Unit2 P36~37 Integrated skills听力原文

游戏小老鼠2022-10-04 11:39:543条回答

Unit2 P36~37 Integrated skills听力原文


街头西风 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率73.7%
And now we have some announcements about Chinese New Year Celebrations in New York this coming Sunday.
Celebrations will start at 1 p.m.with the Chinese lion dance.This will take place in Peel Street---that’s P,e,e,l; Street.
You can try some traditional Chinese food at Wang’s Restaurant in Peel Street.Enjoy a delicious Chinese meal there between 2 p.m.and 5 p.m.
Then there will be fireworks in Mott Street---that’s M,o,t,t; Street at 8 p.m.
Coming right after the fireworks is music and dance from 9 p.m.to midnight in the Chinese Community Centre
Hellenyaqiong 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率
琳玥兰 共回答了6个问题 | 采纳率


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去年毕业 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
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苏教版初二英语下半学期第一单元Integrated skills A1部分的课文
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9596994520 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
And now we have some announcements(通告) about Chinese New Year Celebrations in New York this coming Sunday.
Celebrations will start at 1 p.m.with the Chinese lion dance.This will take place in Peel Street---that’s P,e,e,l; Street.
You can try some traditional Chinese food at Wang’s Restaurant in Peel Street.Enjoy a delicious Chinese meal there between 2 p.m.and 5 p.m.
Then there will be fireworks in Mott Street---that’s M,o,t,t; Street at 8 p.m.
Coming right after the fireworks is music and dance from 9 p.m.to midnight in the Chinese Community Centre(
牛津英语 8A Unit 1 Integrated skills听力原文
提拉米苏风 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
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yirou_1109 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
牛津7A英语unit6 integrated skills
一目 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率75%
2012初一上英语 Unit 5 Chinese new year party(Integrated skills)听力
2012初一上英语 Unit 5 Chinese new year party(Integrated skills)听力材料谁有啊?老师叫我们听了写下来,我实在没法写啊,录音机报了太快了,根本没法写.
iamtaurus 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
牛津英语7B Unit2 Integrated skills听力部分的原文,
rong706 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
是否这个?里面还有很多7B,UNIT2的,如果合适,你自己上去看吧 http://www.***.cn/ShowPost.asp?ThreadID=69 Comic Strip Teaching aims and demands:1.Make suggestions about visiting places and doing activities e.g.Let`s go swimming.2.Use “How much” and “How many” ,“no” and “none” to express quantities .Warm-up activities 1.Ask Ss to read Comic Strip.And ask my question “How much money does Eddie have?”2.Read the dialogue again ,then ask them to act it out .3.Language points(1).There is no dog food,Eddie!No=not any e.g.I have no coats like this .=I don’t have any coats like these.(2).How many tins of dog food can we buy with that?e.g.We write with pens.Welcome to the unit Teaching aims and demands:New words:badmintonTeaching aims:1.To revise vocabulary about activities and places in new situations 2.To make suggestions about visiting different placesTeaching procedures:1.Ask Ss to do Part A and B on their own using the information provided in the pictures prompts2.Ask Ss about what they can do in their local areas.Then ask them to write four sentences about what they like and could do in their areas.
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南山樵夫99 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
牛津英语7B 第6单元 integrated skills 原文,
jimojindao 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
Hello.Today I'd like to tell you about the fantail goldfish. Fatail goldfish can live a long time if you look after them carefully. You must make sure their water is clean and you mustn't pick them up with your hands. You should not put them in the sun.
You should feed them special fish food every day. Sometimes, they eat vegetables too. My fantail goldfish likes to eat peas.
When a fantail goldfish grows up, it can be 20 cm long and weigh about 400 grams. The body of a fantail goldfish is something like an egg. Most fantail goldfish are orange, but sometimes they are black, white or green. They have long, beautiful fins.
Fantail goldfish are nice pets because they're quiet and easy to look after and they aren't expensive to buy.
苏教版八年级下英语Uint3的Integrated skills听力原文
成都第一qq 共回答了8个问题 | 采纳率75%
8B Unit 3 Integrated skills
A:Wei Jing,you are going to tell us about this CD-Rom called Daily English ,aren’t you
B:Yes,that’s right ,it’s a wonderful new course from Australia .It’s really very interesting.
A:What does this course include
B:It includes a book and five CD-Roms.
A:That’s nice.Who do you think would like to use this course
B:Well ,it’s very good for tourists and students.
A:Good ,what sort of things can we learn from Daily English
B:Many things ,like using the telephone ,asking and answering questions,talking about the weather and the time.
A:Are there any special topics in Daily English?
B:Oh,yes.There are many topics .Let’s see.We have travel and hotels ,food and drink ,and shopping and money .
A:Are there any tours or games in the course?
B:Oh ,yes.There are short tours of Australia and New Zealand .Also ,if you need help ,a friend guide called Anita will help you .
A:Can you tell me how this icon works?
B:Well,there are five main icons.They are Book ,Ear ,Tour ,Pencil and Anita.
A:I’m sorry ,do you mind repeating the names of those icons ,please?
B:Of course not .They are Book ,Ear ,Tour ,Pencil and Anita.
A:So what happens when click each of these icons?
B:Well,when you click the Book icon ,you can read articles and stories about a topic .When you click the Ear icon ,you can listen to people talking .With the Tour icon ,you can go on short tours of Australia and New Zealand.
A:What about the Pencil and Anita icons?
B:When you click the Pencil icon ,you can do some exercises.If you need help ,you can click Anita icon.
A:Daily English sounds really interesting .
B:Yes,we think it’s a great programme.