Our village carpenter (木匠) ,John Hill,came one day and made

Toread2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

Our village carpenter (木匠) ,John Hill,came one day and made a dining table for my wife.He made it just the right size to be put into the place between the two windows.When I got home that evening,John was drinking a cup of tea and writing out his bill (账单) for his job.
My wife said to me,quietly,“That’s his ninth cup of tea today.” But she said,in a loud voice,“It’s a beautiful table,dear,isn’t it?”
“I’ll give him money for his work when I see the bill.” I said.
John laughed and gave me his bill for the job.I read:
One dining table 10 November 1999
Cost of wood (木材成本) $ 17.00
Paint(油漆) $ 1.50
Job,8 hours ($ 1 an hour) $ 8.00
Total (合计) $ 36.50
When I was reading his bill,John said,“It is a fine day,isn’t it?Quite sunny.”
“Yes,” I said.“I’m glad it’s the 10th of November.” “Me,too,” said John.“You wait – it’ll be a lot colder by the end of the month.”
“Yes.Colder – and more expensive (昂贵)!Dining tables will be $20 more expensive on November 30th,won’t they,John?”
John looked hard at me for half a minute.Was there a little smile in his two blue eyes?I gave his bill (
How much would john sak for if he made a dining table on the last day of December according to his bill?
A.$26.50 B.$ 36.50 C.$56.50 D.$57.50


fei282001722 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
Cost of wood (木材成本) $ 17.00
Paint(油漆) $ 1.50
Job,8 hours ($ 1 an hour) $ 8.00
Total (合计) $ 36.50
总计:17.00+1.5+8.00=26.50 John是把号数10加上了,所以他算出36.50.十二月大,有31天,按John的计算,26.50+31结果是57.50,当然就选D


the story____(happen)in a small village on a winter morning
ss20042008 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
The old man wanted very much to visit the small village ,___
The old man wanted very much to visit the small village ,___he spent his childhood.
A where B there C which D the one
为什么c不对呢?同学和我说 which是指物品而where是指地点.我总感觉怪怪的
xbb739230 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率76.5%
选A where 表示在哪个小山村,是地点副词,意思是“这个老人非常想吃参观那个小山村,在那个小山村他度过了自己的童年” where= in the place which这里是考察地点状语从
eg.The doctor advised me to live where the air is freshe
Question 1: Many years ago in a small village, a farmer had
Question 1: Many years ago in a small village, a farmer had the misfortune of owing a large sum of m
hattie1186 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
欠了一大笔了,那肯定就是欠别人钱啦!money and he had to think of every means to pay back the debts or he would be killed.因为欠了很多钱,所以他要想尽一切办法来还钱,否则就会惹来杀身之祸.等等,可以发挥你自己的想象力哈!加油!
As a child, Jack studied in a village school, ______ is name
As a child, Jack studied in a village school, ______ is named after his grandfather.
A.that B.where C.what D.which
五四五四 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率76.2%

When Mr. David retired, he bought a small house in a village
When Mr. David retired, he bought a small house in a village near the sea. He liked it and hoped to live a quiet life in it.
But to his great surprise, many tourists(游客)came to see his house in summer holidays, for it was the most interesting building in the village. From morning to night there were tourists outside the house. They kept looking into the rooms through the windows and many of them even went into Mr. David’s garden. This was too much for Mr. David. He decided to drive the visitors away. So he put a notice on the window. The notice said: “If you want to satisfy your curiosity(好奇心), came in and look round. Price: twenty dollars.” Mr. David was sure that the visitors would stop coming, but he was wrong. More and more visitors came and Mr. David had to spend every day showing them around his house. “I came here to retire, not to work as a guide(导游).” he said angrily. In the end, he sold the house and moved away.
小题1: Mr. David’s house was_______ that many tourists came to see it.
A.so small B.so quiet C.so interesting D.such interesting
小题2: Mr. David put a notice on the window in order_______.
A.to drive the visitors away
B.to satisfy the visitor’s curiosity
C.to let visitors come in and look round
D.to get some money out of the visitors
小题3: The notice made the visitors _______.
A.more interested in his house
B.lost interest in his house
C.angry at the unfair price
D.feel happy about the price
小题4: After Mr. David put up the notice_______.
A.the visitors didn’t come any longer
B.fewer and fewer visitors came to see his house
C.more and more tourists came for a visit
D.no tourist would pay the money for a visit
小题5: At last he had to sell his house and move away because_______.
A.he did not like it at all
B.he could not work as a guide
C.he made enough money and wanted to buy a new expensive house
D.he could not live a quiet life in it
9卦园_幻彩 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率81.8%

I was born in a village.Its name is Mashan.I was born in a v
I was born in a village.Its name is Mashan.I was born in a village ____ Mashan.
liuj_168 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
请帮忙写一篇法语Mon Village Beijing的作文
请帮忙写一篇法语Mon Village Beijing的作文
帮忙写一份Mon Village Beijing的作文,写的简单一点,100个词就行,
枫之独美 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
Mon village Beijing est situé dans le nord de la Chine. Le temps y est changéable dans les quatre saisons. En générale, il fait doux et du vent au printemps, qui est la plus agréable saison pour assez de gens. En été, il fait très chaud et il pleut parfois. En automne, il fait frais et les feuilles de la plupart des arbes tombent par terre. Il fait trop froid en hiver et il neige souvent.
Comme la capitale, Beijing est le coeur de l'économie et la politique donc il joue une part importante dans le pays. Il y a beaucoup d'immeubles hauts et modernes. De plus en plus de gens qui viennet de tout le monde y travaillent dur pour créer une ville plus belle et charmante.
They arrived at teh small village_____(safe)at last
They arrived at teh small village_____(safe)at last
They arrived at the small village_____(safe)at last
zhhs11 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
They arrived at the small village safely at last. 他们最终安全抵达了那个小村庄.
This is the mountain village (which) I visited last year.为什么
This is the mountain village (which) I visited last year.为什么用which不用where.
江湖James 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
I visited last year 这部分是定语从句
由于visited 是及物动词,及物动词是必须要有宾语的,所以要用关系代词which(或者that),where 是关系副词,不能作宾语,所以排除
I think a new bridge _____ over the river near our village .
I think a new bridge _____ over the river near our village .The old one is broken.
宝贝龙猫 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
I think a new bridge __would be___ over the river near our village .The old one is broken.用委婉语气would be 表示有这个可能性.
写一篇名为:MY VILLAGE 的英语作文,单词不少于60个 景物:鸟 书 山 云 桥 河 花 彩虹 就这些,
火星特使 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
My village
I like my village. We have all kinds of birds on the different trees. And we have mountains around our village. We still have a beautiful river. Along the river, you can see flowers here and there. After the rain, we sometimes see rainbows! Welcome to our village.
How do the students in the small village get to school?(回答问题
How do the students in the small village get to school?(回答问题)
共回答了个问题 | 采纳率
一道关于时间的语法题.1.He flew a doctor to a Welsh village._____he has
1.He flew a doctor to a Welsh village._____he has flown to many unusual places.
A.From then B.By then C.By that time D.Since that time
c36f 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
D. Since that time
he flew a doctor to a welsh village 已经解释了说他载过一个医生去过welsh village. 所以自从那次开始, 他就飞过很多不寻常的地方.
提示是从 flew 和 has flown 得来的.
英语翻译the famous church lies village only 3miles away教堂位于离村子3公
the famous church lies village only 3miles away
我就是要过孽 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
不对的,亲,lie是不及物动词,后面不能直接加宾语的,可以这样子说:The famous church lies three miles away from the village.
There is a ()in my village.
There is a ()in my village.
vvbbsa 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
在我的村子里有( )
关于英语疑问请问这两句话分别是什么时态 i had had lunch at village pub 和 he has
请问这两句话分别是什么时态 i had had lunch at village pub 和 he has been worded all week 这两个都是说过去的事,但是为什么has不用had 还有就是过去完成时和现在完成时有什么区别,能举例最好,
蓝海一号 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率100%
had是过去完成时,has 现在完成时,举个例子你就懂了
He said that he had finished his work.
He says," i have finished my work."
一道简单的高一英语题目The dream____ that buses go to every village, how
The dream____ that buses go to every village, however few passengers.
A has been come true
B has to be come true
C has realized
D has been realized
zxp814 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
选D,因为come true 没有被动语态,直接说sth has come true.
而一般说realize one's dream,实现梦想,dream是宾语,反过来就应该是被动结构
《英语阅读》急!An old woman lived in a small village in England.Her
An old woman lived in a small village in England.Her son worked in London far away
One day the old woman wanted to go to see her son .She got up when it was very dark outside.She knew it was along way from the village to the small station ,it would take her three hours to get there.When she reached the station,it was just nine o'clock in the morning.Because it was her fist trip,she didn't know the train time.She was quite worried.
Just at that time,she saw a little boy with a schoolbag running towards her.She stopped the boy and asked him what time the train would arrive and when the train was going to leave for London.
The boy,who was hurrying to school,took a look at the woman and hurriedly answered “[tu:] [tu:] [tu:] [tu:] [tu:] [tu:]”.then he ran away quickly.
The old woman was surprised and then got angry.She thought the boy had played a joke on her.She sat down on a stone nearby,thought and thought.At last she smiled.“Oh,dear!”What the boy said is not diffcult to understand.He had told her the train time in his own way.
Four hours and fifty-eight minntes late,the old woman got on the train.She was still thinking over the boy's answer.As the train started,she looked at her watch quickly and said to herself,“What a clever boy!”完 了 请看下面的问题:
1.The old woman got up at ______o'clock that morning.
2.The train got the small station at _____in the afternoon.
3.The old woman left the small station at _____past______that afternoon.
4.The boy's answer “[tu:] [tu:] [tu:] [tu:] [tu:] [tu:].”really meant______.完了
他乡的季节 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
呵呵 这篇文章好玩,简直就是算术加智测
参考这句She knew it was along way from the village to the small station ,it would take her three hours to get there.When she reached the station,it was just nine o'clock in the morning
2.13:58 也就是1:58 in the afternoon
参考这句Four hours and fifty-eight minntes late,the old woman got on the train
3.2 past 2 that afternoon,也就是下午14:02
4.two to two to two two
two to two是下午1:58
two two是下午2:02
英语翻译The small village in ( ) he was born has changed a lot b
The small village in ( ) he was born has changed a lot by now.
simongg 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
这是定语从句,in which=where
There's a small house in my village.(改为复数句)____ _____ some s
There's a small house in my village.(改为复数句)____ _____ some small houses in our village.
不添乱睡不着觉 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率76.9%
When he was a boy,he _____(study)in a mountain village schoo
When he was a boy,he _____(study)in a mountain village school.
yyqslly 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
Larry will stay in this beautifun village for a month 对for a
Larry will stay in this beautifun village for a month 对for a month提问=___ ____
iwascandy 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率90%
How long will Larry stay in this beautifun village?
关于mere用法的一个问题he informed us that the next village was a mere
he informed us that the next village was a mere twenty miles away.
请大家帮忙回答,为什么要加上a,也就是说为什么一定要说a mere,不能直接用mere 呢?
in_my_home 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
a mere child 仅仅是个孩子。 a mere pretext 不过(是)托辞〔口实〕。 that is the merest folly. 那真糊涂透了。 of mere motion 【法律】自动的。

a small pond of standin...
排列英语句子(1)a new school _ built_ they_ in our village_ last ye
(1)a new school _ built_ they_ in our village_ last year
(2)the match_ at four o'clock_ ended
(3)she_ a leter her brother_ last year_ received
清风梳乱云 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
They built a new school in our village last year.
The match ended at four o'clock.
She recieved a lettter (from) her brother last year.
He knew it would not prove difficult in such a small village
He knew it would not prove difficult in such a small village.这句话would是什么用法,为什么这样用
xx货币 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
He knew 表明说话的人叙述过去的事情 .
it would ....
英语翻译There are 100 families in the Nevermind village,if each
There are 100 families in the Nevermind village,if each family has 2 dogs at most,and most of the families have only 1 dog each,half of the other families have no dogs.If there aren't any homeless dog in the village,then( )dogs are there in the village in total?
aa咻咻 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
根据汉语完下列成句子 根据汉语完下列成句子. 1.There's a small village______ (在…脚下
1.There's a small village______ (在…脚下) the mountain.
2.The tombs______ (遍布) an area of 40km.
3.There are many trees on ______ (路的两边).
4. ______ (在过去), there was no hospital in our village.
5. Be careful and______ (确保) that you don't make mistakes.
suyl 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
1. at the foot of
2.spread over
3.both sides of the road
4. in the old days
5.make sure
there ( )( )any shops in this village now填什么
-小胡子 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
There( are )(not )any shops in this village now.
whom did he visit at the a village fair?还有一句whom did she tel
whom did he visit at the a village fair?还有一句whom did she tell him they had to meet at .
对于人称代词做宾语提问时必须要用whom是吧?但是在从句中的时候 也可以用who 我说的对吗?
第一句我知道whom是visit的宾语,但是第二句whom是谁的宾语 到底是tell的还是meet的?个人觉得应该是tell的,但是they had to meet at .又不知道做什么成分了,因为这样的话这个句子已经有2个宾语了him/ whom那么they had to meet at .做什么呢?如果做meet 的宾语 我还没见过 连接词跟后面的句子离那么远的,这样说不更好吗?she tell him whom (who) they had to meet at .这样tell 有两个宾语him和whom后面的
我想了一下she tell him whom (who) they had to meet at ....是不是 就是对连接词whom提问的呢?这样用who whom/who did she tell him they had to meet at ...
慕容珊日 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
1.whom did he visit at the a village fair?这句话中 whom是visit的宾语,因为是疑问句,whom被提前.可以用who取代.
2.whom did she tell him they had to meet at the a village fair ?本句中she tell him 是主句部分的主谓宾,they had to meet at the a village fair 是主句的另一个宾语,因为这个宾语是个从属于主句的句子,所以这里叫宾语从句.这个宾语从句中,meet 后面的宾语就是whom,被提到了整个句子的句首用来提问形成疑问句.还原成陈述的语序是:she told him they had to meet whom at the a village fair .
wzh_2005 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
don't polute the river water of this village
As I grew up in a small village at the foot of a mountain, t
As I grew up in a small village at the foot of a mountain, the visit to the village ______ scenes
of my childhood.

[ ]

A. called up
B. called for
C. called on
D. called in
淡定就是ee 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
把一大串英语翻译成中文Hello.I'American.My parents in a village.I like w
Hello.I'American.My parents in a village.I like with uncle sam in small city.uncle sam likes the city.In the city,there are tall buildings ang nice cars.He can eat all kinds of food and do all kinds of things.But I like village is so beautifur.The air is fresh.The grass is green,too.And the flowers are colourfur.There is a river near the village.It is so clean.And there are ducks and geese in the river.My friends and I can go and piay everywhere in my holiday.
daeeq1978 共回答了33个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
但是我喜欢村庄,那里风景很美. 空气新鲜,草丛嫩绿,花儿五颜六色. 在村庄附近有一条河,河水非常清澈,河里还有鸭子和鹅.在我放假的时候,我和我的朋友可以到那里到处玩耍.
Hello. I'm American. My parents are live in a village. I like to be with Uncle Sam in the small city. Uncle Sam likes the city. In the city, there are all buildings and nice cars. He can eat all kinds of food and do all kinds of things. But I like the village, it is so beautiful. The air is fresh; the grass is green; and the flowers are colourful. There is a river near the village. It is so clean. And there are ducks and geese in the river. My friends and I can go and play everywhere during my holiday.
It was while he was visiting his uncle in a mountain village

It was while he was visiting his uncle in a mountain village ______ he got the inspiration for his new novel.
A.that B.which C.when D.where
悠悠一夏 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%

一个英语句子,看看是什么结构?There are those in this beautiful village in
There are those in this beautiful village in the mountains of Scotland (population, 320) who say they were never quite sure about Anthony Williams, the soft-spoken, wealthy noble who arrived in 1986 with his well-dressed wife.
mailly 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
主干部分就是There are those , 然后 in this beautiful village in the mountains of Scotland 是地点状语,who say they were never quite sure about Anthony Williams是修饰those 的定语,the soft-spoken, wealthy noble 是Anthony Wi...
3.My uncle lives in a village.He as eighty or ninety apple t
3.My uncle lives in a village.He as eighty or ninety apple trees on his farm.But my uncle and
aunt can’t pick all the apples in a_____.They usually ask my parents and me to go to h_________ them every year.
It’s going tobe Saturday tomorrow.My parents aren’t going to work and I’m not going to s_________.So we’re going there by bus.We’re going to get up early in the morning.Mother is going to wear old c_________.Father is going to buy some moon cakes for my uncle’s son in a shop.The boy like them very much.I know Uncle and Aunt are going to g________ us a lot of apples before we come back.I like to work in the village.
wsw59 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
He has many rows of apple trees on his farm(在他的农场有许多行果树,果树不就是一行一行的吗).But my uncle and aunt can't pick all the apples in autumn(在秋天收果子).They usually ask my parents and me to go to help(让我父母和我去帮他) them every year.
It's Saturday tomorrow.My parents aren't going to work and I'm not going to school(没去上学).SO we're going there by bus.We're going to get up early (get up early为经常用法,起床早)in the morning.
短文改错 long ago,in a small village living two far
短文改错 long ago,in a small village living two far
er,harry and peter.harry was veryhard working when peter was lazy.one summer there were no rain and the crops weredead.harry thought ,“i must do something to save these crops”.he started digging a canal leading to his field.
反价格瞒骗 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
long ago,in a small village living(lived) two farmer(famers),harry and peter.harry was very hard working(hard-working) when(while) peter was lazy.one summer there were(was) no rain an...
HOW’s the weather in your village? (改为同义句) _______the weathe
HOW’s the weather in your village? (改为同义句) _______the weather ________ 求学霸,一定会采纳
soonnoos 共回答了5个问题 | 采纳率60%
What's like
一篇英语的完形填空,One day a h___ fox saw a cock near a village and s
One day a h___ fox saw a cock near a village and said ,"l remeber w___ a wonderful singer your father was.l wonder whether you can sing better t___ your father." The cock c___ his eyes,beginning to sing.The fox caught him w___ his mouth and carried him a___
subowlong 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
Many _____(village) need help this year.为什么
笑着忏悔 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
Can their dream______?选括号里的(health taste village take a walk
Can their dream______?选括号里的(health taste village take a walk come true)
ledzdib 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
答案:【come true】他们的梦想能够实现吗?

That's-----the village lies.A.where B.when C.why D.what
yingaowuxian 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
懒懒懒懒猫 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率78.9%
帮我分析一下这几个句子;Is this village you were born 16 years ago?为什么填:
帮我分析一下这几个句子;Is this village you were born 16 years ago?为什么填:the one where?
bvnmnbnmnb 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
这是一个定语从句,主句部分变成陈述句的话是 This vilage is 缺少宾语,所以要补上宾语the one
相反 如果是Is it the vilage这样写的话,就不需要the one 陈述句是 it is the vilage 不缺少成分
英文语法问题求解the bicycle was picked up in a small village four hu
the bicycle was picked up in a small village four hundred miles away.这里的four hundred miles away . 在语法中叫什么形式啊起什么作用谢谢.
开心大药房 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率64.3%
four hundred miles away"四百英里远”,修饰village.因为far不能和具体的数字连用
away 是副词状语,修饰four hundred miles;
four hundred miles away 作为定语修饰a small village 这个地点
用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空village,like,bridge,boat,afraid1.I'm( ) I hav
1.I'm( ) I have no time to play soccer this afternoon
2.there are three( ) on the river
3.what does is look(
4.these( ) are kind to me.we like them very much.
5.some of students usually go to school by( )in China
1.my brother usually rides his bike ( ) school
2.our classroom is ( ) class 2 and class 5
3.their village is 10 kilometer away ( ) the school
4.these student can cross the river ( ) a ropeway
5.Jim's father goes to work by subway.how ( ) your father?
1.there are forty-five students in our class
1.it is about FIVE KILOMETER from my school to the shopping center.
2.the students uaually WALK to school.
3.Jane usually leaves home AT ABOUT SIX O'CLOCK
核动力潜艇A 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
1.I'm(afraid ) I have no time to play soccer this afternoon
2.there are three(bridges ) on the river
3.what does is look(like )?
4.these(villagers ) are kind to me.we like them very much.
5.some of students usually go to school by( boat )in China


Thank you for you E-mail
It is difficult for the students to cross the river
Our English teacher has been a father to me
Can your dream come true?
There are some students in the class


1.my brother usually rides his bike (at ) school
2.our classroom is ( between ) class 2 and class 5
3.their village is 10 kilometer away ( from ) the school
4.these student can cross the river ( to) a ropeway
5.Jim's father goes to work by subway. how ( about ) your father?


1.there are forty-five students in our class
There aren't forty-five students in our class
1.it is about FIVE KILOMETER from my school to the shopping center.
How far is it about from my school to the shopping center.
2.the students uaually WALK to school.
How do the students usually do to school
3.Jane usually leaves home AT ABOUT SIX O'CLOCK
What time does Jane usually leave home?
The farmers in that village planted______ trees last year.
The farmers in that village planted______ trees last year.
A.hundred of B.hundreds of C.two hundreds D.two hundreds of
hambone 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
B.hundreds of 好几百,许许多多

27.The village has developed a lot we learned farming two ye
27.The village has developed a lot we learned farming two years ago.A.when B.which C.that D.where
答d 为不c 呢
hfwiytg 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
The village has developed a lot (D.where)we learned farming two years ago.
这个定语从句需要一个表示地点状语的引导词,where相当于介词+which,在这里的意思就是in the village(在这个村子).
my home town is a quiet village(对a quiet village提问)____ ____
my home town is a quiet village(对a quiet village提问)____ ____ your home town ____?
lvyifang 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率75%
(What)(is) your home town(like)?

bizb 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%