
ses3602022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


猪猪璇 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%


scheless 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
1- 看来我的眼力还不太差,没多久就看出来第一部中的女主角Ellie就是前阵子David Lynch的《INLAND EMPIRE》的女主角.这女人的面相越长越刻薄了我觉得,还是年轻时的样子顺眼些.
2- 和绝大部分灾难片一样,配角全部无一生还,主角全部幸免于难,甚至连严重一点的伤(行动不便,昏迷不醒,缺胳膊少腿等)都没有,只不过意思意思,额头和手臂上挂些彩.由此可见,灾难片结局可简单概括为:主角的天堂,配角的地狱.
3- 常识:他日遇到恐龙,先不要惊慌,因为恐龙分肉食和素食两种;不过鉴于要分辨这两种恐龙并非一朝一夕之功,那么我们最好的对策就是:原地不动保持静止,因为很多恐龙都只能看到活动的东西;不过如果某人撞到的是第一部中提到的**龙,你不动它也一样看得到你,那么就撒丫子狂奔吧,找棵树爬上去;可是如果这个倒霉的某人是跟我一样的体育白痴,跑也跑不快,树也根本爬不上去,那么就……只有自求多福了.
4- 第三部太夸张了,非要插个破镜重圆的故事进来,别扭.
5- 三部片子的铺垫工作都做得很好,进入小岛之前主角有意无意地介绍了什么恐龙,冒险家们在小岛上肯定就会遇到什么恐龙,通常来说这些特邀嘉宾/客串主角都是很凶恶的肉食恐龙.
6- 据说还有四/五,不过我不打算看下去了.
yangyunguang 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
A Great White Shark decides to make the small beach resort town of Amity his private feeding grounds.This greatly frustrates the town police chief who wants to close the beaches to chase the shark away.He is thwarted in his efforts by the town's mayor who finally relents when nothing else seems to work and the chief,a scientist,and an old fisherman with revenge on his mind take to the sea to kill the beast.
FBI Special Agent Sean Archer tries to find a biological weapon placed in Los Angeles by a sadistic terrorist-for-hire and criminal mastermind named Castor Troy.Archer has hunted Troy for the last 8 years,and is consumed by revenge because Troy is responsible for the death of Archer's son.To do this,Archer must "borrow" Troy's face using a surgical procedure to go undercover as Troy,but things go wrong when Troy assumes the identity of Archer.
Huge advancements in scientific technology have been able to create an island full of living dinosaurs.John Hammond have invited four individuals,plus his two grandchildren to join him at Jurassic Park.But will everything go to plan?Especially when one of the parks own workers attempt to steal the dinosaurs embryos,and have to shut down all the electricity in the process.It's now a race for survival with everyone located all over the island.
kk10265 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
today i watched a movie called Jurassic Park.It is simply my favourite movie ever.It has everything action,suspense,thrills and even a little romance thrown in for good measure.I first saw the movie at the age of 6 and was a big dinosaur fan so it obviously was very appealing but even then I could feel there was so much more to this movie than the great visual effects and mighty dinosaurs.No this was a movie with a message and one that since my first viewing I have always been thoughtful about.The issue in the film is cloning.Instead of providing you with a plot synopsis I will just say watch the movie.There is no excuse not to.Some scenes worth a mention however are the road side attack in which a Tyrannosaurus Rex or T-Rex for short attacks a land Rover with two children in it.That scene was more scary than anything in the exorcist or some of the other horror rubbish that is spewed out today.The Raptors in the kitchen sequence is also nail biting stuff.
jurassic park(侏罗纪公园) 的英语影评?
jurassic park(侏罗纪公园) 的英语影评?
matthew4ever 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
One of the biggest movies of all time,"Jurassic Park" is the story of regenerated dinosaurs.John Hammond (Richard Attenborough) is the owner of a newly developed dinosaur park,but after an employee is killed in an accident he needs to satisfy lawyer's questions by bringing in a team to prove the park is safe.The team includes dinosaur digger Alan Grant (Sam Neill),his girlfriend,paleontologist Ellie Satler (Laura Dern),mathematician Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum),and lawyer Donald Gennaro (Martin Ferrero).Another of Hammond's employees,a computer technician named Dennis Nedry (Wayne Knight) has been hired by an outside organisation to steal dinosaur embryos.
Based on the Michael Crichton book,the stars of "Jurassic Park" are definitely the dinosaurs.There's a lot of people who deserve credit for bringing these extinct animals to brilliant on screen life,but the main four are Stan Winston,Michael Lantieri,Dennis Muren,and Phil Tippett.Mixed with some unbelievably great sound effects,these dinosaurs are some of the most stunning visual effects I've ever seen and rightfully earned an Academy Award.
guoh2008 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%