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The first (1791-1867) is the British physicist and chemist, is the famous self-educated scientist.
1791 lima1 was born on 22 September surrey Newcastle's family because of poor blacksmith. Only a few years, the primary school at the age of 13 in a bookstore as an apprentice. The bookstore is caused him to read many science books. In the paper, the binding of work, etc, and the chemical and electrical self-study doing experiments verify the contents of books. In his spare time to study philosophy in city, hear the natural philosophy, thus the speech of natural science foundation education.
Because of his hobby, scientific research, English chemist David recognition,
In march, the royal institute of David to commend for lab assistants. This is the turning point of the life, Faraday, he embarked on a dedicated to scientific research.
In October, David to Europe for scientific research, lecturing, Faraday as his secretary, assistant with. David made along a Faraday help many chemical experiment, which greatly enriched his scientific knowledge, ability, growth for his experiments in independent scientific research and later laid a foundation.
1815 May return the royal under guidance of David chemical research.
Faraday is mainly engaged in electrical, magnetic, optical and electrochemical magnetic research in these fields, and made a series of important discoveries.
In 1820, the current AoSiTe found after magnetic,
In 1821 Faraday proposed "to generate electricity by magnetic" bold, and began to tough exploration.
1824 January elected members of the royal society,
In 1825 February as royal institute of laboratory,
1831 the electromagnetic induction that law. This is a great discovery, make the epoch-making humans mutual transformation of electromagnetic energy movement and mutual transformation method and power generators, motors, transformers, modern technology.
He always believed nature between various phenomena have an infinite number of contact. In this work, he continued to study was known volts dozen batteries, friction, temperature, jia cut, electricity, electromagnetic induction electric etc all kinds of electric identity, 1832 he made from different sources of electricity < > identity, with lots of experiment demonstrates how the sources of power ", it is the nature of the same conclusion.
In order to explain the essence of electric current through the Faraday, acid and alkali, salt solution, resulting in a series of experiments found in 1834-1833 electrolysis, as the first and second laws laid the foundation of modern electrochemistry industry, in order to correctly describe experimental facts, Faraday formulated migration, cathode, anode, anionic, cationic and electrolysis, electrolytes and many other concepts and terminology.
Electricity and magnetism are confirmed, the unity of light and determination for Faraday electromagnetic phenomena. He found the original 1845 without the heavy glass optical effect of strong magnetic field in the optical polarization of light, to cause the deflection, magnetic, optical effects of being the first to realize electromagnetic phenomena and relationships between the phenomena of the light.
In 1846 he made about the light of vibration, the earliest > ideas put forward the thought of light, the essence of electromagnetic won the medal and the royal MEDALS at Aaron.
1867 died on August 25.
Faraday is the founder of electromagnetic field theory, he first put forward the concept of electric field, magnetic, electric, electrochemical, in the research of electrostatic induction of further deepening and develop the power line, and the first game of thought, established the concept of electric field, magnetic field, negate action at a distance. Einstein once said that the thought, is one of the most creative Faraday, is the most important since Newton discovered. Maxwell's inheritance and development of the game, the Faraday to find the perfect mathematical representation so as to establish the electromagnetic field theory.
The exploration of science Faraday tenacious spirit, for human civilization and progress of selfless dedication, simplicity with his outstanding contribution to science for later generations, forever.
