信任 作文

5411441952022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


lzc追梦 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
信任,这个词往往都是建立在诚信之上的,人与人之间,有了诚信的言行才能发展出可靠的信任。从步入社会开始,乃至一个人生,信任都是最可贵的财富,只要紧紧拉着他的手不放胜利的一天终究会到来;人与人之间的信任原自于诚信,而人与社会的交易来自于背叛和名利。诚信;名利。这两个有这不同代价的砝码,各立在天平的两端。如果弃下名利旗开得胜只是时间问题;但是如果倾向名利,他就会丢下你,轰轰烈烈地奔跑而去,让你永远也追赶不上。 两颗等重的砝码无法分出胜负,在这最艰难的抉择中,我们心中的那一克定义着最终的胜家。这是每个人必经的考验,所以我也不例外。 那时一个仲夏的早晨,虽然只有八点,可阳光已经格外炎热,毒辣得让人受不了,因为路远,我得赶快买好回家,免得被正午的热浪弄得中暑。 来到速食点,点餐、拿菜、走人。咦,怎么好像少了一个很重要的步骤?算了吧,肯定是太阳太热了,让人头晕转向,我的疑心还重了,应该没事阿!可是我有一种不妙的预感,,像我做错了事一样。 为了加快速度,我赶快跑起来,可是只要脚一落地,耳边就会传来一声声硬币互相撞击响声。是有小孩在玩硬币吗?我想应该是的,我身上只有两元伍角,而那也刚刚用掉了,现在没有钱。 我跑累了,步子渐渐地慢了下来,而奇怪的是那硬币的撞击声也嘎然而止,好像是有人恶作剧,这事不像是巧合,世界上无聊的人还不少呢!可是我四处张望,并没有发现什么探头探脑的孩子,这就奇怪了……但因为时间不早了,我不能这样耗下去,我继续开跑,这一次又传来了那叮叮当当的撞击声,我不理会,直到跳过小石子堆时,“乒”的一声响,可以听出,那是硬币掉在地上独有的声音。我扭头看去,一个五角硬币正躺在地上,我认得它上面的红点,是我玩颜料的时候不小心点上去的,可是我记得我已经把它……。阿!我赶紧模自己的口袋,果然,那两块钱也在里面,怪不得我觉得有点不对劲呢! 这下子,他们再也不会相信我了,当我是个吃“霸王餐”的。可是……最奇怪的事是当时那个柜台阿姨竟没有有点表情,难道她也……哈哈,她一定是以为我早就付过钱了,反正她也不知道,那我就……。 不知不觉,都快十点了,想了这么久,我的喉咙干得都要烧起来了,这离家还有一段路呢!对了,我不是还有两块五角钱吗,刚好可以买一瓶可乐。 走在去超市的路上,火浪熏人,好像老天和我过不去。 但是想想,那位柜台阿姨因为任务是收钱的,精明得不得了,什么牛鬼蛇神都骗不了她的法眼,如果认真澄清,我肯定被她叫住,可是她只是习惯的对我笑了笑,是信任,她才对我那么放心,而我却…… 想到这儿,我马上掉头,把钱还给了他们,了了一桩心事。 回去的路上,天变阴了,给我带来了凉爽与温润,习习凉风拂过,正午失去了那袭人的炎热,像是在鼓励我。


信任 作文
zifupc 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
信任 作文
风昕尘 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
森林中有一对好伙伴,是猩猩和猴子。 一天,猴子突发奇想:我们来种水果吧!猩猩听后,觉得这个主意很不错。于是两人一起去买了种子,它俩一个买了桃子种子一个买了香蕉种子。它俩一起租了一片果园,一个中了桃子,一个种了香蕉,它俩高兴极了。 不知不觉,秋天到了。果园里接满了水果。放见望去,红一片,黄一片,灿烂极了! 过了几天,猴子来摘桃子。“咦?不对啊!以前桃子树上的桃子都是满满的,怎么现在只剩下一点了呀!?”猴子觉得很奇怪。“这个果园的要是只有猩猩和我有,莫不是……”于是,它气冲冲地跑到猩猩家去,大声说:“猩猩,你怎么偷我的桃子呀!你这人太坏了!”“我会偷你的桃子,哼!笑话,我最讨厌是桃子了,怎么会偷你的桃子呢?一定不是我偷的。”“是你偷的,一定是你偷的!!”“不是!”“是!”……它们吵了起来,你不让我,我不让你,好像两个仇人。 不久,猩猩去果园一看,发现自己种的香蕉也不见了,便去猴子家评理:“你怎么偷我种的香蕉呀!”“我没偷!”“偷了!”……这时,地底下的老鼠兄弟出现了,大声说:“你们别吵了,东西是我偷的,你们别吵了!”同时,它俩互相看了一眼;同时,它俩一起对对方说:“对不起,我错怪你了。”同时,它俩一起笑了。 它俩懂得了:世界上没有什么东西比友谊更伟大了!
永远完治05 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
Friends are important for us, everyone has their own friends, we share sorrow and happiness with our friends. We are making new friends now and then, but it is hard to find the genius friends, the trust between friends are hard to build. If the trust exists, friends can talk anything, they are willing to show who they are in front of their friends. While if the trust doesn’t exist, the friendship is not real deep, people will askyou when they are in trouble. The real friendship is built on the basis of trust. My best friend will never ask me to do thing all the time, instead, she cares about me, and comforts me when I am upset. That’s a real friend.
学会信任 作文
绿叶红花 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
luoxiaochao 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率100%
适当形势填空 I believe him,but I can't___ ___(信任)him.
shuiliyou 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
elieve in
natas921 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率70%
The Trust Between Friends
Friends are important for us,everyone has their own friends,we share sorrow and happiness with our friends.We are making new friends now and then,but it is hard to find the genius friends,the trust between friends are hard to build.If the trust exists,friends can talk anything,they are willing to show who they are in front of their friends.While if the trust doesn’t exist,the friendship is not real deep,people will ask you when they are in trouble.The real friendship is built on the basis of trust.My best friend will never ask me to do thing all the time,instead,she cares about me,and comforts me when I am upset.That’s a real friend.
ibmr52 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
The Trust Between Friends
Friends are important for us,everyone has their own friends,we share sorrow and happiness with our friends.We are making new friends now and then,but it
is hard to find the genius friends,the trust between friends are hard to build.If the trust exists,friends can talk anything,they are willing to show who
they are in front of their friends.While if the trust doesn’t exist,the friendship is not real deep,people will ask you when they are in trouble.The
real friendship is built on the basis of trust.My best friend will never ask me to do thing all the time,instead,she cares about me,and comforts me when
I am upset.That’s a real friend.
YJXKXKK 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率80.8%
The Trust Between Friends
Friends are important for us,everyone has their own friends,we share sorrow and happiness with our friends.We are making new friends now and then,but it is hard to find the genius friends,the trust between friends are hard to build.If the trust exists,friends can talk anything,they are willing to show who they are in front of their friends.While if the trust doesn’t exist,the friendship is not real deep,people will ask you when they are in trouble.The real friendship is built on the basis of trust.My best friend will never ask me to do thing all the time,instead,she cares about me,and comforts me when I am upset.That’s a real friend.
点点27 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
The Trust Between FriendsFriends are important for us,everyone has their own friends,we share sorrow and happiness with our friends.We are making new friends now and then,but it is hard to find the ge...
英语问题27. He ___________(信任) in me, so I passed the exam.28. T
27. He ___________(信任) in me, so I passed the exam.
28. There are three ___________people on the playground, ___________of them are students(百).
29.He __________(掉落) in love with Beijing since he went there.
30.He says he ________________(可能) go to Wuhan.
31. I think it is ______________(不可能).
32. ______________(在…期间) the ____________(假期), I visited my uncle twice.
vv大哥 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
28.hundred a hundred
29.has been
30.is likely
32.During vacation