A;Linda what are your predictions about the future?

葵之怒放2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

A;Linda what are your predictions about the future?
B;The future?Well i guess( )
A;NO work?( )
B;Robots will do all the work
A;You think so what about teachers?won't there be any teachers
B;No teachers( )
A;Mm at computers what else will people do?
B;Vacations?( )


freeskylin520 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
1.there will be no work
2.Why do you think so?
3.Students will study at home on computers.
4.They will be on Vacations


一句英语不懂~There are many famous predictions that never came tru
There are many famous predictions that never came true 这是什么结构的句子~帮我分析下~也就是说是什么句子?
chixie2001 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率78.9%
定语从句,that 后修饰 predictions .
选项题there were many famous predictions (预言) that never ______
选项题there were many famous predictions (预言) that never ______.
a.come true
b.came true
但是前面"there were"是过去时的,后面的that从句应该也跟过去时吧?
shangsan3232 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
Mr.Yuan is ________ about making predictions about the succe
Mr.Yuan is ________ about making predictions about the success of the farming programme because it is so important.
[ ]
A. content
B. creative
C. curious
D. cautious
ilovezxy 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
According to some predictions, human beings will die out in
According to some predictions, human beings will die out in 2012. Nearly all people think it’s impossible, but there are some more earthquakes in recent years.
Animals can predict the weather or other natural events. It may sound strange, but farmers living in the countryside think so. For hundreds of years , they have observed animals.
“Animals ’ behavior can be connected to future weather conditions or events.” They say. For example, if cows lie down, a rainstorm is coming. There are many traditional stories connecting animals and natural events. Many people think that these stories don’t have scientific evidence( 根据 ) at all. Scientists, however, are beginning to take another look at some of these ideas.
A Japanese earthquake researcher named Kiyoshi Shimamura noticed an increase in dog bites a short time before earthquake hit. Then he did research on twelve public health centers in Kobe, Japan. These health centers treated people after the 1995 earthquake . He got some interesting information about the month before the big earthquake: treatment for animals’ bites had increased . In fact, aggressive(侵略的)behavior in dogs, such as biting and barking loudly , jumped 60 percent.
There are also other changes in animals’ behavior before the earthquake. For example, fish began swimming together in large groups , but only in the middle of the water and not near the edges. Birds flew away from their nests for many days, leaving their eggs unprotected . These animals’ behavior suggests that animals may be able to predict natural events better than people.
小题1:What would cows behave before a rainstorm?
A.Running B.Biting C.Lying down D.Sleeping
小题2:What do dogs begin to do just before an earthquake?
A.They leave their homes. B.They hurt people.
C.They lie down in grass. D.They stay together in large groups.
小题3:Which of the following animals behave strangely before an earthquake according to this passage?
A.Fish B.Cows C.Pigs D.All of the above.
小题4:In Kiyoshi Shimamura’s investigation(调查),before the big earthquake, treatment for animals’ bites had _________.
A.disappeared B.increased C.been the same as before. D.never changed.
小题5:What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Natural events and animals’ actions.
B.What animals do during earthquakes
C.Many earthquakes of Japan.
D.Some stories about animals.
jonets 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率100%

1 There were many famous predictions that never come truel,(
1 There were many famous predictions that never come truel,(
A were there B weren't there C were they D weren't they
2 Many of ( )football stars are from Spain.
A world B the world C the worlds D the world's
3 The teacher told us to be modest and never to ( )
A show off B showing off C show out D show up
Left out is really nice ,and we get on well.
梦里梦外ㄆ 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
I never make predictions,especially about the future 这句话有什么问
I never make predictions,especially about the future 这句话有什么问题
paciwood66 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译predictions under DI modes of combustion matched well ag
predictions under DI modes of combustion matched well against data generated from experiments conducted on the engine under the same conditions which suggests that a sector mesh is sufficient for modeling
清晨极光 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
What will the future look like?But one thing predictions is
What will the future look like?But one thing predictions is certain---they are going to get bi...
What will the future look like?But one thing predictions is certain---they are going to get bigger before they get smaller.In the future,care for the environment will become very important as earth's natural resources run out.we will use lots of recycled materials,such as plastic,aluminium,steel,glass,wood and paper,and we will waste fewer natural resources.We will also have to rely more on alternative energy,such as solar and wind power.All this seems certain,but there are plenty of things about city life in the future which are not certain.以上翻译急求,
yanmingming911 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率78.9%
What will the future look like?未来将会如何?
But one thing predictions is certain---they are going to get bigger before they get smaller.但有一项预言是可以确定的,那就是,在它们变小前它们会变大.
In the future,care for the environment will become very important as earth's natural resources run out.在将来,对环境的保护会变得和地区自然资源耗竭一样重要.
we will use lots of recycled materials,such as plastic,aluminium,steel,glass,wood and paper,and we will waste fewer natural resources.我们会利用很多可再生资源,例如塑料,铝、钢铁、玻璃、木材和纸张,那么我们就将减少利用自然资源.
We will also have to rely more on alternative energy,such as solar and wind power.我们将不得不依赖于可替代的资源,例如太阳能和风能.
All this seems certain,but there are plenty of things about city life in the future which are not certain.这些看起来是确定的,但是还有许多城市生命还未确定.
this is what mekes leon bagrit's predictions particularly re
this is what mekes leon bagrit's predictions particularly remarkable
jojo_zh 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率82.6%
what是is后面表语从句的形式主语,它相当于the reason for which
原句=This is the reason for which makes Leon Bagrit's predictions particularly remarkable.
英语翻译为啥这样翻译how well the predictions will be validated by late
how well the predictions will be validated by later perform ance depends upon the amout reliability,and appropriateness of the information used and on the skill and wisdom with which it is always interpreted
how well the predictions will be validated by later perform ance 前面到这里还懂,后面写的什么什么就不懂了.depends upon the amout reliability,到这里我觉得怎么会来个逗号分开了前后都不通顺了and appropriateness of the information used and on the skill and wisdom with which it is always interpreted
wlzfy 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
整体结构是 how well ---- depends upon ---and on ---,即,----怎么样取决于---和---
主语:how well the predictions will be validated by later performance
谓语:depends upon
宾语为:the amount reliability,and appropriateness of the information used and on the skill and wisdom with which it is always interpreted.
depends upon the amout reliability,到这里来个逗号,主要是后面这个宾语太长了,所以用逗号分开.
英语造句.急..1.用predictions造两句,并写出翻译.2.one of+the adj(最高级)+n 造两句,
1.用predictions造两句,并写出翻译.2.one of+the adj(最高级)+n 造两句,并写出翻译.3.用sund,voice,noise,各造一句,并写出翻译.一定要正确!完整的话我会给分的.
mm_ti 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
The predictions they made maybe aren't true 他们做出的预测不一定是真的
He loves making predicitons 他很喜欢预言事情
Beijing is one of the biggest cities in the world北京是世界上最大的城市之一
I am one of the tallest students in my class 我是我们班最高学生之一
The sounds from the next room woke up the child.
Her voice is really beautiful 她的声音很美
Don't make noise here 在这儿别制造噪音
There are many famous predictions that never came true.that
There are many famous predictions that never came true.that never came true.
My life will be a lot better than it is now!这里的it is than是什么词性,它后面可以接句子吗?
Do you think where I can get some work to do?这句话哪里有错误?
闪灵魔神 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
that 是定语从句,是关系代词,做主语.
it is now指现在的生活.than 连词,它后面是个比较状语从句.
可以说Do you know where I can get some work to do?用think不合适.
Not all predictions really happen的同义句
Not all predictions really happen的同义句
Not all predictions ______ ______
sky王天一one 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
Not evry prediction really comes true.
1 There were many famous predictions that never come ture,(
1 There were many famous predictions that never come ture,(
A.were there B.weren't there C.were they D.weren't they
A personal computer is somthing kids wii use study at home
He came ( ) his mother.
A.and B.as early C.as much D.as well as
RunQQ 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
B A personal computer is something that kids will use to study at home.that 引导主语从句修饰computer use something to do something
D 这里是 他和他妈妈都来了
NO one knows for sure,and making predictions is a risky busi
NO one knows for sure,and making predictions is a risky business意思是什么?
zhuangwuji66 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率73.7%
Can you tell me about your predictions about the future?的意思
wanglian1 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率72.2%
请英语好的朋友帮忙做英语题,sunlight,move away,by the time,predictions,dom
sunlight,move away,by the time,predictions,dominant,after dark,dazzled ,looking after,organ,aircraft,celebrate,weapons,entertained ,make from,leads the way
1.like most false ( )before,this one cannot come true,either.
2.windows has already got its ( )position in the industry.
3.many people are afraid to open their door ( ).
4.citizens(市民)have reacted by arming themselves with various ( .)
5.people will be able to ( )water ( )moon rocks for use in the colonies(聚居地).
6.these mirrors send ( )into the colony.
7.einstein’( )was not bigger or heavier than anyone else’s.
8.it’s easy for the visitor to be ( )by modern america .
9.it seems that everywhere you go,there is something to ( .)
10.the opportunities (机会) to be ( )in the us are endless.
11.the us also ( )in many of the contemporary (当代的) arts.
12.americans have come to realize that their natural environment needs ( .)
13.today,it takes just hours to cross the continent (***) by ( ).
14.( )they start school,little girls have an advantage (优势) that boys do not have.
15.the mother unconsciously trains her son to ( )from her,to develop independence.
二 change…into…,an explosion of,come true,with,run on,no longer,against,blame for,after dark,stop from,in,such as,into,be made of,compared…with…
1.researchers,analysts and other experts predict that ___ intelligent,networked,single-purpose devices will replace the all-purpose,one-size-fits-all pc.
2 but like most false predictions before,this one cannot ___,either.
3.windows2000 will ___ pcs,workstations and servers all the way up to massive date warehouses.
4.the heavy smoker ___ smoked 40 cigarettes a day because of lung cancer.
5.crime has many forms,including crimes ___ property,person,and ***.
6 .other experts argue about who is really to ___ criminal behavior:the individual or society.
7.the most important problem that still remains unsolved,however,is how to ___ crime ___ happening.
8.maybe,one day,people from our planet will have to live ___ space.they will not live on the other planets,___ venus or mars,but in large space colonies.
9.look at the colony in the picture; it is cylindrical,___ a diameter of five hundred meters.
10.on each side of the cylinder there is a long mirror.these mirrors send sunlight ___ the colony.they also ___ day ___ night,and change one season into the next.
11.the house ___ stone.
12.many people are afraid to open their door ( )
yinglianshuiyi 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
1 predictions
2 dominant
3 after dark
4 weapons
5 make from
6 sunlight
7 organ
8 dazzled
9 celebrate
10 entertained
11 leads the way
12 looking after
13 aircraft
14 by the time
15 move away
1 an explosion of
2 come true
3 run on
4 no longer
5 against
6 blame for
7 stop from
8 in;such as
9 with
10 into;change…into
11 is made of
12 after dark
英语翻译How well the predictions will be validated by later perf
How well the predictions will be validated by later performance depends upon the amount,reliability,and appropriateness of the information used and on the skill and wisdom with which it is interpreted
ericqianli 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
结构分析:句子的框架是How…depends on…and on….句子的主语由how引导的主语从句担任;谓语动词词组depends on后面跟了两个由and连接的并列宾语,在第二个宾语中,介词with+which引导的定语从句修饰先行词the skill and wisdom.
#[10] Mr.yuan is __ about making predictions about the succe
#[10] Mr.yuan is __ about making predictions about the success of the farming program
because it is so imprortant.
A.content B.creative C .curious D.cautious
奋斗cpa 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率79.2%
D cautious 谨慎的 be cautious about sth 对.抱谨慎的态度
因为农业计划的成功如此重要 所以他在做预测的时候很谨慎
B 创造性的
C 好奇的
英语翻译How well the predictions will be validated by later perf
How well the predictions will be validated by later performanc
e depends upon the amount,reliability,and appropriateness of the information used and on the skill and wisdom with which it is interpreted.
VJNINI 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
True it is hard to make accurate predictions.true是做副词用吗?
七七的小米 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
It is true hard to make accurate predictions.
true 在此是副词,修饰后面的形容词hard,true置前,这是为了强调.
英语翻译131.__ the observations or predictions ___ to be as expe
131.__ the observations or predictions ___ to be as expected,the scientist has added confidence in the probable truth of his hypothesis.A.Should … turn out B.Would … turn out C.If … would turn out D./ … turn out
hf3838 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
这是一个if条件句的省略形式,因此采用倒装结构.前半句还原正常语序为If the observations or predictions turned out to be as expected
make predictions for和make predtictiongs about有什么区别呢?
jxxypeng 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
MYTH:Maya Had Clear Predictions for 2012.
Second,the predictions for corresponding entities must be identical.
Predictions for June 5 were gloomy.
Any predictions for the second semifinal of team Dragon versus CovaNoil?
有什么关于另一场龙之队和死亡之星半决赛的预测 吗
Act out with your partner and make your own more predictions about robots.
As a new year approaches,it is customary for journalists to make predictions about the future.
As Samuel Goldwyn so wisely advised ,never make predictions - especially about the future.
There are many famous predictions that never came true 中为什么用
There are many famous predictions that never came true 中为什么用came 而不是come
xfdd1234 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率85.2%
在这儿肯定是说那些prediction 都是predict 过去发生的事 像唐朝predict 宋朝的事.(表示过去没有实现)
如果是说prediction的是以前人说 在未来什么什么 (而不是指定一个现在已经过去的日期的话) 就会用 that never comes true (表示到现在也还没实现)