superstitions 还有可以写一篇这个的poem

天霜月2022-10-04 11:39:543条回答


marslc 共回答了35个问题 | 采纳率94.3%
superstitious poem- 迷信的诗
a poem about superstition
Would you marry in black instead of white?
Cut your nails on a Friday night?
Give a witch a lock of your hair?
Break a mirror and not even care?
Jump up out of the wrong side of bed?
Never sing,but whistle instead?
Walk under ladders but care not a jot
Point at rainbows while shouting,‘So what?’
Is your favourite number 666
Do you enjoy taking all these risks?
Do you lap up dragon’s blood and still feel glad?
No,you’re not brave
I crossed my fingers
Crossed my toes
Crossed my eyebrows
Over my nose
I crossed my legs
And then my eyes
I crossed my heart
And hoped to die
But I crossed TOO MUCH
And now I’m stuck
Seems too much crossing
Brings bad luck.
半盏酒 共回答了6个问题 | 采纳率
封子嫣 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率


Describe some Chinese superstitions,写篇120左右的英语作文
越荆 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
With the development of our society and our daily life,less and less Chinese people believe in superstitions.However,some of superstitions sounds quite interesting and had been traditional customs.
Geomantic omen is the most popular superstition until now.It means proper location of house,grave,placing furniture or something important.Many people,especially traditional businessmen believe good geomantic omen will lead to luck and fortune.They invite the geomantist to give them directions and pay a lot of money on those geomantic activites.
Another one is the trust on ghost and god.Although science has proved there is no ghost and god on the world.Some people still believe there is because of some unexplainable phenomenon.It not only occurs in China,even Americans trust much on the god and ghost.However,trust on ghost and god had become a belief in people's heart.It could also release pain of relatives' death,and could give artist more inspiration of creation.
The last one I want to introduce is fortune-telling.Many people believe some famous fortune-teller could give them hints of the future and help them to avoid disaster.Unfortunately,few of them is right and correct while most of fortune teller is cheater with purpose of gaining money.
In conclusion,everything has two corns.As long as we make full use of the advantages of superstitions,we can also get much harvest.
英语翻译there are many superstitions in Britain,but one of the m
there are many superstitions in Britain,but one of the most widely held is that it is unlucky ti walk under a ladder-even if it means stepping off the pavenment into a busy street!
If you must pass under a ladder you can avoid bad luck by crossing your fingers and keeping them crossed until you have seen a dog.Alternaticely,you may lick your finger and make a cross on the toe of your shoe,and not look again at the shoe until the mark has dried.
nfsnew 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
如果你一定要通过下梯子,你能避免坏运气越过你的手指,并保持他们越过直到你看到dog.alternaticely ,你可以舔你的手指,并作出过关于他的脚趾你的鞋子,而不是再看看制鞋,直至该商标已干涸.
【十万火急】英语 阅读理解Superstitions (迷信) There are different supersti
【十万火急】英语 阅读理解
Superstitions (迷信)
There are different superstitions in different countries.In Britain,for example,many people do not like to walk under a ladder or to open an umbrella in a house,or even say the number 13.If they spill(洒落)the salt,they will often throw some of it over one of their shoulders (肩膀).
When people marry,their friends often tie (拴,系) old shoes to the back of the wedding(婚礼)car.This is so,the old shoes can kick away bad spirits (精神).Another wedding superstition is to throw small pieces of paper over the couple (夫妻).This paper is named confetti(五彩碎纸).Some people believe that throwing confetti over the couple can help them have many children.At one time people wanted to have many children,but nowadays people usually want only one or two .However,we still throw confetti over the couple!
Superstitions are very silly,but some people still like to believe in them.
( ) 1.What is the main idea of this passage?
A.weddings B.spirits C.superstitions D.confetti
( ) 2.What is the thing that people in Britain don’t like to do
A.walk under ladders B.throw confetti C.wear old shoes salt
( )3.What do superstitious peopleoften do if they spil that
A.get married B.kick away bad spirits C.throw away the salt bad luck
( )4.What do people do at weddings to help their friends have children?
A.Laugh and dance B.Throw colorful paper C.Tie old shoes to the wedding car
( )5.What is the writer's opinion about superstitions?
A.He believes in superstitions.
B.He tells us how to have good luck.
C.He thinks superstitions aer silly.
D.He wants people to believe in superstitions.
筱轺 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
翻译一小句英文 求速度Superstitions are beliefe about serious consequen
翻译一小句英文 求速度
Superstitions are beliefe about serious consequences resulting from actions that are not so serious. Some superstition have more to do with personal beliefs
丑小怪 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率100%
What cultures have the following superstitions?Write the nam
What cultures have the following superstitions?Write the names of these cultures in the blanks.1)T
What cultures have the following superstitions?Write the names of these cultures in the blanks.
1)The number 13 is unlucky.___________
2)The number 4 is unlucky._________
3)The number 7 is lucky.________
4)The number 8 is lucky.____________
mager923 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
1)The number 13 is unlucky.__T_________
2)The number 4 is unlucky.___NOT GIVEN______
3)The number 7 is lucky.____T____
4)The number 8 is lucky.____NOT GIVEN________