You are my conscience when I am lost .and always get me back

lhk20202022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

You are my conscience when I am lost .and always get me backon track的意思.
You are my conscience when I am lost .and always get me backon track


ii再爱 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%


英语翻译In fact ,I still wrestle with my conscience .The day I h
In fact ,I still wrestle with my conscience .The day I heard this lyric ,I found it's really fit on me .I just don't want to date with a silly boy who only have a handsome appearance but not intelligent without seeming so .If he is a qualified boyfriend ,he must have a gentle mind to everyone ,especially to the elders.In public ,he can comport himself with dignity ,and when on our own ,he can be a crazy man and on the condition of respect me ,he can do everything he want .If he is a qulified boyfriend ,he must remember all the special holidays of me and ours .Maybe he needn't buy me a gift ,but he must send me his own wishes .We must have privity with each other ,it is no exaggeration to say ,one day I just want to open my mouth but the words still not come out ,he knows what 's I want ,it's really sounds great .If one day I want to lose weight or gain weight ,he can keep me company no matter in what condition .I need a boyfriend who can support me when I'm down ,and can also encourage me when I made a good winning .He must not only teach me how to be a good girlfriend ,how to be a beautiful elegantly charming girl ,but also teach me how to play the GAMEBOY he like best .He may not always a rich and gentleman ,but he must like go out to have travel frequently to close the nature .He may not be a muscular ,but he must like sport and be a heath one .The most important is ,he must love me with all his heart ,but don't treat me as all his life .He must put into his mind when work ,and also in love .When he is free ,he must call on his parents and stay with them chatting and keep them company ,just don't let them feel lonely .He must have some personal interest ,film ,or climbing ,sing or dance ,he must extensive knowledged,but the things he know not only from the professional books ,but also on the magazine and the pocket books .He must humourous ,so that the life won't hidebound .He can quarrel with me ,but he must have rich reasons .Maybe one day I 'll unreasonably troublesome ,but he must grasp my mind ,it's just the girl's coquetry .Just as Jolin said ,it's a decathlon boy ,it's rarity and maybe it's a good luck for everyone only see one like this .So I don't desired to have this real man ,I only want to say ,if you are not this kind of boy ,don't trouble me anymore ,you are not qualified
Finally ,I want to finish it with Mike's words:"Actually you are jealous of me very much,but you are still a little girl.I promise one day you can find your MR ."I promise.
fish8284 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
事实上,我仍然困扰我的良心.这一天,我听到这个词时,我发现它真的适合我.我只是不想日期与谁愚蠢的男孩只有一个英俊的外表,但不是智能无似乎如此.如果他是一个合格的男朋友,他必须有一个温柔到每个人,特别是长者.在公开场合,他可以自己的尊严水果,当我们自己的,他可以是一个疯狂的男人和条件的尊重我,他可以做一切他想要的.如果他是一个qulified男朋友,他必须记住所有的特殊假期我和我们的.也许他不需要我买礼物,但他必须给我自己的愿望.我们必须有默契彼此,这是毫不夸张地说,有一天,我只是想打开我的嘴,但话还没有出来,他知道什么是我想,这真的声音很大.如果有一天我想减肥或增重,他可以使我公司无论在什么情况下.我需要一个男朋友谁可以支持我当我下来,还可以鼓励我,我有了一个良好的比赛.他不仅要教我如何成为一个好的女朋友,如何做一个美丽的优雅迷人的女孩,而且还教我如何玩游戏,他最喜欢的男孩.他不一定丰富和绅士,但他必须想出去有经常旅行关闭性质.他可能不是一个肌肉发达,但他必须喜欢体育,是一个健康的一个.最重要的是,他必须爱我的一切他的心,但不要把我所有的生命.他必须把他的思想工作时,也喜欢.当他是免费的,他必须要求他的父母和他们呆在一起聊天,使他们的公司,只是不要让他们感到孤独.他必须有一定的个人利益,电影,或登山,唱歌或跳舞,他必须广泛knowledged ,但他知道的东西,不仅从专业书籍,而且还对杂志和书籍的口袋里.他必须幽默,使生命不会保守.他可以与我争吵,但他必须有丰富的原因.也许有一天我会不合理麻烦,但他必须把握.
英语提问betray the weight of my conscience 违背的我的良心那么这里的 the weig
betray the weight of my conscience 违背的我的良心
那么这里的 the weight of 我觉得就有点好像多余啊!
nonelse 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
against one's conscience
sin against the light
the weight of在句子里主要是修饰my conscience我的良心,说明作者对这种错误的认识之清楚.由强调的意味.
求高手,SAT作文修改润色!~It’s conscience a more powerful motivator tha
It’s conscience a more powerful motivator than money, fame or power?
The debate about moral versus wealth and fame occurs over the whole human history. Some people argues that people are primarily driven by selfish motives, while others not. However, from a psychological perspective, these beliefs are as widespread as they are wrong, for people will display different behaviors when they are confronted with different social circumstances and pressures.
When we look to the slums all over the world, we invariably observe that people there are never stop from fighting until they died. And in most cases, what they are fighting for are but money and power, just as the Movie City of God depict. The reason why they are fighting for these is that they are in dire need of both a sensation of security and a regular supples of food. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the physiological need and safety need are the largest and most fundamental needs of human. When one is deprived of all needs, the physiological ones would come first in the person’s search for satisfaction. And physical needs are satisfied and no longer controlling thoughts and behaviors, the need for security can become active. Money and power can guarantee these people to survive, but conscience can not. It is derisive to expect one to be conscientious and not to rob other’s food when he is starving to death.
But when the needs for safety and for physiological well-being are satisfied, the next class of needs for love, affection and belonging can emerge. So the necessity of conscience begins to take precedence and dominate behavior. Born in a middle class family, Martin Luther King would never take part in the Black Civil Movement, if he faced the same situation as those gangsters: no enough food, no safe and warm shelter, even lose his life next moment.
Clearly, the examples of the middle classes and the gangsters illustrates that various environment engender different needs. In some cases, conscience takes the dominant places while others people place premium on money and power. As Bertrand Russell once said: “conscience is momentous in human society. But one would never think about it before he eat himself fill. (最后这句语法有问题,但不知道怎么改)

这种it depends的写法好难啊,求范文!好的加悬赏!
范文和修改的文章可以发到 收到多的我觉得好,我专门向你提问给财富!
专攻指数 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
Is conscience a more powerful motivator than money, fame or power?(LZ,第1句就错了,应该是由Is开头,为什么用It's开头?你想表达的意思是“良心是比金钱,名誉和权利更强大的动力吗?”不是“It’s conscience a more powerful motivator than money, fame or power?”)吧。
The debate about moral versus wealth and fame occurs over the whole human history. Some people argue(some people argue不argues复数) that people are primarily driven by selfish motives, while others not. However, from a psychological perspective, these beliefs are as widespread as they are wrong, for people who(怎么用will?应该是who吧)display different behaviors when confronted with different social circumstances and pressures.
When we look to the slums all over the world, we invariably observe people there not giving up and fight until they died. (病句,我按我的想法改了)And in most cases, what they are fighting for are(不需要加but,加了but 就变的奇怪了)money and power, just like(我想你的意思是就像just like不是just as吧) the Movie City of God depict. The reason why they are fighting for these is that they are in dire need for(应该是for(为了)) both a sensation of security and a regular supply(应该是supply(名词))of food. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the physiological need and safety need are the greatest (largest 一般指的是数量,在这里不合适)and most fundamental needs from(不是of) human. When one is deprived of all needs, the physiological ones would come first in the person’s search for satisfaction.(这句话不明白你在讲什么,望跟我解释,我从新编句) And physical needs are satisfied and no longer control (如果你要现在进行时controlling,前面需要有is,are,was,were这些词)thoughts and behaviors, the need for security can become more(加more表示更加的意思)active. Money and power can guarantee these people to survive, but conscience cannot(cannot 是1个词,连在一起的). It is almost impossible(不明白 LZ 为什么用 derisive(嘲笑)) to expect one to be conscientious and not to rob other’s food when he is starving to death.
But when the needs for safety and for physiological well-being are met(用met(meet的过去式)表示达到需要/目标), the next class of needs for love, affection and belonging can be emerged(用can be +动词+过去式表示“可以被”). So the necessity of conscience begins to take precedence and dominate behavior. Born in a middle class family, Martin Luther King would never take part in the Black Civil Movement, if he faced the same situation as those gangsters.(no enough food, no safe and warm shelter, even lose his life next moment)(补充说明好象用括号)
Clearly, the examples of the middle classes and the gangsters illustrate(复数不加S)that various environment engender different needs. In some cases, conscience takes the dominant places while other people (others的意思是其他人, other的意思是其他,这里你可以选择直接用others或用other people)place premium on money and power. As Bertrand Russell once said: “Conscience(对话开头字母大写) is essential(momentous是形容词,这里不可以用) in human society. But one would never think about it before he let himself fill. (最后这句我也不太懂,但把eat改成let)
have a guilty conscience 后面用什么介词?
海盗船14 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
have a guilty conscience +about
have a guilty conscience意思是做贼心虚
I have a guilty conscience about forgetting to mail your letter.
the injured man recovered his____(conscience) with the help
the injured man recovered his____(conscience) with the help of the doctor.
yangzhi97122 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
have a guilty conscience是什么意思
my_cat 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率100%
have a guilty conscience
[英][hæv ə ˈɡilti ˈkɔnʃəns][美][hæv e ˈɡɪlti ˈkɑnʃəns]
做贼心虚; 贼人胆虚; 贼胆心虚; 内心有愧;
Tom had the conscience to borrow money from Betty. 翻译
chenshunsing 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
have the conscience to do sth.
A good conscience is a soft pillow.
A good conscience is a soft pillow.
深之简蓝 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
问心无愧 高枕无忧
have no conscience是落落大方的意思吗
冰凉白开水殇 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
have no conscience落落大方,大气
求英语作文,只需开头一小段is conscience a more powerful motivator than mo
is conscience a more powerful motivator than money,fame,or power?

plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue . support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading , studies ,experience ,or observation.
lucia99 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
In my opinion,conscience is a more powerful motivator than money,fame and power.I once read a story in history book.In Han dynasty,there is a person named Deng Tong.He is good relationship with the emperor and very rich.But he is bad to the people.He lied to the emperor and got much more money.When the old emperor died,the new emperor arrested him.Though he was very rich ,but at last had nothing to eat to death.
我问心无愧 英语是:I have a clear conscience还是I am a clear conscience
我问心无愧 英语是:I have a clear conscience还是I am a clear conscience 要说理由哦
东方的冰点 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
I have a clear conscience.
my conscience opened its mouth and swallowed me in one big b
my conscience opened its mouth and swallowed me in one big bite.用通俗的,说得过去的语言翻译
minkr 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
how to get the poor off our conscience读后感
King-520 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
How to Get the Poor off Our Conscience is an essay,with clear logic and a tone of irony,written by John Kenneth Galbraith who is known for his development of Keynesian and post-Keynesian economics as well as for his writing and his active involvement in American politics.
This article begins with pointing directly out that the theme or problem “How to Get the Poor off Our Conscience” has existed with a long history.AS for how to get the poor off our conscience,the author,in the second part of this article,brings up five historical solutions:according to the bible,the poor should be patient enough to their poverty of the current life so as to enjoy their future fortune in the next life; according to the utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentharn,the greatest good for the greatest number,society does its best for the largest possible number of people,by which people can get the poor off their conscience; based on Malthusianism,poverty is caused by the undue and irresponsible sexual intercourse of the poor,so the poverty is the fault of the poor and nothing related with the rich; the theory of “survival of the fittest” of Social Darwinism provides the rich an excuse that the poor and the affluence are the results of the operation of the law of nature and God; Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover believe that assistance to the poor is inconsistent with the economic design and also damages the economy,by which the rich can also get the poor out of their conscience.
After the Roosevelt revolution a lot of substantial measures have been taken,however the author thinks that is,actually,a way to avoid thinking about the poor.In recent years,the search for a way of getting the poor off the rich’s conscience is not at an end.There are five current designs for people to choose:the government incompetence should be the reason for the poor; helping the poor only hurts the poor; public-assistance measures have an adverse effect on the motivation of the rich and the diligent; the freedom of the affluence is reduced while that of the impoverished is not extraordinarily enhanced by taking money to help the poor from the taxes of the rich; psychological denial to the poor can also be a method to get out of the poor from the rich’s conscience.In the end of this part,the author concludes that the modern designs except the psychological denial are all the variations of the historical solutions.So are some solutions or designs now welcomed in Washington,such as those proposed by George Gilder and Charles Murray.
In the last part of the article,the author points out that compassion,along with the associated public effort is in the interest of the conservatives to preserve and enlarge the social and political tranquility.
甘木加 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
he paid back the money,he bought himself a clear conscience
he paid back the money,he bought himself a clear conscience
上面这两句话要用(Not only.but also)连起来.
did the thief include a note every time he sent sam more money or not?我要怎么回答啊 这句话的问句好象就问错了 这个语法正确吗?
antoniakim 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
not only he paid bach the money but also he bought himself a clear conscience.
clear conscience 是指内心无愧
回答应该是yes,he did.因为那个小偷每一次都买回了自己的一部分良心,他每次换钱的时候不都写个纸条说自己百分之几的小偷吗?最后钱还完了,他就彻底不是小偷了.
英语翻译完整的句子是这样:he salved his conscience by saying that he was
完整的句子是这样:he salved his conscience by saying that he was prepared to commit sins of omission but not of commission
yuexiaoting666 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
1.不做该做的事(sins of omission),可译为失职之罪 .
2.做了不该做的事( Sins of commission),可译为明知故犯.
a good conscience is a soft pillow的短文
a good conscience is a soft pillow的短文
forestwxd 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
This ingenious metaphor correctly captures the characteristics of a good conscience.Having a good conscience means doing good things such as helping others and being altruistic.If one does bad things,he will be disturbed by the memories and will not sleep well,whereas a person who has good conscience can sleep knowing that he had done the right thing,and that someone else benefitted from his actions.
The doctor with a guilty conscience couldn't go to sleep at
The doctor with a guilty conscience couldn't go to sleep at night, his worries_____him no peace.
A.gave give
sword0heart 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
如果选择D,则语态不正确,因为his worries可以给他no peace,所以要用主动式,而这个选项明显是被动式,因此不正确.
Go easy on my conscience'Cause it's not my fault ,这句话的中文意思?
yuli_zhu 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
Go easy on my conscience.
tu as biens prie conscience de votre avenir avec bebe c’est
tu as biens prie conscience de votre avenir avec bebe c’est importent la famille 求翻译~!感激不尽
tu as biens prie conscience de votre avenir avec bebe c’est importent la famille,et ne pas la détruire, de plus vous me paraisses une femme mure pour comprendre.Une famille pour moi c’est un couple avec enfants ..
心若朝晖 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
tu as bien pris conscience de votre avenir avec bébé c’est important la famille,et ne pas la détruire,de plus vous me paraissez une femme mûre pour comprendre.Une famille pour moi c’est un couple avec enfants ..
英语翻译Les jeunes ont prendre conscience à leurs depens que l'a
Les jeunes ont prendre conscience à leurs depens que l'ascenseur social pouvait descendre ou rester bloqué entre les étages et que le dipl?me ne constituait plus une grande garantie.
que 在这个句子里面是什么用法呢?还有constituer怎么翻译更准确呢?^
wjwmgxdnhm 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
在这里,主句是:Les jeunes ont prendre conscience .(这句话有乱码,“d?”看不到)
1.l'ascenseur social pouvait descendre ou rester bloqué entre les étages
2.le dipl?me ne constituait plus une grande garantie
英语阅读But he is a man of conscience and he decided it was not
But he is a man of conscience and he decided it was not fair ______ a car with only one occupant.
A.take b.tetch C.bring take
His friend couldn't help _______ at him,but he didn't mind.
A.laughing laugh C.crying cry
Snow helped the Indians to hunt by s_______ down fast animals.
At the same time,however,animals were better a______ to see the Indians who trailed them.
共回答了个问题 | 采纳率
clear one's conscience中文是什么意思啊~应该不是“问心无愧”吧~
clear one's conscience中文是什么意思啊~应该不是“问心无愧”吧~
那 the plan would allow the cheaters to clear their consciences without penalty 又该怎么翻译啊?
fsdfasdfaaaa 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
1.clear one's conscience 问心无愧
2.the plan would allow the cheaters to clear their consciences without penalty .这个提案可能使骗子问心无愧滴逃脱惩罚.
凭良心做某事,用have a good conscience 帮我造二个句.
凭良心做某事,用have a good conscience 帮我造二个句.
缘织梦 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
you should have a good conscience with others.
i have a good conscience
Sooner or later,you'll get your conscience
问天25 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
你迟早会受到你自己的良心 的谴责
英文的 良心 conscience 和 科学 science 这两个词有什么关系吗?是哪个词先出现的?
sk198897 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
谁能帮我翻译一下这句话啊?a clear conscience is usually sign of bad memor
谁能帮我翻译一下这句话啊?a clear conscience is usually sign of bad memory
lir65574 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
keep your culinary conscience clear如何翻译
huangjinjie 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
A clear conscience is a sure card. 光明磊落,胜券在握.读了这句的感受,用英语说2句就
A clear conscience is a sure card. 光明磊落,胜券在握.读了这句的感受,用英语说2句就够了,最好有中文
lsmylover 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
he paid back the money,he bought himself a clear conscience
he paid back the money,he bought himself a clear conscience
上面这两句话要用(Not only.but also)连起来.
did the thief include a note every time he sent sam more money or not?我要怎么回答啊 这句话的问句好象就问错了 这个语法正确吗?
o753951p 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
not only he paid bach the money but also he bought himself a clear conscience.
clear conscience 是指内心无愧
回答应该是yes,he did.因为那个小偷每一次都买回了自己的一部分良心,他每次换钱的时候不都写个纸条说自己百分之几的小偷吗?最后钱还完了,他就彻底不是小偷了.
英语翻译We receive intimations of a divine mind,and conscience i
We receive intimations of a divine mind,and conscience is attuned to its ultimately prevailing truth.Secure in that,we can risk opposing public contempt or even physical abuse.The unity of our activity as ours is crucial,not scattered efforts to do good that are dictated to us by following the crowd.
moidi2006 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率96%