That girl on my mind …… ……that mysterious gi

紅尘2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

That girl on my mind …… ……that mysterious gi
That girl on my mind ……
……that mysterious girl……
l feel like l saw her in a dream once……


拉帮结伙去地狱 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
我好象在梦中见过她一次 .


把简单句改成定语从句,急!!There is a mysterious dark lake,the depth of t
There is a mysterious dark lake,the depth of the lake has never been measured.可不可以改为
the lake in which the depth has never been measured is mysterious dark?
luojl123 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率82.6%
there is a mysterious dark lake whose depth has never been measured, 望采纳
They lead mysterious lives of their own.他们有着自己神秘的生活方式,Lives
They lead mysterious lives of their own.他们有着自己神秘的生活方式,Lives of the...
They lead mysterious lives of their own.
Lives of their own搞不懂
纵火者训令 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
Lives of their own 就是 their lives
就好比 he is a friend of mine
有几个英文广告语,不知如何翻.Whiter than white——是一种牙膏的For that mysterious
Whiter than white——是一种牙膏的
For that mysterious look——太阳镜
For the shinest hair ever——洗发露
For silky skin——肥皂
真情好运 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
英语选词填空fierce famous frightening mysterious sceptical1.It is
fierce famous frightening mysterious sceptical
1.It is a very__________experience to find yourself face to face with a tiger.
2.Tigers are very________animals and they can be extremely dangerous.
3.Most scientists are_________about the existence of sea monsters in cold lakes.
4.Nessie is one of the most__________monsters in the world.Everyone knows about it.
5.There are many__________creatures which people claim to see around the world.
儿时的你 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
英语翻译Sometimes love works in Mysterious ways.You're my everyt
Sometimes love works in Mysterious ways.
You're my everything.
One love oh I do believe.
One love is all we need.
One love for the times we cried.
Just love me love me love me.
Just hold me hold me hold me.
We don't wanna give up!
十面埋伏00 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
英语选择.1.It____that the mysterious visitor was an old friend o
1.It____that the mysterious visitor was an old friend of my grandmother.
A.turned up B.turned off C.turned on D.turned out
2.Only 11 people_______the shipwreck.
A.survived after B.survived through C.were survived D.survived
shenq1iang865 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
D suivive 后面不用加介词
英语翻译This mysterious drink tantalized the European and North
This mysterious drink tantalized the European and North American with its purported ability to cure ailments ranging from headaches and hangovers.
It was not until this "Golden Age of Tea" that a distinct ideogram for tea became a part of Chinese written language.
The Chinese culture believes that lea is equally valuable a tonic for beauty in women.Green tea is particularly considered to be a classic beauty aid.It supposedly increases the circulation in the facial capillaries,giving the appearance of a younger and fresher face.
yangzhi0796 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译66.Perhaps because of the owl's mysterious appearance,es
66.Perhaps because of the owl's mysterious appearance,especially its round eyes and flexible neck,there are a lot of myths and superstitions about owls.
arxyeas 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
mysterious incredible terminator怎么读
mysterious incredible terminator怎么读
用中文的读法 如fish = 废墟
xiaomage886688 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
mysterious 神秘的,音同"米斯迪瑞斯"
incredible 难以置信的,音同"音快地包"
terminator 终结者,音同"特米内特"
英语翻译the guests keep changing-from the mysterious,intriguing
the guests keep changing-from the mysterious,intriguing and fashionable to the solid,demanding and weary world who have seen and experienced it all.
the challenge of hotel work is adapting your personality and techniques to meet the property's objectives and the ever-changing needs or demands of guests
muwei911 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
第二句:酒店工作的挑战性在于调整你的个性和技巧来恰到好处地满足顾客的目的和其各种各样的要求.(property:财产,性质,性能.objective目的,客观的——property's objectives 我不知道是指酒店硬件的功能性还是顾客的目的,所以根据上下文翻译为:顾客的目的).
PS .这两句前后应该换下位置,现有第二句酒店工作的挑战性,再引出第一句的顾客千变万化的需求.
PS .希望可以帮到你,如果是文件要用的话,最好把两句重新组织一下,用纯中文的方式来表述可能更好.
为什么说They lead mysterious lives of their own而不是lead their own
为什么说They lead mysterious lives of their own而不是lead their own mysterious lives
红崖 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
楼主听过a friend of mine和 my friend 的区别吗
其实a friend of mine=a friend of my friends 我朋友之中的一个 mmy friend 就是说我的朋友 没有其他意思
当说a friend of mine时我们可以说是我朋友之中的一个,这和mmy friend有点去别.
在这里,就没什么区别了,就像 freinds of mine 一样 翻译成我的朋友了 就和mmy friends 一个意思.
The farmers ____ a mysterious object flying over when they m
The farmers ____ a mysterious object flying over when they made their way home
A.kept up with
B.caught sight of
C.made use of
D.held themselves in
直到白发苍苍 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
答案选B.caught sight of
catch sight of 意为“见到”
英语翻译Love around usLove is one of the most mysterious creatio
Love around us
Love is one of the most mysterious creations of nature and God.It happens automatically and it is the most important reality of this world to sustain life.Love is all around us.
As soon as a child is born,he gets the gift of love from his mother,father and almost every one in this world.Every one loves a child.Mere sight of child gives the feeling of love in most of us.It is true in animals too.The mother of an animal can do anything to protect her child and does everything to bring up the child till such time the child is able to take the world by its purely out of love.In human beings too,love of the parents only enables the child to stand on its own.
There are times when we feel that even if we are surrounded by other people in our lives,we are alone.We must go through this difficult journey called life by ourselves.How do we overcome these feelings of loneliness and despair?The answer is in connecting with other human beings.
Because love is around us.When we connect with other humans,we are no longer alone.We share our suffering,our experiences,our common trials.
And whether you’re connecting with loved ones,with new people,or with those in need … the ultimate connection is always through love.And the way to make this kind of connection is by first expressing your love — without expecting it to be returned — in any way you can.
世风日下的今天 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%


God moves in mysterious ways.
God moves in mysterious ways.
God moves in mysterious ways.这句话是在英语阅读里看到的,下面的题目中问这里"mysterious"是什么意思,答案是"strange",我实在不懂.似乎是什么圣颂的题目……如果要看那篇阅读的话,就找一下上海市2011年虹口区初三英语模拟练习(就是二模卷)阅读B篇.越快越好!
bbright 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
mysterious 神秘的
上帝神秘的行走着,既然神秘,自然就很奇怪了.Strange 是最接近的,通常选择题有时候出得也不够恰当,但我们可以选择最接近的答案.
a long time ago,there was a mysterious place tha
a long time ago,there was a mysterious place tha
was guarded by the fairy of the lack
香丫头LA 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
The man's death is very mysterious.
The man's death is very mysterious.
The man’s death is very mysterious.
walkingjie 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
mystery 和mysterious有什么区别
mystery 和mysterious有什么区别
JackBauer 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
英语修改---Today,in our program.We'll interview a mysterious per
---Today,in our program.We'll interview a mysterious person.He is a famous actor who plays the comedy.Let we guess who is him?
OK!Welcome our super star.
---Hello,every body!I'm Jake.I'm pleasure to here.
---Yes,he is a Jake.I think many people like him very much.Well,have you always wanted to be an actor?Jack.
___No,When I am a child,I wanted to be a writer.Because I like stories very much.
---Oh!I like reading stories.
---Yes!And day after day,week after week and month you worked on.Do you think it very boring?
---Some times I realy think it too tired.But when I think of many people like it,I'll feel energy.
---That' good!Could you talk about your family?
---I have a wife.I love her very much.And we don't like we don't have a child.
---I think many couples don't like kids,now.
---OK,Time is up.we expect interview Jake again.Goodby,everybody!
自在尘烟轻似梦 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
---Today,in our program,We'll interview a mysterious person.He is a famous actor who plays comedy.Let we guess who is he?
OK!Welcome our super star.
---Hello,everybody!I'm Jake.It's my pleasure to be here.
---Yes,he is Jake.I think many people like him very much.Well,have you always wanted to be an actor?Jack.
___No,When I was a child,I wanted to be a writer.Because I liked stories very much.
---Oh!I like reading stories.
---Realy? 看不明白了,到底是谁在采访谁?这里是多了句还是少了句?
---Yes!And day after day,week after week and month after month you worked on it.Do you think it's very boring?
---Some times I do feel tired.But when I think people like it,it brings me energy.
---That' good!Could you talk about your family?
---I have a wife.I love her very much.And we don't like we don't have a child.
---I think many couples don't like kids,now.
---OK,Time is up.we expect interview Jake again.Goodby,everybody!
zmgr8845 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
mystic = 名词
高考英语 求详解I kept getting mysterious phone calls ____the caller
高考英语 求详解
I kept getting mysterious phone calls ____the caller would hang up as soon as I answered.
A.where B.which C.when D.that
(这难道不是考同位语么 c选项哪里错了)

2.The modern carpenter would be just able to produce craftsmanship as the carpenter of fify years ago if _____proper tools and materials. be given B being given C giving him D given

3.Steve Jobs had been fighting against cancer for eight years ___he died on October 5. that B before C in case D after

4.I should be obvious to everyone ___ we need to make some changes.
A.that C.what D.where
严宁宁 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
2, 选D, 是the carpenter was given的省略.
_____ new sunglasses _____ her look mysterious.
_____ new sunglasses _____ her look mysterious.
[ ]
A.Wears; make
B. Wears; makes
C. Wearing; make
D. Wearing; makes
灰色乐章 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率76.2%

an old and mysteriouscourtry,one well worth visiting.which i
an old and mysteriouscourtry,one well worth visiting.which is为什么可以省略啊,他是定语从句
“one(which is)well worth visiting”
one代替的是one country,作为先行词,后面有个定语从句,而这里省略了关系词和从句谓语动词.
lanezhong 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
one是前面country的同位语,well worth visiting作one的后置定语.
love is a mysterious and a complicated force怎么翻译
坂造云日 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
arcane 和 mysterious 有何区别?
arcane 和 mysterious 有何区别?
arcane 和 mysterious 都有“神秘的”之意,那么它们之间有何区别呢?
4207 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
1 mysterious events or situations are difficult to explain or understand:
The police are investigating the mysterious deaths of children at
the hospital.
Benson later disappeared in mysterious circumstances.
There's something mysterious going on.
2 a mysterious person is someone who you know very little about and who seems strange or interesting [= enigmatic]:
I decided to find out more about my mysterious new neighbour.
a mysterious stranger
3 someone who behaves in a mysterious way says very little about what they are doing,in a way that makes you want to know more [= secretive]
mysterious about
Helen's being very mysterious about her plans.
She hid her thoughts behind a mysterious smile.
secret and known or understood by only a few people:
the arcane language of the law
不知道你英语怎么样,上面是我从longman英文词典里给你摘出来的,你看一下.misterious 的意思比较多,你自己看一下.arcane的意思更强调只有少数人知道或了解的“神秘”
mysterious; mystical 有什么区别?
枫露凝雪 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
I kept getting mysterious phone calls ________the caller wou
I kept getting mysterious phone calls ________the caller would hang up as soon as I answered.
A.where B.which Cwhen D that
我选D D为什么不对
开心小子002 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
同学你在百度文库中搜索下 “关系副词Where在定语从句中的用法” ,特别是“二”这篇文章,免费下载的,会让你受用很多.
英语选择 急11. On his birthday he received a mysterious present _
英语选择 急
11. On his birthday he received a mysterious present ________ in gold paper.
A. wrapped B. to wrap C. wrapping D. wrap
12. ––That woman has been taking care of the two white tigers for 8 years.
––Oh, dear! She ________ a lot of difficulties!
A. could go through B. might go through
C. ought to have gone through D. must have gone through
13. Mr. Smith, ________ of the ________ speech, started to read a novel.
A. tired; boring B. tiring; bored C. tired; bored D. tiring; boring
14. –– Bob, You ________ have posted those letters.
–– Sorry. I forgot it.
A. can B. should C. must D. may
15. A driver must keep his safety belt ________ while driving.
A. fastening B. fasten C. fastened D. to fasten
16. If we ________ your telephone number, we would have called you yesterday.
A. have known B. had known C. knew D. know
17. I don’t know why the manager didn’t reply. He ________ not have received our letter.
A. must B. should C. need D. might
18. The journalist asked the photographer ________ a photo of the bank.
A. to take B. take C. taking D. taken
19. On his way home from Beijing he told me he ________ Beijing again.
A. had visited B. has visited C. would visit D. will visit
20. ––What did you see at the fireworks display?
––I saw many ________ people. They were ________ at the beauty of the fireworks.
A. exciting; astonishing B. excited; astonished C. excited; astonishing D. exciting; astonished
21. The listening text might be easier for the students if you get it ________ into two parts.
A. dividing B. to divide C. divided D. divide
22. Don’t leave the water ________ while you brush your teeth.
A. being run B. running C. run D. to run
23. E-shopping, when properly ________, can save us a lot of time and money.
A. doing B. to do C. having done D. done
24. ________ more time and attention, we can do it much better.
A. Given B. To give C. Giving D. Having given
25. I feel sick. I wish I ________ so much cake.
A. don’t eat B. didn’t eat C. haven’t eaten D. hadn’t eaten
我爱世界波 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
11.On his birthday he received a mysterious present __wrapped______ in gold paper.
A.wrapped wrap C.wrapping D.wrap
12.––That woman has been taking care of the two white tigers for 8 years.
––Oh,dear!She ___D_____ a lot of difficulties!
A.could go through B.might go through
C.ought to have gone through D.must have gone through
13.Mr.Smith,__tired______ of the ___boring_____ speech,started to read a novel.
A.tired; boring B.tiring; bored C.tired; bored D.tiring; boring
tired在这里是习惯用语,tired of doing sth,所以不能用tiring;boring是speech的形容词;bored是只能形容人的“无聊的”,比如,he is bored.
14.–– Bob,You __should______ have posted those letters.
–– Sorry.I forgot it.
A.can B.should C.must D.may
15.A driver must keep his safety belt __fastened____ while driving.
A.fastening B.fasten C.fastened fasten
16.If we __had known______ your telephone number,we would have called you yesterday.
A.have known B.had known C.knew D.know
17.I don’t know why the manager didn’t reply.He ___might_____ not have received our letter.
A.must B.should C.need D.might
18.The journalist asked the photographer __ to take______ a photo of the bank. take B.take C.taking D.taken
ask do sth.是一个固定格式哦
19.On his way home from Beijing he told me he __will visit__ Beijing again.
A.had visited B.has visited C.would visit D.will visit
20.––What did you see at the fireworks display?
––I saw many __excited______ people.They were _astonished_______ at the beauty of the fireworks.
A.exciting; astonishing B.excited; astonished C.excited; astonishing D.exciting; astonished
比如原句中,excited people是“被激动的人们” ,而exciting people 是“有趣的人们”
21.The listening text might be easier for the students if you get it __divided______ into two parts.
A.dividing divide C.divided D.divide
22.Don’t leave the water __running______ while you brush your teeth.
A.being run B.running run
leave the water running是英语固定用法,是“开着水龙头让水一直哗哗流的意思”
23.E-shopping,when properly __done______,can save us a lot of time and money.
A.doing do C.having done D.done
你要看出来哦,这里是句子的省略说法,原句是"E-shopping,when it is properly done"
24.__Given______ more time and attention,we can do it much better.
A.Given B.To give C.Giving D.Having given
25.I feel sick.I wish I __hadn't eaten______ so much cake.
A.don’t eat B.didn’t eat C.haven’t eaten D.hadn’t eaten
改英语作文.300字rtNowadays,many things are still mysterious for hu
Nowadays,many things are still mysterious for human being and we are trying to find out the answer to all these questions.For example,do aliens exist?I totally believe that they live somewhere,because the universe is unlimited and scientists have a large number of evidences to explain their existence.
First of all,our planet is only a tiny point in the whole universe,so there may have other lives beyond the Earth.According to the astronomers’ estimation,there are over 100 billion other galaxies.This proves that the universe is immense.No one can deny the fact that other lives exist,because even the little sun galaxy has one planet that is inhibited.Moreover,after searching on Mars,scientist found out that there are some traces of water.This means that it is possible to have lives on it in the past.In this case,another planet shows the existence of extraterrestrials.Thus,why is it impossible to have another one in other galaxies?
Some people claim that no solid evidences can prove the alien’s existence.They are absolutely wrong!Many years ago,Mr.Steven Greer opened a project named the Disclosure Project.As a result of this,he assembled a lot of effective proofs and witnesses.There are enough documents to oblige people to believe their presence.In addition,Dr.Edgar Mitchell,the astronaut of Apollo 14 said that he had received an incomprehensible message during a radio interview when he was on the moon.His affirmation must be credible,because he is a celebrated astronaut and scientist.This significant that alien had already contacted us,but our technology doesn’t permit us to receive their messages.
In conclusion,I’m completely agreed with the fact that aliens exist,because the gigantic universe is able to contain another inhabited planet and a great many evidences demonstrate their existence.Actually,we can’t find or contact them for our backwardness in the technology,but I think it will be different in twenty years.
qqdsre 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
Nowadays,many things are still mysterious for human being and we are trying to find out the answer to all these questions.For example,do aliens exist?I totally believe that they live somewhere,because the universe is unlimited and scientists have a large number of evidence to PROVE their existence.
First of all,our planet is only a tiny SPOT in the whole universe,so there may have other lives beyond the Earth.According to the astronomers’ estimation,there are over 100 billion other galaxies.This MEANS that the universe is immense.No one can deny the fact that other lives exist,because even the little sun galaxy has one planet WHERE PEOPLE inhibit.Moreover,after searching on Mars,scientist HAVE found out that there are some traces of water.This means that it is possible to have lives on it in the past.In this case,another planet shows the POSSIBLE existence of extraterrestrials.Thus,why is it impossible to have another one in other galaxies?
Some people claim that no solid evidences can prove the ALIENS' existence.They are absolutely wrong!Many years ago,Mr.Steven Greer opened a project named the Disclosure Project.As a result of this,he assembled a lot of effective proofs and witnesses.There are enough documents to oblige people to believe their presence.In addition,Dr.Edgar Mitchell,the astronaut of Apollo 14,said that he had received an incomprehensible message during a radio interview when he was on the moon.His affirmation must be credible,because he is a celebrated astronaut and scientist.This INDICATED that alien had already contacted us,but our technology doesn’t permit us to receive their messages.
In conclusion,I’m completely agreed with the fact that aliens exist,because the gigantic universe is able to contain another inhabited planet and a great many evidences demonstrate their existence.Actually,we can’t find or contact them DUE TO our backwardness in the technology,but I think it will be different in twenty years.
帮我翻译下句子ei nino is the name given to the mysterious and unpre
ei nino is the name given to the mysterious and unpredictable change in the climate of the world.
偶是丫头啦 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
帮忙翻译一下The planet Earth is ruled by a mysterious creature tha
The planet Earth is ruled by a mysterious creature that sits or stands in a room and makes a strange ticking sound.
gfvtk 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语区分提mysterious和 mystic 都有神秘的意思而且都可以有adj的形式,该怎么区分呢?
五月VIVI 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率78.3%
1.后缀 -ous 表示“以…为特点的”
mysterious 意思是“以不可思议/难以理解为特点的”,表示引起惊奇和好奇的,而且是难以解释或无法理解的:
2.后缀-ic 表示“具有…特性的”:
mystic 意思是“具有神秘和好奇感特征的”,表示激起人们神秘感/玄妙感的.
Oo冷梦oO 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
[例句]Legendary creatures are mysterious and wonderful!
英语翻译operations of an almost mysterious character,which run c
operations of an almost mysterious character,which run counter to ordinary procedure in a more or less paradoxical way.They are methods which give an onlooker the impression of magic if he be not himself initiated or equally skilled in the mechanism.
侉妞 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
The man's death is very mysterious.
The man's death is very mysterious.
The man’s death is very mysterious.
wei4789 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
experiment与mysterious 读音上p要不要转成b
day23616576 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率70.8%
发音[s](不是字母s)后面跟的清辅音[p]和 [t]要发成对应的浊辅音:p -> b,t -> d
God works in mysterious ways.But he gets there all the same.
God works in mysterious ways.But he gets there all the same.
cool32 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%