
h_lpsc50mh1b062022-10-04 11:39:542条回答


hsiao** 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
very good!
yoyoai_22 共回答了29个问题 | 采纳率82.8%
The story of Braveheart is simple, but powerful. Peaceful William is driven to rebellion when his wife is killed. He becomes so devoted to the rebellion he starts, he sells his life to it, fighting bo...


edward19840102 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率88.5%
  (下面是剧情介绍,我不写观后感)In the middle ages around thirteenth Century,King England" legs" Edward I ruled Scotland for Scotland,as he forced a group of Scotland people against the tyranny of the uprising,result of a young William Wallace lost his father and brother,he is in after the funeral by his uncle and adopted,and as uncle left hometown.
  Years later,Wallace adult returned to his hometown of Scotland at this time,still in Edward's cruel tyrant legs under the rule of.The Wallace home is hoping to calm day,farmers living,family,parenthood,and he said of boys and girls Mo Lun ( Murron ) the development of love,and in order to escape the king gave England nobles enjoy female virginity rights unequal treatment,in a secret wedding day night.The next day,Mo Lun was British soldiers and rebel,the local governor to lead Wallace appeared and killed her,who was bereaved of his beloved wife Wallace rose up,and other Scotland people are responding to his wife,Wallace finally killed the chief way revenge.
  Soon,Wallace and the villagers formed the uprising army,and have recruited in response to the righteous.They first entered the nobles of England castle,and the castle burned.Along with Wallace's deeds spread,more and more people respond to revolt,and Wallace's army also carry all before one,has won several battles,including the battle of stringer bridge break infantry conquer cavalry superstition and captured England city York city.King Edward I,aware of the seriousness of the situation,personally led a stronger army against Wallace,both in terms of Foucault ( Falkirk ) in battle,however Wallace has been united Scotland noble betrayed,at the battle of Foucault.
  In Foucault the battle failed,Wallace began taking hide guerrilla tactics against the British,and the betrayal of the two Scotland noble act of revenge.At the same time,King Edward's wife Princess Isabella was sent as envoy met with Wallace on many occasions to assist,Princess Wallace resistance risk,but also the development of a relationship between two people,the princess even pregnant with Wallace.Subsequently,Scotland noble requirements met with Wallace,Wallace believes Robert Bruce so aristocratic leaders meeting alone,but only to be the father of Bruce and other nobles betrayed,Wallace was captured,and Bruce also officially and father break.
  Wallace received the England administration official trials,as long as Wallace admitted treason could be mitigated punishment,but not from Wallace,claims that he never committed to long leg Edward.In a London trial on the square,Wallace suffered various torture still refused to surrender,and even London people have been moved by the courage of Wallace,have cried out the presiding judge for mercy.Wallace uses only the last breath shouted:" free!" ( Freedom!).In before decapitation,he also trance to see his wife in the crowd to smile at him,and then,in Wallace's hands clenched tokens also loose.
  William Wallace was beheaded by his courage,the impact of the Scotland aristocrat Robert Bruce once again led the Wallace men against England,this time they cry out the name of Wallace,and in the end won eagerly looked forward to for a long time free.
小愣儿 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率100%
Braveheart was a huge deal when it first came out.I never really watched the film properly until recently.As a frequent cinema-goer since my youth I was not a part of the mid-nineties cultural phenomenon that was Braveheart's release in Scotland.I did turn up at the the cinema,the old Odeon in Edinburgh,but the queue went round the block (the literal term for a blockbuster) and there was no way in hell I was prepared to wait for three hours on a gray September afternoon (a choice I came to regret).Every subsequent attempt since then was blocked.I never rented the video as I didn't want to watch in pan-and-scan.The fact that every single living Scottish person had seen it apart from myself really got on my nerves,and I was quite bitter about it.And then,as the fever died down,I just kind of forgot about it and moved on.
Watching it fully as an adult I think I probably enjoy it more now that I would have done as a teenager.It's certainly a huge epic right up there with the best of them.Mel Gibson captures the pretty side of Scotland wonderfully with his scope photography accompanied by James Horner's bittersweet score.The film never really feels three hours long,the time just disappears.
Nearly every notable Scottish actor (apart from Connery and Connelly) appears at some point.From the brilliant (Brian Cox) to the dreary and pretentious (Peter Mullan).Keep a lookout for Tommy Flanagan too,in one of his earlier roles.
The battle scenes are impressive,but I wish there were more gory.Gibson's first cut of the film was apparently bloodier,I wish it had remained intact.But despite the grim satisfaction of seeing the English aggressors getting splattered the fact that Scotland IS still ruled by England kind renders Wallace's bravery irrelevant.It may have been 700 years ago,but I hate the fact that he ultimately died for nothing.We DON'T have a country of our own,plain and simple.
(3)影评结构必须包含四个要素:a.对象 b.分析 c.标准 d.结论
扯一瓣心香 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
求一篇名为《勇敢者的心》的文章 这篇文章曾出现在“西点军校二十二条军规”上 注:不是电影《勇敢的心》
娜米小虫 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率100%
珍惠惠 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
Mel Gibson starred a lot of famous movies,such as ,Brave Heart