteria to qualify for a particular category.

First Preference Category
(labor certification is NOT required):
Priority Workers:
Outstanding professors and researchers.
Although the labor certification process altogether can be avoided , the alien has to
prove that either he/she is found best qualified ( in the case of a tenured teaching
professor ) or he/she was the minimally qualified worker available under the normal
labor certification process ( in the case of other professors and researchers ).
Further requirements are :
- being "outstanding": That means that the alien must fulfill two out of six requirements
given by a list.
- having teaching or research experience for at least three years.
- presenting a job offer for an appropriate position.
Individuals of "extraordinary ability" in the arts, sciences, education, business, or athletics.
For this category, neither a labor certification nor a job offer is required. The individual
has just to show his/her "extraordinary ability":
That means that he/she must belong to that small percentage of persons who are at the
very top of the field of endeavor, e.g. having received a major, internationally recognized
award, like the Nobel Prize.
Certain multinational executives and managers.
This type of visa doesn't require a labor certification or specific educational credentials
at all. It is just demanded that the alien permanently worked with a U.S. business' parent,
subsidiary, affiliate, or home office abroad for at least one year within the preceding
three years as executive or manager.

Second Preference Category
(labor certification required, unless waived in the national interest):
Individuals with "exceptional ability" in the sciences, arts, or business.
This "exceptional ability" can again be shown by fulfilling three requirements given in a special
list of six.
Professionals holding advanced degrees, a degree beyond a four-year baccalaureate).
For this category it should be noted that the CIS allows work experience as a substitute for an
advanced degree; however, a U.S. baccalaureate or a foreign equivalent remains necessary.
s sufficient work experience, five years of progressive work in the specialty may be enough.
Waiver in the national interest
The job offer requirement and, therefore, the labor certification can be waived in the national interest. It has to be considered on the facts of each case, if an alien comes to the U.S. for the purpose of working in the national interest. The definition of 'national interest' is quite complicated and has been the focus of several lawsuits.

Third Preference Category
(labor certification required):
Professionals holding a minimum of a bachelor's degree;
Skilled workers with at least two years of training or experience;
Unskilled workers with less than two years of training.

Fourth Preference Category
This category is quite complicated and is rarely used, it includes:
Religious workers;
Other 'special' immigrants.

Fifth Preference Category
Investors in new commercial enterprises. (No offer of employment is required for this category. It is dependent upon a direct investment in the U.S. economy of $1,000,000, or $500,000 if invested in a targeted area.)
Besides, the following requirements are established for this category:
- creating at least ten full-time jobs for U.S. citizens or immigrants ( five if an
investment of $500,000 is considered to be sufficient ).
- having a "commercial enterprise": This allows any kind of business organization like
corporation, general or limited partnership, joint venture etc.
- having a "new" business: This includes the creation of an original business, the
purchase, restructure or reorganization of an existing business or even the expansion if
it results in a 40% increase.
- having invested with lawfully acquired money, but not necessarily money from
求一篇英语写作文章 Competition and employment
刘飞122 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率80%
Competition makes people original and creative.It very necessary to compete if human society wants to advance.(Even animals compete for survival.) Without it,we would become lazy and nobody would rake any responsibility.When three monks live together,there will be no drinking water.This Chinese proverb vividly describes why China's productivity was so low before Mr Deng came to power.At that time,we had the so-called planned economy.There was no competition at all.So neither farmers nor workers worked hard.China was on the edge of collapse.
Competition can stimulate people to try their best to do anything.For example,in 100-meter race,each sportsman runs as quickly as possible,trying to win the champion.The same things happen in our society and in our daily life.If a company wants to surpass others,it must compete with them.It must raise its efficiency.All the companies doing this will no doubt benefit the whole society and the whole human race.
Being a student,I must compete with other students in our studies.I must study hard in all the fields so that I can be a useful man when I enter the society after graduation.
The employment manager would like to talk to some of the com
The employment manager would like to talk to some of the company’s supervisors and department heads
求翻译整句...employment manager什么意思
caigoulm 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
employment manager:在国外通指职业经理人,不入股,只管理,大多指总经理!
什么是flexible and precarious forms of employment的准确定义?
什么是flexible and precarious forms of employment的准确定义?
1个是Occupational stress and bullying at work
另外1个就是这个flexible and precarious forms of employment
我不知道是不是指 不稳定的工作或者说对员工造成的不稳定的心理
fanyu911 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
英语中left译为左侧左边,He left his home to look for employment.
英语中left译为左侧左边,He left his home to look for employment.
fuxi1982 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
首先要知道left有多种词性和意义,left n.左边, 左侧, 左部;
adj. 左侧的;adv.向左, 在左边.
We should view rational at employment of college students.
We should view rational at employment of college students.
聆听者1978 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
还不如have a rational view on
It is believed that the tight employment market has forced j
It is believed that the tight employment market has forced job seekers to_______whatever work is available.
A.take up B.take down C.take off D.take on
kk来了 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%

翻译:since the employment of words was my chosen occupation ,i
翻译:since the employment of words was my chosen occupation ,i used them to great strategy
gol958 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%

Name Harry Smith
Address 4224 Maple Avenue Oakland, California
Telephone number 555-1660
Work Experience
Ames Bookstore
Greenfield High School
Book seller
English teacher
Work I did
Sold books
Taught English
Dates I worked
Yearly pay
$ 10,400
$ 27,500
Reason for leaving
Got a job teaching in Massachusetts
Got a job in California
小题1: What did Harry Smith do in 2001?
A.An English teacher. B.A book seller.
C.A secretary. D.A gatekeeper.
小题2:If you want to know more about Harry Smith, you can call ________.
A.4224-1660 B.555-1666 C.4224-1666 D.555-1660
小题3:Where did Harry Smith work in 2009?
A. In New York. B. In California. C. In Massachusetts. D. In Washington D.C.
小题4: In 2002, the yearly pay Harry Smith got from his work was ________.
A.$20,800 B.$ 10,400 C.$ 27,500 D.$55,000
小题5:Harry Smith left Ames Bookstore to work in ________ in Massachusetts.
A.a high school B.a bookstore C.a factory D.a company
hesilong 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率84%


Work I did
Sold books
Taught English

Dates I worked
小题1:根据Telephone number 555-1660描述,可知选D。
小题1:根据Got a job in California 描述,可知选B。

Dates I worked

Yearly pay
$ 10,400
$ 27,500
小题1:根据Ames Bookstore
Greenfield High School 描述,可知选A。
英语作文gender inequelity in employment of college graduates”.
玩转等和平 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
gender inequelity in employment of college graduates
Gender inequality does exist in the employment of college graduates.As a common phenomenon,males are more popular with corporations and companies while females are relatively unpopular.There are many reasons for the situation.To begin with,males are prone to shoulder the hard working and heavy pressures in their jobs because it's known for all that males are stronger than females both internallly and externally.Second,males need less holidays than females do.For example,maternity leave is a must for females when they are pregnant.Moreover,when it comes to a business trip,males can easily travel to everywhere the boss directed while females may have certain misgivings of their own.So,companies are tended to employ male employees than female ones.
英语翻译Besides,you are requested to fill in our Employment Regi
Besides,you are requested to fill in our Employment Registration Form and sign Corporate Principles truly and honestly.In case your home address and telephone number change,kindly inform our HR department just in time.
menxueljx 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
Promotion is not based on the ___ (long) of employment only.
Promotion is not based on the ___ (long) of employment only.
dahai2006 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
Promotion is not based on the (length,长度) of employment only.
英语翻译you shall not at any time of your employment directly or
you shall not at any time of your employment directly or indirectly without the company's consent,engage or be interested in any manner whatsoever,whether for reward or gratuitously,in any work or business other than in connection with your duties with the company,nor undertake any office or appointment notwithstanding such engagements,interest,work,business or office may not interfere with the performance of your duties with the company.很着急,请朋友帮忙快译
伊放勋 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
The effect was a hollowing out of……Annual employment in fabl
The effect was a hollowing out of……Annual employment in fabled export processing zones dipped
hollowing和fabled export processing zones 该怎么翻译?谢谢
bitao1982 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
hollow意为空洞化,空的.fabled 意为虚构的,寓言中的,export processing zones 意为加工出口区
Will you accept the employment of zero-salary 英语作文
corcovado 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
求文档:the employment of uuniversity students
sl827 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
  The Declining Employment Rate of University Graduates
  Nowadays,the employment of college students is becoming more and more of a problem.About a decade ago,university students could find satisfactory and enviable jobs after graduation,while the things are quite different at present.In addition,according to statistics,about 30% of graduate students can’t find a job but stay at home after graduation.
  The reasons for this phenomenon are various.For one thing,economic growth has slowed because of the decline in exports and the bursting of the real estate bubble.For another,the number of university graduates is increasing every year largely owing to the baby boom in the early 1980s,while the job vacancies have remained the same or even fallen sharply.Finally,many employers do not trust new graduates,who may have learned mountains of' theories but lack practical abilities.At present,the high unemployment poses the most direct threat to our social stability.
  Therefore,as a university student,I need to think about my future vocational orientation on the first day when I enter college.Besides,I should get better prepared both in knowledge and working experience,which means I should take all kinds of opportunities to learn as much as possible in university.
regret 通知你 that we are unable to offer youemployment.如何完成句子?
happy若兰 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
I regret to tell you that we are unable to offer you employment.
以"The issue of employment of college graduates"为题的英语作文
90216 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率76.2%
In recent years, with increased enrollment in colleges and universities, colleges and universities the number of poor students clearly on the rise. Poor students to further grim employment situation. ...
at the core of these debate lie employment practices中的lie 是什
at the core of these debate lie employment practices中的lie 是什么意思起什么作用
假装不在乎_ 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
英语翻译Walk past your prospective place of employment at lunch
Walk past your prospective place of employment at lunch or quitting time and check how the empolyees are dressed.怎么翻译这句话?
那个prospective place 到底指什么地方?面试的地方吗,还是你去面试的公司看看公司雇员怎么穿着?
二不挂五 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率95.8%
英语语法21____employment may not be a major problem in the city,
____employment may not be a major problem in the
city,housing is.
A.When B.Since C.While D.As
kikiodd 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
a break in their employment ,break在这指什么意思
villat612 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率76.2%
急求英语作文..作文题目Self—employment of college Graduates
急求英语作文..作文题目Self—employment of college Graduates
要求:1.现在鼓励大学毕业生自主创业,对那些具有创新意识的开发项目,还会给予一定的经济支持 2.产生这一现象的原因 3.我的观点
tianyhan 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
Nowadays, our government encourages college graduates to employ themselves by starting their own career. If their plan is creative and original the government will grant a financial aid to them.
This act aims to stimulate graduates creativity and alleviate the pressure of employment. Firstly, the rate of unemployment and underemployment of college graduate is on the rise in recent year because of the competitive job market. Secondly, some graduate employees are not satisfied with the present job and their enthusiasm for work has been frustrated to some degree. Thirdly, some brilliant and ambitious graduates lack start-up capital even though they have a good idea.
In conclusion, the act does not only bring many opportunities to college graduates, but also restore their confidence in themselves and the future. Moreover, many job opportunities are created for the society as well.
这个单选题请解答:The employment rate has continued to rise in big ci
the employment rate has continued to rise in big cities thanks to the efforts of the local
***s to increase (it or that?).最后一个词是it 还是that 为什么?他俩有什么区别?
青衣28 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
用it.代词it that作宾语时区别:that有后置定语,it单独用.
to seek employment with sb
玩完你走人 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%